package betsy.bpel; import java.awt.Desktop; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import; import betsy.bpel.cli.BPELCliParameter; import betsy.bpel.cli.BPELCliParser; import betsy.bpel.engines.AbstractBPELEngine; import betsy.bpel.model.BPELProcess; import betsy.bpel.model.BPELTestCase; import betsy.bpel.soapui.SoapUIShutdownHelper; import; import; import; import; import; import betsy.common.config.Configuration; import betsy.common.timeouts.calibration.CalibrationTimeoutRepository; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator; import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StackTraceUtils; import pebl.benchmark.test.Test; public class BPELMain { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(BPELMain.class); private static boolean shouldShutdownSoapUi = true; public static void main(String... args) { activateLogging(); // parsing cli params BPELCliParser parser = new BPELCliParser(args); BPELCliParameter params = parser.parse(); // usage information if required if (params.showHelp()) { parser.printUsage(); return; } customPartnerAddress(params); try { printSelectedEnginesAndProcesses(params.getEngines(), params.getProcesses()); localhostPartnerAddressNotAllowedForTestingVirtualEngines(params.getEngines()); BPELBetsy betsy = new BPELBetsy(); useExternalPartnerService(params, betsy); assertBindabilityOfInternalPartnerService(params, betsy); checkDeployment(params, params.getProcesses()); virtualEngines(params.getEngines()); onlyBuildStepsOrUseInstalledEngine(params, betsy); betsy.setProcesses(params.getProcesses()); betsy.setEngines(params.getEngines()); betsy.setTestFolder(params.getTestFolderName()); // execute try { betsy.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { Throwable cleanedException = StackTraceUtils.deepSanitize(e); LOGGER.error("something went wrong during execution", cleanedException); } // open results in browser if (params.openResultsInBrowser()) { try { Path htmlDashboard = Paths.get("test/reports/results.html"); Desktop.getDesktop().browse(htmlDashboard.toUri()); } catch (Exception ignore) { LOGGER.error("Could not start browser", ignore); } } } catch (Exception e) { Throwable cleanedException = StackTraceUtils.deepSanitize(e); LOGGER.error(cleanedException.getMessage(), cleanedException); } if (shouldShutdownSoapUi) { SoapUIShutdownHelper.shutdownSoapUIForReal(); } if(params.saveTimeouts()){ CalibrationTimeoutRepository.writeToCSV(); } } public static void shutdownSoapUiAfterCompletion(boolean shouldShutdown) { shouldShutdownSoapUi = shouldShutdown; } public static void onlyBuildStepsOrUseInstalledEngine(BPELCliParameter params, BPELBetsy betsy) { if (params.buildArtifactsOnly()) { betsy.setComposite(new BPELComposite() { @Override protected void testSoapUi(BPELProcess process) { } @Override protected void collect(BPELProcess process) { } @Override protected void test(BPELProcess process) { } @Override protected void install(BPELProcess process) { } @Override protected void startup(BPELProcess process) { } @Override protected void deploy(BPELProcess process) { } @Override protected void shutdown(BPELProcess process) { } @Override protected void createReports() { } }); } else { if (params.keepEngineRunning() && params.useInstalledEngine()) { betsy.setComposite(new BPELComposite() { @Override protected void shutdown(BPELProcess process) { // is already installed - use existing installation } @Override protected void install(BPELProcess process) { // is already installed - use existing installation } }); } else if (params.keepEngineRunning() && params.useRunningEngine()) { betsy.setComposite(new BPELComposite() { @Override protected void checkIsRunning(AbstractBPELEngine engine) { // no checks } @Override protected void startup(BPELProcess process) { // already running } @Override protected void shutdown(BPELProcess process) { // not required } @Override protected void install(BPELProcess process) { // is already installed - use existing installation } }); } else if (params.useInstalledEngine()) { betsy.setComposite(new BPELComposite() { @Override protected void install(BPELProcess process) { // is already installed - use existing installation } }); } else if (params.keepEngineRunning()) { betsy.setComposite(new BPELComposite() { @Override protected void shutdown(BPELProcess process) { // is already installed - use existing installation } }); } } } private static void localhostPartnerAddressNotAllowedForTestingVirtualEngines(List<AbstractBPELEngine> engines) { if (usesVirtualEngines(engines)) { // verify IP set String partner = Configuration.get("partner.ipAndPort"); if (partner.contains("") || partner.contains("")) { throw new IllegalStateException("Virtual engines require your local IP-Address to be set. " + "This can either be done via the -p option or directly in the file."); } } } private static boolean usesVirtualEngines(List<AbstractBPELEngine> engines) { return !getVirtualEngines(engines).isEmpty(); } private static List<AbstractVirtualBPELEngine> getVirtualEngines(List<AbstractBPELEngine> engines) { return -> e instanceof AbstractVirtualBPELEngine).map(e -> (AbstractVirtualBPELEngine) e).collect(Collectors.toList()); } private static void assertBindabilityOfInternalPartnerService(BPELCliParameter params, BPELBetsy betsy) { if (!params.useExternalPartnerService()) { // test the correctness try { betsy.getComposite().getTestingAPI().startup(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("the given partner address is not bindable for this system", e); } finally { betsy.getComposite().getTestingAPI().shutdown(); } } } private static void useExternalPartnerService(BPELCliParameter params, BPELBetsy betsy) { // do not use internal partner service if (params.useExternalPartnerService()) { betsy.getComposite().getTestingAPI().setTestPartner(new TestPartnerServicePublisherExternal()); betsy.getComposite().getTestingAPI().setRequestTimeout(15_000);// increase request timeout as invoking external service } } protected static void activateLogging() { // activate log4j logging DOMConfigurator.configure(BPELMain.class.getResource("/log4j.xml")); // set log4j property to avoid conflicts with soapUIs -> effectly disabling soapUI's own logging System.setProperty("soapui.log4j.config", "src/main/resources/soapui-log4j.xml"); } protected static void printSelectedEnginesAndProcesses(List<AbstractBPELEngine> engines, List<Test> processes) { // print selection of engines and processes"Engines (" + engines.size() + "): " + ((List<? extends pebl.HasName>) engines).stream().map(pebl.HasName::getName).collect(Collectors.toList()));"Processes (" + processes.size() + "): " + ((List<? extends pebl.HasName>) processes).stream().map(pebl.HasName::getName).collect(Collectors.toList()).stream().limit(10).collect(Collectors.toList())); } protected static void customPartnerAddress(BPELCliParameter params) { // setting partner address if (params.hasCustomPartnerAddress()) { final String newPartnerAddress = params.getCustomPartnerAddress(); if (!newPartnerAddress.contains(":")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Port is missing in partner address [" + newPartnerAddress + "]"); }"Setting Partner IP and Port to " + newPartnerAddress + " from previous setting " + Configuration.get("partner.ipAndPort")); Configuration.setPartnerIpAndPort(newPartnerAddress); } } protected static void checkDeployment(BPELCliParameter params, List<Test> processes) { if (params.checkDeployment()) { // check only whether the processes can be deployed for (int i = 0; i < processes.size(); i++) { Test process = processes.get(i); processes.set(i, process.withNewTestCases(Collections.singletonList(new BPELTestCase().checkDeployment()))); } } } protected static void virtualEngines(List<AbstractBPELEngine> engines) { if (usesVirtualEngines(engines)) { // verify all mandatory config options try { new VBoxWebService().startAndInstall(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot start web service of vbox", e); } VirtualBox vb = new VirtualBoxImpl(); for (AbstractVirtualBPELEngine engine : getVirtualEngines(engines)) { engine.setVirtualBox(vb); } } } }