import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import*; import java.util.*; public class CCommonGenerator { private String pointFolder; private String vectorFolder; private String destFolder; private String rotateFolder; private String firstFile; private String secondFile; private int mode = 4; private boolean listGen = false; private Date startDate; private Date endDate; private String inputFile; public static void main(String[] args) { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("v", true, "Input Vector folder"); options.addOption("i", true, "Input file"); options.addOption("p", true, "Points folder"); options.addOption("d", true, "Destination point folder"); options.addOption(Utils.createOption("r", true, "Rotations folder", true)); options.addOption(Utils.createOption("ff", true, "First file", false)); options.addOption(Utils.createOption("sf", true, "Second file", false)); options.addOption(Utils.createOption("l", false, "Generate file list", false)); options.addOption(Utils.createOption("sd", true, "Start date", false)); options.addOption(Utils.createOption("ed", true, "End date", false)); options.addOption(Utils.createOption("md", true, "End date", false)); CommandLineParser commandLineParser = new BasicParser(); try { CommandLine cmd = commandLineParser.parse(options, args); String vectorFolder = cmd.getOptionValue("v"); String inputFile = cmd.getOptionValue("i"); String pointsFolder = cmd.getOptionValue("p"); String distFolder = cmd.getOptionValue("d"); String rotateFolder = cmd.getOptionValue("r"); String firstFile = cmd.getOptionValue("ff"); String secondFile = cmd.getOptionValue("sf"); String startDate = cmd.getOptionValue("sd"); String endDate = cmd.getOptionValue("ed"); String mode = cmd.getOptionValue("md"); boolean listGen = cmd.hasOption("l"); CCommonGenerator pointTransformer = new CCommonGenerator(pointsFolder, vectorFolder, distFolder, rotateFolder, firstFile, secondFile, listGen, inputFile); if (listGen) { if (mode != null) { pointTransformer.setMode(Integer.parseInt(mode)); } pointTransformer.setDates(Utils.parseDateString(startDate), Utils.parseDateString(endDate)); } pointTransformer.process(); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public CCommonGenerator(String pointFolder, String vectorFolder, String destPointFolder, String rotateFolder, String firstFile, String secondFile, boolean listGen, String inputFile) { this.pointFolder = pointFolder; this.vectorFolder = vectorFolder; this.destFolder = destPointFolder; this.firstFile = firstFile; this.secondFile = secondFile; this.rotateFolder = rotateFolder; this.listGen = listGen; this.inputFile = inputFile; } public void setMode(int mode) { this.mode = mode; } public void setDates(Date start, Date end) { this.startDate = start; this.endDate = end; } public void process() throws FileNotFoundException { if (!listGen) { processPair(firstFile, secondFile); } else { List<Date> dates; if (mode == 6 || mode == 9 || mode == 10) { Set<Date> dateSet = DateUtils.retrieveDates(inputFile); dates = DateUtils.sortDates(dateSet); } else { dates = new ArrayList<Date>(); } List<String> list = DateUtils.genDateList(startDate, endDate, mode, dates); writeList(list, destFolder + "/list.txt"); } } private void processPair(String firstFileWithoutExt, String secondfFileWithoutExt) { String firstFileName = firstFileWithoutExt + ".csv"; String secondFileName = secondfFileWithoutExt + ".csv"; String firstVectorFileName = this.vectorFolder + "/" + firstFileName; String secondVectorFileName = this.vectorFolder + "/" + secondFileName; String firstPointFileName = this.rotateFolder + "/" + firstFileWithoutExt + ".txt"; String secondPointFileName = this.pointFolder + "/" + secondfFileWithoutExt + ".txt"; System.out.println("Processing pair: " + firstVectorFileName + " " + secondVectorFileName + " " + firstPointFileName + " " + secondPointFileName); // first lets read the vector keys List<Integer> firstVectorKeys = Utils.readVectorKeys(new File(firstVectorFileName)); List<Integer> secondVectorKeys = Utils.readVectorKeys(new File(secondVectorFileName)); // now lets get the common keys for both of them TreeSet<Integer> commonKeys = new TreeSet<Integer>(firstVectorKeys); commonKeys.retainAll(new TreeSet<Integer>(secondVectorKeys)); System.out.println("Fits keys: " + firstVectorKeys.size() + " Second keys:" + secondVectorKeys.size() + " Common keys: " + commonKeys.size()); // now read the two point files Map<Integer, Point> firstPoints = Utils.loadPoints(new File(firstPointFileName), firstVectorKeys); Map<Integer, Point> secondPoints = Utils.loadPoints(new File(secondPointFileName), secondVectorKeys); Map<Integer, Double> secondWeights = Utils.loadCaps(new File(secondVectorFileName)); // go through the common keys and write them out String pointOutFolder = destFolder + "/" + secondfFileWithoutExt + "/points"; String weightOutFolder = destFolder + "/" + secondfFileWithoutExt + "/weights"; new File(pointOutFolder).mkdirs(); new File(weightOutFolder).mkdirs(); String fistPointCommonFileName = pointOutFolder + "/first.txt"; String secondPointCommonFileName = pointOutFolder + "/second.txt"; String secondWeightFileName = weightOutFolder + "/" + "second.csv"; writePoints(commonKeys, firstPoints, fistPointCommonFileName); writePoints(commonKeys, secondPoints, secondPointCommonFileName); writeWeights(commonKeys, secondWeightFileName, secondWeights); } private void writeList(List<String> dates, String file) { BufferedWriter bufWriter = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(file); bufWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos)); for (String d : dates) { bufWriter.write(d); bufWriter.newLine(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (bufWriter != null) { try { bufWriter.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } } } private void writePoints(TreeSet<Integer> commonKeys, Map<Integer, Point> pointMap, String file) { BufferedWriter bufWriter = null; try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); bufWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos)); int i = 0; for (Integer key : commonKeys) { Point p = pointMap.get(key); if (p == null) { System.out.println("Key cannot be found: " + key); } p.setIndex(i++); bufWriter.write(p.serialize()); bufWriter.newLine(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to write file", e); } finally { if (bufWriter != null) { try { bufWriter.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } } } private void writeWeights(TreeSet<Integer> commonKeys, String weightFile, Map<Integer, Double> caps) { WriterWrapper weightWriter = null; try { double max = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (Double d : caps.values()) { if (max < d) { max = d; } } weightWriter = new WriterWrapper(weightFile, true); int i = 0; for (Integer key : commonKeys) { weightWriter.write(caps.get(key) / max); weightWriter.line(); } } finally { if (weightWriter != null) { weightWriter.close(); } } } }