/* * ALMA - Atacama Large Millimiter Array * (c) European Southern Observatory, 2002 * Copyright by ESO (in the framework of the ALMA collaboration), * All rights reserved * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA */ package alma.acs.entityutil; import java.util.ArrayList; import alma.entities.commonentity.EntityRefT; import alma.xmljbind.test.obsproject.ObsProgramT; import alma.xmljbind.test.obsproject.ObsProject; import alma.xmljbind.test.obsproject.ObsProjectEntityT; import alma.xmljbind.test.obsproject.ObsProjectRefT; import alma.xmljbind.test.obsproject.ObsUnitSetT; import alma.xmljbind.test.obsproject.ObsUnitSetTChoice; import alma.xmljbind.test.obsproposal.ObsProposal; import alma.xmljbind.test.obsproposal.ObsProposalEntityT; import alma.xmljbind.test.obsproposal.ObsProposalRefT; import alma.xmljbind.test.schedblock.SchedBlockRefT; /** * @author hsommer * created Dec 11, 2003 2:44:19 PM */ class TestEntityFactory { ObsProject getObsProject() { ObsProject proj = null; proj = new ObsProject(); ObsProjectEntityT entity = new ObsProjectEntityT(); proj.setObsProjectEntity(entity); entity.setEntityId("uid://X1230000000000000/X00000001"); entity.setSchemaVersion("1.0"); ObsProposalRefT ref = new ObsProposalRefT(); proj.setObsProposalRef(ref); ref.setEntityId("uid://X1230000000000000/X00000002"); ObsProgramT prog = new ObsProgramT(); proj.setObsProgram(prog); ObsUnitSetT obsPlan = new ObsUnitSetT(); prog.setObsPlan(obsPlan); ObsUnitSetTChoice choice = new ObsUnitSetTChoice(); obsPlan.setObsUnitSetTChoice(choice); SchedBlockRefT schedBlockRef1 = new SchedBlockRefT(); choice.addSchedBlockRef(schedBlockRef1); schedBlockRef1.setEntityId("uid://X1230000000000000/X00000003"); return proj; } ObsProposal getObsProposal() { ObsProposal prop = null; prop = new ObsProposal(); ObsProposalEntityT entity = new ObsProposalEntityT(); prop.setObsProposalEntity(entity); entity.setEntityId("uid://X1230000000000000/X00000002"); ObsProjectRefT ref = new ObsProjectRefT(); ref.setEntityId("uid://X1230000000000000/X00000001"); prop.setObsProjectRef(ref); return prop; } // SchedBlock[] getSchedblocks() // { // ArrayList schedBlockList = new ArrayList(); // // SchedBlock sb1 = new SchedBlock(); // schedBlockList.add(sb1); // // SchedBlockEntityT entity = new SchedBlockEntityT(); // sb1.setSchedBlockEntity(entity); // // entity.setEntityId("uid://X1230000000000000/X00000003"); // // ObsProjectRefT ref = new ObsProjectRefT(); // ref.setEntityId("uid://X1230000000000000/X00000001"); // sb1.setObsProjectRef(ref); // // return (SchedBlock[]) schedBlockList.toArray(new SchedBlock[0]); // } // /** * Returns (hardcoded) the EntityRef objects that are part of the ObsProject * that can be retrieved from {@link #getObsProject}. * Needed to test the code that dynamically finds these objects. * @return EntityRefT[] */ EntityRefT[] getReferencesInObsProject(ObsProject proj) { ArrayList<EntityRefT> entityRefs = new ArrayList<EntityRefT>(); EntityRefT propRef = proj.getObsProposalRef(); entityRefs.add(propRef); EntityRefT sb1Ref = proj .getObsProgram() .getObsPlan() .getObsUnitSetTChoice() .getSchedBlockRef()[0]; entityRefs.add(sb1Ref); return entityRefs.toArray(new EntityRefT[0]); } }