package si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer; import javax.swing.DefaultListModel; import javax.swing.JFrame; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Attribute; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Introspectable; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Invocation; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Operation; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.RemoteResponse; import si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.SimpleIntrospectable; /** * Handles Attributes and Operations of the selected Object * * @author: Miha Kadunc * * 09.05.2001 Fixed exception handling, removed unnecessary members */ public class ListsHandlerBean implements OperationInvocator, ObjectDetailsHandler, RemoteResponseCallbackListener{ NotificationBean notifier = null; NodeRequestListener nodeRequestListener=null; ReporterBean reporter =null; Attribute[] cacheAttributes=null; Operation[] cacheOperations=null; SimpleIntrospectable currentNode=null; boolean showSpecial=true; boolean isSearching=false; private ListsSimpleIntrospectableDetails panel=null; /** * This type is a thread that handles the execution of an Operation on * an object and returning the RemoteCall, which includes the return value. * * Creation date: (9/26/98 10:40:53 AM) * @author: Miha Kadunc */ private class OperationAcquiry extends Thread{ private ListsHandlerBean parent=null; private ReporterBean reporter=null; private NotificationBean notifier=null; private Object[] params=null; private Object ob=null; /** * ComponentNamesSearching constructor comment. */ private OperationAcquiry(ListsHandlerBean in_parent, ReporterBean reporter, Object ob, Object[] params) { super(); this.parent=in_parent; this.reporter=reporter; this.notifier=parent.notifier; this.params=params; this.ob=ob; } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (9/26/98 11:11:15 AM) */ public void run() { try{ if (ob instanceof Operation) { Operation op=(Operation)ob; if (op.isInvocation()){ notifier.reportDebug("OperationAcquiry::run","Invocation " +op); OERemoteResponseCallback cb = new OERemoteResponseCallback(parent, ReporterBean.raID/*parent.reporter.raID*/); Invocation node=op.invokeAsync(params, cb); if (node!=null) { cb.setInvocation(node); reporter.reportRemoteCall(node.getInvocationRequest()); if (op.getIntrospectable() instanceof OETreeNode && node.isControllable()) { OETreeNode parentNode=(OETreeNode)op.getIntrospectable(); parent.nodeRequestListener.addNode(node,parentNode); //TODO update for secondary tree!!! } } } else { notifier.reportDebug("OperationAcquiry::run","Operation " + op + " invoked"); reporter.reportRemoteCall(op.invoke(params)); } } else if (ob instanceof Attribute) { Attribute at=(Attribute)ob; notifier.reportDebug("OperationAcquiry::run","Attribute " +at+" invoked"); reporter.reportRemoteCall(at.invokeAccessor()); } } catch (Exception e) { notifier.reportError("Operation Aquiry::run",e); } } } /** * * This is a thread that queries the RemoteAccess for the members of the currently * selected object (i.e. gets object's operations and attributes) * * Creation date: (9/26/98 10:40:53 AM) * @author: Miha Kadunc */ private class MembersSearching extends Thread { private ListsHandlerBean parent = null; private SimpleIntrospectable node = null; /** * MembersSearching constructor comment. */ private MembersSearching( ListsHandlerBean in_parent, SimpleIntrospectable node) { super(); this.parent = in_parent; this.node = node; } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (9/26/98 11:11:15 AM) */ public void run() { try { if (node instanceof Introspectable) ((Introspectable) node).connect(); Attribute[] attr = node.getAttributes(); Operation[] oper = node.getOperations(); parent.updateLists(attr, oper); } catch (Exception e) { parent.isSearching = false; notifier.reportError("Members Searching::run", e); } } } /** * ServiceLocatorBean constructor comment. */ public ListsHandlerBean() { } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (11/14/00 6:51:28 PM) */ synchronized void clickedItem(Object item) { if (item==null) return; try { if (item instanceof Operation){ Operation op = (Operation) item; notifier.reportDebug( "ListsHandlerBean::clickItem", "Operation '" + op + "' clicked."); boolean[] mask = op.getMask(); boolean isUserInput = false; for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) if (mask[i]) isUserInput = true; if (isUserInput || !isConfirmed()) { CallMethodDialog cmd = new CallMethodDialog( op, (JFrame) panel.getTopLevelAncestor(), true, notifier, this);; } else { invokeOperation(op, new Object[mask.length]); } } else if (item instanceof Attribute){ Attribute attr = (Attribute) item; notifier.reportDebug( "ListsHandlerBean::clickItem", "Attribute '" + attr + "' accessor clicked."); if (attr.isReadOnly()) { invokeOperation(attr, null); } else { notifier.reportMessage("Read only attributes supported only"); invokeOperation(attr, null); } } } catch (Exception e) { handleException("ListsHandler clickItem", e); } } public void setConfirmed(boolean b) { notifier.setConfirmationDialog(!b); } private boolean isConfirmed() { return !notifier.isConfirmationDialog(); } /** * getEditorPanel method comment. */ public javax.swing.JPanel getEditorPanel() { if (panel==null) panel=new ListsSimpleIntrospectableDetails(this); return panel; } /** * Called whenever the part throws an exception. * @param exception java.lang.Throwable */ private void handleException(String message, Throwable exception) { /* Uncomment the following lines to print uncaught exceptions to stdout */ notifier.reportError(message,exception); } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (11/27/00 6:54:50 PM) */ public void invocationDestroyed(Invocation inv) { if (inv == null) return; if (inv.isDestroyed()) return; notifier.reportDebug("ListsHandlerBean::invocationDestroyed","I:" + inv); nodeRequestListener.removeNode(inv); reporter.invocationDestroyed(inv); inv.destroy(); } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (11/2/00 5:06:24 PM) */ private void invokeOperation(Object ob, Object[] params) { try{ new OperationAcquiry(this,reporter,ob,params).start(); } catch(Exception e){ handleException("ListsHandler invokeOperation",e); } } /** * invokeOperation method comment. */ public void invokeOperation(si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.Operation op, java.lang.Object[] params) { invokeOperation((Object)op,params); } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (11/27/00 6:55:38 PM) */ public void responseReceived(RemoteResponse response) { reporter.reportRemoteResponse(response); } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (10/19/00 5:02:20 PM) */ private void selectionChange(SimpleIntrospectable node) { try { if ((currentNode != node) && (!this.isSearching)) { currentNode = node; panel.clear(); panel.setDeviceText(node.getName()); this.isSearching = true; new MembersSearching(this, node).start(); } return; } catch (Exception e) { handleException("ListHandlerBean::selectionChange " + node + " ", e); this.isSearching = false; } } /** * setNodeRequestListener method comment. */ public void setNodeRequestListener(NodeRequestListener listener) { nodeRequestListener = listener; } /** * setNotifier method comment. */ public void setNotifier(NotificationBean notifier) { this.notifier=notifier; } /** * setObject method comment. */ public void setObject(si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.engine.SimpleIntrospectable object) { if (object==null) { currentNode=null; panel.clear(); } else selectionChange(object); } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (11/10/00 4:31:21 PM) * @param newReporter si.ijs.acs.objectexplorer.ReporterBean */ public void setReporter(ReporterBean newReporter) { reporter = newReporter; } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (10/31/00 1:33:18 PM) */ void setSpecial(boolean special) { if (showSpecial == !(special)) { showSpecial = special; updateLists(); } } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (9/29/98 12:29:42 PM) */ private void updateLists() { this.isSearching = false; if (cacheAttributes != null) { DefaultListModel sampleModel = new DefaultListModel(); for (int i = 0; i < cacheAttributes.length; i++) sampleModel.addElement(cacheAttributes[i]); panel.setAttributesModel(sampleModel); } if (cacheOperations != null) { DefaultListModel sampleModel1 = new DefaultListModel(); for (int i = 0; i < cacheOperations.length; i++) { if ((!cacheOperations[i].isSpecial()) || (this.showSpecial)) sampleModel1.addElement(cacheOperations[i]); } panel.setOperationsModel(sampleModel1); } } /** * Insert the method's description here. * Creation date: (9/29/98 12:29:42 PM) */ private void updateLists(Attribute[] properties, Operation[] methods) { this.isSearching = false; this.cacheAttributes=properties; this.cacheOperations=methods; updateLists(); } }