/* * ALMA - Atacama Large Millimiter Array * (c) European Southern Observatory, 2002 * Copyright by ESO (in the framework of the ALMA collaboration), * All rights reserved * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA */ package alma.demo.XmlComponentImpl; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.omg.PortableServer.Servant; import alma.ACS.ACSComponentOperations; import alma.ACS.ComponentStates; import alma.JContExmplErrTypeTest.XmlComponentErrorEx; import alma.JavaContainerError.wrappers.AcsJJavaComponentHelperEx; import alma.acs.component.ComponentLifecycle; import alma.acs.container.ComponentHelper; import alma.acs.container.ExternalInterfaceTranslator; import alma.acs.entityutil.EntityDeserializer; import alma.acs.entityutil.EntityException; import alma.acs.entityutil.EntitySerializer; import alma.demo.ObsProjectTree; import alma.demo.ObsProjectTreeJ; import alma.demo.SchedBlockHolder; import alma.demo.XmlComponentJ; import alma.demo.XmlComponentOperations; import alma.demo.XmlComponentPOATie; import alma.demo.XmlOffshoot; import alma.maciErrType.wrappers.AcsJComponentCreationEx; import alma.xmlentity.XmlEntityStruct; import alma.xmlentity.XmlEntityStructHolder; import alma.xmljbind.test.obsproposal.ObsProposal; import alma.xmljbind.test.schedblock.SchedBlock; /** * Helper class for the <code>XmlContainer</code> component. * <p> *<code>XmlContainer</code> implements an "inner" functional interface * that is different from the IDL generated <code>XmlComponentOperations</code>. * It uses xml binding classes instead of stringified xml in the method signatures. * An interface translator is created that translates between the flat-xml * in the outer (CORBA) interface and the transparent-xml binding classes * in the inner interface. * * @author hsommer Nov 29, 2002 3:37:24 PM */ public class XmlComponentHelper extends ComponentHelper { /** * @param containerLogger */ public XmlComponentHelper(Logger containerLogger) { super(containerLogger); } /** * @see alma.acs.container.ComponentHelper#_createComponentImpl() */ protected ComponentLifecycle _createComponentImpl() { return new XmlComponentImpl(); } /** * @see alma.acs.container.ComponentHelper#_getPOATieClass() */ protected Class<? extends Servant> _getPOATieClass() { return XmlComponentPOATie.class; } /** * @see alma.acs.container.ComponentHelper#_getOperationsInterface() */ protected Class<? extends ACSComponentOperations> _getOperationsInterface() { return XmlComponentOperations.class; } /** * @see alma.acs.container.ComponentHelper#getInternalInterface() */ protected Class<?> getInternalInterface() { return XmlComponentJ.class; } /** * @see alma.acs.container.ComponentHelper#_getInterfaceTranslator(java.lang.Object) */ protected Object _getInterfaceTranslator(Object defaultInterfaceTranslator) throws AcsJJavaComponentHelperEx { XmlComponentJ impl = null; XmlComponentOperations opDelegate = null; try { impl = (XmlComponentJ) getComponentImpl(); } catch (AcsJComponentCreationEx e) { throw new AcsJJavaComponentHelperEx(e); } opDelegate = (XmlComponentOperations) defaultInterfaceTranslator; return new IFTranslator(impl, opDelegate, getComponentLogger()); } protected String[] _getComponentMethodsExcludedFromInvocationLogging() { return new String[] {"dumbMethod"}; } /** * Interface translator class that presents serialized XML toward * the container, but presents the corresponding Java binding objects * toward the component implementation. * <p> * XmlComponentHelper does not really need to provide such a * translator class at all, since the container can do all necessary * XML (de-)serializations to mediate between the CORBA interface * <code>XmlComponentOperations</code> and <code>XmlComponentJ</code> * transparently. * <p> * Nontheless we want to illustrate the use of the * <code>_getInterfaceTranslator</code> method. Even if the container * can perform the translation between the various XML method parameters * and return types, we still might want to be in full control of this * for selected component interface methods. * <p> * In the method implementations of <code>IFTranslator</code>, the private * instance variable <code>m_useDefaultTranslator</code> controls whether * the translation should be delegated to the container (represented by * the <code>m_defaultTranslator</code> member object), or if it should be * carried out by hand (using the methods <code>marshalEntity</code> and * <code>unmarshalEntity</code>). For a real application, we would of * course have more fine-grained control on the method level, * and likely implement either automatic or manual parameter translation, * but not both to choose from. This is done here only for demo purposes. */ private static class IFTranslator implements XmlComponentOperations, ExternalInterfaceTranslator { private boolean m_useDefaultTranslator = true; // toggle for dev testing private XmlComponentJ m_componentImpl; private XmlComponentOperations m_defaultTranslator; private EntitySerializer m_entSer; private Logger m_ifTransLogger; IFTranslator(XmlComponentJ componentImpl, XmlComponentOperations defaultTranslator, Logger logger) { m_componentImpl = componentImpl; m_defaultTranslator = defaultTranslator; m_ifTransLogger = logger; m_entSer = EntitySerializer.getEntitySerializer(logger); } public ComponentStates componentState() { return m_componentImpl.componentState(); } public String name() { return m_componentImpl.name(); } /** * @see alma.demo.XmlComponentOperations#createObsProposal() */ public XmlEntityStruct createObsProposal() { XmlEntityStruct entStruct = null; if (m_useDefaultTranslator) { entStruct = m_defaultTranslator.createObsProposal(); } else { // call directly into component, do custom translations ObsProposal opsProp = m_componentImpl.createObsProposal(); try { entStruct = m_entSer.serializeEntity(opsProp, opsProp.getObsProposalEntity()); } catch (EntityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // signature of createObsProposal does not foresee marshalling problems... throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return entStruct; } /** * @see alma.demo.XmlComponentOperations#dumbMethod(java.lang.String) */ public int dumbMethod(String somevalue) { return m_componentImpl.dumbMethod(somevalue); } /** * @see alma.demo.XmlComponentOperations#getAllSchedBlocks() */ public XmlEntityStruct[] getAllSchedBlocks() { XmlEntityStruct[] entStructs = null; if (m_useDefaultTranslator) { entStructs = m_defaultTranslator.getAllSchedBlocks(); } else { SchedBlock[] schedBlocks = m_componentImpl.getAllSchedBlocks(); if (schedBlocks == null) { return new XmlEntityStruct[0]; } entStructs = new XmlEntityStruct[schedBlocks.length]; try { for (int i = 0; i < schedBlocks.length; i++) { entStructs[i] = m_entSer.serializeEntity(schedBlocks[i], schedBlocks[i].getSchedBlockEntity()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); // todo: add exception to IDL and throw it here } } return entStructs; } /** * @see alma.demo.XmlComponentOperations#addNewSchedBlocks(alma.xmlentity.XmlEntityStruct[]) */ public void addNewSchedBlocks(XmlEntityStruct[] newSchedBlocks) { String msg = "will add " + newSchedBlocks.length + " SchedBlock(s):\n"; for (int i = 0; i < newSchedBlocks.length; i++) { msg += newSchedBlocks[i].xmlString + "\n"; } m_ifTransLogger.info(msg); if (m_useDefaultTranslator) { m_defaultTranslator.addNewSchedBlocks(newSchedBlocks); } else { m_ifTransLogger.log(Level.WARNING, "bummer, manual translation of newSchedBlocks array not implemented."); } } /** * @see alma.demo.XmlComponentOperations#getBestSchedBlock() */ public XmlEntityStruct getBestSchedBlock() { XmlEntityStruct entStruct = null; if (m_useDefaultTranslator) { entStruct = m_defaultTranslator.getBestSchedBlock(); } else { try { SchedBlock sb = m_componentImpl.getBestSchedBlock(); entStruct = m_entSer.serializeEntity(sb, sb.getSchedBlockEntity()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // todo: add exception to IDL and throw it here } } return entStruct; } /** * @see alma.demo.XmlComponentOperations#xmlInOutMethod(alma.xmlentity.XmlEntityStruct, alma.xmlentity.XmlEntityStructHolder) */ public void xmlInOutMethod(XmlEntityStruct opsPropIn, XmlEntityStructHolder schedBlockOut) { if (m_useDefaultTranslator) { m_defaultTranslator.xmlInOutMethod(opsPropIn, schedBlockOut); } else { try { EntityDeserializer entdes = EntityDeserializer.getEntityDeserializer(m_ifTransLogger); ObsProposal obsProp = (ObsProposal) entdes.deserializeEntity(opsPropIn, ObsProposal.class); SchedBlockHolder sbh = new SchedBlockHolder(); m_componentImpl.xmlInOutMethod(obsProp, sbh); SchedBlock schedBlock = sbh.value; XmlEntityStruct schedStruct = m_entSer.serializeEntity(schedBlock, schedBlock.getSchedBlockEntity()); schedBlockOut.value = schedStruct; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); // todo: add exception to IDL and throw it here } } } /** * @see alma.demo.XmlComponentOperations#getEntireTreeInAStruct() */ public ObsProjectTree getEntireTreeInAStruct() { ObsProjectTree struct = null; if (m_useDefaultTranslator) { struct = m_defaultTranslator.getEntireTreeInAStruct(); } else { ObsProjectTreeJ structJ = m_componentImpl.getEntireTreeInAStruct(); struct = new ObsProjectTree(); try { struct.prop = m_entSer.serializeEntity(structJ.prop, structJ.prop.getObsProposalEntity()); for (int i = 0; i < structJ.schedBlocks.length; i++) { SchedBlock sb = structJ.schedBlocks[i]; XmlEntityStruct xes = m_entSer.serializeEntity(sb, sb.getSchedBlockEntity()); struct.schedBlocks[i] = xes; } } catch (EntityException e) { m_ifTransLogger.log(Level.WARNING, "exception in manual translation of entities.", e); } } return struct; } /** * @see alma.demo.XmlComponentOperations#sayHello() */ public String sayHello() { return m_componentImpl.sayHello(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see alma.demo.XmlComponentOperations#exceptionMethod() */ public void exceptionMethod() throws XmlComponentErrorEx { m_defaultTranslator.exceptionMethod(); } @Override public XmlOffshoot getOffshoot() { return m_defaultTranslator.getOffshoot(); } @Override public Object getDefaultInterfaceTranslator() { return m_defaultTranslator; } @Override public void setDefaultInterfaceTranslator( Object defaultInterfaceTranslator) { // no-op } @Override public void activateOffshoot() { m_componentImpl.activateOffshoot(); } @Override public void deactivateOffshoot() { m_componentImpl.deactivateOffshoot(); } } }