/* * ALMA - Atacama Large Millimiter Array (c) European Southern Observatory, 2002 Copyright * by ESO (in the framework of the ALMA collaboration), All rights reserved * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with * this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Created on Mar 17, 2004 by mschilli */ package alma.acs.util; /** * Provides some support for dealing with manager references and corbalocs. * * @author mschilli */ public class AcsLocations { // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // / ------------------- API ------------------------ /// // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Returns the stringified IP or "localhost" if an error were to occur. * This method forwards to {@link ACSPorts#getIP()}. * * @return the stringified IP or "localhost" if an error were to occur. */ public static String getLocalIP () { return ACSPorts.getIP(); } /** * Figures out the manager location by reading the related system properties, otherwise * falls back to a default value. * * The strategy uses the following order: * <ol> * <li>if it exists, use property <code>ACS.manager</code> * <li>if it exists, use <code>ACS.baseport</code> together with * <code>local IP</code> * <li>use port <code>3000</code> together with <code>local IP</code> * </ol> * * @return our best guess for a valid manager location (something like * <code>corbaloc::</code>) */ static public String figureOutManagerLocation () { String baseport = System.getProperty("ACS.baseport", "").trim(); // --- first of all, try to convert the baseport property to a manager port String managerPort = ""; if (!baseport.equals("")) { try { int acsInstance = -1; // instance must be specified and positive acsInstance = Integer.parseInt(baseport); if (acsInstance > -1) { // convert instance to actual port managerPort = ACSPorts.globalInstance(acsInstance).giveManagerPort(); } } catch (NumberFormatException exc) {} } // --- try to read old single-property definition String managerLoc = System.getProperty("ACS.manager", "").trim(); if (!managerLoc.equals("")) return managerLoc; // --- try to put together the localhost with the baseport if (!managerPort.equals("")) return convertToManagerLocation(ACSPorts.getIP(), managerPort); // --- fallback to localhost:3000 return convertToManagerLocation(ACSPorts.getIP(), "3000"); } /** * Extracts host and port from a location string (either a corbaloc or an IOR). * <p> * This method is the counterpart to all the <code>convertTo...</code> methods * defined in this class. * <p> * The location string's format is recognized by the prefix (case insensitive). * If the format is unknown, an exception will be thrown. * * @param loc a CORBALOC or an IOR * @return an array {host, port} * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the location has an unknown format or is otherwise invalid */ static public String[] convert (String loc) throws IllegalArgumentException { String host = null; String port = null; if (loc.regionMatches(true, 0, "ior", 0, "ior".length())) { // have ior parsed String[] parseResult = IorParser.parse(loc); host = parseResult[0]; port = parseResult[1]; } else if (loc.regionMatches(true, 0, "corbaloc", 0, "corbaloc".length())) { // split corbaloc into parts int a = loc.indexOf(":", 0) + 1; int b = loc.indexOf(":", a) + 1; int c = loc.indexOf(":", b); int d = c + 1; int e = loc.indexOf("/", d); if (b == -1 || c == -1 || d == -1 || e == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a valid location: \"" + loc + "\""); } host = loc.substring(b, c); port = loc.substring(d, e); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a valid location: \"" + loc + "\""); } return new String[]{host, port}; } // Manager /** * The suffix for a Manager location. * Note: Not a constant, to allow for changes at runtime in case this might be needed. */ static public String MANAGER_SYMBOL = "Manager"; /** * Composes a Manager corbaloc for the specified host and port. */ static public String convertToManagerLocation (String host, String port) { return convertToManagerLocation(host, port, ""); } /** * Composes a Manager corbaloc for the specified host, port, and protocol. */ static public String convertToManagerLocation (String host, String port, String protocol) { return "corbaloc:" + protocol + ":" + host.trim() + ":" + port.trim() + "/" + MANAGER_SYMBOL; } // NameService /** * The suffix for a NameService location. * Note: Not a constant, to allow for changes at runtime in case this might be needed. */ static public String NAMESERVICE_SYMBOL = "NameService"; /** * Composes a NameService corbaloc for the specified host and port. */ static public String convertToNameServiceLocation (String host, String port) { return convertToNameServiceLocation(host, port, ""); } /** * Composes a NameService corbaloc for the specified host, port, and protocol. */ static public String convertToNameServiceLocation (String host, String port, String protocol) { return "corbaloc:" + protocol + ":" + host.trim() + ":" + port.trim() + "/" + NAMESERVICE_SYMBOL; } // InterfaceRepository /** * The suffix for a InterfaceRepository location. * Note: Not a constant, to allow for changes at runtime in case this might be needed. */ static public String INTERFACEREPOSITORY_SYMBOL = "InterfaceRepository"; /** * Composes a InterfaceRepository corbaloc for the specified host and port. */ static public String convertToInterfaceRepositoryLocation (String host, String port) { return convertToInterfaceRepositoryLocation(host, port, ""); } /** * Composes a InterfaceRepository corbaloc for the specified host, port, and protocol. */ static public String convertToInterfaceRepositoryLocation (String host, String port, String protocol) { return "corbaloc:" + protocol + ":" + host.trim() + ":" + port.trim() + "/" + INTERFACEREPOSITORY_SYMBOL; } // CDB /** * The suffix for a cdb-dal location. * Note: Not a constant, to allow for changes at runtime in case this might be needed. */ static public String CDB_SYMBOL = "CDB"; /** * Composes a CDB corbaloc for the specified host and port. */ static public String convertToCdbLocation (String host, String port) { return convertToCdbLocation(host, port, ""); } /** * Composes a CDB corbaloc for the specified host, port, and protocol. */ static public String convertToCdbLocation (String host, String port, String protocol) { return "corbaloc:" + protocol + ":" + host.trim() + ":" + port.trim() + "/" + CDB_SYMBOL; } // ACSServicesDaemon /** * The suffix for a ServicesDaemon location. * <p> * Note that this string constant is also defined in acsdaemon.idl * and would be accessible as "alma.acsdaemon.servicesDaemonServiceName.value" * if module acsdaemonidl would not come after jacsutil. * @TODO clean up the module dependencies. */ static public final String SERVICESDAEMON_SYMBOL = "ACSServicesDaemon"; /** * Composes a ServicesDaemon corbaloc for the specified host. */ static public String convertToServicesDaemonLocation (String host) { return "corbaloc::" + host.trim() + ":" + ACSPorts.getServicesDaemonPort() + "/" + SERVICESDAEMON_SYMBOL; } /** * The suffix for a ContainerDaemon location. * <p> * Note that this string constant is also defined in acsdaemon.idl * and would be accessible as "alma.acsdaemon.containerDaemonServiceName.value" * if module acsdaemonidl would not come after jacsutil. * @TODO clean up the module dependencies. */ static public final String CONTAINERDAEMON_SYMBOL = "ACSContainerDaemon"; /** * Composes a ContainerDaemon corbaloc for the specified host. */ static public String convertToContainerDaemonLocation (String host) { return "corbaloc::" + host.trim() + ":" + ACSPorts.getContainerDaemonPort() + "/" + CONTAINERDAEMON_SYMBOL; } }