package; /* <!-- $Id:: 14 2008-08-19 06:36:45Z muthu.ramadoss $: Id of last commit $Rev:: 14 $: Revision of last commit $Author:: muthu.ramadoss $: Author of last commit $Date:: 2008-08-19 12:06:45 +0530 (Tue, 19 Aug 2008) $: Date of last commit $HeadURL::$: Head URL of last commit --> */ import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.BaseAdapter; import android.widget.CheckBox; import android.widget.CompoundButton; import android.widget.CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class RestaurantsViewQuery extends ListActivity { int size = 25; private String[] ulongitude1 = new String[size]; private String[] ulatitude1 = new String[size]; private String[] ucountry1 = new String[size]; private String[] ucity1 = new String[size]; private String[] uarea1 = new String[size]; private String[] uStuffMiscellaneous1 = new String[size]; private String[] uStuffOccasionOrSeason1 = new String[size]; private String[] uStuffMainIngredient1 = new String[size]; private String[] uStuffDishType1 = new String[size]; private String[] uStuffDietetic1 = new String[size]; private String[] uStuffCourseType1 = new String[size]; private String[] uStuffCookingMethod1 = new String[size]; private String[] uStuffCuisinetype1 = new String[size]; private String[] ilongitude1 = new String[size]; private String[] ilatitude1 = new String[size]; private String[] icountry1 = new String[size]; private String[] icity1 = new String[size]; private String[] iarea1 = new String[size]; private String[] iStuffMiscellaneous1 = new String[size]; private String[] iStuffOccasionOrSeason1 = new String[size]; private String[] iStuffMainIngredient1 = new String[size]; private String[] iStuffDishType1 = new String[size]; private String[] iStuffDietetic1 = new String[size]; private String[] iStuffCourseType1 = new String[size]; private String[] iStuffCookingMethod1 = new String[size]; private String[] iStuffCuisinetype1 = new String[size]; SQLiteDatabase myDatabase = null; Cursor c; int rows = 0; int count = 0; String text = ""; boolean checkboxStatus; private boolean[] bArray; private CheckBoxifiedTextListAdapter itla; CheckBoxifiedText checkBoxifiedTextobj[]; int[] RestaurantId = new int[size]; String[] queryStatus = new String[size]; //private Context mContext; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); myDatabase = this.openOrCreateDatabase("Mobeegal", Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null); String myCols[] = {"key", "iStuffCuisinetype", "iStuffCookingMethod", "iStuffDietetic", "iStuffCourseType", "iStuffDishType", "iStuffMainIngredient", "iStuffOccasionOrSeason", "iStuffMiscellaneous", "iarea", "icity", "icountry", "ilatitude", "ilongitude", "uStuffCuisinetype", "uStuffCookingMethod", "uStuffDietetic", "uStuffCourseType", "uStuffDishType", "uStuffMainIngredient", "uStuffOccasionOrSeason", "uStuffMiscellaneous", "uarea", "ucity", "ucountry", "ulatitude", "ulongitude", "queryStatus" }; c = myDatabase .query("Restaurants", myCols, null, null, null, null, null); rows = c.getCount(); if (rows == 0) { Toast.makeText(RestaurantsViewQuery.this, R.string.noviewquery, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } bArray = new boolean[rows]; int idcolumn = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("key"); int iStuffCuisinetype = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("iStuffCuisinetype"); int iStuffCookingMethod = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("iStuffCookingMethod"); int iStuffCourseType = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("iStuffCourseType"); int iStuffDietetic = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("iStuffDietetic"); int iStuffDishType = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("iStuffDishType"); int iStuffMainIngredient = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("iStuffMainIngredient"); int iStuffOccasionOrSeason = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("iStuffOccasionOrSeason"); int iStuffMiscellaneous = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("iStuffMiscellaneous"); int iarea = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("iarea"); int icity = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("icity"); int icountry = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("icountry"); int ilatitude = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("ilatitude"); int ilongitude = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("ilongitude"); int uStuffCuisinetype = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("uStuffCuisinetype"); int uStuffCookingMethod = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("uStuffCookingMethod"); int uStuffCourseType = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("uStuffCourseType"); int uStuffDietetic = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("uStuffDietetic"); int uStuffDishType = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("uStuffDishType"); int uStuffMainIngredient = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("uStuffMainIngredient"); int uStuffOccasionOrSeason = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("uStuffOccasionOrSeason"); int uStuffMiscellaneous = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("uStuffMiscellaneous"); int uarea = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("uarea"); int ucity = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("ucity"); int ucountry = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("ucountry"); int ulatitude = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("ulatitude"); int ulongitude = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("ulongitude"); int querystatuscolumn = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("queryStatus"); if (c != null) { count = 0; if (c.isFirst()) { do { int getid = c.getInt(idcolumn); String getiStuffCuisinetype = c.getString(iStuffCuisinetype); String getiStuffCookingMethod = c.getString(iStuffCookingMethod); String getiStuffCourseType = c.getString(iStuffCourseType); String getiStuffDietetic = c.getString(iStuffDietetic); String getiStuffDishType = c.getString(iStuffDishType); String getiStuffMainIngredient = c.getString(iStuffMainIngredient); String getiStuffOccasionOrSeason = c.getString(iStuffOccasionOrSeason); String getiStuffMiscellaneous = c.getString(iStuffMiscellaneous); String getiarea = c.getString(iarea); String geticity = c.getString(icity); String geticountry = c.getString(icountry); String getilatitude = c.getString(ilatitude); String getilongitude = c.getString(ilongitude); String getuStuffCuisinetype = c.getString(uStuffCuisinetype); String getuStuffCookingMethod = c.getString(uStuffCookingMethod); String getuStuffCourseType = c.getString(uStuffCourseType); String getuStuffDietetic = c.getString(uStuffDietetic); String getuStuffDishType = c.getString(uStuffDishType); String getuStuffMainIngredient = c.getString(uStuffMainIngredient); String getuStuffOccasionOrSeason = c.getString(uStuffOccasionOrSeason); String getuStuffMiscellaneous = c.getString(uStuffMiscellaneous); String getuarea = c.getString(uarea); String getucity = c.getString(ucity); String getucountry = c.getString(ucountry); String getulatitude = c.getString(ulatitude); String getulongitude = c.getString(ulongitude); String getquerystatus = c.getString(querystatuscolumn); RestaurantId[count] = getid; iStuffCuisinetype1[count] = getiStuffCuisinetype; iStuffCookingMethod1[count] = getiStuffCookingMethod; iStuffCourseType1[count] = getiStuffCourseType; iStuffDietetic1[count] = getiStuffDietetic; iStuffDishType1[count] = getiStuffDishType; iStuffMainIngredient1[count] = getiStuffMainIngredient; iStuffOccasionOrSeason1[count] = getiStuffOccasionOrSeason; iStuffMiscellaneous1[count] = getiStuffMiscellaneous; iarea1[count] = getiarea; icity1[count] = geticity; icountry1[count] = geticountry; ilatitude1[count] = getilatitude; ilongitude1[count] = getilongitude; uStuffCuisinetype1[count] = getuStuffCuisinetype; uStuffCookingMethod1[count] = getuStuffCookingMethod; uStuffCourseType1[count] = getuStuffCourseType; uStuffDietetic1[count] = getuStuffDietetic; uStuffDishType1[count] = getuStuffDishType; uStuffMainIngredient1[count] = getuStuffMainIngredient; uStuffOccasionOrSeason1[count] = getuStuffOccasionOrSeason; uStuffMiscellaneous1[count] = getuStuffMiscellaneous; uarea1[count] = getuarea; ucity1[count] = getucity; ucountry1[count] = getucountry; ulatitude1[count] = getulatitude; ulongitude1[count] = getulongitude; queryStatus[count] = getquerystatus; count++; } while (c.moveToNext()); } } for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { if (queryStatus[i].equals("true")) { bArray[i] = true; } else { bArray[i] = false; } } checkBoxifiedTextobj = new CheckBoxifiedText[rows]; itla = new CheckBoxifiedTextListAdapter(this); for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) { if (queryStatus[j].equals("true")) { checkboxStatus = true; } else if (queryStatus[j].equals("false")) { checkboxStatus = false; } checkBoxifiedTextobj[j] = new CheckBoxifiedText( "Owner Detail: Cuisinetype=" + iStuffCuisinetype1[j] + ", CookingMethod=" + iStuffCookingMethod1[j] + ", CourseType=" + iStuffCourseType1[j] + ", Dietetic=" + iStuffDietetic1[j] + ", DishType=" + iStuffDishType1[j] + ", MainIngredient=" + iStuffMainIngredient1[j] + ", OccasionOrSeason=" + iStuffOccasionOrSeason1[j] + ", Miscellaneous=" + iStuffMiscellaneous1[j] + ", area=" + iarea1[j] + ", city=" + icity1[j] + ", country=" + icountry1[j] + ".\nCustomer Detail: Cuisinetype=" + uStuffCuisinetype1[j] + ", CookingMethod= " + uStuffCookingMethod1[j] + ", CourseType= " + uStuffCourseType1[j] + ", Dietetic=" + uStuffDietetic1[j] + ", DishType=" + uStuffDishType1[j] + ", MainIngredient=" + uStuffMainIngredient1[j] + ", OccasionOrSeason=" + uStuffOccasionOrSeason1[j] + ", Miscellaneous1=" + uStuffMiscellaneous1[j] + ", area=" + uarea1[j] + ", city=" + ucity1[j] + ", country=" + ucountry1[j], checkboxStatus); itla.addItem(checkBoxifiedTextobj[j]); } setListAdapter(itla); } public class CheckBoxifiedText { private String mText = ""; private CheckBox mCheckBox; private boolean mChecked; public CheckBoxifiedText(String text, boolean checked) { /* constructor */ mText = text; mChecked = checked; } public void setChecked(boolean value) { this.mChecked = value; } public boolean getChecked() { return this.mChecked; } public String getText() { return mText; } public CheckBox getCheckBox() { return mCheckBox; } } public class CheckBoxifiedTextListAdapter extends BaseAdapter { private Context mContext; List<CheckBoxifiedText> mItems = new ArrayList<CheckBoxifiedText>(); CheckBoxifiedText item; public CheckBoxifiedTextListAdapter(Context context) { mContext = context; } public void addItem(CheckBoxifiedText it) { mItems.add(it); } public void setListItems(List<CheckBoxifiedText> lit) { mItems = lit; } public List<CheckBoxifiedText> getListItem() { return mItems; } public int getCount() { return mItems.size(); } public Object getItem(int position) { return mItems.get(position); } public boolean areAllItemsSelectable() { return false; } public boolean[] getStatus() { boolean[] bArray = new boolean[mItems.size()]; int increment = 0; for (CheckBoxifiedText cboxtxt : mItems) { bArray[increment] = cboxtxt.getChecked(); } return bArray; } public void deSelectAll() { for (CheckBoxifiedText cboxtxt : mItems) { cboxtxt.setChecked(false); } this.notifyDataSetInvalidated(); } public void selectAll() { for (CheckBoxifiedText cboxtxt : mItems) { cboxtxt.setChecked(true); } this.notifyDataSetInvalidated(); } public long getItemId(int position) { return position; } public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { CheckBoxifiedTextView btv; CheckBoxifiedText ctv; if (convertView == null) { btv = new CheckBoxifiedTextView(mContext, mItems.get(position), position); CheckBoxifiedText src = mItems.get(position); } else { CheckBoxifiedText src = mItems.get(position); btv = (CheckBoxifiedTextView) convertView; btv.setText(src.getText()); btv.setCheckBoxState(src.getChecked()); } return btv; } } public class CheckBoxifiedTextView extends LinearLayout { private TextView mText; private CheckBox mCheckBox; private CheckBoxifiedText mCheckBoxText; int increment = 0; public CheckBoxifiedTextView(final Context context, CheckBoxifiedText aCheckBoxifiedText, final int position) { super(context); this.setOrientation(HORIZONTAL); mCheckBoxText = aCheckBoxifiedText; mCheckBox = new CheckBox(context); mCheckBox.setPadding(0, 0, 20, 0); // 5px to the right mCheckBox.setChecked(aCheckBoxifiedText.getChecked()); mCheckBox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener() { public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton arg0, boolean arg1) { try { bArray[position] = mCheckBox.isChecked(); //Toast.makeText(context, " position = " + Boolean.toString(bArray[0]) + Boolean.toString(bArray[1]), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } catch (Exception e) { //bArray[position] = mCheckBox.isChecked(); //Toast.makeText(context, " position = " + Boolean.toString(bArray[0]) + Boolean.toString(bArray[1]) + Boolean.toString(bArray[2]), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); //Toast.makeText(context, " position = "+Integer.toString(position)+" rows = "+Integer.toString(rows),Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } }); /* bArray[position] = mCheckBox.isChecked(); Toast.makeText(context, " position = " + Boolean.toString(bArray[0]) + Boolean.toString(bArray[1]) + Boolean.toString(bArray[2]), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } });*/ addView(mCheckBox, new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); mText = new TextView(context); mText.setText(aCheckBoxifiedText.getText()); addView(mText, new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); } public void setText(String words) { mText.setText(words); } public void setCheckBoxState(boolean bool) { mCheckBox.setChecked(mCheckBoxText.getChecked()); mCheckBoxText.setChecked(true); } } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { ViewMenu.onCreateOptionsViewQueryMenu(menu); return true; } @Override public boolean onMenuItemSelected(int i, MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case 1: Intent mapViewintent = new Intent(RestaurantsViewQuery.this, MapResults.class); startActivity(mapViewintent); break; case 2: Intent catalogintent = new Intent(RestaurantsViewQuery.this, FindandInstall.class); startActivity(catalogintent); break; case 3: Intent settingsintent = new Intent(RestaurantsViewQuery.this, Settings.class); startActivity(settingsintent); break; case 4: Intent resintent = new Intent(RestaurantsViewQuery.this, Restaurants.class); startActivity(resintent); break; case 5: if (rows == 0) { Toast.makeText(RestaurantsViewQuery.this, R.string.donequery, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } else { for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) { if (bArray[j] == true) { myDatabase.execSQL( "update category set querystatus='" + "true" + "' where categoryname='" + "Restaurants" + "';"); } if (bArray[j] == false) { myDatabase.execSQL( "update Restaurants set queryStatus='" + "false" + "' where key=" + j + ";"); } } Toast.makeText(RestaurantsViewQuery.this, this.getString(R.string.ShowMessage), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); // Intent updateintent = new Intent(RestaurantsViewQuery.this, Restaurants.class); // startActivity(updateintent); break; } } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } }