import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import; import*; import java.util.*; /** * The generated point files have different number of points. * We need to make sure that all the point files have the same stock ordering with same stocks before applying the rotations. */ public class PointTransformer { private String globalVectorFile; private String globalPointFile; private String pointFolder; private String vectorFolder; private String destPointFolder; private String weightFolder; private String symbolList; private String stocksFile; public static void main(String[] args) { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("sf", true, "The complese stock file"); options.addOption("g", true, "Global file"); options.addOption("gp", true, "Global pooint file"); options.addOption("v", true, "Input Vector folder"); options.addOption("p", true, "Points folder"); options.addOption("d", true, "Destination point folder"); options.addOption("w", true, "Destination weight folder"); // folder where common weights are stored options.addOption("s", true, "Symbol List"); CommandLineParser commandLineParser = new BasicParser(); try { CommandLine cmd = commandLineParser.parse(options, args); String globalPointFile = cmd.getOptionValue("gp"); String globalFile = cmd.getOptionValue("g"); String vectorFile = cmd.getOptionValue("v"); String pointsFolder = cmd.getOptionValue("p"); String distFolder = cmd.getOptionValue("d"); String weightFolder = cmd.getOptionValue("w"); String symbolList = cmd.getOptionValue("s"); String stockFile = cmd.getOptionValue("sf"); PointTransformer pointTransformer = new PointTransformer(globalFile, pointsFolder, vectorFile, distFolder, globalPointFile, weightFolder, symbolList, stockFile); pointTransformer.process(); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public PointTransformer(String globalVectorFile, String pointFolder, String vectorFolder, String destPointFolder, String globalPointFile, String weightFolder, String symbolList, String stockFile) { this.globalVectorFile = globalVectorFile; this.pointFolder = pointFolder; this.vectorFolder = vectorFolder; this.destPointFolder = destPointFolder; this.globalPointFile = globalPointFile; this.weightFolder = weightFolder; this.symbolList = symbolList; this.stocksFile = stockFile; } public void process() { File inFolder = new File(vectorFolder); if (!inFolder.isDirectory()) { System.out.println("In should be a folder"); return; } // make the common weight folder File commonWeightFolder = new File(weightFolder); if (!commonWeightFolder.exists()) { commonWeightFolder.mkdirs(); } // first get the global vector file and its keys File globalFile = new File(globalVectorFile); Map<Integer, String> keysToSymbols = loadKeys(stocksFile, symbolList); List<Integer> globalKeys = Utils.readVectorKeys(globalFile); TreeSet<Integer> commonKeys = new TreeSet<Integer>(); Map<String, Map<Integer, Point>> filesToPoint = new HashMap<String, Map<Integer, Point>>(); if (keysToSymbols != null && keysToSymbols.size() > 0) { commonKeys.addAll(keysToSymbols.keySet()); } else { commonKeys.addAll(globalKeys); } // go through every vector file and get the common keys for (int i = 0; i < inFolder.listFiles().length; i++) { File inFile = inFolder.listFiles()[i]; List<Integer> partKeys = Utils.readVectorKeys(inFile); // load the corresponding points file String fileName = inFile.getName(); String fileNameWithOutExt = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(fileName); String pointFile = pointFolder + "/" + fileNameWithOutExt + ".txt"; Map<Integer, Point> points = Utils.loadPoints(new File(pointFile), partKeys); filesToPoint.put(fileName, points); commonKeys.retainAll(partKeys); } // write the global file String commonGlobalPointFile = destPointFolder + "/" + globalFile.getName(); String commonGlobalWectorFile = weightFolder + "/" + FilenameUtils.removeExtension(globalFile.getName()) + ".csv"; Map<Integer, Point> globalPoints = Utils.loadPoints(new File(globalPointFile), globalKeys); Map<Integer, Double> globalCaps = Utils.loadCaps(globalFile); writePoints(commonKeys, globalPoints, commonGlobalPointFile, commonGlobalWectorFile, globalCaps); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<Integer, Point>> entry : filesToPoint.entrySet()) { // now write the common keys back as new files, we need to preserve the order as well // get the file Map<Integer, Point> pointMap = entry.getValue(); String file = entry.getKey(); String fileNameWithOutExt = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(file); String weightFile = weightFolder + "/" + fileNameWithOutExt + ".csv"; Map<Integer, Double> caps = Utils.loadCaps(new File(vectorFolder + "/" + entry.getKey())); writePoints(commonKeys, pointMap, destPointFolder + "/" + file, weightFile, caps); } } private void writePoints(TreeSet<Integer> commonKeys, Map<Integer, Point> pointMap, String file, String weightFile, Map<Integer, Double> caps) { BufferedWriter bufWriter = null; WriterWrapper weightWriter = null; try { double max = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (Double d : caps.values()) { if (max < d) { max = d; } } FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); bufWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos)); weightWriter = new WriterWrapper(weightFile, true); int i = 0; for (Integer key : commonKeys) { Point p = pointMap.get(key); p.setIndex(i++); bufWriter.write(p.serialize()); bufWriter.newLine(); weightWriter.write(caps.get(key) / max); weightWriter.line(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to write file", e); } finally { if (bufWriter != null) { try { bufWriter.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } if (weightWriter != null) { weightWriter.close(); } } } public static Map<Integer, String> loadKeys(String inFile, String symbols) { List<String> symbolsList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (symbols != null && !symbols.trim().equals("")) { String []splits = symbols.split(","); Collections.addAll(symbolsList, splits); } if (!symbolsList.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("Reading original stock file: " + inFile); BufferedReader bufRead = null; Map<Integer, String> maps = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); try { FileReader input = new FileReader(inFile); bufRead = new BufferedReader(input); Record record; while ((record = Utils.parseFile(bufRead)) != null) { String s = record.getSymbolString(); if (symbolsList.contains(s)) { maps.put(record.getSymbol(), record.getSymbolString()); } } System.out.println("No of stocks: " + maps.size()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to open file"); } return maps; } return null; } }