package com.retailwave.fce.client.content.user; /** * $Id: 5 2010-06-03 11:07:35Z muthu $ * $HeadURL: svn:// $ */ import; import; import*; import; import*; import com.retailwave.fce.client.ContentWidget; import com.retailwave.fce.client.content.i18n.SearchUserConstants; import com.retailwave.fce.client.content.i18n.UIConstants; import; import com.retailwave.fce.shared.dto.UserDTO; import com.retailwave.fce.client.presenter.SearchUserPresenter; import com.retailwave.fce.client.ui.UserResultsTable; import com.retailwave.fce.client.util.SearchHelper; import com.retailwave.fce.client.util.UIHelper; /** * SearchUser * <p/> * Screen to search a user */ public class SearchUser extends ContentWidget implements ClickHandler, KeyUpHandler, SearchUserPresenter.Display { public static final UIConstants uiConstants = UIHelper.getUiConstants(); public static final SearchUserConstants myConstants = GWT.create(SearchUserConstants.class); public static final String ID_PREFIX = myConstants.idPrefix(); public static final String[] actions = myConstants.actions(); protected UserResultsTable userResultsTable = new UserResultsTable(); public static final String shortName = myConstants.shortName(); public static final String fullName = myConstants.fullName(); public static final String email =; public static final String active =; public static final String role = myConstants.role(); public static final String program = myConstants.program(); public static final String country =; public static final String type = myConstants.type(); public static final String shortNameId = ID_PREFIX + shortName; public static final String fullNameId = ID_PREFIX + fullName; public static final String emailId = ID_PREFIX + email; public static final String activeId = ID_PREFIX + active; public static final String roleId = ID_PREFIX + role; public static final String programId = ID_PREFIX + program; public static final String countryId = ID_PREFIX + country; public static final String typeId = ID_PREFIX + type; final String[] USER_TYPES = myConstants.typeValues(); final String[] ACTIVE_VALUES = myConstants.activeValues(); final String[] TRUE_FALSE = uiConstants.trueFalse(); final String[] YES_NO = uiConstants.yesNo(); // Create a panel to layout the widgets protected DockLayoutPanel searchLayoutPanel = new DockLayoutPanel(Style.Unit.EM); protected String[] buttons = uiConstants.searchClear(); private FlowPanel flowPanel = new FlowPanel(); /** * Constructor. */ public SearchUser() { super(); } @Override public String[] getHistoryTokens() { return new String[]{getName()}; } @Override public String getDescription() { return myConstants.description(); } @Override public String getName() { return myConstants.title(); } /** * Creates widget, to display in parent */ @Override public Widget onInitialize() { searchLayoutPanel.setTitle(getName()); // input and commands can go into flow panel FlowPanel p1 = new FlowPanel(); p1.add(UIHelper.createTextInput(shortName, shortNameId, 12, false, ID_PREFIX, this, null)); p1.add(UIHelper.createTextInput(fullName, fullNameId, 50, false, ID_PREFIX, this, null)); p1.add(UIHelper.createTextInput(email, emailId, 50, false, ID_PREFIX, this, null)); FlowPanel p2 = new FlowPanel(); // p2.add(UIHelper.createListInput(role, roleId, false, null, false, ID_PREFIX)); // p2.add(UIHelper.createListInput(program, programId, false, null, false, ID_PREFIX)); // p2.add(UIHelper.createListInput(country, countryId, false, null, false, ID_PREFIX)); p2.add(UIHelper.createListInput(type, typeId, false, USER_TYPES, false, ID_PREFIX)); p2.add(UIHelper.createListInput(active, activeId, false, ACTIVE_VALUES, false, ID_PREFIX)); p1.addStyleName(; p2.addStyleName(; flowPanel.add(p1); flowPanel.add(p2); ScrollPanel scrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(flowPanel); searchLayoutPanel.addNorth(scrollPanel, 6.5); searchLayoutPanel.addNorth(UIHelper.createCommands(buttons, this), 3); //todo: results layout needs to be fixed (investigate incubator widgets for gwt 2.0 uibinder compatability) userResultsTable.init(this); searchLayoutPanel.add(userResultsTable); return searchLayoutPanel; } @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { // note that in general, events can have sources that are not Widgets. Widget sender = (Widget) clickEvent.getSource(); if (Button.class == sender.getClass()) { if (buttons[0].equals(sender.getTitle())) { searchAction(); } else if (buttons[1].equals(sender.getTitle())) { UIHelper.clearInputs(flowPanel); clearAction(); } } } @Override public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent keyUpEvent) { if (keyUpEvent.getNativeKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) { searchAction(); } } /** * called when the menu for this content is selected */ @Override public void onMenuSelection() { if (tabLayoutPanel.getWidgetCount() >= 0) { tabLayoutPanel.selectTab(0); } } public void selectAction(UserDTO userDTO) { viewAction(userDTO); } public void actionPerformed(UserDTO userDTO) { viewAction(userDTO); } public void viewAction(UserDTO userDTO) { final CommandResult commandResult = UIHelper.getApplication().getCommandResult(); commandResult.clear(); commandResult.setResult(userDTO); if (userDTO.isPartnerUser()) { tabLayoutPanel.selectTab(2); } else { tabLayoutPanel.selectTab(1); } } protected void searchAction() { UserDTO criteria = populateUser(); if (criteria.isWildcard()) { SearchHelper.enableLike(criteria); }; } public void clearAction() { if (userResultsTable.isVisible()) { userResultsTable.setVisible(false); } } private UserDTO populateUser() { UserDTO userDTO = new UserDTO(); userDTO.setName(UIHelper.getTextBoxValueFromInputCache(shortNameId, ID_PREFIX)); userDTO.setFullName(UIHelper.getTextBoxValueFromInputCache(fullNameId, ID_PREFIX)); userDTO.setEmailAddress(UIHelper.getTextBoxValueFromInputCache(emailId, ID_PREFIX)); userDTO.setActiveSearch(UIHelper.getListBoxValueFromInputCache(activeId, ID_PREFIX)); String activ = userDTO.getActiveSearch(); if (TRUE_FALSE[0].equalsIgnoreCase(activ) || YES_NO[0].equalsIgnoreCase(activ)) { userDTO.setActive(true); } else if (TRUE_FALSE[1].equalsIgnoreCase(activ) || YES_NO[1].equalsIgnoreCase(activ)) { userDTO.setActive(false); } // userDTO.setRole(UIHelper.getListBoxValueFromInputCache(roleId, ID_PREFIX)); // userDTO.setProgram(UIHelper.getListBoxValueFromInputCache(programId, ID_PREFIX)); // userDTO.setCountry(UIHelper.getListBoxValueFromInputCache(countryId, ID_PREFIX)); userDTO.setTypeSearch(UIHelper.getListBoxValueFromInputCache(typeId, ID_PREFIX)); userDTO.setPartnerUser(USER_TYPES[2].equalsIgnoreCase(userDTO.getTypeSearch())); return userDTO; } @Override public HasSelectionHandlers<Integer> getSelectionHandlers() { return getTabLayoutPanel(); } }