package si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.BACI; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import org.omg.CORBA.Any; import org.omg.CORBA.AttributeDescription; import org.omg.CORBA.Bounds; import org.omg.CORBA.Contained; import org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDef; import org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDefHelper; import org.omg.CORBA.NVList; import org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST; import org.omg.CORBA.ORB; import org.omg.CORBA.OperationDef; import org.omg.CORBA.OperationDefHelper; import org.omg.CORBA.OperationDescription; import org.omg.CORBA.OperationMode; import org.omg.CORBA.ParameterDescription; import org.omg.CORBA.ParameterMode; import org.omg.CORBA.Repository; import org.omg.CORBA.RepositoryHelper; import org.omg.CORBA.Request; import org.omg.CORBA.TCKind; import org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode; import org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDefPackage.FullInterfaceDescription; import org.omg.PortableServer.POA; import org.omg.PortableServer.POAHelper; import org.omg.PortableServer.POAManager; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.NotificationBean; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.OETreeNode; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.TreeHandlerBean; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Attribute; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.DataException; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.DataStruct; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Introspectable; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.IntrospectionInconsistentException; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Invocation; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.NonStickyComponentReleased; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.NonStickyConnectFailedRemoteException; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Operation; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.RemoteAccess; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.RemoteException; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.RemoteResponseCallback; import si.ijs.maci.AuthenticationData; import si.ijs.maci.Client; import si.ijs.maci.ClientInfo; import si.ijs.maci.ClientPOA; import si.ijs.maci.ClientType; import si.ijs.maci.ComponentInfo; import si.ijs.maci.ImplLangType; import si.ijs.maci.Manager; import si.ijs.maci.ManagerHelper; import alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCORBAProblemEx; import alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJNullPointerEx; import alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJUnexpectedExceptionEx; import alma.acs.exceptions.AcsJCompletion; import alma.acs.exceptions.AcsJException; import alma.acs.logging.ClientLogManager; import alma.acs.util.UTCUtility; import alma.maciErrType.CannotGetComponentEx; import alma.maciErrType.CannotDeactivateComponentEx; import alma.maciErrType.ComponentDeactivationFailedEx; import alma.maciErrType.ComponentDeactivationUncleanEx; import alma.maciErrType.NoPermissionEx; import alma.maciErrType.wrappers.AcsJCannotDeactivateComponentEx; import alma.maciErrType.wrappers.AcsJComponentDeactivationFailedEx; import alma.maciErrType.wrappers.AcsJComponentDeactivationUncleanEx; import alma.maciErrType.wrappers.AcsJNoPermissionEx; import alma.objexpErrType.wrappers.AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx; import alma.objexpErrType.wrappers.AcsJObjectExplorerInterfaceRepositoryAccessEx; import alma.objexpErrType.wrappers.AcsJObjectExplorerReportEx; /** * Insert the type's description here. * Creation date: (1.11.2000 13:00:27) * @author rbertoncelj */ public class BACIRemoteAccess implements Runnable, RemoteAccess { /************* INNER CLASSES BEGIN HERE ****************/ private class ServerMessageHolder { public static final short MSG = 0; public static final short ERR = 1; public boolean shutdown = false; public short code = MSG; public String message = null; public ServerMessageHolder( short code, String message, boolean shutdown) { this.code = code; this.shutdown = shutdown; this.message = message; } } private class ServerMessage extends Thread { private ServerMessageHolder hldr = null; public ServerMessage(ServerMessageHolder hldr) { this.hldr = hldr; } public void run() { if (hldr == null) return; else if (hldr.code == ServerMessageHolder.MSG) { notifier.reportMessage(hldr.message); } else if (hldr.code == ServerMessageHolder.ERR) { notifier.reportError(hldr.message); } } } private class CBTimer extends Thread { private BACIInvocation invoc = null; public CBTimer(BACIInvocation invoc) { if (invoc == null) throw new NullPointerException("Invoc"); this.invoc = invoc; } public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(POLL_TIMEOUT); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } invoc.destroyDueToTimeout(); } } private class ClientImpl extends ClientPOA { private final long startTimeUTClong = UTCUtility.utcJavaToOmg(System.currentTimeMillis()); private long executionId = -1; public void disconnect() { // new DebugEntry(ESOprototypeConnectorInitializer.this, "Disconnected by the manager.").dispatchError(); new ServerMessage( new ServerMessageHolder( ServerMessageHolder.ERR, "Disconnect requested by the manager. Destroying RemoteAccess.", true)) .start(); BACIRemoteAccess.this.destroy(); } public String name() { return "ObjectExplorer"; } public AuthenticationData authenticate(long execution_id, String question) { // keep old executionId if it exists if (executionId < 0) { executionId = execution_id; } AuthenticationData ret = new AuthenticationData( "C", ClientType.CLIENT_TYPE, ImplLangType.JAVA, false, startTimeUTClong, executionId); return ret; } public void message(short code, String text) { // new DebugEntry(ESOprototypeConnectorInitializer.this, "Message from the manager: " + text).dispatch(); new ServerMessage( new ServerMessageHolder( ServerMessageHolder.MSG, "Manager message: '" + text + "' (code " + code + ").", false)) .start(); } public void taggedmessage(short arg0, short arg1, String arg2) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void components_unavailable(String[] cob_names) { } public void components_available(ComponentInfo[] cobs) { } public boolean ping() { return true; } } //2010.02.05 panta@naoj, for sorting components, baci properties, etc class MyComparator implements Comparator<String> { public int compare(String strA, String strB) { return strA.compareToIgnoreCase(strB); } } //-- private class CallbackImpl extends org.omg.PortableServer.DynamicImplementation { private String[] allIDs = new String[1]; private RemoteResponseCallback cb = null; private InterfaceDef def = null; private String callbackID = null; private BACIInvocation invoc = null; public static final int MAX_CB_HASH = 1000; public CallbackImpl(String callbackID, RemoteResponseCallback cb) { super(); if (callbackID == null) throw new NullPointerException("callbackID"); if (cb == null) throw new NullPointerException("cb"); this.callbackID = callbackID; this.cb = cb; allIDs[0] = callbackID; def = (InterfaceDef) descriptions.get(callbackID); if (def == null) { synchronized (descriptions) { if (descriptions.size() > MAX_CB_HASH) descriptions.clear(); } def = InterfaceDefHelper.narrow(rep.lookup_id(callbackID)); if (def == null) throw new RemoteException( "Cannot lookup IR record for callback '" + callbackID + "'."); synchronized (descriptions) { notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess$CallbackImpl::CallbackImpl", "Added 'InterfaceDef' for '" + callbackID + "' to cache."); descriptions.put(callbackID, def); } } } public void setInvocation(BACIInvocation invoc) { if (invoc == null) throw new NullPointerException("invoc"); this.invoc = invoc; } public java.lang.String[] _all_interfaces(POA arg1, byte[] arg2) { return allIDs; } private String createHashKey(String callbackID, String operation) { return callbackID + "#" + operation; } public void invoke(org.omg.CORBA.ServerRequest request) { if (request == null) { getNotifier().reportError( "Callback implementation has received a 'null' ServerRequest object from CORBA DSI skeleton."); return; } String op = request.operation(); /* notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess$CallbackImpl::invoke", "Received callback invocation '" + op + "'."); */ String opKey = createHashKey(callbackID, op); OperationDef odef = (OperationDef) descriptions.get(opKey); if (odef == null) { try { notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess$CallbackImpl::invoke", "Looking up operation definition for '" + + "." + request.operation() + "()' from IR."); odef = OperationDefHelper.narrow( def.lookup(request.operation())); ParameterDescription[] pdesc = odef.params(); for (int i = 0; i < pdesc.length; i++) { if (pdesc[i].mode != ParameterMode.PARAM_IN) { getNotifier().reportError( "Operation '" + callbackID + "::" + + "()' declares other parameters than CORBA IN. BACI does not allow such callbacks. Skipping."); return; } } } catch (Exception e) { getNotifier().reportError( "Lookup for operation '" + op + "' failed in Interface Repository.", e); return; } synchronized (descriptions) { notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess$CallbackImpl::invoke", "Added 'OperationDef' for '" + callbackID + "::" + op + "()' to cache."); descriptions.put(opKey, odef); } } /* notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess$CallbackImpl::invoke", "Unpacking callback arguments..."); */ String[] names = null; java.lang.Object[] data = null; boolean errorResponse = false; try { // NVList list HAS to be synchronized, // since it is a container for values synchronized(operationListDescriptions) { NVList list = (NVList) operationListDescriptions.get(opKey); if (list == null) { list = orb.create_operation_list((org.omg.CORBA.Object) odef); synchronized (operationListDescriptions) { notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess$CallbackImpl::invoke", "Added 'NVList' for '" + callbackID + "::" + op + "()' to cache."); operationListDescriptions.put(opKey, list); } } request.arguments(list); int size = list.count(); data = new java.lang.Object[size]; names = new String[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // if (list.item(i) == null) System.out.println("Null"); // NOTE: values is COPIED from list.item(i).value() // and this makes it thread safe data[i] = getIntrospector().extractAny(list.item(i).value()); names[i] = list.item(i).name(); } // check for error-type ACSCompletion-s for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) errorResponse |= checkFromACSCompletion(data[i]); } } catch (Bounds b) { getNotifier().reportError( "The callback parameter list returned by the server and the IR data do not agree in length. Skipping.", b); return; } catch (Exception e) { getNotifier().reportError( "Exception while unpacking callback parameter list.", e); } TypeCode result_tc = orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_void); Any result_any = orb.create_any(); result_any.type(result_tc); request.set_result(result_any); BACIRemoteResponse response = new BACIRemoteResponse(invoc, op, names, data); response.setErrorResponse(errorResponse); response.cb = cb; if (baciIntrospector.isInvocationDoneMethod(op) || invoc.isDestroyRequested()) { response.destroy = true; org.omg.PortableServer.POA poa = _default_POA(); try { byte[] id = poa.servant_to_id(this); poa.deactivate_object(id); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess$CallbackImpl::invoke", "Destroyed callback implementation."); } catch (Exception e) { notifier.reportError( "POA cannot deactivate callback: " + e); } } /* notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess$CallbackImpl::invoke", "Inserted remote response into dispatcher queue."); */ getDispatcher().add(response); } } public class Dispatcher extends Thread { private static final int MAX_QUEUE = 100; private LinkedList queue = new LinkedList(); private boolean working = true; public Dispatcher() { super("ObjectExplorerDispatcher"); setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 2); } public void add(BACIRemoteResponse res) { synchronized (queue) { boolean found = false; if (queue.size() >= MAX_QUEUE) { for (int i = 0; i < queue.size(); i++) { if (((BACIRemoteResponse) queue.get(i)).getInvocation() == res.getInvocation()) { queue.set(i, res); found = true; break; } } } if (!found) queue.addLast(res); queue.notify(); } } public void destroy() { synchronized (queue) { working = false; queue.notify(); } } public void run() { while (working) { try { BACIRemoteResponse res = null; synchronized (queue) { while (queue.isEmpty()) { try { queue.wait(100); if (!working) { notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess$Dispatcher::run", "Dispatcher thread returning gracefully."); return; } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } if (!working) return; res = (BACIRemoteResponse) queue.getFirst(); if (res.getInvocation().getInvocationRequest() == null) { queue.removeFirst(); queue.addLast(res); try { if (queue.size() == 1) sleep(25); yield(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } continue; } else res = (BACIRemoteResponse) queue.removeFirst(); } res.cb.responseReceived(res); if (res.destroy) { res.cb.invocationDestroyed(); synchronized (invocations) { invocations.remove(res.getInvocation()); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } private TreeHandlerBean parent = null; private BACIMenu baciEngineMenu = null; private NotificationBean notifier = null; private ArrayList<BACIInvocation> invocations = new ArrayList<BACIInvocation>(); private Dispatcher dispatcher = null; private ArrayList<String> connected = new ArrayList<String>(); private BACIIntrospector baciIntrospector = new BACIIntrospector(this); private boolean ORBdebug = false; private String managerLoc = null; private ORB orb = null; private Thread orbThread = null; private Manager manager = null; private int handle = 0; private ComponentInfo[] infos = null; private ClientImpl client = null; private Repository rep = null; public static final short DOMAIN = 0; public static final short TYPE = 1; public static final short DEVICE = 2; public static final short PROPERTY = 3; public static final short ATTRIBUTE = 4; public static final short TRANSIENT = 5; public static final short DUMMY = 6; // default is 5s public static /*final*/ int POLL_TIMEOUT = 5000; public static final int POLL_SLEEP = 50; public static final String MANAGER_CORBALOC = "ACS.manager"; public static final String IR_CORBALOC = "ACS.repository"; public static final String PROPERTY_POOL_TIMEOUT = "objexp.pool_timeout"; public static final String CONNECT_NON_STICKY_FLAG = "objexp.connect_non_sticky"; public static final String strict = "false"; /* for CallbackImpl, bookkeeping of static members outside nonstatic inner class */ private static HashMap descriptions = new HashMap(); private static HashMap operationListDescriptions = new HashMap(); private HashMap interfaceDescriptions = new HashMap(); private HashMap attributeIntrospected = new HashMap(); private HashMap operationsIntrospected = new HashMap(); private boolean bufferDescs = true; private Hashtable devices = null; private boolean destroyed = false; private boolean connectNonSticky = false; /** * ESORemoteAccess constructor comment. */ public BACIRemoteAccess( TreeHandlerBean parent, NotificationBean notifier, Hashtable devices) { super(); if (parent == null) throw new NullPointerException("treeHandler*"); if (notifier == null) throw new NullPointerException("notifier"); if (devices == null) throw new NullPointerException("devices"); this.parent = parent; this.notifier = notifier; this.devices = devices; notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::BACIRemoteAccess", "Constructed remote access."); } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (1.11.2000 13:00:27) * @param i si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Introspectable */ synchronized void connect(Introspectable target) { if (target == null) throw new NullPointerException("target"); BACIRemoteNode baciNode = null; try { baciNode = (BACIRemoteNode) target; if (baciNode.getCORBARef() != null) return; if (!(baciNode.getParent() instanceof Introspectable)) { internalManagerConnect(baciNode); synchronized (connected) { // connected is being use to have a list of all nodes to be released at logout if (!baciNode.isNonSticky() && baciNode.getUserObject() instanceof String) connected.add((String)baciNode.getUserObject()); } } else { internalParentConnect(baciNode); } if (baciNode.getCORBARef() == null) throw new AcsJNullPointerEx(); } catch (AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx e) { // do not make panic if non-sticky mode if (!connectNonSticky) { logACSException(e); throw new RemoteException( "Failed to connect to '" + baciNode + "'"); } else { throw new NonStickyConnectFailedRemoteException(e.getMessage()); } } catch (AcsJNullPointerEx e) { logACSException(e); /** * @todo GCH 2006.10.18 * Here we throw a local exception. * If we do not do this, objexp does not work properly any more. * But things should be different. * The problem is that I did not understand what happens * upstream this call if I do not throw the exception. * In practice the only bad effect of throwing the exception * are error traces in the console that probably should not be there. */ throw new RemoteException( "Failed to connect to '" + baciNode + "'"); } } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (1.11.2000 13:00:27) */ public synchronized void destroy() { if (destroyed) return; destroyed = true; synchronized (invocations) { for (BACIInvocation invoc : invocations) { try { if (invoc.isControllable()) BACIIntrospector.destroyInvocation(invoc); } catch (Exception e) { // try others } } invocations.clear(); } notifier.reportMessage("Logging out from the Manager."); synchronized (connected) { notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::destroy", "Releasing Components on Manager, " + connected.size() + " Components total."); for (Iterator<String> iter = connected.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String compName =; try { manager.release_component(handle, compName); } catch (Exception ex) { notifier.reportError("Cannot release component " + compName, ex); } } connected.clear(); } synchronized (descriptions) { descriptions.clear(); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoveAccess::destroy", "Cleared IF descriptions list for CallbackImpl."); } synchronized (operationListDescriptions) { operationListDescriptions.clear(); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoveAccess::destroy", "Cleared IF operation descriptions list for CallbackImpl."); } synchronized (interfaceDescriptions) { interfaceDescriptions.clear(); } synchronized (operationsIntrospected) { operationsIntrospected.clear(); } synchronized (attributeIntrospected) { attributeIntrospected.clear(); } if (manager != null) { try { manager.logout(handle); } catch (Exception e) { // try others } notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::destroy", "ObjectExplorer logout OK."); } /* deactivate the client object */ org.omg.PortableServer.POA poa = client._default_POA(); try { byte[] id = poa.servant_to_id(client); poa.deactivate_object(id); } catch (Exception e) { notifier.reportError("Error while deactivating Client servant.", e); } orb.destroy(); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::destroy", "ORB shutdown complete."); notifier.reportMessage("Shutting down CORBA."); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::destroy", "Sending dispatcher termination signal."); dispatcher.destroy(); } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (1.11.2000 13:00:27) * @param i si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Introspectable */ synchronized void disconnect(Introspectable target) { if (target == null) throw new NullPointerException("target"); BACIRemoteNode baciNode = (BACIRemoteNode) target; if (baciNode.getCORBARef() == null) { // already disconnected return; } notifier.reportMessage( "Disconnecting from '" + target.getName() + "'."); java.util.Enumeration e = baciNode.children(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { java.lang.Object next = e.nextElement(); if (next instanceof Introspectable) { ((Introspectable) next).disconnect(); } } synchronized (invocations) { ArrayList<BACIInvocation> removal = new ArrayList<BACIInvocation>(); for (BACIInvocation invoc : invocations) { if (invoc.getInvocationRequest().getIntrospectable() == target) { BACIIntrospector.destroyInvocation(invoc); removal.add(invoc); } } invocations.removeAll(removal); } synchronized (connected) { if (baciNode.getUserObject() instanceof String) { connected.remove(baciNode.getUserObject()); } } // todo: This looks like a very dirty patch. // we have to find out a clean way to rule out things that are not DOs and // also not Components. //if (baciIntrospector.isDevice(baciNode.getCORBARef())) { if (baciNode.isDevice() && !baciNode.isNonSticky()) { if (manager == null) resolveManager(); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::disconnect", "Releasing component '" + target.getName() + "'."); try { manager.release_component(handle, (String) baciNode.getUserObject()); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::disconnect", "Component '" + target.getName() + "' released."); } catch (NoPermissionEx npe) { notifier.reportError("No permission to release component", npe); } catch (Exception ex) { notifier.reportError("Failed to release component", ex); } } else { // notifier.reportDebug( // "BACIRemoteAccess::disconnect", // "===> NOT DISCONNECTING " + target.getName() + "'."); } notifier.reportMessage( "Disconnected from '" + target.getName() + "'."); } /** * Explodes the device node. * Creation date: (1.11.2000 17:01:09) * @return si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.OETreeNode[] * @param node si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.BACI.BACIRemoteNode */ private synchronized OETreeNode[] explodeDeviceNode(BACIRemoteNode node) { if (node == null) throw new NullPointerException("node"); if (manager == null) resolveManager(); BACIRemoteNode baciNode = (BACIRemoteNode) node; connect(baciNode); AttributeDescription[] props2 = baciIntrospector.getProperties(baciNode.getIFDesc().attributes); BACIRemoteNode[] retVal = new BACIRemoteNode[props2.length]; for (int i = 0; i < props2.length; i++) { retVal[i] = new BACIRemoteNode( ATTRIBUTE, props2[i].name, props2[i], parent.getTree(), this); } java.util.Arrays.sort(retVal); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::explodeDeviceNode", "Processing for node '" + node + "' complete."); java.util.Arrays.sort(retVal); //2010.02.05 panta@naoj return retVal; } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (1.11.2000 18:08:31) * @return si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.BACI.BACITreeDataNode[] * @param node si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.BACI.BACITreeDataNode */ private synchronized BACITreeDataNode[] explodeDomainNode(BACITreeDataNode n) { if (n == null) throw new NullPointerException("node"); if (n.childrenHolder == null) return new BACITreeDataNode[0]; //TreeMap temp = new TreeMap(); ComponentInfo[] infos = new ComponentInfo[n.childrenHolder.size()]; n.childrenHolder.toArray(infos); TreeMap tempTypes = new TreeMap(); TreeMap tempDomains = new TreeMap(); for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { String cmp = null; String domain = BACICURLResolver.resolveDomain(infos[i].name); if (domain.endsWith("/")) cmp = domain; else cmp = domain + "/"; if (n.domainRemainder.equals(cmp)) { BACITreeDataNode node = (BACITreeDataNode) tempTypes.get(infos[i]); if (node != null) { // node.childrenHolder.add(infos[i].cob_curl); node.childrenHolder.add(infos[i].name); } else { try { node = new BACITreeDataNode( TYPE, BACIIntrospector.fullTypeToType(infos[i].type), BACIIntrospector.fullTypeToType(infos[i].type), parent.getTree(), getIcon(DOMAIN)); } catch (IntrospectionInconsistentException iie) { notifier.reportError( "Invalid IDL type '" + infos[i].type + "'.", iie); continue; } node.childrenHolder = new ArrayList(); // node.childrenHolder.add(infos[i].cob_curl); node.childrenHolder.add(infos[i].name); tempTypes.put(infos[i].type, node); } } else { if (domain.startsWith("/")) domain = domain.substring(1); if (!domain.endsWith("/")) domain = domain + "/"; String dpart = domain.substring( n.domainRemainder.length(), domain.indexOf('/')); BACITreeDataNode node = (BACITreeDataNode) tempDomains.get(dpart); if (node != null) { node.childrenHolder.add(infos[i]); } else { node = new BACITreeDataNode( DOMAIN, dpart, infos[i], parent.getTree(), getIcon(DOMAIN)); node.childrenHolder = new ArrayList(); node.childrenHolder.add(infos[i]); node.domainRemainder = n.domainRemainder + dpart + "/"; tempDomains.put(dpart, node); } } } BACITreeDataNode[] arrayTypes = new BACITreeDataNode[tempTypes.size()]; tempTypes.values().toArray(arrayTypes); BACITreeDataNode[] arrayDomains = new BACITreeDataNode[tempDomains.size()]; tempDomains.values().toArray(arrayDomains); BACITreeDataNode[] retVal = new BACITreeDataNode[arrayTypes.length + arrayDomains.length]; System.arraycopy(arrayDomains, 0, retVal, 0, arrayDomains.length); System.arraycopy( arrayTypes, 0, retVal, arrayDomains.length, arrayTypes.length); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::explodeDomainNode", "Processing for node '" + n + "' complete."); java.util.Arrays.sort(retVal); //2010.02.05 panta@naoj return retVal; } private synchronized BACITreeDataNode[] explodeDomainNodeByName(BACITreeDataNode n) { if (n == null) throw new NullPointerException("node"); if (n.childrenHolder == null) return new BACITreeDataNode[0]; BACITreeDataNode[] retVal = new BACITreeDataNode[n.childrenHolder.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < retVal.length; i++) { retVal[i] = (BACITreeDataNode)n.childrenHolder.get(i); } notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::explodeDomainNodeByName", "Processing for node '" + n + "' complete."); //2010.02.05 panta@naoj java.util.Arrays.sort(retVal); return retVal; } /** * Explodes the root node and groups the devices by their types. * Creation date: (1.11.2000 17:00:46) * @return si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.OETreeDataNode[] */ private synchronized OETreeNode[] explodeRootNodeByType() { if (manager == null) resolveManager(); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::explodeRootNodeByType", "Querying manager for all instances of all types..."); long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); int[] handles = new int[0]; try { infos = manager.get_component_info(handle, handles, "*", "*", false); } catch (NoPermissionEx npe) { notifier.reportError("Nopermission to get component info", npe); } long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::explodeRootNodeByType", "Query OK. Completed in " + (time2 - time1) + " ms."); TreeMap tempTypes = new TreeMap(); TreeMap tempDomains = new TreeMap(); devices.clear(); /* * Loop trough all the received devices and add any new devices that * are not yet stored in Hashtable. */ for (int i = 0; i< infos.length; i++) { String curl = infos[i].name; RemoteNodeCouple rnc = (RemoteNodeCouple)devices.get(curl); //check if RemoteNodeCouple already exists for this device if (rnc != null) continue; //skip the device if it does (that should not ever happen actually...) String cob = BACICURLResolver.resolveName(curl); //System.out.println("DEBUG DEVICE: CURL: "+curl); BACIRemoteNode device = new BACIRemoteNode( DEVICE, cob, //cob2, curl, parent.getTree(), this); device.childrenHolder = new ArrayList(); rnc = new RemoteNodeCouple(device, null); //if not, create a new one and add it to Hashtable devices String[] cobs = cob.split("/"); String cob2 = cobs[cobs.length-1]; rnc.deviceByName = new DelegateRemoteNode(cob2, parent, device); devices.put(curl, rnc); } /* * now loop trough all the devices again and add them to the tree * TODO refacture to have only one "for loop" - add to hashtable and tree at the same time */ for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { String domain = BACICURLResolver.resolveDomain(infos[i].name); if (domain.equals(BACICURLResolver.ROOT_DOMAIN)) { BACITreeDataNode node = (BACITreeDataNode) tempTypes.get(infos[i].type); if (node != null) { // node.childrenHolder.add(infos[i].cob_curl); node.childrenHolder.add(infos[i].name); } else { try { node = new BACITreeDataNode( TYPE, BACIIntrospector.fullTypeToType(infos[i].type), BACIIntrospector.fullTypeToType(infos[i].type), parent.getTree(), getIcon(TYPE)); } catch (IntrospectionInconsistentException iie) { notifier.reportError( "Invalid IDL type '" + infos[i].type + "'.", iie); continue; } node.childrenHolder = new ArrayList(); // node.childrenHolder.add(infos[i].cob_curl); node.childrenHolder.add(infos[i].name); tempTypes.put(infos[i].type, node); } } else { if (domain.startsWith("/")) domain = domain.substring(1); int index = domain.indexOf('/'); String dpart = null; if (index != -1) dpart = domain.substring(0, domain.indexOf('/')); else dpart = domain; BACITreeDataNode node = (BACITreeDataNode) tempDomains.get(dpart); if (node != null) { node.childrenHolder.add(infos[i]); } else { node = new BACITreeDataNode( DOMAIN, dpart, infos[i], parent.getTree(), getIcon(DOMAIN)); node.childrenHolder = new ArrayList(); node.childrenHolder.add(infos[i]); if (index != -1) node.domainRemainder = dpart + "/"; else node.domainRemainder = dpart; tempDomains.put(dpart, node); } } } BACITreeDataNode[] arrayTypes = new BACITreeDataNode[tempTypes.size()]; tempTypes.values().toArray(arrayTypes); BACITreeDataNode[] arrayDomains = new BACITreeDataNode[tempDomains.size()]; tempDomains.values().toArray(arrayDomains); BACITreeDataNode[] retVal = new BACITreeDataNode[arrayTypes.length + arrayDomains.length]; System.arraycopy(arrayDomains, 0, retVal, 0, arrayDomains.length); System.arraycopy( arrayTypes, 0, retVal, arrayDomains.length, arrayTypes.length); java.util.Arrays.sort(retVal, new java.util.Comparator() { public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) { return obj1.toString().compareTo(obj2.toString()); } }); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::explodeRootNodeByType", "Root nodes processing complete."); return retVal; } /** * Explodes the root node and groups the devices by their parent devices. * Warning: explodeRootNodeByType() has to be called at least once before this method is called! * @return */ public synchronized OETreeNode[] explodeRootNodeByName() { if (manager == null) resolveManager(); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::explodeRootNodeByName", "Querying manager for all instances of all types..."); long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); int[] handles = new int[0]; try { infos = manager.get_component_info(handle, handles, "*", "*", false); } catch (NoPermissionEx npe) { notifier.reportError("Nopermission to get component info", npe); } long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::explodeRootNodeByName", "Query OK. Completed in " + (time2 - time1) + " ms."); TreeMap tempDomains = new TreeMap(); TreeMap tempDummies = new TreeMap(); Vector rootDummies = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { String curl = infos[i].name; String domain = BACICURLResolver.resolveDomain(curl); String cob = BACICURLResolver.resolveName(curl); RemoteNodeCouple rnc = (RemoteNodeCouple)devices.get(curl); if (rnc == null) { notifier.reportError( "BACIRemoteAccess::explodeRootNodeByName - Unexpected null pointer (rnc)."); continue; } if (rnc.deviceByName == null) { notifier.reportError( "BACIRemoteAccess::explodeRootNodeByName - Unexpected null pointer (rnc.deviceByName)."); continue; } String[] names = cob.split("/", 2); if (domain.equals(BACICURLResolver.ROOT_DOMAIN)) { BACITreeDataNode dummyNode = (BACITreeDataNode) tempDummies.get(names[0]); if (names.length > 1) { boolean doHierarchy = dummyNode instanceof BACIRemoteNode; if (dummyNode == null || doHierarchy) { BACITreeDataNode oldDummy = dummyNode; dummyNode = new BACITreeDataNode(DUMMY, names[0], BACICURLResolver.getFirstLevelCurl(curl), parent.getTreeByName(), getIcon(DOMAIN)); dummyNode.childrenHolder = new ArrayList(); tempDummies.put(names[0], dummyNode); rootDummies.add(dummyNode); if (doHierarchy) dummyNode.childrenHolder.add(oldDummy); } String[] arrNames = names[1].split("/"); //System.out.println("DEBUG "+ names[1]); getTreeForName(dummyNode, 0, arrNames); } else { if (dummyNode == null) { tempDummies.put(names[0], rnc.deviceByName); } else { dummyNode.childrenHolder.add(0, rnc.deviceByName); } } } else { //TODO: Domain part not yet tested - should set up test environment with domains and do extensive testing. if (domain.startsWith("/")) domain = domain.substring(1); int index = domain.indexOf('/'); String dpart = null; if (index != -1) dpart = domain.substring(0, index); else dpart = domain; BACITreeDataNode node = (BACITreeDataNode) tempDomains.get(dpart); if (node == null) { node = new BACITreeDataNode( DOMAIN, dpart, infos[i], parent.getTreeByName(), getIcon(DOMAIN)); node.childrenHolder = new ArrayList(); if (index != -1) node.domainRemainder = dpart + "/"; else node.domainRemainder = dpart; tempDomains.put(dpart, node); } BACITreeDataNode dummyNode = (BACITreeDataNode) tempDummies.get(names[0]); if (names.length > 1) { if (dummyNode == null) { dummyNode = new BACITreeDataNode(DUMMY, names[0], BACICURLResolver.getFirstLevelCurl(curl), parent.getTree(), getIcon(DOMAIN)); dummyNode.childrenHolder = new ArrayList(); node.childrenHolder.add(0, rnc.deviceByName); rootDummies.add(dummyNode); } String[] arrNames = names[1].split("/"); //System.out.println("DEBUG "+ names[1]); getTreeForName(dummyNode, 0, arrNames); } else { if (dummyNode == null) { node.childrenHolder.add(0, rnc.deviceByName); } else { dummyNode.childrenHolder.add(0, rnc.deviceByName); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < rootDummies.size(); i++) { BACITreeDataNode tmpNode = (BACITreeDataNode)rootDummies.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < tmpNode.childrenHolder.size(); j++) { if (tmpNode.childrenHolder.get(j) instanceof BACIRemoteNode) { continue; } else { removeSingleDeviceDummies(tmpNode, j, (BACITreeDataNode)tmpNode.childrenHolder.get(j)); } } } BACITreeDataNode[] arrayDummies = new BACITreeDataNode[tempDummies.size()]; tempDummies.values().toArray(arrayDummies); BACITreeDataNode[] arrayDomains = new BACITreeDataNode[tempDomains.size()]; tempDomains.values().toArray(arrayDomains); BACITreeDataNode[] retVal = new BACITreeDataNode[arrayDummies.length + arrayDomains.length]; System.arraycopy(arrayDomains, 0, retVal, 0, arrayDomains.length); System.arraycopy( arrayDummies, 0, retVal, arrayDomains.length, arrayDummies.length); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::explodeRootNodeByName", "Root nodes processing complete."); return retVal; } /** * recursive function that builds the tree for the given dummy node's name. * @param root dummy node to which the subtree will be attached * @param pathIndex the subtree of which dummy should be found or created if not found * @param names final dummy's name <code>"dummy1/dummy2/.../finaldummy"</code>, broken into array * <code>{"dummy1", "dummy2", ..., "finaldummy"}</code> * @return */ public BACITreeDataNode getTreeForName(BACITreeDataNode root, int pathIndex, String[] names) { if (names == null) return null; //invalid name - do not continue if (pathIndex == names.length) { return root; //we're done processing because we reached the end of the names } /* * Loop trough all the children of the root node and process each one that is not already a device */ for (int i = 0; i < root.childrenHolder.size(); i++) { BACITreeDataNode node = (BACITreeDataNode)root.childrenHolder.get(i); if (node instanceof BACIRemoteNode) continue; if (node.getName().compareTo(names[pathIndex]) == 0) { return getTreeForName(node, ++pathIndex, names); //we found a node that corresponds to the name[pathIndex], let's process it } } /* * if the for loop exits, it means that the dummy node for the name[pathIndex] does not exist, so we must create one */ String curl = (String)root.getUserObject() + "/" + names[pathIndex]; //we calculate the curl for the new dummy node RemoteNodeCouple rnc = (RemoteNodeCouple)devices.get(curl); //get a device with the same curl if it exists //add our new dummy node to it's parent BACITreeDataNode newDummy = new BACITreeDataNode(DUMMY, names[pathIndex], curl, parent.getTreeByName(), getIcon(DOMAIN)); newDummy.childrenHolder = new ArrayList(); if (rnc != null && rnc.deviceByName != null) newDummy.childrenHolder.add(rnc.deviceByName); //also add the device node if it exists root.childrenHolder.add(newDummy); return getTreeForName(newDummy, ++pathIndex, names); //continue processing } /** * Replaces dummy nodes which have one device node in them with the device node itself * @param parent * @param index * @param node */ public void removeSingleDeviceDummies(BACITreeDataNode parent, int index, BACITreeDataNode node) { if (node.childrenHolder.size() > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < node.childrenHolder.size(); i++) { BACITreeDataNode tmpNode = (BACITreeDataNode)node.childrenHolder.get(0); if (tmpNode instanceof BACIRemoteNode) { continue; } else { removeSingleDeviceDummies(node, i, tmpNode); } } } else if (node.childrenHolder.size() == 1) { BACITreeDataNode tmpNode = (BACITreeDataNode)node.childrenHolder.get(0); if (tmpNode instanceof BACIRemoteNode) { parent.childrenHolder.remove(index); parent.childrenHolder.add(index, tmpNode); return; } else { removeSingleDeviceDummies(node, 0, tmpNode); return; } } } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (1.11.2000 15:17:19) * @param node si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.OETreeDataNode */ public OETreeNode[] explodeTreeNode(OETreeNode node) { if (node == null) // root node - search for types { notifier.reportMessage("Querying root nodes."); return explodeRootNodeByType(); } else { switch (node.getNodeType()) { case DOMAIN : notifier.reportMessage( "Querying domain node children of '" + node.getName() + "'."); return explodeDomainNode((BACITreeDataNode) node); case TYPE : notifier.reportMessage( "Querying type node children of '" + node.getName() + "'."); return explodeTypeNode((BACITreeDataNode) node); case DEVICE : notifier.reportMessage( "Querying device node children of '" + node.getName() + "'."); return explodeDeviceNode((BACIRemoteNode) node); case DUMMY : notifier.reportMessage( "Querying device node children of '" + node.getName() + "'."); return explodeDummyNode((BACITreeDataNode) node); default : return new OETreeNode[0]; } } } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (1.11.2000 17:00:09) * @return si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.OETreeDataNode[] */ private synchronized OETreeNode[] explodeTypeNode(BACITreeDataNode node) { if (node == null) throw new NullPointerException("node"); if (node.childrenHolder == null || node.childrenHolder.size() == 0) return new BACITreeDataNode[0]; BACIRemoteNode[] retVal = new BACIRemoteNode[node.childrenHolder.size()]; //------------------------------------------- //2010.02.05 panta@naoj MyComparator myComp = new MyComparator(); //java.util.Collections.sort(node.childrenHolder); java.util.Collections.sort(node.childrenHolder, myComp); //--------- for (int i = 0; i < retVal.length; i++) { String curl = (String) node.childrenHolder.get(i); String cob = BACICURLResolver.resolveName(curl); if (cob == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("component name is null " + curl); RemoteNodeCouple rnc = (RemoteNodeCouple)devices.get(curl); if (rnc != null) { retVal[i] = rnc.deviceByType; } else { retVal[i] = null; notifier.reportError( "BACIRemoteAccess::explodeTypeNode - Unexpected null pointer (rnc)."); continue; } } notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::explodeTypeNode", "Processing for node '" + node + "' complete."); return retVal; } public synchronized OETreeNode[] explodeDummyNode(BACITreeDataNode node) { if (node == null) throw new NullPointerException("node"); if (node.childrenHolder == null) return new BACITreeDataNode[0]; BACITreeDataNode[] retVal = new BACITreeDataNode[node.childrenHolder.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < retVal.length; i++) { retVal[i] = (BACITreeDataNode)node.childrenHolder.get(i); } notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::explodeDummyNode", "Processing for node '" + node + "' complete."); //2010.02.05 panta@naoj java.util.Arrays.sort(retVal); return retVal; } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (7.11.2000 22:32:06) * @return si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Attribute[] */ Attribute[] getAttributes(BACIRemote target) { String id = ((BACIRemote) target).getIFDesc().id; Attribute[] retVal = null; if (bufferDescs) retVal = (Attribute[]) attributeIntrospected.get(id); if (retVal == null) { notifier.reportMessage( "Analysing attributes for '" + target.getName() + "'."); retVal = baciIntrospector.getAttributes(target); if (bufferDescs) attributeIntrospected.put(id, retVal); } else { notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::getAttributes", "Found attribute descriptions for '" + target.getName() + "' in attribute cache..."); } Attribute[] rv = new Attribute[retVal.length]; for (int i = 0; i < rv.length; i++) { if (retVal[i].getIntrospectable() == target) rv[i] = retVal[i]; else rv[i] = new BACIAttribute((BACIAttribute) retVal[i], target); } Arrays.sort(rv, 0, rv.length, ATTRIBUTE_COMPARATOR); return rv; } private static final class BACIAttributeNameComparator implements Comparator<Attribute> { public int compare(Attribute o1, Attribute o2) { return o1.toString().compareTo(o2.toString()); } } private static final Comparator<Attribute> ATTRIBUTE_COMPARATOR = new BACIAttributeNameComparator(); /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (6/29/2001 11:01:21 AM) * @return boolean */ public boolean getCaching() { return bufferDescs; } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (13.11.2000 22:30:17) * @return si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.BACI.Dispatcher */ Dispatcher getDispatcher() { return dispatcher; } /** * @see si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.RemoteAccess */ public javax.swing.JMenu getEngineMenu() { javax.swing.JMenu menu = new BACIMenu(this); menu.setVisible(true); baciEngineMenu = (BACIMenu)menu; return menu; } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (24.4.2001 0:14:35) * @return javax.swing.Icon */ Icon getIcon(short type) { javax.swing.Icon icon = null; url = null; if (type == DOMAIN || type == TYPE) url = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("domain.gif"); if (type == DEVICE) url = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("device.gif"); if (type == PROPERTY) url = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("property.gif"); if (type == TRANSIENT) url = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("invocation.gif"); if (url != null) icon = new javax.swing.ImageIcon(url); return icon; } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (6.5.2001 14:59:46) * @return org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDefPackage.FullInterfaceDescription * @param id java.lang.String */ private FullInterfaceDescription getIFDesc(String id) { FullInterfaceDescription fid = null; if (bufferDescs) fid = (FullInterfaceDescription) interfaceDescriptions.get(id); if (fid == null) { notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::getIFDesc", "Querying IR for full interface description for id '" + id + "'."); InterfaceDef idef = InterfaceDefHelper.narrow(rep.lookup_id(id)); if (idef == null) throw new IllegalStateException( "ID '" + id + "' was not found in the Repository."); fid = idef.describe_interface(); if (bufferDescs) interfaceDescriptions.put(id, fid); } else { notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::getIFDesc", "Full interface description for id '" + id + "' was found in interface cache."); } return fid; } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (13.11.2000 18:18:34) * @return si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.BACI.BACIIntrospector */ BACIIntrospector getIntrospector() { return baciIntrospector; } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (1.11.2000 15:02:45) * @return si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Invocation[] */ public Invocation[] getInvocations() { synchronized (invocations) { Invocation[] retVal = new Invocation[invocations.size()]; invocations.toArray(retVal); return retVal; } } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (13.11.2000 20:32:30) */ NotificationBean getNotifier() { return notifier; } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (1.11.2000 13:00:27) * @return si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Operation[] * @param i si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Introspectable */ Operation[] getOperations(BACIRemote target) { if (target == null) throw new NullPointerException("target"); String id = ((BACIRemote) target).getIFDesc().id; Operation[] retVal = null; if (bufferDescs) retVal = (Operation[]) operationsIntrospected.get(id); if (retVal == null) { notifier.reportMessage( "Analysing operations for '" + target.getName() + "'."); retVal = baciIntrospector.getOperations(target); if (bufferDescs) operationsIntrospected.put(id, retVal); } else { notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::getOperations", "Found operation descriptions for '" + target.getName() + "' in operation cache..."); } Operation[] rv = new Operation[retVal.length]; for (int i = 0; i < rv.length; i++) { if (retVal[i].getIntrospectable() == target) rv[i] = retVal[i]; else rv[i] = new BACIOperation((BACIOperation) retVal[i], target); } Arrays.sort(rv, 0, rv.length, OPERATION_COMPARATOR); return rv; } private static final class BACIOperationNameComparator implements Comparator<Operation> { public int compare(Operation o1, Operation o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } } private static final Comparator<Operation> OPERATION_COMPARATOR = new BACIOperationNameComparator(); /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (1.11.2000 21:18:02) * @return si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.OETreeDataNode[] */ public OETreeNode[] getTreeRoots() { return explodeTreeNode(null); } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (1.11.2000 13:00:27) */ public void initialize() { notifier.reportMessage("Starting engine initialization..."); Properties props = System.getProperties(); managerLoc = props.getProperty(MANAGER_CORBALOC); String IRloc = props.getProperty(IR_CORBALOC); if (managerLoc == null || IRloc == null) { CorbalocDialog dialog = new CorbalocDialog(); if (managerLoc != null) dialog.setManagerFieldText(managerLoc); if (IRloc != null) dialog.setRepositoryFieldText(IRloc);; if (dialog.isOKed()) { managerLoc = dialog.getManagerFieldText(); IRloc = dialog.getRepositoryFieldText(); ORBdebug = dialog.getDebugSelected(); } } if (IRloc == null || "".equals(IRloc)) throw new IllegalStateException( "'" + IR_CORBALOC + "' property is not set. Aborting..."); if (managerLoc == null || "".equals(managerLoc)) throw new IllegalStateException( "'" + MANAGER_CORBALOC + "' property is not set. Aborting..."); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::initialize", "Startup using '" + MANAGER_CORBALOC + "' = '" + managerLoc + "'."); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::initialize", "Startup using '" + IR_CORBALOC + "' = '" + IRloc + "'."); String poolTime = props.getProperty(PROPERTY_POOL_TIMEOUT); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::initialize", "Startup using '" +PROPERTY_POOL_TIMEOUT + "' = '" + poolTime + "'."); // check it POOL_TIME has to be oveeriden if (poolTime != null) { try { int value = Integer.parseInt(poolTime); if (value >= POLL_SLEEP) POLL_TIMEOUT = value; } catch (Exception ex) { notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::initialize", "Failed to parse '" + PROPERTY_POOL_TIMEOUT + "' property value '" + poolTime + "' as integer."); } } notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::initialize", "Configuration: STRICT flag = " + strict); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::initialize", "Configuration: POOL_TIMEOUT = " + POLL_TIMEOUT + " ms."); // ORB stanza java.util.Properties orbprops = java.lang.System.getProperties(); // to make code completely independed, properties have to be set using JVM -D mechanism // ORBacus //orbprops.put("org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass", "com.ooc.CORBA.ORB"); //orbprops.put("org.omg.CORBA.ORBSingletonClass", "com.ooc.CORBA.ORBSingleton"); // JacORB //orbprops.put("org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass", "org.jacorb.orb.ORB"); //orbprops.put("org.omg.CORBA.ORBSingletonClass", "org.jacorb.orb.ORBSingleton"); // Java JDK (does not work) //if (ORBdebug) // what to do here orb = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init(new String[0], orbprops); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::initialize", "ORB initialized."); // POA stanza -- use RootPOA POA rootPOA = null; try { rootPOA = POAHelper.narrow(orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA")); } catch (org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName in) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot resolve RootPOA: " + in); } POAManager manager = rootPOA.the_POAManager(); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::initialize", "POA initialized."); try { manager.activate(); orbThread = new Thread(this); orbThread.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "POAManager activation failed: " + e); } // resolve IR org.omg.CORBA.Object repRef = null; notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::initialize", "Trying to resolve 'Repository'."); try { repRef = orb.string_to_object(IRloc); // repRef = orb.resolve_initial_references("DefaultRepository"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot access orb initial reference 'InterfaceRepository'."); } if (repRef == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot resolve Interface Repository"); rep = RepositoryHelper.narrow(repRef); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::initialize", "Obtained reference to 'Repository'."); notifier.reportMessage("Obtained reference to 'Repository'."); // clear callback descriptions list, because it is static!! synchronized (descriptions) { descriptions.clear(); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoveAccess::destroy", "Cleared IF descriptions list for CallbackImpl."); } // clear callback operation descriptions list, because it is static!! synchronized (operationListDescriptions) { operationListDescriptions.clear(); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoveAccess::destroy", "Cleared IF operation descriptions list for CallbackImpl."); } // start dispatcher dispatcher = new Dispatcher(); dispatcher.start(); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::initialize", "Started callback dispatcher thread."); // resolve manager resolveManager(); } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (2.11.2000 18:08:47) * @return si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Invocation * @param target si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.BACI.BACIRemoteNode * @param op si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Operation */ private Invocation internalInvokeInvocation( //TODO update secondary tree??? BACIRemote target, BACIOperation op, java.lang.Object[] params, RemoteResponseCallback cb) { int callbackIndex = baciIntrospector.getCallbackLocation(op); if (callbackIndex == -1) throw new IntrospectionInconsistentException( "Asynchronous operation '" + op + "' must take exactly one callback parameter."); /* create callback */ CallbackImpl cbImpl = null; try { cbImpl = new CallbackImpl( op.getOperationDesc().parameters[callbackIndex], cb); } catch (org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind bk) { throw new RemoteException( "Error while trying to analyze typecode: " + bk); } org.omg.CORBA.Object cbIF = cbImpl._this_object(orb); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::internalInvokeInvocation", "Activated callback object for '" + op + "'."); DataStruct desc = new DataStruct("IDL:alma/ACS/CBDescIn:1.0"); desc.add("normal_timeout", new Long(1000000)); desc.add("negotiable_timeout", new Long(5000000)); desc.add("id_tag",new Integer(0)); params[callbackIndex] = cbIF; if (callbackIndex == params.length - 1) { if (!isStrict()) notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::internalInvokeInvocation", "Non-strict BACI invocation signature: callback is not followed by a descriptor."); else throw new IntrospectionInconsistentException("Callback cannot be the last argument, because it must be followed by the descriptor."); } else params[callbackIndex + 1] = desc; BACIInvocation invoc = new BACIInvocation( TRANSIENT, op.getName(), null, cb, parent.getTree(), this); cbImpl.setInvocation(invoc); invoc.setRemoteCall(internalInvokeTrivial(target, op, params)); synchronized (invocations) { invocations.add(invoc); } notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::internalInvokeInvocation", "Remote call ended, constructed Invocation. Returning..."); return invoc; } private static BACIRemoteNode getDeviceFromTarget(Object target) { if (target instanceof BACIRemoteNode) { BACIRemoteNode remoteNode = (BACIRemoteNode)target; if (remoteNode.isDevice()) return remoteNode; else return getDeviceFromTarget(remoteNode.getParent()); } else if (target instanceof BACIInvocation) { BACIInvocation invocation = (BACIInvocation)target; return getDeviceFromTarget(invocation.getParent()); } else return null; } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (2.11.2000 18:08:01) * @return si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Invocation * @param target si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.BACI.BACIRemoteNode * @param op si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Operation */ private BACIRemoteCall internalInvokeTrivial( BACIRemote target, Operation op, java.lang.Object[] params) { if (target.getCORBARef() == null) throw new RemoteException( "Cannot invoke operation '" + op.getName() + "' on object '" + target.getName() + "' because it is not connected."); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::internalInvokeTrivial", "Preparing DII parameters for '" + target.getName() + "." + op.getName() + "()'."); java.lang.Object[] allArguments = baciIntrospector.prepareDIIparameters( ((BACIOperation) op).getOperationDesc(), params); org.omg.CORBA.Object remote = target.getCORBARef(); OperationDescription desc = ((BACIOperation) op).getOperationDesc(); if (allArguments.length != desc.parameters.length) throw new IllegalStateException( "BACI introspector returned an array of values the length of which does not match CORBA parameter list, object = '" + target.getName() + "', operation = '" + op.getName() + "'."); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(200); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { buf.append("'"); buf.append(op.getParameterNames()[i]); buf.append("' = '"); buf.append(params[i]); buf.append("' "); } notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::internalInvokeTrivial", "Parameters for '" + op.getName() + "': " + buf.toString()); notifier.reportMessage( "Invoking '" + target.getName() + "." + op.getName() + "()', parameters: " + buf.toString()); /* begin DII stanza */ Request req = remote._request(op.getName()); req.set_return_type(desc.result); /* set exceptions */ org.omg.CORBA.ExceptionList exceptions = req.exceptions(); org.omg.CORBA.ExceptionDescription[] exceptionsDesc = desc.exceptions; for (int i = 0; i < exceptionsDesc.length; i++) { // TAO IFR bug workaround if (exceptionsDesc[i].type.kind().value() != TCKind._tk_except) { // System.out.println("--> Invalid user exception kind, fixing..."); Class c = null; String className = null; try { className = baciIntrospector.IDtoClassName(exceptionsDesc[i] + "Helper"; c = Class.forName(className); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JavaIDLIntrospectionException( "Failed to load class '" + className + "'. Introspection failed on typedef argument: " + e); } Class[] paramTypes = { }; java.lang.Object[] paramVals = { }; try { java.lang.Object retVal = c.getMethod("type", paramTypes).invoke(null, paramVals); exceptions.add((TypeCode) retVal); } catch (Exception e1) { throw new JavaIDLIntrospectionException( "Dynamic invocation of 'internalInvokeTrivial' failed on a typedef argument. Class instance: " + c.getName() + ". Exception:" + e1); } } else exceptions.add(exceptionsDesc[i].type); } for (int i = 0; i < allArguments.length; i++) { Any argument = orb.create_any(); argument.type(desc.parameters[i].type); if (desc.parameters[i].mode != ParameterMode.PARAM_OUT) { argument = baciIntrospector.insertAny(desc.parameters[i].type,argument,allArguments[i]); //baciIntrospector.displayAny(argument); } //org.omg.CORBA.ParameterMode.PARAM_xxx is defined in [0-2] and in org.jacorb.orb.ARG_xxx is defined in [1-3]. req.arguments().add_value(desc.parameters[i].name, argument, desc.parameters[i].mode.value()+1); } // invoke request if (desc.mode == OperationMode.OP_ONEWAY) { notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::internalInvokeTrivial", "Sending oneway request '" + target.getName() + "." + op.getName() + "()'..."); try { req.send_oneway(); return new BACIRemoteCall( target, (BACIOperation) op, params, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { notifier.reportError( "Exception during oneway remote invocation.", e); return new BACIRemoteCall( target, (BACIOperation) op, params, e); } } else { int time = 0; boolean errorResponse = false; notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::internalInvokeTrivial", "Sending deferred request '" + target.getName() + "." + op.getName() + "()'."); try { req.send_deferred(); while (!req.poll_response()) { try { Thread.sleep(POLL_SLEEP); time += POLL_SLEEP; } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } if (time > POLL_TIMEOUT) { notifier.reportError( "Timeout (" + POLL_TIMEOUT + " ms) while polling for response from '" + op.getName() + "' on '" + target.getName() + "'."); return new BACIRemoteCall( target, (BACIOperation) op, params, true); } } // check exception checkException(target, req); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::internalInvokeTrivial", "Received response for '" + target.getName() + "." + op.getName() + "()'."); // req.get_response(); Any anyRet = req.return_value(); java.lang.Object oRet = null; if (anyRet != null) oRet = baciIntrospector.extractAny(anyRet); java.lang.Object[] outs = baciIntrospector.extractOuts(req, desc); // check for error-type ACSCompletion-s errorResponse = checkFromACSCompletion(oRet); for (int i = 0; i < outs.length; i++) errorResponse |= checkFromACSCompletion(outs[i]); if (target instanceof Invocation && baciIntrospector.isInvocationDestroyMethod(op.getName())) new CBTimer((BACIInvocation) target).start(); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::internalInvokeTrivial", "Successfully unpacked response for '" + target.getName() + "." + op.getName() + "()'."); BACIRemoteCall remoteCall = new BACIRemoteCall( target, (BACIOperation) op, params, oRet, outs); remoteCall.setErrorResponse(errorResponse); return remoteCall; } catch (Exception e) { notifier.reportError( "Exception during deferred remote invocation.", e); return new BACIRemoteCall( target, (BACIOperation) op, params, e); } } /* end DII stanza */ } /** * Logs ACSException. * @param exceptionThrown */ private void logACSException(Exception exceptionThrown) { /* all user exception is expected to be using ACS Error System */ if (exceptionThrown instanceof DataException) { DataException de = (DataException) exceptionThrown; /* * This is just to probe if we have an ACS Exception. * All applications should deal with ACS Exception and we want * to issue a warning if this is not the case. * In this case we get an exception and the trap will log the warning. */ if(de.get("errorTrace") != null) { AcsJObjectExplorerReportEx objexpEx = new AcsJObjectExplorerReportEx(exceptionThrown); objexpEx.log(BACILogger.getLogger()); } else { AcsJObjectExplorerReportEx notAnAcsEx = new AcsJObjectExplorerReportEx(exceptionThrown); notAnAcsEx.setContext("Logging a User Exception that is NOT an ACS Exception"); notAnAcsEx.log(BACILogger.getLogger()); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::logACSExcpetion", "Failed to wrap user exception into native ACS Error System exception" + " for '" + + "'."); } } /* End if org.omg.CORBA.UserException */ else if (exceptionThrown instanceof alma.acs.exceptions.AcsJException) { AcsJObjectExplorerReportEx objexpEx = new AcsJObjectExplorerReportEx(exceptionThrown); objexpEx.log(BACILogger.getLogger()); } else if (exceptionThrown instanceof org.omg.CORBA.SystemException) { org.omg.CORBA.SystemException corbaSys = (org.omg.CORBA.SystemException)exceptionThrown; AcsJCORBAProblemEx corbaProblemEx = new AcsJCORBAProblemEx(exceptionThrown); corbaProblemEx.setMinor(corbaSys.minor); corbaProblemEx.setCompletionStatus(corbaSys.completed.value()); corbaProblemEx.setInfo(corbaSys.toString()); AcsJObjectExplorerReportEx objexpEx = new AcsJObjectExplorerReportEx(corbaProblemEx); objexpEx.log(BACILogger.getLogger()); } else { AcsJUnexpectedExceptionEx unexpectedEx = new AcsJUnexpectedExceptionEx(exceptionThrown); AcsJObjectExplorerReportEx objexpEx = new AcsJObjectExplorerReportEx(unexpectedEx); objexpEx.log(BACILogger.getLogger()); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::logACSException", "Received an unexpected exception: " + " '" + exceptionThrown.getClass().getName() + "'."); } } /** * Check if returned (out) parameter is type of ACSCompletion and * if error log it * @param param */ private boolean checkFromACSCompletion(java.lang.Object param) { // check if retVal is a completion if (param instanceof alma.ACSErr.Completion) { alma.ACSErr.Completion completion = (alma.ACSErr.Completion)param; // error completion if (completion.type != 0) { AcsJCompletion jcompletion = AcsJCompletion.fromCorbaCompletion(completion); if (jcompletion.getAcsJException() != null) { jcompletion.getAcsJException().log(BACILogger.getLogger()); return true; } } } return false; } private int choiceForNonStickyComponentConnection(String message) { String[] choices = new String[] { "get a \"sticky references\" for just this component", "switch to \"sticky mode\" from now on", "cancel the operation" }; int ans = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(notifier.getParent(), message, "Non-Sticky reference", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, choices, choices[0]); return ans; } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (2.11.2000 0:34:52) * @param node si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.BACI.BACIRemoteNode */ private void internalManagerConnect(BACIRemoteNode baciNode) throws AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx { /* we are connecting directly to the Manager to obtain the object reference */ //System.out.println("DEBUG: imc "+baciNode); String curl = (String)baciNode.getUserObject(); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::internalManagerConnect", "Requesting component: '" + curl + "', activate = true"); notifier.reportMessage("Connecting to '" + curl + "'."); baciNode.setNonSticky(connectNonSticky); org.omg.CORBA.Object obj = null; if (connectNonSticky) { try { obj = manager.get_component_non_sticky(handle, curl); } catch (Throwable e) { String message = "Connection to component '" + curl + "' failed. \n" + "'Connect as non-sticky' mode is enabled: in this mode component will not be activated by ObjectExplorer,\n" + "only already activated components can be accessed."; int ans = choiceForNonStickyComponentConnection(message); switch (ans) { case 0: baciNode.setNonSticky(false); System.out.println("BACIRemoteAccess.internalManagerConnect setNonSticky to " + baciNode.isNonSticky() + " @ " + baciNode.hashCode()); break; case 1: baciEngineMenu.setNonSticky(false); baciNode.setNonSticky(false); break; case 2: { AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx acsjex = new AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx(e); acsjex.setCurl(curl); throw acsjex; } default : { // should not happen. notifier.reportError("Unexpected choice."); AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx acsjex = new AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx(e); acsjex.setCurl(curl); throw acsjex; } } } } try { if (obj == null) { obj = manager.get_component(handle, curl, true); } notifier.reportDebug("BACIRemoteAccess::internalManagerConnect", "Manager returns OK"); } /* * We wrap into a specific exception and report up */ catch(CannotGetComponentEx e) { notifier.reportError("Connection to component '" + curl + "' failed."); AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx acsjex = new AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx(e); acsjex.setCurl(curl); throw acsjex; } catch(org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT e) { notifier.reportError("Connection to component '" + curl + "' failed.\nCouldn't connect to the manager."); AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx acsjex = new AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx(e); acsjex.setCurl(curl); throw acsjex; } catch(Throwable e) { notifier.reportError("Connection to component '" + curl + "' failed.\nUnknown Reason."); AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx acsjex = new AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx(e); acsjex.setCurl(curl); throw acsjex; } String irfid = null; try { notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::internalManagerConnect", "Querying component '" + curl + "' for CORBA type id."); ComponentInfo[] cobInfos = manager.get_component_info(handle, new int[0], curl, "*", true); if (cobInfos.length != 1) { AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx acsjex = new AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx(); acsjex.setReason( "Manager did not return valid ComponentInfo for '" + curl + "'."); throw acsjex; } irfid = cobInfos[0].type; notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::internalManagerConnect", "component '" + curl + "' has id: " + irfid); } catch( Exception e) { notifier.reportError("Cannot retrieve Interface Repository ID for component '" + curl + "'", e); AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx acsjex = new AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx(e); acsjex.setCurl(curl); throw acsjex; } // baciNode.setNonSticky(connectNonSticky); baciNode.setCORBARef(obj); try { baciNode.setIFDesc(getIFDesc(irfid)); if (baciNode.getIFDesc() != null) notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::internalManagerConnect", "IR Query OK."); else { AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx acsjex = new AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx(); acsjex.setCurl(curl); acsjex.setReason( "Cannot retrieve Interface Repository description for component for '" + curl + "'."); throw acsjex; } } catch (Exception e) { baciNode.setCORBARef(null); notifier.reportError( "Failed to retrieve interface description from IR, releasing component on Manager, if needed.", e); AcsJException releaseCompEx = null; try { if (manager != null && obj != null && !baciNode.isNonSticky()) { manager.release_component(handle, curl); } } catch (NoPermissionEx npe) { releaseCompEx = AcsJNoPermissionEx.fromNoPermissionEx(npe); } catch (CannotDeactivateComponentEx ex) { // @TODO remove this catch once we remove this ex from maci.idl releaseCompEx = AcsJCannotDeactivateComponentEx.fromCannotDeactivateComponentEx(ex); } catch (ComponentDeactivationUncleanEx ex) { releaseCompEx = AcsJComponentDeactivationUncleanEx.fromComponentDeactivationUncleanEx(ex); } catch (ComponentDeactivationFailedEx ex) { releaseCompEx = AcsJComponentDeactivationFailedEx.fromComponentDeactivationFailedEx(ex); } if (releaseCompEx != null) { notifier.reportError("Failed to release component", releaseCompEx); logACSException(releaseCompEx); } AcsJObjectExplorerInterfaceRepositoryAccessEx acsjex = new AcsJObjectExplorerInterfaceRepositoryAccessEx(e); acsjex.setCurl(curl); acsjex.setIRid(irfid); AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx acsjex2 = new AcsJObjectExplorerConnectEx(acsjex); acsjex2.setCurl(curl); throw acsjex2; } notifier.reportMessage("Connected to '" + curl + "'."); } public void synchronizeInternalParentConnect(BACIRemoteNode baciNode) { internalParentConnect(baciNode, false); } private void internalParentConnect(BACIRemoteNode baciNode) { internalParentConnect(baciNode, true); } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (2.11.2000 0:35:23) * @param baciNode si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.BACI.BACIRemoteNode */ private void internalParentConnect(BACIRemoteNode baciNode, boolean doSync) { /* we are using the parent to query the object as either an IDL attribute or Java property accessor design pattern (returns Object type, takes no parameters) */ // System.out.println("IPC"); String targetName = null; TypeCode retType = null; String id = null; if (baciNode.getNodeType() == ATTRIBUTE) { AttributeDescription ad = (AttributeDescription) baciNode.getUserObject(); try { id =; } catch (org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind bk) { throw new RemoteException( "IDL: BadKind thrown on type id lookup for PROPERTY child of the remote node: " + bk); } targetName = BACIIntrospector.attributeNameToMethodName(; retType = ad.type; notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::internalParentConnect", "Obtaining IDL attribute reference for '" + + "'."); } else if (baciNode.getNodeType() == PROPERTY) { OperationDescription od = (OperationDescription) baciNode.getUserObject(); try { id =; } catch (org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind bk) { throw new RemoteException( "IDL: BadKind thrown on type id lookup for PROPERTY child of the remote node: " + bk); } targetName =; retType = od.result; notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::internalParentConnect", "Obtaining reference to contained object through property accessor design pattern for '" + + "."); } else throw new IntrospectionInconsistentException( "Devices can contain objects only as IDL attributes or property accessor design patterns. Failed on '" + baciNode + "'."); BACIRemoteNode parentNode = (BACIRemoteNode) baciNode.getParent(); if (parentNode.getCORBARef() == null) { parentNode.connect(); if (parentNode.getCORBARef() == null) throw new RemoteException( "Child node is accessible although the parent node CORBA reference is null. Failed on '" + baciNode + "."); } /* begin DII stanza */ Request req = parentNode.getCORBARef()._request(targetName); req.set_return_type(retType); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::internalParentConnect", "Invoking remote call..."); req.invoke(); Any returnValue = req.return_value(); if (returnValue.type().kind() != TCKind.tk_objref) throw new IntrospectionInconsistentException( "Return type of '" + targetName + "' is not of type object reference, expected object reference because of BACI containment specifications."); baciNode.setCORBARef(returnValue.extract_Object()); // baciNode.setIFDesc(getIFDesc(id)); // if (baciNode.getCORBARef() != null) notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::internalParentConnect", "Connection to contained object OK."); else notifier.reportError( "Reference returned when resolving contained object '" + targetName + "' is null."); /* end DII stanza */ } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (1.11.2000 13:00:27) * @return si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Invokation * @param o si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Operation */ java.lang.Object invoke( BACIRemote node, BACIOperation op, java.lang.Object[] explicitParams, RemoteResponseCallback cb) { if (node == null) throw new NullPointerException("node"); if (op == null) throw new NullPointerException("op"); if (explicitParams == null) throw new NullPointerException("explicitParams: must not be null, for void argument type return new Object[0]"); if (!op.isInvocation()) return internalInvokeTrivial(node, op, explicitParams); else { if (cb == null) throw new NullPointerException("cb"); return internalInvokeInvocation(node, op, explicitParams, cb); } } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (7.11.2000 22:52:30) * @return si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.BACI.BACIRemoteCall * @param att si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.BACI.BACIAttribute */ BACIRemoteCall invokeAccessor(BACIAttribute att) { if (att == null) throw new NullPointerException("att"); BACIRemote target = (BACIRemote) att.getIntrospectable(); if (target.getCORBARef() == null) throw new RemoteException( "Cannot invoke attribute accessor '" + att + "' on object '" + target.getName() + "' because it is not connected."); org.omg.CORBA.Object remote = target.getCORBARef(); AttributeDescription desc = att.getAttributeDesc(); /* begin DII stanza */ Request req = remote._request( BACIIntrospector.attributeNameToMethodName(; req.set_return_type(desc.type); java.lang.Object[] params = new java.lang.Object[0]; int time = 0; notifier.reportMessage( "Invoking accessor '" + target.getName() + "." + att + "()'."); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::invokeAccessor", "Sending deferred attribute accessor '" + target.getName() + "." + att + "()'."); try { req.send_deferred(); while (!req.poll_response()) { try { Thread.sleep(POLL_SLEEP); time += POLL_SLEEP; } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } if (time > POLL_TIMEOUT) { notifier.reportError( "Timeout (" + POLL_TIMEOUT + " ms) while polling for response from '" + att + "' on '" + target.getName() + "'."); return new BACIRemoteCall( target, att, params, null, true, null); } } // check exception checkException(target, req); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::invokeAccessor", "Received response for '" + target.getName() + "." + att + "()'."); // req.get_response(); Any anyRet = req.return_value(); java.lang.Object oRet = null; if (anyRet != null) oRet = baciIntrospector.extractAny(anyRet); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::invokeAccessor", "Successfully unpacked response for '" + target.getName() + "." + att + "()'."); return new BACIRemoteCall(target, att, params, oRet, false, null); } catch (Exception e) { notifier.reportError( "Exception during deferred remote invocation.", e); return new BACIRemoteCall(target, att, params, null, false, e); } /* end DII stanza */ } /** * @param req * @throws Exception */ private void checkException(Object target, Request req) throws Exception { Exception exceptionThrown = req.env().exception(); if (exceptionThrown != null) { BACIRemoteNode device = getDeviceFromTarget(target); if (device != null && device.isNonSticky() && exceptionThrown instanceof OBJECT_NOT_EXIST) { // disconnect and provice nice error message try { device.disconnect(); } catch (Throwable th) { /* noop, still report */ th.printStackTrace(); } throw new NonStickyComponentReleased("Non-sticky component released, disconnecting it automatically."); } else if (exceptionThrown instanceof org.omg.CORBA.UnknownUserException) { // without ID int the CDROutputStream (value field) Any exceptionValue = ((org.omg.CORBA.UnknownUserException)exceptionThrown).except; java.lang.Object userException = baciIntrospector.extractAny(exceptionValue); exceptionThrown = (Exception) userException; } // log ACS exception logACSException(exceptionThrown); throw exceptionThrown; } } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (7.11.2000 22:52:49) * @return si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.BACI.BACIRemoteCall * @param att si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.BACI.BACIAttribute */ BACIRemoteCall invokeMutator(BACIAttribute att) { notifier.reportError( "Attribute mutators are not implemented yet: BACI does not specify any design pattern with mutable attributes."); return null; } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (1.12.2000 13:08:24) * @return boolean */ boolean isStrict() { return "true".equals(strict); } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (29.11.2000 0:36:08) * @return org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDef * @param id java.lang.String */ public Contained lookupId(String id) { if (id == null) throw new NullPointerException("id"); return rep.lookup_id(id); } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (1.11.2000 14:29:17) */ private void resolveManager() { if (managerLoc == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot resolve manager corbaloc when it is null."); try { org.omg.CORBA.Object object = orb.string_to_object(managerLoc); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::resolveManager", "Manager reference string_to_object OK with managerLoc = '" + managerLoc + "'."); manager = ManagerHelper.narrow(object); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::resolveManager", "Manager reference narrowing OK."); notifier.reportMessage("Obtained reference to 'Manager'."); if (manager == null) throw new NullPointerException("Manager is null after ManagerHelper.narrow()"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException( "Could not resolve manager reference: " + e); } try { client = new ClientImpl(); Client cIF = client._this(orb); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::resolveManager", "Instantiated Client servant."); ClientInfo info = manager.login(cIF); if (info == null) throw new Exception("Failed to login to the manager when returned ClientInfo is null."); handle = info.h; notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::resolveManager", "Manager login OK."); } catch (Exception e1) { throw new RemoteException("Cannot login to the manager: " + e1); } new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::resolveManager", "Initializing remote logging..."); ClientLogManager.getAcsLogManager().initRemoteLogging(orb, manager, handle, true); notifier.reportDebug( "BACIRemoteAccess::resolveManager", "Remote logging initialized."); } }, "InitRemoteLogging").start(); } /** * When an object implementing interface <code>Runnable</code> is used * to create a thread, starting the thread causes the object's * <code>run</code> method to be called in that separately executing * thread. * <p> * The general contract of the method <code>run</code> is that it may * take any action whatsoever. * * @see java.lang.Thread#run() */ public void run() { notifier.reportDebug("BACIRemoteAccess::run", "Starting ORB thread...");; } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (6/29/2001 10:59:00 AM) */ public void setCaching(boolean value) { bufferDescs = value; } /** * @param connectNonSticky the connectNonSticky to set */ public void setConnectNonSticky(boolean connectNonSticky) { this.connectNonSticky = connectNonSticky; } public org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyFactory getDynFact() { try { return org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyFactoryHelper.narrow(orb.resolve_initial_references("DynAnyFactory")); }catch (org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }