package com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.primitive2d; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PGraphics; import; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.datatype.Point; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.math.Geom; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.math.PolyBoolean; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.math.Vec2d; import; public class Polygon extends Drawable implements PrimitiveInterface, Turtle{ protected ArrayList<Point> points; private int sideNum = 0; private double sideLength = 0; //private ArrayList<Hole> holes; boolean closed = true; private static double DEFAULT_LENGTH = 20; public Polygon(){ this(0,0); } public Polygon(Point o){ this.origin=o; points= new ArrayList<Point>(); // holes = new ArrayList<Hole>(); } public Polygon(int sides, double length){ this(0,0,sides,length); } public Polygon(double x, double y, int sides){ this(x,y,sides,DEFAULT_LENGTH); } public Drawable setRadius(double r,int sides){ this.clearPoints(); sideNum = sides; sideLength = 2*r*Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180/sides)); for(int i=0;i<sides;i++){ double theta = 360/sides*i; Point p = new Point(0,0,Math.toRadians(theta)+Math.PI/2 - Math.PI/sides,r); this.addPoint(p); } return this; } public Polygon(double x, double y,int sides, double length){ this(new Point(x,y)); sideNum = sides; sideLength = length; if(sides!=0){ double a = length/(2*Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180/sides))); for(int i=0;i<sides;i++){ double theta = 360/sides*i; Point p = new Point(0,0,Math.toRadians(theta)+Math.PI/2 - Math.PI/sides,a); this.addPoint(p); } //this.setPointsAbsolute(); //this.setPointsRelativeTo(new Point(0,0)); } /*double angle = 360/(double)sides; resetTurtle(); for(int i=0;i<sides;i++){ this.forward(length); this.right(angle); }*/ } /*public void addHole(Hole h){ h.setParent(this); holes.add(h); }*/ public Polygon(ArrayList<Point> pts) { this(new Point(0,0)); this.points=pts; this.setOrigin(Geom.findCentroid(this)); this.setPointsRelativeTo(this.getOrigin()); } public void addPoint(Double x, Double y){ addPoint(new Point(x,y)); } protected void addPoint(Point point){ this.points.add(point); } public void addDynamicPoint(Point point){ System.out.println("=======================\n starting number of points"+this.points.size()); if(this.points.size()>1){ /*System.out.println("\n before set absolute"); for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++){ System.out.println(points.get(i).getX()+","+points.get(i).getY()); }*/ this.setPointsAbsolute(); /* System.out.println("\n after set absolute"); System.out.println("number of points"+this.points.size()); for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++){ System.out.println(points.get(i).getX()+","+points.get(i).getY()); } System.out.println("\n adding point at: "+point.getX()+","+point.getY()); */ this.points.add(point); ///System.out.println("number of points"+this.points.size()); this.setOrigin(Geom.findCentroid(this)); /*System.out.println("\n after find centroid"); System.out.println("\n centroid at: "+origin.getX()+","+origin.getY()); System.out.println("number of points"+this.points.size());*/ this.setPointsRelativeTo(this.getOrigin()); /*System.out.println("\n after set relative"); System.out.println("number of points"+this.points.size()); for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++){ System.out.println(points.get(i).getX()+","+points.get(i).getY()); }*/ } else{ this.points.add(point); } } public void reversePoints(){ Collections.reverse(this.points); } public void clearPoints(){ this.points.clear(); } public void addAllPoints(Polygon p) { this.points.addAll(p.getPoints()); } public ArrayList<Point> getPoints(){ return this.points; } public void setPoints(ArrayList<Point> p){ this.points = p; } //determines if polygon is closed or not public void setClosed(boolean c){ closed = c; } @Override public Drawable mirrorX(Point focus, Boolean top){ this.setPointsAbsolute(); for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++){ Point p = points.get(i); double delta = focus.getX()-p.getX(); double xNew = focus.getX()+delta; points.set(i, new Point(xNew,p.getY())); } this.reversePoints(); if(top){ resetOriginRecur(); } return this; } @Override public Drawable mirrorY(Point focus, Boolean top){ this.setPointsAbsolute(); for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++){ Point p = points.get(i); double delta = focus.getY()-p.getY(); double yNew = focus.getY()+delta; points.set(i, new Point(p.getX(),yNew)); } this.reversePoints(); if(top){ resetOriginRecur(); } return this; } @Override //flattens multi-dimensional groups into 1 dimension public Drawable flatten(boolean top,Drawable d){ if(top){ this.flattenedDrawable = d; } System.out.println("flattening polygon"); this.setAbsolute(); d.add(this); return this; } @Override //rotates around a focus. does not change the rotation property public Drawable rotateWithFocus(double theta, Point focus, Boolean top){ this.setPointsAbsolute(); for(int i=0;i<this.points.size();i++){ Point newPoint = this.points.get(i).rotate(theta, focus); this.points.set(i,newPoint); } if(top){ resetOriginRecur(); } return this; } public void resetOriginRecur(){ if(this.isHole()){ this.reversePoints(); } this.setOrigin(Geom.findCentroid(this)); if(this.isHole()){ this.reversePoints(); } this.setPointsRelativeTo(this.getOrigin()); } //===================OVERRIDDEN METHODS================== @Override public void draw(Canvas e){ if(!this.getHide()){ appearance(e.g); if(this.getSelected()){ e.strokeWeight(2); e.stroke(Drawable.SELECTED.r(),Drawable.SELECTED.g(),Drawable.SELECTED.b()); } if(isHole()){ e.fill(e.DEFAULT_BG); } //System.out.println("number of holes="+this.holes.size()+"number of points="+this.points.size()); e.pushMatrix(); e.translate((float)(getOrigin().getX()),(float)(getOrigin().getY())); e.rotate(PApplet.radians((float)getRotation())); e.beginShape(); for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++){ e.vertex((float)points.get(i).getX(),(float)points.get(i).getY()); } if(!closed){ e.endShape(PApplet.OPEN); } else{ e.endShape(PApplet.CLOSE); } e.popMatrix(); /*if(this.getDrawOrigin()){ this.drawOrigin(e); }*/ } } @Override public void print(PGraphics e){ if(!this.getHide()){ appearance(e); e.noFill(); //System.out.println("number of holes="+this.holes.size()+"number of points="+this.points.size()); e.pushMatrix(); e.translate((float)(getOrigin().getX()),(float)(getOrigin().getY())); e.rotate(PApplet.radians((float)getRotation())); e.scale((float)getScaleX(),(float)getScaleY()); e.beginShape(); for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++){ e.vertex((float)points.get(i).getX(),(float)points.get(i).getY()); } e.endShape(PApplet.CLOSE); e.popMatrix(); } } @Override public Polygon copy(){ Polygon c = new Polygon(); copyParameters(this, c); this.setParent(this.getParent()); for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++){ c.addPoint(points.get(i).copy()); } if (this.isHole()){ c.toHole(); } return c; } //converts polygon to hole public void toHole(){ this.isHole = true; } //converts hole to poly public void toPoly(){ this.isHole = false; } @Override //scales the object on the x axis public Drawable scale(double x, double y, Point focus, Boolean top ) { this.setPointsAbsolute(); for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++){ Point p = points.get(i); System.out.println("startX ="+p.getX()); Vec2d vX = new Vec2d(p.getX()-focus.getX(),p.getY()-focus.getY()); vX = vX.mul(x); p.setX(vX.x+focus.getX()); Vec2d vY = new Vec2d(p.getX()-focus.getX(),p.getY()-focus.getY()); vY = vY.mul(y); p.setY(vY.y+focus.getY()); //p.setY(v.y+this.getOrigin().getY()); points.set(i,p); } if(top){ resetOriginRecur(); } return this; } @Override //sets the points and holes relative around a new origin public void setPointsRelativeTo(Point p) { for(int i=0;i<this.points.size();i++){ Point newPoint = this.points.get(i); this.points.set(i,newPoint.difference(p)); } this.origin=p; } @Override public Drawable expand(){ Drawable poly = new Drawable(); this.setPointsAbsolute(); double xLast =points.get(0).getX(); double yLast = points.get(0).getY(); for (int i = 1; i <= points.size(); i++) { double x; double y; if(i<points.size()){ x=points.get(i).getX(); y=points.get(i).getY(); } else{ x=points.get(0).getX(); y=points.get(0).getY(); } Line l = new Line(xLast,yLast,x,y); l.setStrokeWeight(this.getStrokeWeight()); Polygon p = (Polygon)l.expand(); poly.addToGroup(p); xLast = x; yLast = y; } //poly.setFillColor(this.getStrokeColor()); //poly.doStroke(false); //return poly; return PolyBoolean.merge(poly); } @Override //sets all points to absolute position based on the origin of the object public void setPointsAbsolute() { //TODO: eventually need to deal with the fact that this should not contain setAbsolute this.setAbsolute(); for(int i=0;i<this.points.size();i++){ Point pt = new Point(points.get(i).getX()+getOrigin().getX(),points.get(i).getY()+getOrigin().getY()); pt.rotate(getRotation(),getOrigin()); this.points.set(i,pt); } } @Override //returns itself (already is a polygon) public Polygon toPolygon(){ //System.out.println("polygon to polygon"); return this; } @Override // creates a new drawable and adds this polygon and d to it and returns new drawable public Drawable addToGroup(Drawable d){ return this.addToGroup(d,1); } public Drawable addToGroup(Drawable d, int index){ Drawable master = new Drawable(); //TODO: adjust indexing here to have new drawable added at same index as this this.fireDrawableEvent(CustomEvent.DRAWABLE_CREATED, master); this.fireDrawableEvent(CustomEvent.REMOVE_DRAWABLE, d); master.addToGroup(this); master.addToGroup(d,index); return master; } @Override //overrides drawable remove from group method- returns a null value since a polygon cannot be a group by itself public Drawable removeFromGroup(Drawable d){ //Window.output.setText("cannot remove from group from a polygon group"); System.err.println("cannot remove from group from a polygon group"); return null; } @Override //overrides drawable remove all children method- returns a null value since a polygon does not have any children to remove public ArrayList<Drawable> removeAllChildren(){ //Window.output.setText("cannot remove all children from a polygon"); System.err.println("cannot remove all children from a polygon"); return null; } @Override // creates a new drawable and adds this polygon all orphans to it and returns new drawable public Drawable addAllChildren(ArrayList<Drawable> orphans){ Drawable master = new Drawable(); //TODO: adjust indexing here to have new drawable added at same index as this this.fireDrawableEvent(CustomEvent.DRAWABLE_CREATED, master); this.fireDrawableEvent(CustomEvent.REMOVE_DRAWABLE, this); master.addToGroup(this); for(int i=0;i<orphans.size();i++){ master.addToGroup(orphans.get(i)); } return master; } @Override //returns child at a specific index- need to decide if should return a copy or child itself public Point pointAt(int i){ this.setPointsAbsolute(); Point p = this.points.get(i).copy(); this.setPointsRelativeTo(this.origin); return p; } @Override //gets all points of all children public ArrayList<Point> copyAllPoints(){ ArrayList<Point> copyPoints = new ArrayList<Point>(); for(int i=0;i<this.getPoints().size();i++){ copyPoints.add(this.getPoints().get(i).copy()); } return copyPoints; } //=============================TURTLE METHODS==================================// @Override public void left(double angle) { TurtleStruct.angle-=angle; /*if(TurtleStruct.angle<0){ TurtleStruct.angle = 360; }*/ } @Override public void right(double angle) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub TurtleStruct.angle+=angle; /*if(TurtleStruct.angle>360){ TurtleStruct.angle = 0; }*/ } @Override public void forward(double dist) { Point point = Geom.polarToCart(dist, TurtleStruct.angle); if(TurtleStruct.pen){ this.addPoint(point); } TurtleStruct.location =point; } @Override public void back(double dist) { Point point = Geom.polarToCart(-dist, TurtleStruct.angle); if(TurtleStruct.pen){ this.addPoint(point); } TurtleStruct.location =point; } @Override public void penUp() { TurtleStruct.pen=false; // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void penDown() { TurtleStruct.pen=true; // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void resetTurtle(){ TurtleStruct.angle = 0; TurtleStruct.pen = true; TurtleStruct.location = new Point(0,0); } public void moveTurtleTo(double x, double y){ TurtleStruct.location = new Point(x,y); } public void rotateTurtleTo(double theta){ TurtleStruct.angle = theta; } //returns number of sides public int numSides() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return sideNum; } //returns number of sides public double sideLength() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return sideLength; } }