package redis.clients.jedis; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import redis.clients.jedis.commands.ProtocolCommand; import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisAskDataException; import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisClusterException; import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException; import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException; import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisMovedDataException; import redis.clients.util.RedisInputStream; import redis.clients.util.RedisOutputStream; import redis.clients.util.SafeEncoder; public final class Protocol { private static final String ASK_RESPONSE = "ASK"; private static final String MOVED_RESPONSE = "MOVED"; private static final String CLUSTERDOWN_RESPONSE = "CLUSTERDOWN"; public static final String DEFAULT_HOST = "localhost"; public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 6379; public static final int DEFAULT_SENTINEL_PORT = 26379; public static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 2000; public static final int DEFAULT_DATABASE = 0; public static final String CHARSET = "UTF-8"; public static final byte DOLLAR_BYTE = '$'; public static final byte ASTERISK_BYTE = '*'; public static final byte PLUS_BYTE = '+'; public static final byte MINUS_BYTE = '-'; public static final byte COLON_BYTE = ':'; public static final String SENTINEL_MASTERS = "masters"; public static final String SENTINEL_GET_MASTER_ADDR_BY_NAME = "get-master-addr-by-name"; public static final String SENTINEL_RESET = "reset"; public static final String SENTINEL_SLAVES = "slaves"; public static final String SENTINEL_FAILOVER = "failover"; public static final String SENTINEL_MONITOR = "monitor"; public static final String SENTINEL_REMOVE = "remove"; public static final String SENTINEL_SET = "set"; public static final String CLUSTER_NODES = "nodes"; public static final String CLUSTER_MEET = "meet"; public static final String CLUSTER_RESET = "reset"; public static final String CLUSTER_ADDSLOTS = "addslots"; public static final String CLUSTER_DELSLOTS = "delslots"; public static final String CLUSTER_INFO = "info"; public static final String CLUSTER_GETKEYSINSLOT = "getkeysinslot"; public static final String CLUSTER_SETSLOT = "setslot"; public static final String CLUSTER_SETSLOT_NODE = "node"; public static final String CLUSTER_SETSLOT_MIGRATING = "migrating"; public static final String CLUSTER_SETSLOT_IMPORTING = "importing"; public static final String CLUSTER_SETSLOT_STABLE = "stable"; public static final String CLUSTER_FORGET = "forget"; public static final String CLUSTER_FLUSHSLOT = "flushslots"; public static final String CLUSTER_KEYSLOT = "keyslot"; public static final String CLUSTER_COUNTKEYINSLOT = "countkeysinslot"; public static final String CLUSTER_SAVECONFIG = "saveconfig"; public static final String CLUSTER_REPLICATE = "replicate"; public static final String CLUSTER_SLAVES = "slaves"; public static final String CLUSTER_FAILOVER = "failover"; public static final String CLUSTER_SLOTS = "slots"; public static final String PUBSUB_CHANNELS = "channels"; public static final String PUBSUB_NUMSUB = "numsub"; public static final String PUBSUB_NUM_PAT = "numpat"; public static final byte[] BYTES_TRUE = toByteArray(1); public static final byte[] BYTES_FALSE = toByteArray(0); private Protocol() { // this prevent the class from instantiation } public static void sendCommand(final RedisOutputStream os, final ProtocolCommand command, final byte[]... args) { sendCommand(os, command.getRaw(), args); } private static void sendCommand(final RedisOutputStream os, final byte[] command, final byte[]... args) { try { os.write(ASTERISK_BYTE); os.writeIntCrLf(args.length + 1); os.write(DOLLAR_BYTE); os.writeIntCrLf(command.length); os.write(command); os.writeCrLf(); for (final byte[] arg : args) { os.write(DOLLAR_BYTE); os.writeIntCrLf(arg.length); os.write(arg); os.writeCrLf(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new JedisConnectionException(e); } } private static void processError(final RedisInputStream is) { String message = is.readLine(); // TODO: I'm not sure if this is the best way to do this. // Maybe Read only first 5 bytes instead? if (message.startsWith(MOVED_RESPONSE)) { String[] movedInfo = parseTargetHostAndSlot(message); throw new JedisMovedDataException(message, new HostAndPort(movedInfo[1], Integer.valueOf(movedInfo[2])), Integer.valueOf(movedInfo[0])); } else if (message.startsWith(ASK_RESPONSE)) { String[] askInfo = parseTargetHostAndSlot(message); throw new JedisAskDataException(message, new HostAndPort(askInfo[1], Integer.valueOf(askInfo[2])), Integer.valueOf(askInfo[0])); } else if (message.startsWith(CLUSTERDOWN_RESPONSE)) { throw new JedisClusterException(message); } throw new JedisDataException(message); } public static String readErrorLineIfPossible(RedisInputStream is) { final byte b = is.readByte(); // if buffer contains other type of response, just ignore. if (b != MINUS_BYTE) { return null; } return is.readLine(); } private static String[] parseTargetHostAndSlot(String clusterRedirectResponse) { String[] response = new String[3]; String[] messageInfo = clusterRedirectResponse.split(" "); String[] targetHostAndPort = messageInfo[2].split(":"); response[0] = messageInfo[1]; response[1] = targetHostAndPort[0]; response[2] = targetHostAndPort[1]; return response; } private static Object process(final RedisInputStream is) { final byte b = is.readByte(); if (b == PLUS_BYTE) { return processStatusCodeReply(is); } else if (b == DOLLAR_BYTE) { return processBulkReply(is); } else if (b == ASTERISK_BYTE) { return processMultiBulkReply(is); } else if (b == COLON_BYTE) { return processInteger(is); } else if (b == MINUS_BYTE) { processError(is); return null; } else { throw new JedisConnectionException("Unknown reply: " + (char) b); } } private static byte[] processStatusCodeReply(final RedisInputStream is) { return is.readLineBytes(); } private static byte[] processBulkReply(final RedisInputStream is) { final int len = is.readIntCrLf(); if (len == -1) { return null; } final byte[] read = new byte[len]; int offset = 0; while (offset < len) { final int size =, offset, (len - offset)); if (size == -1) throw new JedisConnectionException( "It seems like server has closed the connection."); offset += size; } // read 2 more bytes for the command delimiter is.readByte(); is.readByte(); return read; } private static Long processInteger(final RedisInputStream is) { return is.readLongCrLf(); } private static List<Object> processMultiBulkReply(final RedisInputStream is) { final int num = is.readIntCrLf(); if (num == -1) { return null; } final List<Object> ret = new ArrayList<Object>(num); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { try { ret.add(process(is)); } catch (JedisDataException e) { ret.add(e); } } return ret; } public static Object read(final RedisInputStream is) { return process(is); } public static final byte[] toByteArray(final boolean value) { return value ? BYTES_TRUE : BYTES_FALSE; } public static final byte[] toByteArray(final int value) { return SafeEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(value)); } public static final byte[] toByteArray(final long value) { return SafeEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(value)); } public static final byte[] toByteArray(final double value) { return SafeEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(value)); } public static enum Command implements ProtocolCommand { PING, SET, GET, QUIT, EXISTS, DEL, TYPE, FLUSHDB, KEYS, RANDOMKEY, RENAME, RENAMENX, RENAMEX, DBSIZE, EXPIRE, EXPIREAT, TTL, SELECT, MOVE, FLUSHALL, GETSET, MGET, SETNX, SETEX, MSET, MSETNX, DECRBY, DECR, INCRBY, INCR, APPEND, SUBSTR, HSET, HGET, HSETNX, HMSET, HMGET, HINCRBY, HEXISTS, HDEL, HLEN, HKEYS, HVALS, HGETALL, RPUSH, LPUSH, LLEN, LRANGE, LTRIM, LINDEX, LSET, LREM, LPOP, RPOP, RPOPLPUSH, SADD, SMEMBERS, SREM, SPOP, SMOVE, SCARD, SISMEMBER, SINTER, SINTERSTORE, SUNION, SUNIONSTORE, SDIFF, SDIFFSTORE, SRANDMEMBER, ZADD, ZRANGE, ZREM, ZINCRBY, ZRANK, ZREVRANK, ZREVRANGE, ZCARD, ZSCORE, MULTI, DISCARD, EXEC, WATCH, UNWATCH, SORT, BLPOP, BRPOP, AUTH, SUBSCRIBE, PUBLISH, UNSUBSCRIBE, PSUBSCRIBE, PUNSUBSCRIBE, PUBSUB, ZCOUNT, ZRANGEBYSCORE, ZREVRANGEBYSCORE, ZREMRANGEBYRANK, ZREMRANGEBYSCORE, ZUNIONSTORE, ZINTERSTORE, ZLEXCOUNT, ZRANGEBYLEX, ZREVRANGEBYLEX, ZREMRANGEBYLEX, SAVE, BGSAVE, BGREWRITEAOF, LASTSAVE, SHUTDOWN, INFO, MONITOR, SLAVEOF, CONFIG, STRLEN, SYNC, LPUSHX, PERSIST, RPUSHX, ECHO, LINSERT, DEBUG, BRPOPLPUSH, SETBIT, GETBIT, BITPOS, SETRANGE, GETRANGE, EVAL, EVALSHA, SCRIPT, SLOWLOG, OBJECT, BITCOUNT, BITOP, SENTINEL, DUMP, RESTORE, PEXPIRE, PEXPIREAT, PTTL, INCRBYFLOAT, PSETEX, CLIENT, TIME, MIGRATE, HINCRBYFLOAT, SCAN, HSCAN, SSCAN, ZSCAN, WAIT, CLUSTER, ASKING, PFADD, PFCOUNT, PFMERGE, READONLY, GEOADD, GEODIST, GEOHASH, GEOPOS, GEORADIUS, GEORADIUSBYMEMBER; private final byte[] raw; Command() { raw = SafeEncoder.encode(; } @Override public byte[] getRaw() { return raw; } } public static enum Keyword { AGGREGATE, ALPHA, ASC, BY, DESC, GET, LIMIT, MESSAGE, NO, NOSORT, PMESSAGE, PSUBSCRIBE, PUNSUBSCRIBE, OK, ONE, QUEUED, SET, STORE, SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE, WEIGHTS, WITHSCORES, RESETSTAT, RESET, FLUSH, EXISTS, LOAD, KILL, LEN, REFCOUNT, ENCODING, IDLETIME, AND, OR, XOR, NOT, GETNAME, SETNAME, LIST, MATCH, COUNT; public final byte[] raw; Keyword() { raw = SafeEncoder.encode(; } } }