package si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.traces.Trace2DLtd; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.traces.painters.TracePainterDisc; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.DefaultListModel; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import javax.swing.text.Style; import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Operation; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.RemoteCall; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.RemoteResponse; import alma.acs.gui.util.DataFormatter; import alma.acs.gui.widgets.SmartPanel; import alma.acs.gui.widgets.SmartTextPane; import com.cosylab.util.CircularArrayList; /** * Insert the type's description here. * Creation date: (11/2/00 8:17:28 PM) * @author: Miha Kadunc */ public class RemoteResponseWindow extends JFrame implements OperationInvocator, RemoteResponseCallbackListener { private JPanel ivjJFrameContentPane = null; private JPanel ivjJPanel1 = null; private JLabel ivjJLabel1 = null; private JLabel ivjJLabel2 = null; private JScrollPane ivjJScrollPane1 = null; private JLabel ivjmessageField = null; private SmartTextPane ivjReportArea = null; private JLabel ivjJLabel3 = null; IvjEventHandler ivjEventHandler = new IvjEventHandler(); private JButton ivjJButton1 = null; private JLabel ivjJLabel4 = null; private JTextField ivjJTextField1 = null; private JList ivjJList1 = null; private JScrollPane ivjJScrollPane2 = null; private JSplitPane ivjJSplitPane1 = null; private JTabbedPane ivjResultPanel = null; private JPanel ivjTextPanel = null; private Chart2D ivjTrend = null; private JCheckBoxMenuItem ivjJCheckBoxMenuItem1 = null; //BEANS private ReporterBean reporter = null; private RemoteResponse rr = null; private NotificationBean notifier = null; private StringBuffer minimText = new StringBuffer(); private int reportLength = -1; private int minimTextReportCount = 0; private int maxLines = 500; //CHART private java.util.ArrayList numberIndexes = new java.util.ArrayList(); private List<double[]> chartData = new CircularArrayList<double[]>(); private int selectedChartValue = -1; private int selectedChartXValue = -1; private Trace2DLtd trace = null; //OTHER private boolean enabled = true; private boolean editing = false; private boolean destroyed = false; private JScrollPane ivjJScrollPane3 = null; private JScrollPane ivjJScrollPane4 = null; private JSplitPane ivjJSplitPane2 = null; private SmartTextPane ivjoperationResultArea = null; private JList ivjoperationsList = null; private JLabel ivjJLabel5 = null; private JLabel ivjJLabel6 = null; private JList ivjJList2 = null; private JPanel ivjJPanel3 = null; private JScrollPane ivjJScrollPane5 = null; private SmartPanel ivjOperations = null; private SmartPanel ivjTrendPanel = null; private boolean disposeOnDestroy=false; private volatile boolean textOutputTabSelected = false; private Style redStyle = null; private Style blackStyle = null; private Style redStyleOP = null; private Style blackStyleOP = null; class IvjEventHandler implements java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.FocusListener, java.awt.event.KeyListener, java.awt.event.MouseListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == RemoteResponseWindow.this.getJButton1()) connEtoC1(e); if (e.getSource() == RemoteResponseWindow.this.getJTextField1()) connEtoC2(e); if (e.getSource() == RemoteResponseWindow.this.getJCheckBoxMenuItem1()) connEtoC7(e); }; public void focusGained(java.awt.event.FocusEvent e) {}; public void focusLost(java.awt.event.FocusEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == RemoteResponseWindow.this.getJTextField1()) connEtoC3(e); }; public void keyPressed(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == RemoteResponseWindow.this.getJTextField1()) connEtoC4(e); }; public void keyReleased(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e) {}; public void keyTyped(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e) {}; public void mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == RemoteResponseWindow.this.getoperationsList()) connEtoC8(e); }; public void mouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e) {}; public void mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e) {}; public void mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e) {}; public void mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e) {}; public void valueChanged(javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == RemoteResponseWindow.this.getJList1()) connPtoP1SetTarget(); if (e.getSource() == RemoteResponseWindow.this.getJList2()) connPtoP2SetTarget(); }; public void windowActivated(java.awt.event.WindowEvent e) {}; public void windowClosed(java.awt.event.WindowEvent e) { setDestroyed(true); if (rr!=null) rr.getInvocation().requestDestroy(); }; public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent e) {}; public void windowDeactivated(java.awt.event.WindowEvent e) {}; public void windowDeiconified(java.awt.event.WindowEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == RemoteResponseWindow.this) connEtoC5(e); }; public void windowIconified(java.awt.event.WindowEvent e) {}; public void windowOpened(java.awt.event.WindowEvent e) {}; }; /** * CallMethodDialog constructor comment. */ public RemoteResponseWindow() { super(); initialize(); } /** * CallMethodDialog constructor comment. * @param title java.lang.String */ public RemoteResponseWindow(RemoteResponse rr,NotificationBean notifier, ReporterBean reporter) { super(); if (rr!=null) this.rr=rr; else throw(new NullPointerException("RemoteResponse in RemoteResponseWindow")); this.notifier=notifier; this.reporter=reporter; initialize(); setTitle("["+rr.getInvocation().getInvocationRequest().getSN()+"] "+rr.getInvocation().getName()); getTrendPanel().setName("Trend for "+rr.getInvocation().getName()); getTrendPanel().setShortName("Trend"); getOperations().setName("Operations for "+rr.getInvocation().getName()); getOperations().setShortName("Operations"); getJList1().setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultListModel()); getJList2().setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultListModel()); fillTrendList(rr); } /** * Creation date: (25.10.2001 0:12:55) * @param response si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.RemoteResponse */ private void checkChartPointsSize() { while (chartData.size()>maxLines){ chartData.remove(0); } } /** * connEtoC1: (JButton1.action.actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) --> RemoteResponseWindow.jButton1_ActionPerformed(Ljava.awt.event.ActionEvent;)V) * @param arg1 java.awt.event.ActionEvent */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private void connEtoC1(java.awt.event.ActionEvent arg1) { try { // user code begin {1} // user code end this.jButton1_ActionPerformed(arg1); // user code begin {2} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {3} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } /** * connEtoC2: (JTextField1.action.actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) --> RemoteResponseWindow.jTextField1_ActionPerformed()V) * @param arg1 java.awt.event.ActionEvent */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private void connEtoC2(java.awt.event.ActionEvent arg1) { try { // user code begin {1} // user code end this.jTextField1_ActionPerformed(); // user code begin {2} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {3} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } /** * connEtoC3: (JTextField1.focus.focusLost(java.awt.event.FocusEvent) --> RemoteResponseWindow.jTextField1_FocusLost()V) * @param arg1 java.awt.event.FocusEvent */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private void connEtoC3(java.awt.event.FocusEvent arg1) { try { // user code begin {1} // user code end this.jTextField1_FocusLost(); // user code begin {2} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {3} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } /** * connEtoC4: (JTextField1.key.keyPressed(java.awt.event.KeyEvent) --> RemoteResponseWindow.jTextField1_FocusGained()V) * @param arg1 java.awt.event.KeyEvent */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private void connEtoC4(java.awt.event.KeyEvent arg1) { try { // user code begin {1} // user code end this.jTextField1_FocusGained(); // user code begin {2} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {3} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } /** * connEtoC5: (RemoteResponseWindow.window.windowDeiconified(java.awt.event.WindowEvent) --> RemoteResponseWindow.remoteResponseWindow_WindowDeiconified(Ljava.awt.event.WindowEvent;)V) * @param arg1 java.awt.event.WindowEvent */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private void connEtoC5(java.awt.event.WindowEvent arg1) { try { // user code begin {1} // user code end this.remoteResponseWindow_WindowDeiconified(arg1); // user code begin {2} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {3} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } /** * connEtoC6: (RemoteResponseWindow.initialize() --> RemoteResponseWindow.remoteResponseWindow_Initialize()V) */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private void connEtoC6() { try { // user code begin {1} // user code end this.remoteResponseWindow_Initialize(); // user code begin {2} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {3} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } /** * connEtoC7: (JCheckBoxMenuItem1.action.actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) --> RemoteResponseWindow.jCheckBoxMenuItem1_ActionPerformed(Ljava.awt.event.ActionEvent;)V) * @param arg1 java.awt.event.ActionEvent */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private void connEtoC7(java.awt.event.ActionEvent arg1) { try { // user code begin {1} // user code end this.jCheckBoxMenuItem1_ActionPerformed(arg1); // user code begin {2} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {3} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } /** * connEtoC8: (operationsList.mouse.mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) --> RemoteResponseWindow.jList2_MouseClicked(Ljava.awt.event.MouseEvent;)V) * @param arg1 java.awt.event.MouseEvent */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private void connEtoC8(java.awt.event.MouseEvent arg1) { try { // user code begin {1} // user code end this.jList2_MouseClicked(arg1); // user code begin {2} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {3} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } /** * connPtoP1SetTarget: (JList1.selectedIndex <--> RemoteResponseWindow.selectedChartValue) */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private void connPtoP1SetTarget() { /* Set the target from the source */ try { this.setSelectedChartValue(getJList1().getSelectedIndex()); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {3} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } /** * connPtoP2SetTarget: (JList2.selectedIndex <--> RemoteResponseWindow.selectedChartXValue) */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private void connPtoP2SetTarget() { /* Set the target from the source */ try { this.setSelectedChartXValue(getJList2().getSelectedIndex()); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {3} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (2/25/2001 5:21:43 PM) */ public void disable() { setTitle(getTitle()+" -- Invocation Destroyed"); getReportArea().append("\nINVOCATION WAS DESTROYED"); getoperationsList().setEnabled(false); setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); setDestroyed(true); if (disposeOnDestroy) dispose(); } /** * Creation date: (23.10.2001 22:33:35) * @param rr si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.RemoteResponse */ void fillTrendList(RemoteResponse rr) { Object[] values = rr.getData(); String[] names = rr.getDataNames(); ((DefaultListModel) getJList1().getModel()).addElement("[time]"); ((DefaultListModel) getJList2().getModel()).addElement("[time]"); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { //if (values[i] != null && (Number.class).isAssignableFrom(values[i].getClass())) { if (values[i] != null && ((Number.class).isAssignableFrom(values[i].getClass()) || (values[i].getClass().isArray() && (Number.class).isAssignableFrom(values[i].getClass().getComponentType())))) { String name=names[i]; if (values[i] instanceof Long) name=name+ " / 1000"; else if (values[i].getClass().isArray()) name=name+"[]"; ((DefaultListModel) getJList1().getModel()).addElement(name); ((DefaultListModel) getJList2().getModel()).addElement(name); numberIndexes.add(new Integer(i)); if(values[i].getClass().isArray()) { java.util.ArrayList numberSubIndexes = new java.util.ArrayList(); for(int j = 0; j < ((Object [])values[i]).length; j++) { if(((Object [])values[i])[j] != null && ((Number.class).isAssignableFrom(((Object [])values[i])[j].getClass()))) { name=names[i]+"["+j+"]"; if (((Object [])values[i])[j] instanceof Long) name=name+ " / 1000"; ((DefaultListModel) getJList1().getModel()).addElement(name); ((DefaultListModel) getJList2().getModel()).addElement(name); numberSubIndexes.add(new Integer[]{i,j}); } } numberIndexes.add(numberSubIndexes); } } else if(values[i] != null && (values[i].getClass() == Boolean.class || (values[i].getClass().isArray() && Boolean.class == values[i].getClass().getComponentType()))) { String name = names[i]; if(values[i].getClass().isArray()) { name += "[]"; } ((DefaultListModel) getJList1().getModel()).addElement(name); ((DefaultListModel) getJList2().getModel()).addElement(name); numberIndexes.add(new Integer(i)); if(values[i].getClass().isArray()) { java.util.ArrayList numberSubIndexes = new java.util.ArrayList(); for(int j = 0; j < ((Object [])values[i]).length; j++) { if(((Object [])values[i])[j] != null && (Boolean.class ==((Object [])values[i])[j].getClass())) { name=names[i]+"["+j+"]"; ((DefaultListModel) getJList1().getModel()).addElement(name); ((DefaultListModel) getJList2().getModel()).addElement(name); numberSubIndexes.add(new Integer[]{i,j}); } } numberIndexes.add(numberSubIndexes); } } } } /** * Creation date: (23.10.2001 19:58:56) * @return boolean */ public int getChartSize() { return (chartData.size()); } /** * Creation date: (23.10.2001 19:58:56) * @return boolean */ public double getChartX(int index) { if (selectedChartXValue==-1) return 0; return ((double[])chartData.get(index))[selectedChartXValue]; } /** * Creation date: (23.10.2001 19:58:56) * @return boolean */ public double getChartY(int index) { if (selectedChartValue==-1) return 0; return ((double[])chartData.get(index))[selectedChartValue]; } /** * Return the JButton1 property value. * @return javax.swing.JButton */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JButton getJButton1() { if (ivjJButton1 == null) { try { ivjJButton1 = new javax.swing.JButton(); ivjJButton1.setName("JButton1"); ivjJButton1.setText("Disable output"); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJButton1; } /** * Return the JCheckBoxMenuItem1 property value. * @return javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem getJCheckBoxMenuItem1() { if (ivjJCheckBoxMenuItem1 == null) { try { ivjJCheckBoxMenuItem1 = new javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem(); ivjJCheckBoxMenuItem1.setName("JCheckBoxMenuItem1"); ivjJCheckBoxMenuItem1.setText("Expand results"); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJCheckBoxMenuItem1; } /** * Return the JFrameContentPane property value. * @return javax.swing.JPanel */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JPanel getJFrameContentPane() { if (ivjJFrameContentPane == null) { try { ivjJFrameContentPane = new javax.swing.JPanel(); ivjJFrameContentPane.setName("JFrameContentPane"); ivjJFrameContentPane.setLayout(new java.awt.CardLayout()); ivjJFrameContentPane.setBackground(java.awt.SystemColor.control); ivjJFrameContentPane.setForeground(; getJFrameContentPane().add(getJPanel1(), getJPanel1().getName()); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJFrameContentPane; } /** * Return the JLabel1 property value. * @return javax.swing.JLabel */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JLabel getJLabel1() { if (ivjJLabel1 == null) { try { ivjJLabel1 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); ivjJLabel1.setName("JLabel1"); ivjJLabel1.setText("Message:"); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJLabel1; } /** * Return the JLabel2 property value. * @return javax.swing.JLabel */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JLabel getJLabel2() { if (ivjJLabel2 == null) { try { ivjJLabel2 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); ivjJLabel2.setName("JLabel2"); ivjJLabel2.setText("Serial Number:"); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJLabel2; } /** * Return the JLabel3 property value. * @return javax.swing.JLabel */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JLabel getJLabel3() { if (ivjJLabel3 == null) { try { ivjJLabel3 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); ivjJLabel3.setName("JLabel3"); ivjJLabel3.setText(""); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJLabel3; } /** * Return the JLabel4 property value. * @return javax.swing.JLabel */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JLabel getJLabel4() { if (ivjJLabel4 == null) { try { ivjJLabel4 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); ivjJLabel4.setName("JLabel4"); ivjJLabel4.setText("max. no. of results:"); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJLabel4; } /** * Return the JLabel5 property value. * @return javax.swing.JLabel */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JLabel getJLabel5() { if (ivjJLabel5 == null) { try { ivjJLabel5 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); ivjJLabel5.setName("JLabel5"); ivjJLabel5.setText("Y values"); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJLabel5; } /** * Return the JLabel6 property value. * @return javax.swing.JLabel */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JLabel getJLabel6() { if (ivjJLabel6 == null) { try { ivjJLabel6 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); ivjJLabel6.setName("JLabel6"); ivjJLabel6.setText("X values"); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJLabel6; } /** * Return the JList1 property value. * @return javax.swing.JList */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JList getJList1() { if (ivjJList1 == null) { try { ivjJList1 = new javax.swing.JList(); ivjJList1.setName("JList1"); ivjJList1.setBounds(0, 0, 145, 200); ivjJList1.setSelectionMode(javax.swing.ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJList1; } /** * Return the JList2 property value. * @return javax.swing.JList */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JList getJList2() { if (ivjJList2 == null) { try { ivjJList2 = new javax.swing.JList(); ivjJList2.setName("JList2"); ivjJList2.setBounds(0, 0, 49, 228); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJList2; } /** * Return the JPanel1 property value. * @return javax.swing.JPanel */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JPanel getJPanel1() { if (ivjJPanel1 == null) { try { ivjJPanel1 = new javax.swing.JPanel(); ivjJPanel1.setName("JPanel1"); ivjJPanel1.setLayout(new java.awt.GridBagLayout()); java.awt.GridBagConstraints constraintsJLabel1 = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints(); constraintsJLabel1.gridx = 0; constraintsJLabel1.gridy = 1; constraintsJLabel1.fill = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.BOTH; constraintsJLabel1.ipadx = 5; constraintsJLabel1.ipady = 5; constraintsJLabel1.insets = new java.awt.Insets(0, 15, 0, 0); getJPanel1().add(getJLabel1(), constraintsJLabel1); java.awt.GridBagConstraints constraintsJLabel2 = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints(); constraintsJLabel2.gridx = 0; constraintsJLabel2.gridy = 0; constraintsJLabel2.insets = new java.awt.Insets(0, 15, 0, 0); getJPanel1().add(getJLabel2(), constraintsJLabel2); java.awt.GridBagConstraints constraintsmessageField = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints(); constraintsmessageField.gridx = 1; constraintsmessageField.gridy = 1; constraintsmessageField.gridwidth = 2; constraintsmessageField.fill = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.BOTH; constraintsmessageField.weightx = 1.0; constraintsmessageField.insets = new java.awt.Insets(0, 4, 0, 8); getJPanel1().add(getmessageField(), constraintsmessageField); java.awt.GridBagConstraints constraintsJLabel3 = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints(); constraintsJLabel3.gridx = 1; constraintsJLabel3.gridy = 0; constraintsJLabel3.fill = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.BOTH; constraintsJLabel3.insets = new java.awt.Insets(0, 5, 0, 4); getJPanel1().add(getJLabel3(), constraintsJLabel3); java.awt.GridBagConstraints constraintsJButton1 = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints(); constraintsJButton1.gridx = 3; constraintsJButton1.gridy = 1; constraintsJButton1.insets = new java.awt.Insets(4, 4, 4, 4); getJPanel1().add(getJButton1(), constraintsJButton1); java.awt.GridBagConstraints constraintsJTextField1 = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints(); constraintsJTextField1.gridx = 3; constraintsJTextField1.gridy = 0; constraintsJTextField1.fill = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; constraintsJTextField1.insets = new java.awt.Insets(4, 4, 4, 4); getJPanel1().add(getJTextField1(), constraintsJTextField1); java.awt.GridBagConstraints constraintsJLabel4 = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints(); constraintsJLabel4.gridx = 2; constraintsJLabel4.gridy = 0; constraintsJLabel4.anchor = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.EAST; constraintsJLabel4.insets = new java.awt.Insets(4, 4, 4, 4); getJPanel1().add(getJLabel4(), constraintsJLabel4); java.awt.GridBagConstraints constraintsResultPanel = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints(); constraintsResultPanel.gridx = 0; constraintsResultPanel.gridy = 2; constraintsResultPanel.gridwidth = 4; constraintsResultPanel.fill = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.BOTH; constraintsResultPanel.weightx = 1.0; constraintsResultPanel.weighty = 1.0; constraintsResultPanel.insets = new java.awt.Insets(4, 4, 4, 4); getJPanel1().add(getResultPanel(), constraintsResultPanel); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJPanel1; } /** * Return the JPanel3 property value. * @return javax.swing.JPanel */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JPanel getJPanel3() { if (ivjJPanel3 == null) { try { ivjJPanel3 = new javax.swing.JPanel(); ivjJPanel3.setName("JPanel3"); ivjJPanel3.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(200, 490)); ivjJPanel3.setLayout(new java.awt.GridBagLayout()); ivjJPanel3.setMinimumSize(new java.awt.Dimension(200, 272)); ivjJPanel3.setMaximumSize(new java.awt.Dimension(200, 2147483647)); java.awt.GridBagConstraints constraintsJScrollPane2 = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints(); constraintsJScrollPane2.gridx = 0; constraintsJScrollPane2.gridy = 2; constraintsJScrollPane2.fill = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.BOTH; constraintsJScrollPane2.weightx = 1.0; constraintsJScrollPane2.weighty = 1.0; constraintsJScrollPane2.ipadx = 126; constraintsJScrollPane2.ipady = 92; getJPanel3().add(getJScrollPane2(), constraintsJScrollPane2); java.awt.GridBagConstraints constraintsJScrollPane5 = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints(); constraintsJScrollPane5.gridx = 0; constraintsJScrollPane5.gridy = 4; constraintsJScrollPane5.fill = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.BOTH; constraintsJScrollPane5.weightx = 1.0; constraintsJScrollPane5.weighty = 1.0; constraintsJScrollPane5.ipadx = 126; constraintsJScrollPane5.ipady = 92; getJPanel3().add(getJScrollPane5(), constraintsJScrollPane5); java.awt.GridBagConstraints constraintsJLabel5 = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints(); constraintsJLabel5.gridx = 0; constraintsJLabel5.gridy = 1; constraintsJLabel5.insets = new java.awt.Insets(4, 4, 4, 4); getJPanel3().add(getJLabel5(), constraintsJLabel5); java.awt.GridBagConstraints constraintsJLabel6 = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints(); constraintsJLabel6.gridx = 0; constraintsJLabel6.gridy = 3; constraintsJLabel6.insets = new java.awt.Insets(4, 4, 4, 4); getJPanel3().add(getJLabel6(), constraintsJLabel6); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJPanel3; } /** * Return the JScrollPane1 property value. * @return javax.swing.JScrollPane */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JScrollPane getJScrollPane1() { if (ivjJScrollPane1 == null) { try { ivjJScrollPane1 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); ivjJScrollPane1.setName("JScrollPane1"); getJScrollPane1().setViewportView(getReportArea()); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJScrollPane1; } /** * Return the JScrollPane2 property value. * @return javax.swing.JScrollPane */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JScrollPane getJScrollPane2() { if (ivjJScrollPane2 == null) { try { ivjJScrollPane2 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); ivjJScrollPane2.setName("JScrollPane2"); getJScrollPane2().setViewportView(getJList1()); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJScrollPane2; } /** * Return the JScrollPane3 property value. * @return javax.swing.JScrollPane */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JScrollPane getJScrollPane3() { if (ivjJScrollPane3 == null) { try { ivjJScrollPane3 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); ivjJScrollPane3.setName("JScrollPane3"); getJScrollPane3().setViewportView(getoperationsList()); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJScrollPane3; } /** * Return the JScrollPane4 property value. * @return javax.swing.JScrollPane */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JScrollPane getJScrollPane4() { if (ivjJScrollPane4 == null) { try { ivjJScrollPane4 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); ivjJScrollPane4.setName("JScrollPane4"); getJScrollPane4().setViewportView(getoperationResultArea()); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJScrollPane4; } /** * Return the JScrollPane5 property value. * @return javax.swing.JScrollPane */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JScrollPane getJScrollPane5() { if (ivjJScrollPane5 == null) { try { ivjJScrollPane5 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); ivjJScrollPane5.setName("JScrollPane5"); getJScrollPane5().setViewportView(getJList2()); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJScrollPane5; } /** * Return the JSplitPane1 property value. * @return javax.swing.JSplitPane */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JSplitPane getJSplitPane1() { if (ivjJSplitPane1 == null) { try { ivjJSplitPane1 = new javax.swing.JSplitPane(javax.swing.JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT); ivjJSplitPane1.setName("JSplitPane1"); getJSplitPane1().add(getTrend(), "right"); getJSplitPane1().add(getJPanel3(), "left"); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJSplitPane1; } /** * Return the JSplitPane2 property value. * @return javax.swing.JSplitPane */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JSplitPane getJSplitPane2() { if (ivjJSplitPane2 == null) { try { ivjJSplitPane2 = new javax.swing.JSplitPane(javax.swing.JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT); ivjJSplitPane2.setName("JSplitPane2"); getJSplitPane2().add(getJScrollPane3(), "left"); getJSplitPane2().add(getJScrollPane4(), "right"); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJSplitPane2; } /** * Return the JTextField1 property value. * @return javax.swing.JTextField */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JTextField getJTextField1() { if (ivjJTextField1 == null) { try { ivjJTextField1 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); ivjJTextField1.setName("JTextField1"); ivjJTextField1.setText("500"); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjJTextField1; } /** * Creation date: (25.10.2001 0:01:47) * @return int */ public int getMaxLines() { return maxLines; } /** * Return the messageField property value. * @return javax.swing.JLabel */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JLabel getmessageField() { if (ivjmessageField == null) { try { ivjmessageField = new javax.swing.JLabel(); ivjmessageField.setName("messageField"); ivjmessageField.setText(""); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjmessageField; } /** * Return the operationResultArea property value. * @return com.cosylab.gui.components.SmartTextPane */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private SmartTextPane getoperationResultArea() { if (ivjoperationResultArea == null) { try { ivjoperationResultArea = new SmartTextPane(); ivjoperationResultArea.setName("operationResultArea"); ivjoperationResultArea.setBounds(0, 0, 11, 6); // user code begin {1} // default style blackStyleOP = ivjoperationResultArea.getLogicalStyle(); // Makes text red redStyleOP = ivjoperationResultArea.addStyle("Red", null); StyleConstants.setForeground(redStyleOP,; // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjoperationResultArea; } /** * Return the Operations property value. * @return si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.SmartPanel */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private SmartPanel getOperations() { if (ivjOperations == null) { try { ivjOperations = new SmartPanel(); ivjOperations.setName("Operations"); ivjOperations.setLayout(getOperationsCardLayout()); getOperations().add(getJSplitPane2(), getJSplitPane2().getName()); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjOperations; } /** * Return the OperationsCardLayout property value. * @return java.awt.CardLayout */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private java.awt.CardLayout getOperationsCardLayout() { java.awt.CardLayout ivjOperationsCardLayout = null; try { /* Create part */ ivjOperationsCardLayout = new java.awt.CardLayout(); ivjOperationsCardLayout.setVgap(4); ivjOperationsCardLayout.setHgap(4); } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { handleException(ivjExc); }; return ivjOperationsCardLayout; } /** * Return the operationsList property value. * @return javax.swing.JList */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JList getoperationsList() { if (ivjoperationsList == null) { try { ivjoperationsList = new javax.swing.JList(); ivjoperationsList.setName("operationsList"); ivjoperationsList.setBounds(0, 0, 183, 232); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjoperationsList; } /** * Return the ReportArea property value. * @return com.cosylab.gui.components.SmartTextArea */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private SmartTextPane getReportArea() { if (ivjReportArea == null) { try { ivjReportArea = new SmartTextPane(); ivjReportArea.setName("ReportArea"); ivjReportArea.setMaxLines(1000); ivjReportArea.setLocation(0, 0); // user code begin {1} // default style blackStyle = ivjReportArea.getLogicalStyle(); // Makes text red redStyle = ivjReportArea.addStyle("Red", null); StyleConstants.setForeground(redStyle,; //ivjReportArea.setEnabled(false); // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjReportArea; } /** * Return the ResultPanel property value. * @return javax.swing.JTabbedPane */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JTabbedPane getResultPanel() { if (ivjResultPanel == null) { try { ivjResultPanel = new javax.swing.JTabbedPane(); ivjResultPanel.setName("ResultPanel"); ivjResultPanel.insertTab("Text output", null, getTextPanel(), null, 0); ivjResultPanel.insertTab("Trend", null, getTrendPanel(), null, 1); ivjResultPanel.insertTab("Operations", null, getOperations(), null, 2); // set trend as default ivjResultPanel.setSelectedIndex(1); // text output switch ivjResultPanel.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { // This method is called whenever the selected tab changes public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) { JTabbedPane pane = (JTabbedPane)evt.getSource(); // Get current tab textOutputTabSelected = (pane.getSelectedIndex() == 0); } }); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjResultPanel; } /** * Creation date: (25.10.2001 21:59:04) * @return int */ public int getSelectedChartValue() { return selectedChartValue; } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (6.2.2002 23:42:48) * @return int */ public int getSelectedChartXValue() { return selectedChartXValue; } /** * Return the TextPanel property value. * @return javax.swing.JPanel */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private javax.swing.JPanel getTextPanel() { if (ivjTextPanel == null) { try { ivjTextPanel = new javax.swing.JPanel(); ivjTextPanel.setName("TextPanel"); ivjTextPanel.setLayout(getTextPanelCardLayout()); getTextPanel().add(getJScrollPane1(), getJScrollPane1().getName()); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjTextPanel; } /** * Return the TextPanelCardLayout property value. * @return java.awt.CardLayout */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private java.awt.CardLayout getTextPanelCardLayout() { java.awt.CardLayout ivjTextPanelCardLayout = null; try { /* Create part */ ivjTextPanelCardLayout = new java.awt.CardLayout(); ivjTextPanelCardLayout.setVgap(4); ivjTextPanelCardLayout.setHgap(4); } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { handleException(ivjExc); }; return ivjTextPanelCardLayout; } /** * Return the Trend property value. * @return com.cosylab.gui.chart.BaseChart */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private Chart2D getTrend() { if (ivjTrend == null) { try { ivjTrend = new Chart2D(); ivjTrend.setName("Trend"); ivjTrend.getAxisX().getAxisTitle().setTitle(""); ivjTrend.getAxisY().getAxisTitle().setTitle(""); trace = new Trace2DLtd(maxLines); trace.setName(""); ivjTrend.addTrace(trace); trace.addTracePainter(new TracePainterDisc()); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjTrend; } /** * Return the TrendPanel property value. * @return si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.SmartPanel */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private SmartPanel getTrendPanel() { if (ivjTrendPanel == null) { try { ivjTrendPanel = new SmartPanel(); ivjTrendPanel.setName("TrendPanel"); ivjTrendPanel.setToolTipText("Trend"); ivjTrendPanel.setLayout(getTrendPanelCardLayout()); getTrendPanel().add(getJSplitPane1(), getJSplitPane1().getName()); // user code begin {1} // user code end } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { // user code begin {2} // user code end handleException(ivjExc); } } return ivjTrendPanel; } /** * Return the TrendPanelCardLayout property value. * @return java.awt.CardLayout */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private java.awt.CardLayout getTrendPanelCardLayout() { java.awt.CardLayout ivjTrendPanelCardLayout = null; try { /* Create part */ ivjTrendPanelCardLayout = new java.awt.CardLayout(); ivjTrendPanelCardLayout.setVgap(4); ivjTrendPanelCardLayout.setHgap(4); } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { handleException(ivjExc); }; return ivjTrendPanelCardLayout; } /** * Called whenever the part throws an exception. * @param exception java.lang.Throwable */ private void handleException(java.lang.Throwable exception) { /* Uncomment the following lines to print uncaught exceptions to stdout */ System.out.println("--------- UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION in RemoteResponseWindow ---------"); exception.printStackTrace(System.out); } /** * Initializes connections * @exception java.lang.Exception The exception description. */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private void initConnections() throws java.lang.Exception { // user code begin {1} // user code end getJButton1().addActionListener(ivjEventHandler); getJTextField1().addActionListener(ivjEventHandler); getJTextField1().addFocusListener(ivjEventHandler); getJTextField1().addKeyListener(ivjEventHandler); this.addWindowListener(ivjEventHandler); getJCheckBoxMenuItem1().addActionListener(ivjEventHandler); getJList1().addListSelectionListener(ivjEventHandler); getJList2().addListSelectionListener(ivjEventHandler); getoperationsList().addMouseListener(ivjEventHandler); connPtoP1SetTarget(); connPtoP2SetTarget(); } /** * Initialize the class. */ /* WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL BE REGENERATED. */ private void initialize() { try { // user code begin {1} // user code end setName("RemoteResponseWindow"); setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); setSize(600, 333); setTitle(""); setContentPane(getJFrameContentPane()); initConnections(); connEtoC6(); } catch (java.lang.Throwable ivjExc) { handleException(ivjExc); } // user code begin {2} // user code end } /** * invocationDestroyed method comment. */ public void invocationDestroyed(si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Invocation invocation) { } /** * invokeOperation method comment. */ public void invokeOperation(si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Operation op, java.lang.Object[] params) { if (op !=null){ if (op.isInvocation()) { op.invokeAsync(params,new OERemoteResponseCallback(this,ReporterBean.raID)); } else { RemoteCall ret=op.invoke(params); SmartTextPane resultArea = getoperationResultArea(); try { boolean errorResponse = ret.isErrorResponse(); if (errorResponse) { // needed since carent does not point always to the end resultArea.setCaretPosition(resultArea.getText().length()); resultArea.setLogicalStyle(redStyleOP); } resultArea.append(ReporterBean.toString(ret, reporter.isExpand() | errorResponse)+"\n"); if (errorResponse) resultArea.append("\n"); } finally { resultArea.setLogicalStyle(blackStyleOP); } } } } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (3/27/2001 10:41:16 PM) * @return boolean */ public boolean isDestroyed() { return destroyed; } /** * Creation date: (23.10.2001 19:58:56) * @return boolean */ public boolean isExpand() { return reporter.isExpand(); //return getJCheckBoxMenuItem1().isSelected(); } /** * Comment */ public void jButton1_ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent actionEvent) { if (enabled) { getJButton1().setText("Enable output"); enabled=false; } else { getJButton1().setText("Disable output"); enabled=true; } } /** * Comment */ public void jCheckBoxMenuItem1_ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent actionEvent) { reportLength=-1; return; } /** * Comment */ public void jList2_MouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent) { //2010-02-12 panta@naoj //if ((mouseEvent.getClickCount() == 2) if ((mouseEvent.getClickCount() == 1) && (mouseEvent.getModifiers() == InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK)) { if (getoperationsList() .locationToIndex(new java.awt.Point(10, mouseEvent.getY())) == -1) return; Operation op = (Operation) getoperationsList().getSelectedValue(); boolean doParams = false; boolean[] mask = op.getMask(); if (op.getParameterTypes().length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) { if (mask[i]) { doParams = true; break; } } } if (doParams) new CallMethodDialog(op, this, true, notifier, this).setVisible(true); else invokeOperation(op, new Object[op.getParameterTypes().length]); } return; } /** * Comment */ public void jTextField1_ActionPerformed() { if (editing && getJTextField1().getText()!="") { maxLines=0; try { int lines = Integer.parseInt(getJTextField1().getText()); if (lines>0) if (lines < Integer.MAX_VALUE) maxLines=lines; else maxLines=Integer.MAX_VALUE; else maxLines=1; // limit to the last 100000 trace.setMaxSize(Math.min(maxLines, 10000)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { maxLines=reportLength; } getJTextField1().setText(Integer.toString(maxLines)); //java.awt.Font font=getJTextField1().getFont(); getJTextField1().setBackground(getJPanel1().getBackground()); //setFont(new java.awt.Font(font.getFontName(),font.BOLD,font.getSize())); getReportArea().setMaxLines(maxLines * (reportLength-1)); checkChartPointsSize(); editing=false; } } /** * un-BOLD-enes the lines textfield */ public void jTextField1_FocusGained() { if (!editing) { //java.awt.Font font=getJTextField1().getFont(); getJTextField1().setBackground(getReportArea().getBackground()); // Font(new java.awt.Font(font.getFontName(),font.PLAIN,font.getSize())); editing=true; } } /** * Comment */ public void jTextField1_FocusLost() { if (editing) { getJTextField1().setText(Integer.toString(getReportArea().getMaxLines())); //java.awt.Font font=getJTextField1().getFont(); getJTextField1().setBackground(getJPanel1().getBackground()); editing=false; } } /** * main entrypoint - starts the part when it is run as an application * @param args java.lang.String[] */ public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) { try { CallMethodDialog aCallMethodDialog; aCallMethodDialog = new CallMethodDialog(); aCallMethodDialog.addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); }; }); aCallMethodDialog.setVisible(true); } catch (Throwable exception) { System.err.println("Exception occurred in main() of javax.swing.JFrame"); exception.printStackTrace(System.out); } } /** * Creation date: (25.10.2001 0:12:55) * @param response si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.RemoteResponse */ private void processChartValues(RemoteResponse response) { Object[] data = response.getData(); int length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberIndexes.size(); i++) { if (numberIndexes.get(i) instanceof java.util.ArrayList) length += ((java.util.ArrayList)numberIndexes.get(i)).size(); } length += numberIndexes.size()+1; double[] newNumbers=new double[length]; newNumbers[0]=(double)response.getTimestamp()/1000.0; // skip first element (time) int k = 1; for (int i = 0; i < numberIndexes.size(); i++) { if (numberIndexes.get(i) instanceof java.util.ArrayList) { for (int j = 0; j < ((java.util.ArrayList)numberIndexes.get(i)).size(); j++) { int numIndex=((Number[])((java.util.ArrayList)numberIndexes.get(i)).get(j))[0].intValue(); int numSubIndex=((Number[])((java.util.ArrayList)numberIndexes.get(i)).get(j))[1].intValue(); double val=0; if (((Object [])data[numIndex])[numSubIndex] instanceof Long) { val=((Long)((Object [])data[numIndex])[numSubIndex]).longValue()/1000; } else if(((Object [])data[numIndex])[numSubIndex] instanceof Boolean) { if(((Boolean)((Object [])data[numIndex])[numSubIndex]).booleanValue() == true) { val = 1; } else { val = 0; } } else val=((Number)((Object [])data[numIndex])[numSubIndex]).doubleValue(); newNumbers[k]= val; k++; } } else { int numIndex=((Number)numberIndexes.get(i)).intValue(); double val=0; if (data[numIndex].getClass().isArray()) { //Have to handle this. //Plotting all the subpoints is an alternative. } else if (data[numIndex] instanceof Long) { val=((Long)data[numIndex]).longValue()/1000; } else if (data[numIndex] instanceof Boolean) { if(((Boolean)data[numIndex]).booleanValue() == true) { val = 1; } else { val = 0; } } else val=((Number)data[numIndex]).doubleValue(); // skip first element (time) newNumbers[k]= val; k++; } } chartData.add(newNumbers); if (chartData.size()>maxLines) chartData.remove(0); if ((selectedChartValue!=-1) && (selectedChartXValue!=-1)){ trace.addPoint(newNumbers[selectedChartXValue], newNumbers[selectedChartValue]); } } /** * Creation date: (25.10.2001 0:09:50) * @return java.lang.String * @param response si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.RemoteResponse */ private static String processResponse(RemoteResponse response, boolean expand) { return("\n"+ReporterBean.toString(response, expand)+"\n"); } /** * Comment */ public void remoteResponseWindow_Initialize() { getReportArea().getPopup().add(getJCheckBoxMenuItem1()); getJTextField1().setText(Integer.toString(maxLines)); if (rr!=null && rr.getInvocation().isControllable()){ DefaultListModel model=new DefaultListModel(); Operation[] ops=rr.getInvocation().getOperations(); for (int i = 0; i < ops.length; i++){ model.addElement(ops[i]); } getoperationsList().setModel(model); getoperationsList().revalidate(); } // allow window to be closed, since it is not controllable if (rr!=null && !rr.getInvocation().isControllable()) { setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); } return; } /** * Comment */ public void remoteResponseWindow_WindowDeiconified(java.awt.event.WindowEvent windowEvent) { getReportArea().append(minimText.toString()); minimText=new StringBuffer(); minimTextReportCount=0; return; } /** * Method unpacks the RemoteResponse data and writes it into the ResultArea * * Creation date: (2/25/00 12:44:55 PM) * * */ public void reportRemoteResponse(RemoteResponse response) { getJLabel3().setText(String.valueOf(response.getSequenceNumber())); getmessageField().setText(response.getName()); if (enabled) { processChartValues(response); // process text output only if tab is enabled if (textOutputTabSelected) { boolean errorResponse = response.isErrorResponse(); String resultString = processResponse(response, errorResponse | isExpand()); if (reportLength==-1) { reportLength=DataFormatter.getLineCount(resultString); editing=true; jTextField1_ActionPerformed(); } if (getState() == java.awt.Frame.ICONIFIED) { minimText.append(resultString); if (minimTextReportCount > maxLines) { minimText.delete(0, resultString.length()); } else minimTextReportCount++; } else { SmartTextPane resultArea = getReportArea(); try { if (errorResponse) { // needed since carent does not point always to the end resultArea.setCaretPosition(resultArea.getText().length()); resultArea.setLogicalStyle(redStyle); } resultArea.append(resultString); if (errorResponse) resultArea.append("\n"); } finally { resultArea.setLogicalStyle(blackStyle); } } } } } /** * responseReceived method comment. */ public void responseReceived(si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.RemoteResponse response) { SmartTextPane resultArea = getoperationResultArea(); try { boolean errorResponse = response.isErrorResponse(); if (errorResponse) { // needed since carent does not point always to the end resultArea.setCaretPosition(resultArea.getText().length()); resultArea.setLogicalStyle(redStyleOP); } resultArea.append(ReporterBean.toString(response, reporter.isExpand() | errorResponse) + "\n"); if (errorResponse) resultArea.append("\n"); } finally { resultArea.setLogicalStyle(blackStyleOP); } } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (3/27/2001 10:41:16 PM) * @param newDestroyed boolean */ public void setDestroyed(boolean newDestroyed) { destroyed = newDestroyed; } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (11.2.2002 19:56:30) * @param newDisposeOnDestroy boolean */ public void setDisposeOnDestroy(boolean newDisposeOnDestroy) { disposeOnDestroy = newDisposeOnDestroy; if (disposeOnDestroy && destroyed) dispose(); } /** * Creation date: (25.10.2001 21:59:04) * @param newSelectedChartValue int */ public synchronized void setSelectedChartValue(int index) { if (index != selectedChartValue) { selectedChartValue = index; loadTraceData(selectedChartXValue, selectedChartValue); } } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (6.2.2002 23:42:48) * @param newSelectedChartXValue int */ public synchronized void setSelectedChartXValue(int newSelectedChartXValue) { if (newSelectedChartXValue != selectedChartXValue) { selectedChartXValue = newSelectedChartXValue; loadTraceData(selectedChartXValue, selectedChartValue); } } private void loadTraceData(int xpos, int ypos) { trace.removeAllPoints(); if (xpos < 0 || ypos < 0) return; for (double[] d : chartData) trace.addPoint(d[xpos], d[ypos]); } }