package Salsa.Core; import; /** Represents a range within an 1D array. */ public final class Range implements Serializable { /** The inclusive ending index of the BlockPartition. <value>The rangeEnd index.</value> */ public int EndIndex; /** The total length of the BlockPartition. <value>The length.</value> */ public int Length; /** The inclusive starting index of the BlockPartition. <value>The rangeStart index.</value> */ public int StartIndex; /** * Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BlockPartition"/> class. * * @param start The starting index of the Range. * @param end The ending index of the Range. */ public Range(int start, int end) { StartIndex = start; EndIndex = end; Length = end - start + 1; } public int getLength() { return Length; } private String privateStartSeqName; public String getStartSeqName() { return privateStartSeqName; } public void setStartSeqName(String value) { privateStartSeqName = value; } private String privateEndSeqName; public String getEndSeqName() { return privateEndSeqName; } public void setEndSeqName(String value) { privateEndSeqName = value; } public boolean Contains(int index) { return (index >= StartIndex && index <= EndIndex); } /** * Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance. * * @return A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing a fully qualified type name. */ @Override public String toString() { return String.format("(%1$s:%2$s)", (new Integer(StartIndex)).toString(), (new Integer(EndIndex)).toString()); } /** * Returns true if there's an intersection of this range with the given range * * @param range The range to see if an intersection exists * @return True if an intersection exists or false otherwise */ public boolean IntersectsWith(Range range) { Range lengthiest = range.Length >= Length ? range : this; Range other = range == lengthiest ? this : range; return lengthiest.Contains(other.StartIndex) || lengthiest.Contains(other.EndIndex); } /** * Gets the intersecting range assuming an intersection exists. Use <code>IntersectsWith(Range range)</code> * to check for an existing intersection * * @param range The range to intersect with * @return The intersection with the given range */ public Range GetIntersectionWith(Range range) { int start = range.StartIndex >= StartIndex ? range.StartIndex : StartIndex; int end = range.EndIndex <= EndIndex ? range.EndIndex : EndIndex; if (start <= end) { return new Range(start, end); } throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Given range [%1$s, %2$s] does not intersect with this range [%3$s, %4$s]", range.StartIndex, range.EndIndex, StartIndex, EndIndex)); } }