package com.androidrocks.bex.server.manager; import com.androidrocks.bex.server.persistent.User; import com.androidrocks.bex.server.persistent.UserNotFoundException; import; import; import twitter4j.Twitter; import twitter4j.TwitterException; import twitter4j.http.AccessToken; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; public final class TwitterFactory { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TwitterFactory.class .getName()); static final String KEY = "DAWQiVMAP98j7BxAD55sw"; static final String SECRET = "M1Ws4JjOC78YJwQLaAwhTXYCdDcMslEnVgwcnOC6w4"; static final String PUBLISH_BOOK_MESSAGE = "Hey, I want to exchange Books in #BooksEX. Join me if interested. "; static final String INVITE_MESSAGE = "Hey, come join me in #BooksEX. Why waste Books? Exchange them! with me. #booksex"; static final String MATCH_MESSAGE_SUFFIX = " #booksex #match"; static final String PUBLISH_MESSAGE_SUFFIX = " #booksex #publish"; private TwitterFactory() { } public static Twitter getTwitter() { Twitter twitter = new Twitter(); twitter.setOAuthConsumer(KEY, SECRET); return twitter; } public static Twitter getTwitter(String name, String token) throws UserNotFoundException { Twitter twitter = getTwitter(); twitter.setOAuthAccessToken(loadAccessToken(name, token)); return twitter; } public static Twitter getTwitter(User user){ Twitter twitter = getTwitter(); twitter.setOAuthAccessToken(loadAccessToken(user)); return twitter; } public static Map<Key,Entity> getTwitFriendEntities(User user) throws TwitterException { Twitter twitter = getTwitter(user); // get following List<twitter4j.User> users = twitter.getFriendsStatuses(); // get followers users.addAll(twitter.getFollowersStatuses());"#getFriendsStatuses: "+users.size()); return TypeFactory.jUsersToTwitFriendEntities(users); } public static Map<Key, Entity> getTwitFollowerEntities(User user) throws TwitterException { Twitter twitter = getTwitter(user); // get followers List<twitter4j.User> users = twitter.getFollowersStatuses();"#getFollowerStatuses: "+users.size()); return TypeFactory.jUsersToTwitFriendEntities(users); } public static AccessToken loadAccessToken(User user){ return new AccessToken(user.getToken(), user.getTokenSecret()); } public static AccessToken loadAccessToken(String name, String token) throws UserNotFoundException { User user = UserManager.loadUser(name, token); if (null == user){ throw new UserNotFoundException("User not found: "+name); } return new AccessToken(token, user.getTokenSecret()); } public static void directMessage (String name, String token, String friend, String msg) throws UserNotFoundException, TwitterException { Twitter twitter = getTwitter(name, token); twitter.sendDirectMessage(friend, msg); } public static void updateStatus (String name, String token, String msg) throws UserNotFoundException, TwitterException { Twitter twitter = getTwitter(name, token); twitter.updateStatus(msg); } public static void inviteFriend (String name, String token, String friend) throws UserNotFoundException, TwitterException { Twitter twitter = getTwitter(name, token); if (twitter.existsFriendship(name, friend)){ twitter.sendDirectMessage(friend, INVITE_MESSAGE); } else { // follow first.. then invite twitter.createFriendship(friend, true); twitter.sendDirectMessage(friend, INVITE_MESSAGE); } } public static boolean createFriend (String name, String token, String friend) throws UserNotFoundException, TwitterException { Twitter twitter = getTwitter(name, token); if (twitter.existsFriendship(name, friend)){ // todo: notify that the friendship exists return false; } else { twitter.createFriendship(friend, true); return true; } } public static void sendDirectMessage(String name, String token, String friend, String book, String msg) throws TwitterException, UserNotFoundException { directMessage(name, token, friend, msg+" #BookMatch: "+book +MATCH_MESSAGE_SUFFIX); } public static void publishBook(String name, String token, String book) throws TwitterException, UserNotFoundException { updateStatus(name, token, PUBLISH_BOOK_MESSAGE+book+PUBLISH_MESSAGE_SUFFIX); } public static boolean follow(String name, String token, String friend) throws TwitterException, UserNotFoundException { return createFriend(name, token, friend); } }