package mpi; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.DoubleBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import; import mpi.*; public class MpiOps { static final String ERR_RECV_UNSUPPORTED_MPIPACKET = "Unsupported receive operation on MPIPacket - Check receive type"; private IntBuffer intBuff, intBuff2; private DoubleBuffer doubleBuff; private boolean [] booleanBuff; private Object [] objectSendBuff, objectRecvBuff; private Intracomm comm; private int size; private int rank; public MpiOps(Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { intBuff = MPI.newIntBuffer(1); intBuff2 = MPI.newIntBuffer(1); // temporary int buffer used in sendRecv doubleBuff = MPI.newDoubleBuffer(1); booleanBuff = new boolean[1]; objectSendBuff = new Object[1]; objectRecvBuff = new Object[1]; this.comm = comm; size = comm.getSize(); rank = comm.getRank(); } public MpiOps() throws MPIException { this(MPI.COMM_WORLD); } public int getSize() { return size; } public int getRank() { return rank; } public Intracomm getComm() { return comm; } /* AllReduce */ public int allReduce(int value, Op reduceOp) throws MPIException { return allReduce(value, reduceOp, comm); } public int allReduce(int value, Op reduceOp, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { intBuff.put(0,value); comm.allReduce(intBuff, 1, MPI.INT, reduceOp); return intBuff.get(0); } public void allReduce(int [] values, Op reduceOp) throws MPIException{ allReduce(values, reduceOp, comm); } public void allReduce(int [] values, Op reduceOp, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { comm.allReduce(values, values.length, MPI.INT, reduceOp); } public double allReduce(double value, Op reduceOp) throws MPIException { return allReduce(value, reduceOp, comm); } public double allReduce(double value, Op reduceOp, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { doubleBuff.put(0,value); comm.allReduce(doubleBuff, 1, MPI.DOUBLE, reduceOp); return doubleBuff.get(0); } public void allReduce(double [] values, Op reduceOp) throws MPIException{ allReduce(values, reduceOp, comm); } public void allReduce(double [] values, Op reduceOp, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { comm.allReduce(values, values.length, MPI.DOUBLE, reduceOp); } public boolean allReduce(boolean value, Op reduceOp) throws MPIException { return allReduce(value, reduceOp, comm); } public boolean allReduce(boolean value, Op reduceOp, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { booleanBuff[0] = value; comm.allReduce(booleanBuff, 1, MPI.BOOLEAN, reduceOp); return booleanBuff[0]; } public String allReduce(String value) throws MPIException{ return allReduce(value, comm); } // TODO - Perf - Probably need to check performance public String allReduce(String value, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { int [] lengths = new int[size]; int length = value.length(); lengths[rank] = length; comm.allGather(lengths, 1, MPI.INT); int [] displas = new int[size]; displas[0] = 0; System.arraycopy(lengths, 0, displas, 1, size - 1); Arrays.parallelPrefix(displas, (m, n) -> m + n); int count = IntStream.of(lengths).sum(); // performs very similar to usual for loop, so no harm done char [] recv = new char[count]; System.arraycopy(value.toCharArray(), 0,recv, displas[rank], length); comm.allGatherv(recv, lengths, displas, MPI.CHAR); return new String(recv); } public MPIReducePlusIndex allReduce(MPIReducePlusIndex value, MPIReducePlusIndex.Op reduceOp) throws MPIException { return allReduce(value, reduceOp, comm); } public MPIReducePlusIndex allReduce(MPIReducePlusIndex value, MPIReducePlusIndex.Op reduceOp, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { ByteBuffer buffer = value.getBuffer(); if (reduceOp == MPIReducePlusIndex.Op.MAX_WITH_INDEX) { comm.allReduce(buffer,MPIReducePlusIndex.extent, MPI.BYTE, MPIReducePlusIndex.getMaxWithIndex()); } else if (reduceOp == MPIReducePlusIndex.Op.MIN_WITH_INDEX){ comm.allReduce(buffer, MPIReducePlusIndex.extent, MPI.BYTE, MPIReducePlusIndex.getMinWithIndex()); } return value; } /* AllGather */ public int[] allGather(int value) throws MPIException { int[] result = new int[size]; allGather(value, result, comm); return result; } public void allGather(int value, int[] result) throws MPIException { allGather(value, result, comm); } public void allGather(int value, int[] result, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { intBuff.put(0,value); comm.allGather(intBuff, 1, MPI.INT, result, 1, MPI.INT); } public double [] allGather (double value) throws MPIException { double [] result = new double[size]; allGather(value, result, comm); return result; } public void allGather(double value, double [] result) throws MPIException { allGather(value, result, comm); } public void allGather(double value, double [] result, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { doubleBuff.put(0,value); comm.allGather(doubleBuff,1,MPI.DOUBLE,result, 1, MPI.DOUBLE); } /* Broadcast */ public int broadcast(int value, int root) throws MPIException{ return broadcast(value, root, comm); } public int broadcast(int value, int root, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { intBuff.put(0, value); comm.bcast(intBuff, 1, MPI.INT, root); return intBuff.get(0); } public void broadcast(int[] values, int root) throws MPIException { broadcast(values, root, comm); } public void broadcast(int[] values, int root, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { comm.bcast(values, values.length, MPI.INT, root); } public double broadcast(double value, int root) throws MPIException { return broadcast(value, root, comm); } public double broadcast(double value, int root, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { doubleBuff.put(0,value); comm.bcast(doubleBuff, 1, MPI.DOUBLE, root); return doubleBuff.get(0); } public void broadcast(double[] values, int root) throws MPIException { broadcast(values, root, comm); } public void broadcast(double[] values, int root, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { comm.bcast(values, values.length, MPI.DOUBLE, root); } public boolean broadcast(boolean value, int root) throws MPIException{ return broadcast(value, root, comm); } public boolean broadcast(boolean value, int root, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { booleanBuff[0] = value; comm.bcast(booleanBuff, 1, MPI.BOOLEAN, root); return booleanBuff[0]; } public void broadcast (boolean[] values, int root) throws MPIException{ broadcast(values, root, comm); } public void broadcast(boolean[] values, int root, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException{ comm.bcast(values, values.length, MPI.BOOLEAN, root); } public MPIPacket broadcast(MPIPacket value, int root) throws MPIException{ return broadcast(value, root, comm); } public MPIPacket broadcast(MPIPacket value, int root, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException{ comm.bcast(value.getBuffer(),value.getExtent(),MPI.BYTE,root); return value; } /* Sendrecv */ public MPITransportComponentPacket sendReceive(MPITransportComponentPacket sendValue, int dest, int destTag, int src, int srcTag) throws MPIException { return sendReceive(sendValue, dest, destTag, src, srcTag,comm); } public MPITransportComponentPacket sendReceive(MPITransportComponentPacket sendValue, int dest, int destTag, int src, int srcTag, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { int sendExtent = sendValue.getExtent(); intBuff.put(0, sendExtent); comm.sendRecv(intBuff,1,MPI.INT,dest,destTag,intBuff2,1,MPI.INT,src,srcTag); int recvExtent = intBuff2.get(0); ByteBuffer recvBuff = MPI.newByteBuffer(recvExtent); comm.sendRecv(sendValue.getBuffer(),sendExtent,MPI.BYTE,dest,destTag,recvBuff,recvExtent,MPI.BYTE,src,srcTag); return MPITransportComponentPacket.loadMPITransportComponentPacket(recvBuff); } /* Send */ public void send(MPIPacket value, int dest, int tag) throws MPIException { send(value, dest, tag, comm); } public void send(MPIPacket value, int dest, int tag, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { int extent = value.getExtent(); intBuff.put(0, extent); comm.send(intBuff,1,MPI.INT,dest,tag); comm.send(value.getBuffer(), value.getExtent(), MPI.BYTE, dest, tag); } /* Receive */ public MPIPacket receive(int src, int tag, MPIPacket.Type type) throws MPIException { if (type == MPIPacket.Type.Integer) { return MPIPacket.loadIntegerPacket(receive(src, tag, comm)); } else if (type == MPIPacket.Type.Double){ return MPIPacket.loadDoublePacket(receive(src, tag, comm)); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException(ERR_RECV_UNSUPPORTED_MPIPACKET); } private ByteBuffer receive(int src, int tag, Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { comm.recv(intBuff,1,MPI.INT,src,tag); int extent = intBuff.get(0); ByteBuffer buffer = MPI.newByteBuffer(extent); comm.recv(buffer, extent, MPI.BYTE, src, tag); return buffer; } /* Barrier */ public void barrier() throws MPIException { barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD); } public void barrier(Intracomm comm) throws MPIException { comm.barrier(); } }