package com.gdxjam; import com.badlogic.ashley.core.Entity; import com.badlogic.gdx.Application; import com.badlogic.gdx.Game; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.gdxjam.OrionPrefs.BooleanValue; import com.gdxjam.OrionPrefs.StringValue; import com.gdxjam.components.FactionComponent.Faction; import com.gdxjam.screens.AbstractScreen; import; import com.gdxjam.utils.EntityFactory; import com.gdxjam.utils.EntityUtils; public class GameManager { private static final String TAG = "[" + GameManager.class.getSimpleName() + "]"; private static Game game; private static EntityManager engine; private static boolean paused = false; private static Entity player; public static InputSystem input; public static Faction playerFaction; public static void init(Game game) { = game; AudioManager.refresh(); refreshDisplayMode();; } public static EntityManager initEngine() { if (engine != null) {, "engine should be disposed before initalization"); disposeEngine(); } engine = new EntityManager(); EntityFactory.setEngine(engine); EntityUtils.setEngine(engine); return engine; } public static void refreshDisplayMode() { boolean fullscreen = OrionPrefs.getBoolean(BooleanValue.GRAPHICS_FULLSCREEN); String resolution = OrionPrefs.getString(StringValue.GRAPHICS_RESOLUTION); int width = Integer.valueOf(resolution.split("x")[0]); int height = Integer.valueOf(resolution.split("x")[1]);, height, fullscreen); if (game.getScreen() != null) game.getScreen().resize(width, height); } public static void disposeEngine() { if (engine != null) { engine.dispose(); } engine = null; } public static void setScreen(AbstractScreen screen) { if (game.getScreen() != null) { game.getScreen().dispose(); } game.setScreen(screen); } public static boolean isPaused() { return paused; } public static void pause() { paused = true; } public static void resume() { paused = false; } /** * This shouldn't be used. Anything that needs the engine should be in a * system. It will be used for prototyping purposes for now. * * @return The games entity manager */ @Deprecated public static EntityManager getEngine() { return engine; } public static void exit() { disposeEngine(); game.getScreen().dispose();; } public static Entity getPlayer() { return player; } public static synchronized void setPlayer(Entity player) { GameManager.player = player; } public static class GameConfig { public static enum BUILD { DEV, RELEASE; } public static String[] SUPPORTED_RESOLUTIONS = { "1280x720", "1920x1080", }; public static final BUILD build = BUILD.DEV; private static final int LOG_LEVEL = Application.LOG_DEBUG; } }