import mpi.MPI; import mpi.MPIException; import mpi.MPIPacket; import mpi.MpiOps; import Salsa.Core.*; import Salsa.Core.Blas.*; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class TestProgram { private String vectorFolder; private String distFolder; private boolean normalize; private static double _dmax = -Double.MAX_VALUE; private static double _dmin = Double.MAX_VALUE; private MpiOps mpiOps; public TestProgram(String vectorFolder, String distFolder, boolean normalize) { this.vectorFolder = vectorFolder; this.distFolder = distFolder; this.normalize = normalize; } public static void main(String[] args) { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("v", true, "Vector file"); options.addOption("d", true, "Distance file"); options.addOption("n", false, "normalize"); CommandLineParser commandLineParser = new BasicParser(); try { CommandLine cmd = commandLineParser.parse(options, args); String _vectorFile = cmd.getOptionValue("v"); String _distFile = cmd.getOptionValue("d"); boolean _normalize = cmd.hasOption("n"); MPI.Init(args); TestProgram program = new TestProgram(_vectorFile, _distFile, _normalize); program.process(); MPI.Finalize(); } catch (ParseException | MPIException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void process() { try { mpiOps = new MpiOps(); File inFolder = new File(vectorFolder); if (!inFolder.isDirectory()) { System.out.println("In should be a folder"); return; } for (File fileEntry : inFolder.listFiles()) { if (fileEntry.isDirectory()) { continue; } List<VectorPoint> vecs = ReadVectors(fileEntry); int _size = vecs.size(); int rank = mpiOps.getRank(); int worldSize = mpiOps.getSize(); Block[][] processToCloumnBlocks = BlockPartitioner.Partition(_size, _size, worldSize, worldSize); Block[] myColumnBlocks = processToCloumnBlocks[rank]; PartialMatrix myRowStrip = new PartialMatrix(myColumnBlocks[0].RowRange, new Range(0, _size - 1)); computeDistanceBlocks(myRowStrip, myColumnBlocks, vecs); System.out.println("Rank: " + rank + " Done computations"); _dmin = mpiOps.allReduce(_dmin, MPI.MIN); _dmax = mpiOps.allReduce(_dmax, MPI.MAX); if (_dmax < 1) { // no need to normalize whe max distance is also less than 1 normalize = false; } if (rank == 0) { System.out.println("Min distance: " + _dmin); System.out.println("Max distance: " + _dmax); } WriteFullMatrixOnRank0(distFolder + "/" + fileEntry.getName(), _size, rank, myRowStrip, myColumnBlocks[0].RowRange, processToCloumnBlocks[0][0].RowRange, normalize, _dmax); mpiOps.barrier(); if (rank == 0) { System.out.println("Done."); } } } catch (MPIException e) { throw new RuntimeException("MPI Error: ", e); } } private void WriteFullMatrixOnRank0(String fileName, int size, int rank, PartialMatrix partialMatrix, Range myRowRange, Range rootRowRange, boolean normalize, double dmax) { int a = size / mpiOps.getSize(); int b = size % mpiOps.getSize(); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00"); /* * A note on row ranges and assigned process numbers. * First b number of process will have (a + 1) number of rows each. * The rest will have only 'a' number of rows. So if a row number, j, * falls inside the first set, i.e. j < (b * (a + 1)), then the rank * of the process that handles this row is equal to the integer division * of j / (a + 1). Else, i.e. j >= (b * (a + 1)) then that row is * in the second set of processes. Thus, the rank of the process handling * this row is equal to the integer calculation of b + [(j - (b * (a + 1)) / a] */ Range nextRowRange = null; // DataOutputStream writer = null; PrintWriter writer = null; if (rank == 0) { try { // writer = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fileName)); writer = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(fileName)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find filename: " + fileName); } // I am rank0 and I am the one who will fill the fullMatrix. So let's fill what I have already. for (int i = partialMatrix.getGlobalRowStartIndex(); i <= partialMatrix.getGlobalRowEndIndex(); i++) { double[] values = partialMatrix.GetRowValues(i); // try { for (double value : values) { int val = (int) ((normalize ? value / dmax : value) * Short.MAX_VALUE); // writer.writeShort(val); writer.print(value + " "); } // writer.print("\n"); // } catch (IOException e) { // throw new RuntimeException("Cannot write to file: " + fileName); // } } } // For all the remaining rows that rank0 does not have receive in blocks of rows for (int i = rootRowRange.EndIndex + 1; i < size; ) { int rowRange[] = new int[2]; if (rank == 0) { // I am rank0 and let's declare the next row range that I want to receive. int end = i + a - 1; end = end >= size ? size - 1 : end; nextRowRange = new Range(i, end); rowRange[0] = nextRowRange.StartIndex; rowRange[1] = nextRowRange.EndIndex; } // Announce everyone about the next row ranges that rank0 has declared. try { mpiOps.broadcast(rowRange, 0); } catch (MPIException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to do broadcast", e); } nextRowRange = new Range(rowRange[0], rowRange[1]); if (rank == 0) { System.out.println("Process: " + rank + " Row range: " + rowRange[0] + ", " + rowRange[1]); /* I am rank0 and now let's try to receive the declared next row range from others */ // A variable to hold the rank of the process, which has the row that I am (rank0) going to receive int processRank; double[] values = new double[size]; for (int j = nextRowRange.StartIndex; j <= nextRowRange.EndIndex; j++) { // Let's find the process that has the row j. processRank = j < (b * (a + 1)) ? j / (a + 1) : b + ((j - (b * (a + 1))) / a); // For each row that I (rank0) require I will receive from the process, which has that row. try { //System.out.println("Process: " + rank + "Waiting to recv: " + processRank); MPIPacket p = mpiOps.receive(processRank, 100, MPIPacket.Type.Double); for (int z = 0; z < p.getMArrayLength(); z++) { values[z] = p.getMArrayDoubleAt(z); } // System.out.println("Process: " + rank + "recved: " + processRank + " doubles: " + s); //System.out.println("Process: " + rank + "Reved: " + processRank); } catch (MPIException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the received values in the fullMatrix for (double value : values) { // try { int val = (int) ((normalize ? value / dmax : value) * Short.MAX_VALUE); // double val = value; // writer.writeShort(val); writer.print(df.format(value) + " "); // } catch (IOException e) { // throw new RuntimeException("Cannot write to file: " + fileName); // } } writer.print("\n"); } } else { /* I am just an ordinary process and I am ready to give rank0 whatever the row it requests if I have that row */ // find the intersection of the row ranges of what I (the ordinary process) have and what rank0 wants and then send those rows to rank0 if (myRowRange.IntersectsWith(nextRowRange)) { Range intersection = myRowRange.GetIntersectionWith(nextRowRange); for (int k = intersection.StartIndex; k <= intersection.EndIndex; k++) { try { //System.out.println("Sending to: " + 0 + " from: " + rank); double[] doubles = partialMatrix.GetRowValues(k); MPIPacket p = MPIPacket.newDoublePacket(doubles.length); String s = ""; for (int j = 0; j < doubles.length; j++) { p.setMArrayDoubleAt(j, doubles[j]); s += doubles[j] + " "; } // System.out.println("Sending to: " + 0 + " from: " + rank + " doubles: " + s); mpiOps.send(p, 0, 100); //System.out.println("Done send:" + 0 + " from: " + rank); } catch (MPIException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to send the data", e); } } } } i += a; } // I am rank0 and I came here means that I wrote full matrix to disk. So I will clear the writer and stream. if (rank == 0) { // try { writer.flush(); writer.close(); // } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } } } private static void computeDistanceBlocks(PartialMatrix myRowStrip, Block[] myColumnBlocks, java.util.List<VectorPoint> vecs) { for (Block block : myColumnBlocks) { for (int r = block.RowRange.StartIndex; r <= block.RowRange.EndIndex; ++r) { VectorPoint vr = vecs.get(r); for (int c = block.ColumnRange.StartIndex; c <= block.ColumnRange.EndIndex; ++c) { VectorPoint vc = vecs.get(c); double dist = vr.correlation(vc); myRowStrip.setValue(r , c, dist); if (dist > _dmax) { _dmax = dist; } if (dist < _dmin) { _dmin = dist; } } } } } private List<VectorPoint> ReadVectors(File file) { List<VectorPoint> vecs = new ArrayList<VectorPoint>(); try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { // process the line. String parts[] = line.split(" "); int key = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); int vectorLength = parts.length - 1; double[] numbers = new double[vectorLength]; if (vectorLength != parts.length - 1) { throw new RuntimeException("The number of points in file " + (parts.length - 1) + " is not equal to the expected value: " + vectorLength); } for (int i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) { numbers[i - 1] = Double.parseDouble(parts[i]); } VectorPoint p = new VectorPoint(key, numbers); vecs.add(p); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return vecs; } }