package betsy.common.timeouts.calibration; import java.util.Objects; import betsy.common.timeouts.timeout.Timeout; /** * @author Christoph Broeker * * @version 1.0 */ public class CalibrationTimeout extends Timeout { private Status status = Status.KEPT; private long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); private int measuredTime; /** * This {@link CalibrationTimeout} represents a {@link Timeout} for the calibration_timeout to optimize the test duration of betsy. * * @param engineOrProcess The {@link} or the processgroup, where the {@link Timeout} is located. * @param stepOrProcess The method of the engine or the {@link Process}, where the {@link Timeout} is located. * @param description The description of the {@link Timeout}. * @param value The value of the {@link Timeout} in milliseconds. * @param timeToRepetition The time to wait till repetition, if the {@link Timeout} is exceeded. */ public CalibrationTimeout(String engineOrProcess, String stepOrProcess, String description, int value, int timeToRepetition) { super(engineOrProcess, stepOrProcess, description, value, timeToRepetition); } /** * This {@link CalibrationTimeout} represents a {@link Timeout} for the calibration_timeout to optimize the test duration of betsy. * * @param engineOrProcess The {@link} or the processgroup, where the {@link Timeout} is located. * @param stepOrProcess The method of the engine or the {@link Process}, where the {@link Timeout} is located. * @param description The description of the {@link Timeout}. * @param value The value of the {@link Timeout} in milliseconds. * @param timeToRepetition The time to wait till repetition, if the {@link Timeout} is exceeded. * @param measuredTime The measured time of the timeout. */ public CalibrationTimeout(String engineOrProcess, String stepOrProcess, String description, int value, int timeToRepetition, int measuredTime) { super(engineOrProcess, stepOrProcess, description, value, timeToRepetition); this.measuredTime = measuredTime; } /** * This {@link CalibrationTimeout} represents a {@link Timeout} for the calibration_timeout to optimize the test duration of betsy. * * @param engineOrProcess The {@link} or the processgroup, where the {@link Timeout} is located. * @param stepOrProcess The method of the engine or the {@link Process}, where the {@link Timeout} is located. * @param value The value of the {@link Timeout} in milliseconds. * @param timeToRepetition The time to wait till repetition, if the {@link Timeout} is exceeded. */ public CalibrationTimeout(String engineOrProcess, String stepOrProcess, int value, int timeToRepetition) { super(engineOrProcess, stepOrProcess, value, timeToRepetition); } /** * This {@link CalibrationTimeout} represents a {@link Timeout} for the calibration_timeout to optimize the test duration of betsy. * * @param engineOrProcess The {@link} or the processgroup, where the {@link Timeout} is located. * @param stepOrProcess The method of the engine or the {@link Process}, where the {@link Timeout} is located. * @param description The description of the {@link Timeout}. * @param value The value of the {@link Timeout} in milliseconds. */ public CalibrationTimeout(String engineOrProcess, String stepOrProcess, String description, int value) { super(engineOrProcess, stepOrProcess, description, value); } /** * This {@link CalibrationTimeout} represents a {@link Timeout} for the calibration_timeout to optimize the test duration of betsy. * * @param engineOrProcess The {@link} or the processgroup, where the {@link Timeout} is located. * @param stepOrProcess The method of the engine or the {@link Process}, where the {@link Timeout} is located. * @param value The value of the {@link Timeout} in milliseconds. */ public CalibrationTimeout(String engineOrProcess, String stepOrProcess, int value) { super(engineOrProcess, stepOrProcess, value); } /** * This {@link CalibrationTimeout} represents a {@link Timeout} for the calibration_timeout to optimize the test duration of betsy. * * @param timeout The basic {@link Timeout} to create a {@link CalibrationTimeout}. */ public CalibrationTimeout(Timeout timeout) { super(timeout.getEngineOrProcessGroup(), timeout.getStepOrProcess(), timeout.getDescription(), timeout.getTimeoutInMs(), timeout.getTimeToRepetitionInMs()); } /** * This {@link CalibrationTimeout} represents a {@link Timeout} for the calibration_timeout to optimize the test duration of betsy. * * @param timeout The basic {@link Timeout} to create a {@link CalibrationTimeout}. * @param measuredTime The measured time of the timeout. */ public CalibrationTimeout(Timeout timeout, int measuredTime) { super(timeout.getEngineOrProcessGroup(), timeout.getStepOrProcess(), timeout.getDescription(), timeout.getTimeoutInMs(), timeout.getTimeToRepetitionInMs()); this.measuredTime = measuredTime; } /** * * @return Returns the actual {@link Status} of the {@link CalibrationTimeout}. */ public Status getStatus() { return status; } /** * * @param status The {@link Status} of the {@link CalibrationTimeout}. */ public void setStatus(Status status) { this.status = Objects.requireNonNull(status, "The status can't be null."); } /** * @return Returns the key composed of the key of the {@link Timeout} and the timestamp. */ public String getCalibrationTimeoutKey(){ return getKey() + '.' + timestamp; } /** * * @return Returns the timestamp of the creation of {@link CalibrationTimeout} */ public long getTimestamp(){ return timestamp; } /** * * @return Returns the measured time. */ public int getMeasuredTime() { return measuredTime; } /** * @param measuredTime The measured time. */ public void setMeasuredTime(int measuredTime) { this.measuredTime = measuredTime; } /** * The actual {@link Status} of the {@link CalibrationTimeout} during the calibration_timeout. */ public enum Status { KEPT, EXCEEDED } }