package; /* <!-- $Id:: 14 2008-08-19 06:36:45Z muthu.ramadoss $: Id of last commit $Rev:: 14 $: Revision of last commit $Author:: muthu.ramadoss $: Author of last commit $Date:: 2008-08-19 12:06:45 +0530 (Tue, 19 Aug 2008) $: Date of last commit $HeadURL::$: Head URL of last commit --> */ import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener; import android.widget.BaseAdapter; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; public class ListQuery extends ListActivity implements OnItemClickListener { SQLiteDatabase myDatabase = null; int size = 20; int[] datingId = new int[size]; String[] iStuffarea = new String[size]; String[] iStuffage = new String[size]; String[] iStuffsex = new String[size]; String[] iStuffheight = new String[size]; String[] iStuffweight = new String[size]; String[] iStuffcity = new String[size]; String[] iStuffcountry = new String[size]; String[] uStuffarea = new String[size]; String[] uStuffage = new String[size]; String[] uStuffsex = new String[size]; String[] uStuffheight = new String[size]; String[] uStuffweight = new String[size]; String[] uStuffcity = new String[size]; String[] uStuffcountry = new String[size]; int count = 0; Cursor c; int rows = 0; ArrayList<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); @Override public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); setListAdapter(new SpeechListAdapter(this)); getListView().setOnItemClickListener(this); } private class SpeechListAdapter extends BaseAdapter { public SpeechListAdapter(Context context) { mContext = context; myDatabase = mContext.openOrCreateDatabase("Mobeegal", Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null); String myCols[] = {"key", "iage", "isex", "iheight", "iweight", "iarea", "icity", "icountry", "uage", "usex", "uheight", "uweight", "uarea", "ucity", "ucountry", "queryStatus"}; c = myDatabase.query("Dating", myCols, null, null, null, null, null); rows = c.getCount(); int idcolumn = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("key"); int ageColumn = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("iage"); int sexColumn = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("isex"); int heightColumn = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("iheight"); int weightColumn = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("iweight"); int areaColumn = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("iarea"); int cityColumn = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("icity"); int countryColumn = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("icountry"); int uagecolumn = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("uage"); int usexcolumn = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("usex"); int uheightcolumn = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("uheight"); int uweightcolumn = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("uweight"); int uareacolumn = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("uarea"); int ucitycolumn = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("ucity"); int ucountrycolumn = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("ucountry"); if (c != null) { count = 0; if (c.isFirst()) { do { int getid = c.getInt(idcolumn); String getiage = c.getString(ageColumn); String getisex = c.getString(sexColumn); String getiheight = c.getString(heightColumn); String getiweight = c.getString(weightColumn); String getiarea = c.getString(areaColumn); String geticity = c.getString(cityColumn); String geticountry = c.getString(countryColumn); String getuage = c.getString(uagecolumn); String getusex = c.getString(usexcolumn); String getuheight = c.getString(uheightcolumn); String getuweight = c.getString(uweightcolumn); String getuarea = c.getString(uareacolumn); String getucity = c.getString(ucitycolumn); String getucountry = c.getString(ucountrycolumn); datingId[count] = getid; iStuffarea[count] = getiarea; iStuffage[count] = getiage; iStuffsex[count] = getisex; iStuffheight[count] = getiheight; iStuffweight[count] = getiweight; iStuffcountry[count] = geticountry; iStuffcity[count] = geticity; uStuffage[count] = getuage; uStuffsex[count] = getusex; uStuffheight[count] = getuheight; uStuffweight[count] = getuweight; uStuffarea[count] = getuarea; uStuffcity[count] = getucity; uStuffcountry[count] = getucountry; count++; } while (c.moveToNext()); } } } public int getCount() { return rows; } public Object getItem(int position) { return position; } public long getItemId(int position) { return position; } public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { SpeechView sv; if (convertView == null) { sv = new SpeechView(mContext, " Age = " + iStuffage[position] + ", Sex = " + iStuffsex[position] + ", Height = " + iStuffheight[position] + ", Weight = " + iStuffweight[position] + ", Area = " + iStuffarea[position] + ", City = " + iStuffcity[position] + ", Country = " + iStuffcountry[position], " Age = " + uStuffage[position] + ", Sex = " + uStuffsex[position] + ", Height = " + uStuffheight[position] + ", Weight = " + uStuffweight[position] + ", Area = " + uStuffarea[position] + ", City = " + uStuffcity[position] + ", Country = " + uStuffcountry[position]); } else { sv = (SpeechView) convertView; sv.setTitle(iStuffage[position]); sv.setDialogue(uStuffarea[position]); } return sv; } private Context mContext; } private class SpeechView extends LinearLayout { public SpeechView(Context context, String title, String words) { super(context); this.setOrientation(VERTICAL); mTitle = new TextView(context); mTitle.setText("User Profile : " + title); addView(mTitle, new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); mDialogue = new TextView(context); mDialogue.setText("Partner Profile : " + words); addView(mDialogue, new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); } public void setTitle(String title) { mTitle.setText(title); } public void setDialogue(String words) { mDialogue.setText(words); } private TextView mTitle; private TextView mDialogue; } public void onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View v, int position, long id) { String selectid = parent.getItemAtPosition(position).toString(); int passkeyvalue = Integer.parseInt(selectid); Intent editDating = new Intent(ListQuery.this, Dating.class); Cursor tempdatingcursor = myDatabase.query("datingposition", null, "key=" + datingId[passkeyvalue], null, null, null, null); if (tempdatingcursor != null) { if (tempdatingcursor.isFirst()) { int getiageposition = tempdatingcursor .getInt(tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow( "iageposition")); int getiheightposition = tempdatingcursor .getInt(tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow( "iheightposition")); int getiweightposition = tempdatingcursor .getInt(tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow( "iweightposition")); String getisex = tempdatingcursor .getString( tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("isex")); int getuageposition = tempdatingcursor .getInt(tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow( "uageposition")); int getuheightposition = tempdatingcursor .getInt(tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow( "uheightposition")); int getuweightposition = tempdatingcursor .getInt(tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow( "uweightposition")); String getusex = tempdatingcursor .getString( tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("usex")); String getiarea = tempdatingcursor .getString(tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow( "iarea")); String geticity = tempdatingcursor .getString(tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow( "icity")); String geticountry = tempdatingcursor .getString(tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow( "icountry")); String getuarea = tempdatingcursor .getString(tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow( "uarea")); String getucity = tempdatingcursor .getString(tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow( "ucity")); String getucountry = tempdatingcursor .getString(tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow( "ucountry")); String getilatitude = tempdatingcursor.getString( tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("ilatitude")); String getilongitude = tempdatingcursor.getString( tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("ilongitude")); String getulatitude = tempdatingcursor.getString( tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("ulatitude")); String getulongitude = tempdatingcursor.getString( tempdatingcursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("ulongitude")); myDatabase.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tempdating" + " (iageposition NUMERIC, iheightposition NUMERIC, iweightposition NUMERIC, iarea VARCHAR, icity VARCHAR, icountry VARCHAR, uageposition NUMERIC, uheightposition NUMERIC, uweightposition NUMERIC, uarea VARCHAR, ucity VARCHAR, ucountry VARCHAR, isex VARCHAR, usex VARCHAR, ilatitude VARCHAR, ilongitude VARCHAR, ulatitude VARCHAR, ulongitude VARCHAR, category VARCGHAR, stufftype VARCHAR);"); myDatabase.execSQL( "INSERT INTO tempdating (iageposition, iheightposition, iweightposition, iarea, icity, icountry, uageposition, uheightposition, uweightposition, uarea, ucity, ucountry, isex, usex, ilatitude, ilongitude, ulatitude, ulongitude, category, stufftype) VALUES (" + getiageposition + "," + getiheightposition + "," + getiweightposition + ",'" + getiarea + "','" + geticity + "','" + geticountry + "'," + getuageposition + "," + getuheightposition + "," + getuweightposition + ",'" + getuarea + "','" + getucity + "','" + getucountry + "','" + getisex + "','" + getusex + "','" + getilatitude + "','" + getilongitude + "','" + getulatitude + "','" + getulongitude + "','" + "Dating" + "', '" + "istuff" + "');"); } } Bundle passkeyBundle = new Bundle(); passkeyBundle.putInt("key", datingId[passkeyvalue]); editDating.putExtras(passkeyBundle); startActivityForResult(editDating, 0); } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { ViewMenu.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu); return true; } // Menu Item @Override public boolean onMenuItemSelected(int i, MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case 1: Intent stuffCheckintent = new Intent(ListQuery.this, MapResults.class); startActivity(stuffCheckintent); break; case 2: Intent intent1 = new Intent(ListQuery.this, FindandInstall.class); startActivity(intent1); break; case 3: Intent settings = new Intent(ListQuery.this, Settings.class); startActivity(settings); break; } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } }