package; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Objects; import betsy.common.config.Configuration; import betsy.common.tasks.FileTasks; import betsy.common.tasks.NetworkTasks; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * The {@link VirtualMachineImporter} offers several methods to prepare and * finally execute the import of a VirtualBox appliance.<br> * <br> * The default import procedure involves: * <ul> * <li>Download the VM</li> * <li>Extract the archive</li> * <li>Import the Appliance</li> * <li>Cleanup extraction path</li> * </ul> * * @author Cedric Roeck * @version 1.0 */ public class VirtualMachineImporter { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(VirtualMachineImporter.class); private final VBoxController vbc; private final String vmName; private final String engineName; private final Path downloadPath; public VirtualMachineImporter(final String vmName, final String engineName, final Path downloadPath, final VBoxController vbc) { this.vbc = Objects.requireNonNull(vbc); this.downloadPath = Objects.requireNonNull(downloadPath); this.vmName = Objects.requireNonNull(vmName); this.engineName = Objects.requireNonNull(engineName); } public void makeVMAvailable() {"Downloading VM " + vmName + " to " + downloadPath); FileTasks.mkdirs(downloadPath); NetworkTasks.downloadFile(getDownloadUrl(), downloadPath);"Importing VM " + vmName + " into VirtualBox"); vbc.importVirtualMachine(vmName, engineName, getDownloadArchiveFile());"Import finished"); } private String getDownloadUrl() { return Configuration.get("virtual.engines." + engineName + ".download"); } private Path getDownloadArchiveFile() { String url = getDownloadUrl(); // get only the fileName + extension without the directory structure String fileName = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, url.length()); return downloadPath.resolve(fileName); } }