package edu.indiana.soic.ts.mapreduce; import edu.indiana.soic.ts.utils.CleanMetric; import edu.indiana.soic.ts.utils.Constants; import edu.indiana.soic.ts.utils.VectorPoint; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.TableMapper; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableMap; public class VectorCalculatorMapper extends TableMapper<IntWritable, Text> { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VectorCalculatorMapper.class); private int noOfDays; @Override protected void setup(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { super.setup(context); Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration(); noOfDays = Integer.valueOf(conf.get(Constants.Job.NO_OF_DAYS));"No of days: {}", noOfDays); } /** * Read the required columns and write to HDFS * @param row * @param value * @param context * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException */ public void map(ImmutableBytesWritable row, Result value, Context context) throws InterruptedException, IOException { // go through the column family for (Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>> columnFamilyMap : value.getMap().entrySet()) { // go through the column double totalCap = 0; String rowKey = Bytes.toString(value.getRow()); String[] idKey = rowKey.split("_"); if (idKey.length != 2) { LOG.error("The table should have two parts in the key: {}", rowKey); return; //throw new RuntimeException("The table should have two parts in the key: " + rowKey); } int id = Integer.valueOf(idKey[0]); String symbol = idKey[1]; int index = 0; String serialize; VectorPoint vectorPoint = new VectorPoint(id, symbol, noOfDays, true); for (Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>> entryVersion : columnFamilyMap.getValue().entrySet()) { for (Map.Entry<Long, byte[]> entry : entryVersion.getValue().entrySet()) { String column = Bytes.toString(entryVersion.getKey()); byte[] val = entry.getValue(); String valOfColumn = new String(val); //"RowKey : " + rowKey + " Column Key : " + column + " Column Val : " + valOfColumn); if (!valOfColumn.isEmpty()) { String[] priceAndCap = valOfColumn.split("_"); if (priceAndCap.length > 1) { String pr = priceAndCap[0]; String cap = priceAndCap[1]; if (pr != null && !pr.equals("null")) { double price = Double.valueOf(pr); vectorPoint.add(price, index); index++; } if (cap != null && !cap.equals("null")) { totalCap += Double.valueOf(cap); } } } } } vectorPoint.setTotalCap(totalCap); if (vectorPoint.cleanVector(new CleanMetric())) { serialize = vectorPoint.serialize(); if (serialize != null) { context.write(new IntWritable(id), new Text(serialize)); } } } } }