package; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import betsy.bpmn.reporting.BPMNCsvReport; import; import; import; import; import; import; import configuration.bpmn.BPMNProcessRepository; import pebl.benchmark.feature.FeatureSet; public class ResultsPerFeatureSetGenerator { private final CsvReport csvReport; private final List<pebl.benchmark.test.Test> processes; public ResultsPerFeatureSetGenerator(Path csvPath, String processes) { CsvReportLoader loader = new CsvReportLoader(csvPath, new BPMNCsvReport()); this.csvReport = loader.load(); if(processes!=null) { this.processes = new BPMNProcessRepository().getByName(processes); } else { this.processes = new ArrayList<>(); BPMNProcessRepository repo = new BPMNProcessRepository(); this.processes.addAll(repo.getByNames(csvReport.getNameToTest().keySet().toArray(new String[csvReport.getNameToTest().keySet().size()]))); } } public void createAggregatedCSV(Path targetCsvPath) { List<AggregatedCsvRow> rows = new ArrayList<>(); // Find all Feature Sets List<FeatureSet> featureSets = -> process.getFeature().getFeatureSet()).distinct().collect( Collectors.toList()); Map<FeatureSet, List<String>> featureSetMap = new TreeMap<>(); featureSets.forEach(fs -> featureSetMap.put(fs, new ArrayList<>())); for(pebl.benchmark.test.Test p : processes) { FeatureSet fs = p.getFeature().getFeatureSet(); if(featureSetMap.containsKey(fs)) { featureSetMap.get(fs).add(p.getName()); } } // All test results from CsvReport: Collection<Test> allTests = csvReport.getTests(); Collection<Engine> allEngines = csvReport.getEngines(); // For each engine: for(Engine engine : allEngines) { // For each feature set: for(FeatureSet featureSet : featureSetMap.keySet()) { AggregatedCsvRow row = new AggregatedCsvRow(featureSet.getName(), engine.getName(), featureSet.getGroup().getName()); -> featureSetMap.get(featureSet).contains(test.getName())). forEach(t -> row.append(t.getEngineToResult().get(engine).getFailed(), t.getEngineToResult().get(engine).getTotal())); rows.add(row); } } writeRows(rows, targetCsvPath); } private void writeRows(final List<AggregatedCsvRow> rows, Path targetCsvPath) { List<String> lines =; try { Files.write(targetCsvPath, lines, Charsets.UTF_8); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("could not write file " + targetCsvPath, e); } } /** * Generates a CSV file with aggregated results per featureSet (e.g., combining all tests for the language construct "ExclusiveGateway") * * Resulting format is: FeatureSetName;Engine;Group;TrivalentResult;#OfFailures;#OfTests * * @param args expected args: args[0] - Path to standard CSV report * args[1] - Target path for generated report * args[2] - process limitation (e.g., only "ACTIVITIES") - all processes in CSV if is not present */ public static void main(String[] args) { String processes = null; if(args.length==3) { processes = args[2]; } ResultsPerFeatureSetGenerator generator = new ResultsPerFeatureSetGenerator(Paths.get(args[0]), processes); generator.createAggregatedCSV(Paths.get(args[1])); } private class AggregatedCsvRow { private static final String SEPARATOR = ";"; private final String featureSet; private final String engine; private final String group; private int failures = 0; private int tests = 0; public AggregatedCsvRow(String featureSet, String engine, String group) { this.featureSet = featureSet; this.engine = engine; = group; } public synchronized void append(int failures, int tests) { this.failures += failures; this.tests += tests; } private TrivalentResult calculateResult() { if(failures==tests) { return TrivalentResult.MINUS; } else if(failures==0) { return TrivalentResult.PLUS; } else { return TrivalentResult.PLUS_MINUS; } } @Override public String toString() { return String.join(SEPARATOR, featureSet, engine, group, calculateResult().getSign(), String.valueOf(failures), String.valueOf(tests)); } } }