import edu.indiana.soic.spidal.common.BinaryReader2D; import edu.indiana.soic.spidal.common.Range; import edu.indiana.soic.spidal.common.TransformationFunction; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import*; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; public class SHeatMapGenerator { public static String _aMat; public static String _bMat; public static int _cols; public static int _rows; public static String _outdir; private static boolean _useTDistanceMaxForA; private static boolean _useTDistanceMaxForB; private static double _xmaxbound = 1.0; private static double _ymaxbound = 1.0; private static int _xres = 50; private static int _yres = 50; private static double _alpha = 2.0; private static double _pcutf = 0.85; private static boolean _zto1 = true; private static int _aTransfm, _bTransfm; private static double _aTransfp, _bTransfp; private static double _distcutA; private static double _distcutB; private static double _mindistA; private static double _mindistB; private static String _aName; private static String _bName; private static String _clusterfile; public static String _title; private static double _lengthCut; private static boolean _readPointsA; private static boolean _readPointsB; public static double _scaleA = 1.0; public static double _scaleB = 1.0; public static void main(String[] args) { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("c", true, "Config file"); CommandLineParser commandLineParser = new BasicParser(); try { CommandLine cmd = commandLineParser.parse(options, args); String input = cmd.getOptionValue("c"); SHeatMapGenerator vg = new SHeatMapGenerator(input); vg.process(); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public SHeatMapGenerator(String confiFile) { // first read the configurations readConfiguration(confiFile); } public void process() { // first load the first file ReadOutPut outA = readFile(_aMat, _rows, _cols, _readPointsA, _scaleA); ReadOutPut outB = readFile(_bMat, _rows, _cols, _readPointsB, _scaleB); // get the bin size double deltaX = (outA.max - outA.min) / _xres; double deltaY = (outB.max - outB.min) / _yres; double deltaS = deltaX * deltaY; // now create a cell array with number of bins long [][] cells = new long[_xres][]; for (int i = 0; i < _xres; i++) { cells[i] = new long[_yres]; for (int j = 0; j < _yres; j++) { cells[i][j] = 0; } } // update the cells according to values for (int i = 0; i < _rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < _cols; j++) { double x = outA.values[i][j]; double y = outB.values[i][j]; x = Transform(x, _aTransfm, _aTransfp); y = Transform(y, _bTransfm, _bTransfp); updateCells(x, y, outA.max, outA.min, outB.max, outB.min, deltaX, deltaY, cells, 1, 2); } } // draw the graphs try { generateDensityDataFile(cells, outA.max, outA.min, outB.max, outB.min, deltaX, deltaY, deltaS, _title, 1.0, 1.0, (long)_rows * _cols); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static double Transform(double val, int transfm, double transfp) { if (transfm == 10) { val = Math.min(1.0, val); return Math.pow(val, transfp); } return val; } private static void updateCells(double x, double y, double xmax, double xmin, double ymax, double ymin, double deltax, double deltay, long[][] cells, int i, int j) { if (x > xmax) return; if (y > ymax) return; // cell number based on zero index from bottom left corner // if x is equal to xmax then it's placed in the last cell, which is xres-1 in zero based index // same is done for y when y == ymax int cellx = x == xmax ? _xres - 1 : (int) Math.floor((x - xmin) / deltax); int celly = y == ymax ? _yres - 1 : (int) Math.floor((y - ymin) / deltay); if (x > xmax || y > ymax || x < xmin || y < ymin) { // now this should never be reached throw new RuntimeException("bad(1)-> x: " + x + " y: " + y + " xmax: " + xmax + " xmin: " + xmin + " ymax: " + ymax + " ymin: " + ymin + "lengthcut: " + _lengthCut + " row: " + i + " col: " + j); } if (cellx >= _xres || celly >= _yres) { // now this should never be reached throw new RuntimeException("bad(2)-> x: " + x + " y:" + y + " xmax: " + xmax + " xmin: " + xmin + " ymax: " + ymax + " ymin: " + ymin + " cellx: " + cellx + " celly: " + celly); } ++cells[celly][cellx]; } private String getProperty(Properties p, String name, String def) { String val = System.getProperty(name); if (val == null) { if (def != null) { val = p.getProperty(name, def); if (val == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Property not specified in config file: " + name); } } else { val = p.getProperty(name); } } return val; } private void readConfiguration(String configFile) { System.out.println(configFile); Properties p = new Properties(); try { p.load(new FileInputStream(configFile)); _aMat = getProperty(p, "Amat", null); _aName = getProperty(p, "Aname", null); _aTransfm = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(p, "Atransfm", null)); _aTransfp = Double.parseDouble(getProperty(p, "Atransfp", null)); _bMat = getProperty(p, "Bmat", null); _bName = getProperty(p, "Bname", null); _bTransfm = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(p, "Btransfm", null)); _bTransfp = Double.parseDouble(getProperty(p, "Btransfp", null)); _useTDistanceMaxForA = Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty(p, "usetdistancemaxforA", null)); _useTDistanceMaxForB = Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty(p, "usetdistancemaxforB", null)); _readPointsA = Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty(p, "readPointsA", null)); _readPointsB = Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty(p, "readPointsB", null)); _outdir = getProperty(p, "outdir", null); _cols = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(p, "cols", null)); _rows = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(p, "rows", null)); _xmaxbound = Double.parseDouble(getProperty(p, "xmaxbound", null)); _ymaxbound = Double.parseDouble(getProperty(p, "ymaxbound", null)); _xres = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(p, "xres", null)); _yres = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(p, "yres", null)); _alpha = Double.parseDouble(getProperty(p, "alpha", null)); _pcutf = Double.parseDouble(getProperty(p, "pcutf", null)); _zto1 = Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty(p, "zto1", null)); _distcutA = Double.parseDouble(getProperty(p, "distcutA", null)); _distcutB = Double.parseDouble(getProperty(p, "distcutB", null)); _mindistA = Double.parseDouble(getProperty(p, "mindistA", null)); _mindistB = Double.parseDouble(getProperty(p, "mindistB", null)); _scaleA = Double.parseDouble(getProperty(p, "scaleA", "1.0")); _scaleB = Double.parseDouble(getProperty(p, "scaleB", "1.0")); // We dont use clusters configuration _title = getProperty(p, "title", null); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Failed to read the configuration"); e.printStackTrace(); } } private class ReadOutPut { double [][] values; double max; double min; } /** * A file can be a point file or a distance file * @param file * @param rows * @param cols * @param points * @return */ private ReadOutPut readFile(String file, int rows, int cols, boolean points, double scale) { double min = Double.MAX_VALUE; double max = Double.MIN_VALUE; System.out.println("SCALE: " + scale); double[][] finalValues = new double[rows][]; if (!points) { short[][] values = BinaryReader2D.readRowRange(file, new Range(0, rows - 1), cols, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN, true, new TransformationFunction() { @Override public double transform(double val) { return val; } }); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { finalValues[i] = new double[cols]; for (int j = 0; j < values[i].length; j++) { finalValues[i][j] = ((double) values[i][j]) / Short.MAX_VALUE; if (finalValues[i][j] < 0) { System.out.println("minus distance"); } if (finalValues[i][j] > max) { max = finalValues[i][j]; } if (finalValues[i][j] < min) { min = finalValues[i][j]; } finalValues[i][j] *= scale; } } } else { List<Point> pointList = new ArrayList<Point>(); try { FileReader input = new FileReader(file); BufferedReader bufRead = new BufferedReader(input); String inputLine; while ((inputLine = bufRead.readLine()) != null) { Point p = Utils.readPoint(inputLine); pointList.add(p); } for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { finalValues[i] = new double[cols]; for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { Point pi = pointList.get(i); Point pj = pointList.get(j); finalValues[i][j] = pi.distance(pj); if (finalValues[i][j] > max) { max = finalValues[i][j]; } if (finalValues[i][j] < min) { min = finalValues[i][j]; } finalValues[i][j] *= scale; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ReadOutPut readOutPut = new ReadOutPut(); readOutPut.max = max; readOutPut.min = min; readOutPut.values = finalValues; return readOutPut; } private static void generateDensityDataFile(long[][] cells, double xmax, double xmin, double ymax, double ymin, double deltax, double deltay, double deltas, String prefix, double denomcut, double pairFraction, long totalPairs) throws IOException { long[] xHist = new long[_xres]; long[] yHist = new long[_yres]; for (int i = 0; i < _xres; i++) { xHist[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < _yres; i++) { yHist[i] = 0; } long cellmax = 0, count = 0, v; for (int i = 0; i < _yres; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < _xres; j++) { v = cells[i][j]; xHist[j] += v; yHist[i] += v; count += v; if (v > cellmax) { cellmax = v; } } } double cellmean = ((double) count) / (_xres * _yres); double power = cellmax < (_alpha * cellmean) ? 1.0 : (Math.log(_alpha) / Math.log(cellmax / cellmean)); // Constant value by which the number of points in a 2D square is multiplied. // The resulting value is independent of the total number of points as well as // the x,y resolution. The mult value is a factor changing the z value scale. double c = _zto1 ? (1.0 / cellmax) : (1.0 / (count * deltas)); // Output density values System.out.println("***************************************************************"); System.out.println("DataSet\t" + prefix); System.out.println("CellMean\t" + cellmean); System.out.println("CellMax\t" + cellmax); System.out.println("Power\t" + power); System.out.println("Const\t" + c); System.out.println("TotalPairs\t" + totalPairs); System.out.println("PairFraction\t" + pairFraction); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { double density = i / 10.0; double densityToCount = Math.pow(density, (1 / power)) / c; System.out.println(density + "\t" + densityToCount); } System.out.println("***************************************************************"); int xpointcount = 2 * _xres; int ypointcount = 2 * _yres; String aNameFinal = _aTransfm > -1 ? "Transformed-" + _aName : _aName; String bNameFinal = _bTransfm > -1 ? "Transformed-" + _bName : _bName; String dCutStringA = "DCut[" + (_mindistA > -1 ? (new Double(_mindistA)).toString() : "none") + "," + (_distcutA > -1 ? (new Double(_distcutA)).toString() : "none") + "]"; String dCutStringB = "DCut[" + (_mindistB > -1 ? (new Double(_mindistB)).toString() : "none") + "," + (_distcutB > -1 ? (new Double(_distcutB)).toString() : "none") + "]"; String vsString = bNameFinal + "-Vs-" + aNameFinal; String dir = _outdir; if (false) { dir = combine(_outdir, "denomcut_" + (new Double(denomcut)).toString()); (new; } String densityFile = combine(dir, prefix + "-density-" + dCutStringA + "-" + dCutStringB + "-" + vsString + ".txt"); String xHistFile = combine(dir, prefix + "-xHist-" + dCutStringA + "-" + dCutStringB + "-" + vsString + ".txt"); String yHistFile = combine(dir, prefix + "-yHist-" + dCutStringA + "-" + dCutStringB + "-" + vsString + ".txt"); String gnuplotScriptFileLarge = combine(dir, prefix + "-gnuplot-" + dCutStringA + "-" + dCutStringB + "-" + vsString + "-large.txt"); String gnuplotScriptFileSmall = combine(dir, prefix + "-gnuplot-" + dCutStringA + "-" + dCutStringB + "-" + vsString + "-small.txt"); String plotBat = combine(dir, "plot.bat"); PrintWriter densityFileWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(densityFile)); PrintWriter xHistWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(xHistFile)); PrintWriter yHistWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(yHistFile)); PrintWriter gnuplotWriterLarge = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(gnuplotScriptFileLarge)); PrintWriter gnuplotWriterSmall = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(gnuplotScriptFileSmall)); PrintWriter plotBatWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(plotBat, true)); try { // Generating plot bat plotBatWriter.println("gnuplot " + (new; densityFileWriter.println("#xcoord\tycoord\thistogramValue"); xHistWriter.println("#xval\thistogramvalue"); yHistWriter.println("#yval\thistogramvalue"); // Generating x histogram double xoffset = xmin + 0.5 * deltax; for (int i = 0; i < _xres; ++i) { double xcoord = xoffset + i * deltax; xHistWriter.println(xcoord + "\t" + xHist[i]); } // Generating y histogram double yoffset = ymin + 0.5 * deltay; for (int i = 0; i < _yres; ++i) { double ycoord = yoffset + i * deltay; yHistWriter.println(ycoord + "\t" + yHist[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < xpointcount; i++) { double x = xmin + ((IsOdd(i) ? (i + 1) / 2 : i / 2) * deltax); int cellx = IsOdd(i) ? (i - 1) / 2 : i / 2; for (int j = 0; j < ypointcount; j++) { double y = ymin + ((IsOdd(j) ? (j + 1) / 2 : j / 2) * deltay); int celly = IsOdd(j) ? (j - 1) / 2 : j / 2; double cellvalue = Math.pow((cells[celly][cellx] * c), power); // todo: commented for now // cellvalue = cellvalue > pcutf ? pcutf : cellvalue < ncutf ? ncutf : cellvalue; cellvalue = _pcutf > -1 && cellvalue > _pcutf ? _pcutf : cellvalue; densityFileWriter.println(x + "\t" + y + "\t" + cellvalue); } densityFileWriter.println(); } if (_xmaxbound == -1) { _xmaxbound = xmax; } if (_ymaxbound == -1) { _ymaxbound = ymax; } // Fill up the remaining region from beyond x=xmax and y=ymax as zero densityFileWriter.println(); densityFileWriter.println(xmin + "\t" + ymax + "\t" + 0.0); densityFileWriter.println(xmin + "\t" + _ymaxbound + "\t" + 0.0); densityFileWriter.println(); densityFileWriter.println(xmax + "\t" + ymax + "\t" + 0.0); densityFileWriter.println(xmax + "\t" + _ymaxbound + "\t" + 0.0); densityFileWriter.println(); densityFileWriter.println(xmax + "\t" + ymin + "\t" + 0.0); densityFileWriter.println(xmax + "\t" + _ymaxbound + "\t" + 0.0); densityFileWriter.println(); densityFileWriter.println(_xmaxbound + "\t" + ymin + "\t" + 0.0); densityFileWriter.println(_xmaxbound + "\t" + _ymaxbound + "\t" + 0.0); //Tangible multiline preserve/* Writing Gnuplot script */ WriteGnuplotScript(bNameFinal, aNameFinal, prefix, vsString, densityFile, xHistFile, yHistFile, gnuplotWriterLarge, gnuplotWriterSmall, denomcut, pairFraction, totalPairs); } finally { densityFileWriter.close(); xHistWriter.close(); yHistWriter.close(); gnuplotWriterLarge.close(); gnuplotWriterSmall.close(); plotBatWriter.close(); } } private static String combine(String path1, String path2) { File file1 = new File(path1); File file2 = new File(file1, path2); return file2.getPath(); } private static boolean IsOdd(int value) { return (value & 1) == 1; } private static void WriteGnuplotScript(String bNameFinal, String aNameFinal, String prefix, String vsString, String densityFile, String xHistFile, String yHistFile, PrintWriter gnuplotWriterLarge, PrintWriter gnuplotWriterSmall, double denomcut, double pairFraction, long totalPairs) { gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set terminal png truecolor nocrop font arial 14 size 1200,1200"); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set terminal png truecolor nocrop font arial 14 size 1000,500"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println(); String pngfile = prefix + "-plot-" + vsString + "DensitySat[" + (_pcutf > -1 ? (new Double(_pcutf)).toString() : "none") + "]" + (false ? "-DenomCut[" + denomcut + "]-" : "-") + "large.png"; gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set output '" + pngfile + "'"); pngfile = prefix + "-plot-" + vsString + "DensitySat[" + (_pcutf > -1 ? (new Double(_pcutf)).toString() : "none") + "]" + (false ? "-DenomCut[" + denomcut + "]-" : "-") + "small.png"; gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set output '" + pngfile + "'"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set size 1.0, 1.0"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set multiplot"); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set multiplot"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println(); gnuplotWriterSmall.println(); // Title box gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set origin 0.0, 0.85"); // gnuplotWriterSmall.WriteLine("set origin 0.0, 0.7"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set size 0.95, 0.1"); // gnuplotWriterSmall.WriteLine("set size 0.95, 0.1"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set border linecolor rgbcolor \"white\""); // gnuplotWriterSmall.WriteLine("set border linecolor rgbcolor \"white\""); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("unset key"); // gnuplotWriterSmall.WriteLine("unset key"); String dcutStringA = (_mindistA > -1 ? (new Double(_mindistA)).toString() : "none") + "," + (_distcutA > -1 ? (new Double(_distcutA)).toString() : "none"); String dcutStringB = (_mindistB > -1 ? (new Double(_mindistB)).toString() : "none") + "," + (_distcutB > -1 ? (new Double(_distcutB)).toString() : "none"); //String title = String.format(_title, (_pcutf > -1 ? (new Double(_pcutf)).toString() : "none"), bNameFinal, dcutStringB, aNameFinal, dcutStringA, (prefix.equals("whole") ? "Whole Sample" : (prefix.equals("selected") ? "Selected Clusters Intra Pairs" : "Selected Clusters Inter Pairs"))); String title = _title; if (false) { title += "\\nDenomCut[" + denomcut + "] PairFraction[" + Math.round(pairFraction * Math.pow(10, 6)) / Math.pow(10, 6) + "] TotalPairs[" + totalPairs + "]"; } gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set title \"" + title + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); // gnuplotWriterSmall.WriteLine("set title \"" + title + "textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("plot [0:1] [0:1] 0.0 lt rgb \"white\""); // gnuplotWriterSmall.WriteLine("plot [0:1] [0:1] 0.0 lt rgb \"white\""); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set border linecolor rgbcolor \"black\""); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set border linecolor rgbcolor \"black\""); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set dummy u,v"); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set dummy u,v"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("unset key"); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("unset key"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set size ratio 1.0"); // gnuplotWriterSmall.WriteLine("set size ratio 1.0"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set style fill solid 0.85 noborder"); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set style fill solid 0.85 noborder"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set style line 1 lt 1 lw 4"); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set style line 1 lt 1 lw 4"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set pm3d map"); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set pm3d map"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set palette rgbformulae 30,31,32 model RGB negative"); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set palette rgbformulae 30,31,32 model RGB negative"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println(); gnuplotWriterSmall.println(); // Y histogram (rotated) gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set origin 0.0, 0.45"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set size 0.45, 0.45"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set xtics rotate by -90"); String xlabel = "Count"; gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set xlabel \"" + xlabel + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); String ylabel = bNameFinal; gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set ylabel \"" + ylabel + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); title = "Histogram (rotated) of " + bNameFinal + " distances"; gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set title \"" + title + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("plot [][:" + _ymaxbound + "] '" + (new + "' using 2:1 with filledcurves y1 lt rgb \"black\""); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set xtics rotate by 0"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println(); // Density plot gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set origin 0.45, 0.45"); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set origin 0.0, 0.0"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set size 0.5, 0.5"); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set size square 0.5, 1.0"); xlabel = aNameFinal; gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set xlabel \"" + xlabel + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set xlabel \"" + xlabel + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); ylabel = bNameFinal; gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set ylabel \"" + ylabel + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set ylabel \"" + ylabel + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); title = "Heat Map of " + vsString; gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set title \"" + title + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set title \"" + title + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("splot [:" + _xmaxbound + "] [:" + _ymaxbound + "] '" + (new + "'"); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("splot [:" + _xmaxbound + "] [:" + _ymaxbound + "] '" + (new + "'"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("unset pm3d"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println(); gnuplotWriterSmall.println(); // Y histogram (unrotated) gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set origin 0.0, 0.0"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set size 0.45, 0.45"); xlabel = bNameFinal; gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set xlabel \"" + xlabel + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); ylabel = "Count"; gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set ylabel \"" + ylabel + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); title = "Histogram of " + bNameFinal + " distances"; gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set title \"" + title + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("plot [:" + _ymaxbound + "] []'" + (new + "' with filledcurves x1 lt rgb \"black\""); gnuplotWriterLarge.println(); // X histogram gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set origin 0.45, 0.0"); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set origin 0.5, 0.08"); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set size 0.45, 0.45"); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set size square 0.5, 0.85"); xlabel = aNameFinal; gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set xlabel \"" + xlabel + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set xlabel \"" + xlabel + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); ylabel = "Count"; gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set ylabel \"" + ylabel + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set ylabel \"" + ylabel + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); title = "Histogram of " + aNameFinal + " distances"; gnuplotWriterLarge.println("set title \"" + title + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("set title \"" + title + "\" textcolor rgbcolor \"black\""); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("plot [:" + _xmaxbound + "] []'" + (new + "' with filledcurves x1 lt rgb \"black\""); gnuplotWriterSmall.println("plot [:" + _xmaxbound + "] []'" + (new + "' with filledcurves x1 lt rgb \"black\""); gnuplotWriterLarge.println(); gnuplotWriterSmall.println(); gnuplotWriterLarge.println("unset multiplot"); } }