package betsy.common.reporting; /** * Represents one row in the resulting csv file * <p> * TEST NAME; ENGINE NAME; GROUP NAME; SUCCESS FLAG; NUMBER OF FAILURES; NUMBER OF TESTS; DEPLOYABLE FLAG * <p> * FLAG: 1 for successful, 0 for not successful */ public class CsvRow implements Comparable<CsvRow> { private static final String SEPARATOR = ";"; private final String name; private final String engine; private final String group; private final int failures; private final int tests; private final boolean deployable; public CsvRow(String rawCsvRow) { String[] fields = rawCsvRow.split(SEPARATOR); name = fields[0]; engine = fields[1]; group = fields[2]; failures = Integer.parseInt(fields[4]); tests = Integer.parseInt(fields[5]); deployable = fields[6].equals("1"); } public CsvRow(String name, String engine, String group, int failures, int tests, boolean deployable) { = name; this.engine = engine; = group; this.failures = failures; this.tests = tests; this.deployable = deployable; } public boolean isSuccess() { return failures == 0; } public String toRow() { return String.join(SEPARATOR, name, engine, group, valueOf(isSuccess()), String.valueOf(failures), String.valueOf(tests), valueOf(deployable)); } private static String valueOf(boolean value) { return value ? "1" : "0"; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getEngine() { return engine; } public String getGroup() { return group; } public int getFailures() { return failures; } public int getTests() { return tests; } public boolean isDeployable() { return deployable; } public int getSuccesses() { return getTests() - getFailures(); } @Override public int compareTo(CsvRow o) { int engineComparison = engine.compareTo(o.engine); if (engineComparison != 0) { return engineComparison; } int groupComparison = group.compareTo(; if (groupComparison != 0) { return groupComparison; } return name.compareTo(; } }