package cern.laser.util.buffer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; /** * Service class. Provides property definitions and initialization facility. * @author fracalde */ public final class SynchroBufferConfig { static private Properties sbProperties = null; /** Field CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION_PROPERTY */ public static final String CONFIGURATION_PROPERTY = "synchrobuffer.config"; /** Field CONFIGURATION_PROPERTY_FILE */ public static final String CONFIGURATION_PROPERTY_FILE = ""; /** Field CONFIGURATION_FILE */ public static final String CONFIGURATION_FILE = ""; /** Field MIN_WINDOW_SIZE_PROPERTY */ public static final String MIN_WINDOW_SIZE_PROPERTY = "synchrobuffer.minwindowsize"; /** Field MAX_WINDOW_SIZE_PROPERTY */ public static final String MAX_WINDOW_SIZE_PROPERTY = "synchrobuffer.maxwindowsize"; /** Field WINDOW_GROWTH_FACTOR_PROPERTY */ public static final String WINDOW_GROWTH_FACTOR_PROPERTY = "synchrobuffer.windowgrowthfactor"; /** Field DUPLCATE_POLICY_PROPERTY */ public static final String DUPLICATE_POLICY_PROPERTY = "synchrobuffer.duplicatepolicy"; private static final String DEFAULT_MIN_WINDOW_SIZE = "500"; private static final String DEFAULT_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE = "5000"; private static final String DEFAULT_WINDOW_GROWTH_FACTOR = "100"; private static final String DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_POLICY = String.valueOf(SynchroBuffer.DUPLICATE_OK); /** * Returns properties loaded from the SynchroBuffer configuration file. * @param loader the class loader * @return The configuration properties. */ public static Properties getProperties(ClassLoader loader) { if (sbProperties == null) { sbProperties = new Properties(); InputStream in_stream = null; try { // try to open the resource from a system property in_stream = getInputStream(loader, System.getProperty(CONFIGURATION_PROPERTY)); } catch (Exception e1) { } if (in_stream == null) { try { // try to open the default config file in_stream = getInputStream(loader, CONFIGURATION_FILE); } catch (Exception e2) { } if (in_stream == null) { try { // try to open the resource from a property file InputStream property_stream = getInputStream(loader, CONFIGURATION_PROPERTY_FILE); Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.load(property_stream); in_stream = getInputStream(loader, prop.getProperty(CONFIGURATION_PROPERTY)); } catch (Exception e3) { } } } if (in_stream != null) { try { BufferedInputStream bin_stream = new BufferedInputStream(in_stream); sbProperties.load(bin_stream); in_stream.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } setProperties(); } return sbProperties; } /** * Set the right values for the properties. */ private static void setProperties() { sbProperties.setProperty(MIN_WINDOW_SIZE_PROPERTY, System.getProperty(MIN_WINDOW_SIZE_PROPERTY, sbProperties.getProperty(MIN_WINDOW_SIZE_PROPERTY, DEFAULT_MIN_WINDOW_SIZE))); sbProperties.setProperty(MAX_WINDOW_SIZE_PROPERTY, System.getProperty(MAX_WINDOW_SIZE_PROPERTY, sbProperties.getProperty(MAX_WINDOW_SIZE_PROPERTY, DEFAULT_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE))); sbProperties.setProperty(WINDOW_GROWTH_FACTOR_PROPERTY, System.getProperty(WINDOW_GROWTH_FACTOR_PROPERTY, sbProperties.getProperty(WINDOW_GROWTH_FACTOR_PROPERTY, DEFAULT_WINDOW_GROWTH_FACTOR))); sbProperties.setProperty(DUPLICATE_POLICY_PROPERTY, System.getProperty(DUPLICATE_POLICY_PROPERTY, sbProperties.getProperty(DUPLICATE_POLICY_PROPERTY, DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_POLICY))); StringWriter s_writer = new StringWriter(); sbProperties.list(new PrintWriter(s_writer)); } /** * Open the resource as Input Stream. */ private static InputStream getInputStream(ClassLoader loader, String resource) throws IOException { InputStream in_stream = null; // Try to open a resource if (loader != null) { in_stream = loader.getResourceAsStream(resource); } if (in_stream == null) { // Try to open URL try { URL url = new URL(resource); in_stream = url.openStream(); } catch (Exception e1) { // Try to open plain file try { in_stream = new FileInputStream(resource); } catch (Exception e2) { throw new IOException("unable to get the configuration"); } } } return in_stream; } }