package betsy.common.engines.tomcat; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import betsy.common.config.Configuration; import betsy.common.tasks.ConsoleTasks; import betsy.common.tasks.FileTasks; import betsy.common.tasks.URLTasks; import betsy.common.tasks.ZipTasks; import betsy.common.timeouts.timeout.TimeoutRepository; /** * Responsible for starting and stopping tomcat as well as all tomcat related paths and properties. */ public class Tomcat { public enum JavaVersion { V7, V8; } /* * the port of the tomcat */ private final int port; /** * The directory in which the tomcat has its directory. * Should contain a directory called <code>apache-tomcat-XX.XX.XX</code> */ private final Path parentFolder; private final String tomcatName; private JavaVersion javaVersion = JavaVersion.V8; public Tomcat(Path parentFolder, String tomcatName, int port) { //FileTasks.assertDirectory(parentFolder); this.parentFolder = Objects.requireNonNull(parentFolder); this.tomcatName = Objects.requireNonNull(tomcatName); this.port = port; } public JavaVersion getJavaVersion() { return javaVersion; } public void setJavaVersion(JavaVersion javaVersion) { this.javaVersion = javaVersion; } public static Tomcat v7(Path parentFolder) { return new Tomcat(parentFolder, "apache-tomcat-7.0.53", 8080); } public static Tomcat v5(Path parentFolder) { return new Tomcat(parentFolder, "apache-tomcat-5.5.36", 8080); } public Path getTomcatDir() { return parentFolder.resolve(tomcatName); } public Path getTomcatLogsDir() { return getTomcatDir().resolve("logs"); } public Path getTomcatBinDir() { return getTomcatDir().resolve("bin"); } public Path getTomcatWebappsDir() { return getTomcatDir().resolve("webapps"); } public void deployWar(Path war) { FileTasks.copyFileIntoFolder(war, getTomcatWebappsDir()); String warFileNameWithoutExtension = FileTasks.getFilenameWithoutExtension(war); ZipTasks.unzip(getTomcatWebappsDir().resolve(war.getFileName()), getTomcatWebappsDir().resolve(warFileNameWithoutExtension)); } public String getTomcatUrl() { return "http://localhost:" + port; } /** * Start tomcat and wait until it responds to the <code>tomcatUrl</code> */ public void startup() { Map<String, String> environment = getEnvironment(); ConsoleTasks.executeOnWindowsAndIgnoreError(, "tomcat_startup.bat"), environment); ConsoleTasks.executeOnUnixAndIgnoreError("")), environment); TimeoutRepository.getTimeout("Tomcat.startup").waitForAvailabilityOfUrl(getTomcatUrl()); } private Map<String, String> getEnvironment() { if(javaVersion == JavaVersion.V8) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } else { Path pathToJava7 = Configuration.getJava7Home(); Map<String, String> environment = new HashMap<>(); environment.put("JAVA_HOME", pathToJava7.toString()); return environment; } } /** * Shutdown the tomcat if running. */ public void shutdown() { if(!Files.exists(getTomcatDir())) { return; // not installed means it cannot be shutdown } ConsoleTasks.executeOnWindowsAndIgnoreError("tomcat_shutdown.bat"))); ConsoleTasks.executeOnWindowsAndIgnoreError("taskkill").values("/FI", "WINDOWTITLE eq " + getTomcatName() + "*")); ConsoleTasks.executeOnUnixAndIgnoreError(""))); } /** * Throw exception if the tomcat is still running. */ public boolean checkIfIsRunning() { return URLTasks.isUrlAvailable(getTomcatUrl()); } public void addLib(Path path) { FileTasks.copyFileIntoFolder(path, getTomcatDir().resolve("lib")); } public int getPort() { return port; } public Path getParentFolder() { return parentFolder; } public String getTomcatName() { return tomcatName; } }