package betsy.common.timeouts; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import betsy.common.tasks.FileTasks; import betsy.common.timeouts.calibration.CalibrationTimeout; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * @author Christoph Broeker * @version 1.0 */ public class CSV { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CSV.class); /** * This method deletes the csv file and writes the values of timeouts to a csv file. * * @param csv The csv path, where the timeout values should be saved. * @param timeouts The timeouts to save. */ public static void write(Path csv, List<CalibrationTimeout> timeouts) { FileTasks.deleteFile(Objects.requireNonNull(csv, "The csv file can't be null.")); write(csv, Objects.requireNonNull(timeouts, "The timeouts can't be null."), 1); } /** * This method extends the csv file with the values of timeouts. * * @param csv The csv path, where the timeout values should be saved. * @param timeouts The timeouts to save. * @param numberOfIteration The number of calibration iterations. */ public static void write(Path csv, List<CalibrationTimeout> timeouts, int numberOfIteration) { Objects.requireNonNull(csv, "The csv file can't be null."); try (BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(csv)) { if (!csv.toFile().exists()) { writer.append("Iteration").append(';'); writer.append("Key").append(';'); writer.append("TimeStamp").append(';'); writer.append("Status").append(';'); writer.append("EngineOrProcessGroup").append(';'); writer.append("StepOrProcess").append(';'); writer.append("Description").append(';'); writer.append("Measured time").append(';'); writer.append("Value").append(';'); writer.append("TimeToRepetition").append('\n'); } else { for (CalibrationTimeout timeout : timeouts) { writer.append(Integer.toString(numberOfIteration)).append(';'); writer.append(timeout.getKey()).append(';'); writer.append(Long.toString(timeout.getTimestamp())).append(';'); writer.append(timeout.getStatus().toString()).append(';'); writer.append(timeout.getEngineOrProcessGroup()).append(';'); writer.append(timeout.getStepOrProcess()).append(';'); writer.append(timeout.getDescription()).append(';'); writer.append(Integer.toString(timeout.getMeasuredTime())).append(';'); writer.append(Integer.toString(timeout.getTimeoutInMs())).append(';'); writer.append(Integer.toString(timeout.getTimeToRepetitionInMs())).append('\n'); } writer.flush(); writer.close(); } } catch (IOException e) {"Could not write the timeouts to csv file."); } } /** * This method reads the csv file and returns a list with CalibrationTimeouts. * * @param csv The csv, which should be read. * @return The list with the CalibrationTimeouts. */ public static List<CalibrationTimeout> read(Path csv) { Objects.requireNonNull(csv, "The csv file can't be null."); List<CalibrationTimeout> timeouts = new ArrayList<>(); try(BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(csv)) { reader.readLine(); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { String[] entries = line.split(";"); CalibrationTimeout timeout = new CalibrationTimeout(entries[4], entries[5], entries[6], Integer.valueOf(entries[8]), Integer.valueOf(entries[9]), Integer.valueOf(entries[7])); timeouts.add(timeout); } } catch (IOException e) {"Could not read the timeouts from csv file."); } return timeouts; } }