package com.retailwave.fce.client; /** * $Id: 5 2010-06-03 11:07:35Z muthu $ * $HeadURL: svn:// $ */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.retailwave.fce.client.content.i18n.FCEConstants; import com.retailwave.fce.client.content.user.AddUser; import com.retailwave.fce.shared.dto.UserDTO; import com.retailwave.fce.client.presenter.*; import com.retailwave.fce.shared.rpc.UserServiceRemote; import com.retailwave.fce.shared.rpc.UserServiceRemoteAsync; import com.retailwave.fce.client.util.UIHelper; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * FCE * <p>The Main UI * Entry point classes define <code>onModuleLoad()</code>. */ public class FCEPresenter implements Presenter, ValueChangeHandler<String> { private final HandlerManager eventBus; private HasWidgets container; static final FCEConstants myConstants = GWT.create(FCEConstants.class); interface FCEClientBundle extends ClientBundle { ImageResource users(); ImageResource other(); @CssResource.NotStrict @Source("FCE.css") CssResource css(); } private FCEClientBundle clientBundle = GWT.create(FCEClientBundle.class); interface Binder extends UiBinder<Application, FCEPresenter> { } private static final Binder binder = GWT.create(Binder.class); @UiField Application application; /** * A mapping of history tokens to their associated menu items. */ private Map<String, TreeItem> historyToMenus = new HashMap<String, TreeItem>(); /** * A mapping of menu items to the widget display when the item is selected. */ private Map<TreeItem, ContentPresenter> menuToPresenters = new HashMap<TreeItem, ContentPresenter>(); private UserServiceRemoteAsync userServiceAsync = UserServiceRemote.App.getInstance(); public FCEPresenter(HandlerManager eventBus) { this.eventBus = eventBus; } private void bind() { History.addValueChangeHandler(this); // Inject global styles. clientBundle.css().ensureInjected(); binder.createAndBindUi(this); } @Override public void go(HasWidgets container) { bind(); this.container = container; this.container.add(application); UIHelper.setApplication(application); application.showMessage(myConstants.startupMessage()); // kick off global rpc inits, async (so will load in parallel) // NOTE: do this after setting up the application UI, since on failure error message will be displayed in application // initialize data from server, to be used by the UI // VSCHelper.fetchAll(); // fire it right away loadTimer.schedule(1); } Timer loadTimer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { setupMainMenu(); setupTreeSelectionHandler(); displayContent(); // welcome, after loading the homepage.. not before (low priority item and async) welcomeUser(); } }; private void welcomeUser() { userServiceAsync.getUser(new AsyncCallback<UserDTO>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) { application.welcome(" UserDTO!"); } @Override public void onSuccess(UserDTO userDTO) { String s = userDTO.getName(); if (null == s) { s = " Guest!"; } application.welcome(s); } }); } int comingFromSetState = 0; boolean prevOpenState = true; private void setupTreeSelectionHandler() { // Add a handler that sets the content widget when a menu item is selected application.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<TreeItem>() { public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<TreeItem> event) { TreeItem item = event.getSelectedItem(); // open, close tree nodes // bug fix workaround: see // if (item.getChildCount() > 0) { // item.setState(!item.getState()); if (comingFromSetState == 1 && prevOpenState) { comingFromSetState++; } if (comingFromSetState != 2) { comingFromSetState++; item.setState(!item.getState()); prevOpenState = !item.getState(); } else { comingFromSetState = 0; prevOpenState = true; } } else { ContentPresenter contentPresenter = menuToPresenters.get(item); ContentWidget historyContent = (ContentWidget) contentPresenter.getContentView(); if (historyContent != null) { final ContentWidget currentContent = application.getContentWidget(); if (historyContent.equals(currentContent)) { currentContent.onMenuSelection(); } else { History.newItem(historyContent.getName()); } } } } }); } /** * Called when {@link} is fired. * * @param stringValueChangeEvent the {@link} that was fired */ @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> stringValueChangeEvent) { // Setup a history handler to reselect the associate menu historyItem TreeItem historyItem = historyToMenus.get(stringValueChangeEvent.getValue()); if (historyItem == null) { historyItem = application.getMainMenu().getItem(0).getChild(0); } displayContentWidget(historyItem); } private void displayContent() { if (History.getToken().length() > 0) { History.fireCurrentHistoryState(); } else { // Use the first token available TreeItem firstItem = application.getMainMenu().getItem(0).getChild(0); displayContentWidget(firstItem); } } /** * Setup all of the options in the main menu. */ private void setupMainMenu() { Tree mainMenu = application.getMainMenu(); TreeItem users = mainMenu.addItem(myConstants.users()); setupMainMenuOption(users, new AddUserPresenter(userServiceAsync, eventBus, new AddUser()), clientBundle.users()); // setupMainMenuOption(users, new SearchUserPresenter(userServiceAsync, eventBus, new SearchUser()), clientBundle.users()); // todo: enable them for future versions as per roadmap /* TreeItem partners = mainMenu.addItem(; setupMainMenuOption(partners, new AddPartnerPresenter(partnerServiceAsync, eventBus, new AddPartner()),; setupMainMenuOption(partners, new SearchPartnerPresenter(partnerServiceAsync, eventBus, new SearchPartner()),; TreeItem widgets = mainMenu.addItem(myConstants.widgets()); setupMainMenuOption(widgets, new AddWidget(), clientBundle.widgets()); setupMainMenuOption(widgets, new SearchWidget(), clientBundle.widgets()); TreeItem other = mainMenu.addItem(myConstants.other()); setupMainMenuOption(other, new Announcements(), clientBundle.other()); setupMainMenuOption(other, new RunBot(), clientBundle.other()); setupMainMenuOption(other, new ImportEntities(), clientBundle.other()); */ } /** * Add an option to the main menu. * * @param parent the {@link} that is the option * @param contentPresenter the {@link com.retailwave.fce.client.ContentWidget} to display when selected * @param image the icon to display next to the {@link} */ private void setupMainMenuOption(TreeItem parent, ContentPresenter contentPresenter, ImageResource image) { // Create the TreeItem TreeItem treeItem = parent.addItem(AbstractImagePrototype.create(image).getHTML() + " " + contentPresenter.getName()); mapItemContentToHistoryToken(contentPresenter, treeItem); } public void mapItemContentToHistoryToken(ContentPresenter contentPresenter, TreeItem treeItem) { // Map the item to its history token and content widget // historyToMenus.put(content.getName(), treeItem); String[] tabs = contentPresenter.getHistoryTokens(); for (String tab : tabs) { historyToMenus.put(tab, treeItem); } menuToPresenters.put(treeItem, contentPresenter); } /** * Set the content to the {@link com.retailwave.fce.client.ContentWidget}. * * @param treeItem the item for which the content widget to be shown */ public void displayContentWidget(TreeItem treeItem) { Tree tree = application.getMainMenu(); tree.setSelectedItem(treeItem, false); tree.ensureSelectedItemVisible(); ContentPresenter contentPresenter = menuToPresenters.get(treeItem); ContentWidget historyContent = (ContentWidget) contentPresenter.getContentView(); if (historyContent != null) { // remove the input objects from the global cache // UIHelper.clearAllInputCache(); final ContentWidget currentContent = application.getContentWidget(); // todo: do history required for sub tabs?? (investigate requirement) // check if currentContent tabs differ, history needs to be maintained across tabs too // if history differs from the selected tab, then move across tab if (null != currentContent && currentContent.getName().equals(History.getToken())) { // the same widget, but tab change.. reset the widget so the widget takes care of the tab history life cycle application.setContentWidget(historyContent); historyContent.onLoad(); } else { application.setContentWidget(historyContent); } contentPresenter.go(null); } } }