package com.retailwave.fce.client.util; /** * $Id: 5 2010-06-03 11:07:35Z muthu $ * $HeadURL: svn:// $ */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import com.retailwave.fce.client.Application; import com.retailwave.fce.client.content.i18n.UIConstants; import eu.maydu.gwt.validation.client.ValidationProcessor; import eu.maydu.gwt.validation.client.Validator; import eu.maydu.gwt.validation.client.actions.FocusAction; import eu.maydu.gwt.validation.client.actions.LabelTextAction; import eu.maydu.gwt.validation.client.actions.StyleAction; import java.util.HashMap; /** * UIHelper * <p/> * Helper methods for FCE */ public class UIHelper { public interface UIHelperStyle extends CssResource { String inputPanel(); String validationFailedBorder(); String validationFailedText(); String inputLabel(); String inputLabelSearch(); String inputLabelDisabled(); String floatLeft(); String commandPanel(); String commandPanelButton(); String commandPanelButtonDefWidth(); } interface Binder extends UiBinder<DivElement, UIHelper> { } private static final Binder binder = GWT.create(Binder.class); static { binder.createAndBindUi(null); } private static final String CACHE_KEY_DEFAULT = "UIHelper_"; public static final HashMap<String, HashMap<String, UIObject>> inputCache = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, UIObject>>(); private static Application application; private static UIConstants uiConstants = GWT.create(UIConstants.class); @UiField public static UIHelperStyle style; private UIHelper() { } public static UIConstants getUiConstants() { return uiConstants; } private static void addToInputCache(String key, UIObject input) { addToInputCache(key, input, CACHE_KEY_DEFAULT); } public static void clearInputCache(String cacheName) { if (null == cacheName) { cacheName = CACHE_KEY_DEFAULT; } HashMap cache = inputCache.get(cacheName); if (cache != null) { cache.clear(); } } public static void clearInputCache() { clearInputCache(CACHE_KEY_DEFAULT); } public static void clearAllInputCache() { inputCache.clear(); } public static UIObject getFromInputCache(String id) { return getFromInputCache(id, CACHE_KEY_DEFAULT); } public static void addToInputCache(String key, UIObject input, String cacheName) { if (null == cacheName) { cacheName = CACHE_KEY_DEFAULT; } HashMap<String, UIObject> cache = inputCache.get(cacheName); // create a new cache, if previous cache was not found if (cache == null) { cache = new HashMap<String, UIObject>(); inputCache.put(cacheName, cache); } cache.put(key, input); } public static UIObject getFromInputCache(String id, String cacheName) { if (null == cacheName) { cacheName = CACHE_KEY_DEFAULT; } HashMap<String, UIObject> cache = inputCache.get(cacheName); UIObject val = null; if (cache != null) { val = cache.get(id); } return val; } public static String getTextBoxValueFromInputCache(String id) { return getTextBoxValueFromInputCache(id, CACHE_KEY_DEFAULT); } public static String getTextBoxValueFromInputCache(String id, String cacheName) { TextBox box = getTextBoxFromInputCache(id, cacheName); String val = null; if (box != null) { val = box.getText(); // ignore empty, and reset to null if (val.length() == 0) { val = null; } } return val; } public static TextBox getTextBoxFromInputCache(String id, String cacheName) { return (TextBox) getFromInputCache(id, cacheName); } /* public static boolean getCheckBoxValueFromInputCache(String name) { CheckBox box = (CheckBox) getFromInputCache(name); return box != null && box.isEnabled(); } */ public static String getListBoxValueFromInputCache(String id) { return getListBoxValueFromInputCache(id, CACHE_KEY_DEFAULT); } public static String getListBoxValueFromInputCache(String id, String cacheName) { ListBox box = (ListBox) UIHelper.getFromInputCache(id, cacheName); String val = null; if (box != null) { final int selectedIndex = box.getSelectedIndex(); if (selectedIndex != -1) { val = box.getItemText(selectedIndex); // ignore empty, and reset to null if ("".equals(val)) { val = null; } } } return val; } public static boolean setListBoxValue(String value, ListBox listBox) { int sz = listBox.getItemCount(); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { if (listBox.getItemText(i).equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { listBox.setSelectedIndex(i); return true; } } return false; } public static FlowPanel buildInputPanel(Widget label, Widget input, String[] validatorNames, ValidationProcessor validationProcessor) { FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel(); panel.addStyleName(style.inputPanel()); label.addStyleName(style.floatLeft()); panel.add(label); panel.add(input); if (null != validatorNames && null != validationProcessor && validatorNames.length > 0) { Label error = new Label(""); error.setStylePrimaryName(style.validationFailedText()); panel.add(error); Validator[] validators = new Validator[validatorNames.length]; int i = 0; for (String validatorName : validatorNames) { Validator<? extends Validator> validator = ValidatorHelper.createValidator(validatorName, input); validator.addActionForFailure(new FocusAction()); validator.addActionForFailure(new StyleAction(style.validationFailedBorder())); validator.addActionForFailure(new LabelTextAction(error, false)); validators[i++] = validator; } validationProcessor.addValidators(input.getTitle(), validators); } return panel; } public static FlowPanel createTextInput (String name, String id, int inputLen, boolean readOnly, String cacheName, EventHandler handler, ValidationProcessor validationProcessor, String... validatorNames) { id = id.trim(); final Label label = new Label(name); label.setTitle(name); label.addStyleName(style.inputLabel()); label.addStyleName(style.inputLabelDisabled()); final TextBox input = new TextBox(); input.setTitle(name); input.ensureDebugId(id); input.setVisibleLength(inputLen); input.setMaxLength(inputLen); input.setReadOnly(readOnly); input.setEnabled(!readOnly); if (input.isEnabled() && input.isVisible()) { label.removeStyleName(style.inputLabelDisabled()); } if (null != handler) { input.addKeyUpHandler((KeyUpHandler) handler); } if (null == cacheName) { addToInputCache(id, input); } else { addToInputCache(id, input, cacheName); } return buildInputPanel(label, input, validatorNames, validationProcessor); } public static FlowPanel createTextArea(String name, String id, int inputLen, int charWidth, boolean readOnly, String cacheName, EventHandler handler, ValidationProcessor validationProcessor, String... validatorNames) { id = id.trim(); final Label label = new Label(name); label.addStyleName(style.inputLabel()); label.addStyleName(style.inputLabelDisabled()); final TextArea input = new TextArea(); input.ensureDebugId(id); input.setCharacterWidth(charWidth); input.setVisibleLines(inputLen); input.setReadOnly(readOnly); input.setEnabled(!readOnly); if (input.isEnabled() && input.isVisible()) { label.removeStyleName(style.inputLabelDisabled()); } if (null != handler) { input.addKeyUpHandler((KeyUpHandler) handler); } if (null == cacheName) { addToInputCache(id, input); } else { addToInputCache(id, input, cacheName); } return buildInputPanel(label, input, validatorNames, validationProcessor); } public static FlowPanel createCheckInput(String name, String id, boolean readOnly, String cacheName) { id = id.trim(); final Label label = new Label(name); label.addStyleName(style.inputLabel()); label.addStyleName(style.inputLabelDisabled()); final CheckBox input = new CheckBox(); input.ensureDebugId(id); input.setEnabled(!readOnly); if (input.isEnabled() && input.isVisible()) { label.removeStyleName(style.inputLabelDisabled()); } if (null == cacheName) { addToInputCache(id, input); } else { addToInputCache(id, input, cacheName); } return buildInputPanel(label, input, null, null); } public static FlowPanel createListInput(String name, String id, boolean isMultipleSelect, String[] listTypes, boolean readOnly, String cacheName) { id = id.trim(); final Label label = new Label(name); label.addStyleName(style.inputLabel()); label.addStyleName(style.inputLabelDisabled()); final ListBox input = new ListBox(isMultipleSelect); input.ensureDebugId(id); input.setEnabled(!readOnly); setDefaults(listTypes, input); if (input.isEnabled() && input.isVisible()) { label.removeStyleName(style.inputLabelDisabled()); } if (null == cacheName) { addToInputCache(id, input); } else { addToInputCache(id, input, cacheName); } return buildInputPanel(label, input, null, null); } public static boolean setDefaults(String[] items, ListBox input) { if (null != input && null != items) { // clear previous defaults input.clear(); for (String item : items) { input.addItem(item); } return true; } return false; } public static FlowPanel createCommands(String[] buttons, EventHandler... handlers) { FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel(); panel.addStyleName(style.commandPanel()); int i = 0; int sz = buttons.length; for (String text : buttons) { Button b = new Button(); /** * HorizontalPanel is a bit trickier. In some cases, you can simply replace it with a DockLayoutPanel, * but that requires that you specify its childrens' widths explicitly. The most common alternative is to use * FlowPanel, and to use the float: left; CSS property on its children. * And of course, you can continue to use HorizontalPanel itself, as long as you take the caveats above into account. */ b.addStyleName(style.commandPanelButton()); b.addStyleName(style.floatLeft()); b.setTitle(text); b.setText(text); if (null != handlers) { if (sz == handlers.length) { b.addClickHandler((ClickHandler) handlers[i++]); } else { // todo: handle variable length handlers between 1 and button size b.addClickHandler((ClickHandler) handlers[0]); } } panel.add(b); } return panel; } /** * Creates a dialog box with a message. * * @param title the title of the dialog box * @param msg the message to display * @param commands the command buttons to be displayed * @param handlers the handler to be invoked when command button is clicked * @return the new dialog box */ public static DialogBox createDialogBox(String title, String msg, String[] commands, EventHandler... handlers) { FlowPanel dialogContents = new FlowPanel(); // the dialog contents.. msg at top, and command buttons at bottom dialogContents.add(new HTML(msg)); dialogContents.add(createCommands(commands, handlers)); // Create a dialog box and set the caption text final DialogBox dialogBox = new DialogBox(false, true); dialogBox.setText(title); dialogBox.setWidget(dialogContents); dialogBox.setAnimationEnabled(true); dialogBox.setGlassEnabled(true); return dialogBox; } public static void enableInputs(ComplexPanel complexPanel) { toggleInputs(complexPanel, true); } public static void disableInputs(ComplexPanel complexPanel) { toggleInputs(complexPanel, false); } private static void toggleInputs(ComplexPanel complexPanel, boolean flag) { for (Widget widget : complexPanel) { final Class<? extends Widget> widgetClass = widget.getClass(); if (FlowPanel.class == widgetClass) { toggleInputs((ComplexPanel) widget, flag); } else if ( TextBox.class == widgetClass || TextArea.class == widgetClass || CheckBox.class == widgetClass || ListBox.class == widgetClass || Label.class == widgetClass ) { if (TextBox.class == widgetClass || TextArea.class == widgetClass) { TextBoxBase box = (TextBoxBase) widget; box.setEnabled(flag); box.setReadOnly(!flag); } else if (CheckBox.class == widgetClass) { ((CheckBox) widget).setEnabled(flag); } else if (ListBox.class == widgetClass) { ((ListBox) widget).setEnabled(flag); } else if (Label.class == widgetClass) { Label l = ((Label) widget); if (flag) { l.removeStyleName(style.inputLabelDisabled()); } else { l.addStyleName(style.inputLabelDisabled()); } } } } } public static void clearInputs(ComplexPanel complexPanel) { for (Widget widget : complexPanel) { final Class<? extends Widget> widgetClass = widget.getClass(); if (FlowPanel.class == widgetClass) { clearInputs((ComplexPanel) widget); } else if ( TextBox.class == widgetClass || TextArea.class == widgetClass || CheckBox.class == widgetClass || ListBox.class == widgetClass ) { if (TextBox.class == widgetClass || TextArea.class == widgetClass) { ((TextBoxBase) widget).setText(""); } else if (CheckBox.class == widgetClass) { ((CheckBox) widget).setValue(false); } else if (ListBox.class == widgetClass) { ((ListBox) widget).setSelectedIndex(0); } } } } public static boolean setFocus(ComplexPanel complexPanel) { for (Widget widget : complexPanel) { final Class<? extends Widget> widgetClass = widget.getClass(); if (TextBox.class == widgetClass || TextArea.class == widgetClass) { ((TextBoxBase) widget).setFocus(true); return true; } else if (FlowPanel.class == widgetClass) { return setFocus((ComplexPanel) widget); } } return false; } public static void setApplication(Application app) { application = app; } public static Application getApplication() { return application; } public static void scheduleProgress() { scheduleProgress(uiConstants.loadProgressWait(), 1000); } public static void scheduleProgress(String s) { getApplication().showProgress(s, 1000); } public static void scheduleProgress(String s, int ms) { getApplication().showProgress(s, ms); } public static void cancelProgress() { getApplication().cancelProgress(); } public static void showStatus(String msg) { getApplication().showMessage(msg); } public static void hideStatus() { getApplication().hideMessage(); } public static native void nativeFocus(JavaScriptObject o)/*-{ try{o.focus();}catch(e){} }-*/; public static void hackRootLayoutPanelNotBlank() { String rootWidth = RootLayoutPanel.get().getElement().getStyle().getWidth(); RootLayoutPanel.get().setWidth(rootWidth.equals("100%") ? "" : "100%"); } public static void confirm(DialogBox dialogBox, Button button) {; nativeFocus(button.getElement()); hackRootLayoutPanelNotBlank(); } }