package com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.primitive2d; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PConstants; import processing.core.PGraphics; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.antlr.types.tree.NodeEvent; import; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.datatype.CmpX; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.datatype.CmpY; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.datatype.Point; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.math.CmpDist; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.math.Geom; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.math.Vec2d; import; public class Drawable extends NodeEvent { public ArrayList<Drawable> children =new ArrayList<Drawable>(); //stores all children of a drawable protected double rotation=0; private double scaleXP = 1; private double scaleYP = 1; private boolean hide= false; public String key; protected Point origin; private Drawable parent; private Color fillColor; private Color strokeColor; private double strokeWeight; private boolean doFill = true; private boolean doStroke=true; private boolean drawOrigin=true; private String identifier = ""; private int line= 0; //last line of modification private int initLine = -1; private int endPos = -1;//if modified graphically, position where modification code ends private boolean codeCreated = true; //flag for if drawable was created with code or with graphic tool private boolean gModified = false; //flag for if last line was modified in code or with graphic tool protected final static int DEFAULT_WIDTH= 50; public static final Color SELECTED = new Color(0,204,0); protected boolean isHole = false; private boolean selected = false; private String error; protected Drawable flattenedDrawable= null; //===============PRIVATE METHODS=================// //adds a child to list of children and sets its parent public void add(Drawable d){ children.add(d); d.setParent(this); } private void add(Drawable d, int index){ children.add(index, d); d.setParent(this); } //removes a child from list of children and destroys reference to child's parent private void remove(Drawable d){ children.remove(d); d.setParent(null); } /* public Drawable holesToDrawable(){ Drawable d = new Drawable(); for(int i=0;i<holes.size();i++){ Polygon h = holes.get(i).toPolygon(); d.addToGroup(h); } return d; } */ //returns the parent of the drawable protected void setParent(Drawable p){ this.parent = p; } //===============PUBLIC METHODS=================// public Drawable(ArrayList<Double> params){ this(); } public Drawable(){ this(0,0); } public Drawable(double x, double y){ origin= new Point(0,0); this.fillColor= new Color(); this.strokeColor= new Color(); setFillColor(255,255,255); setStrokeColor(0,0,0); strokeWeight = 1; } //-------------DRAW AND PRINT METHODS-----------------// //draws each child in the drawable. Must be overridden by subclasses public void draw(Canvas embedded) { if(!this.getHide()){//only draws if child is not hidden appearance(embedded.g); if(this.getSelected()){ embedded.strokeWeight(2); embedded.stroke(Drawable.SELECTED.r(),Drawable.SELECTED.g(),Drawable.SELECTED.b()); } embedded.pushMatrix(); embedded.translate((float)(getOrigin().getX()),(float)(getOrigin().getY())); embedded.rotate(PApplet.radians((float)getRotation())); //embedded.scale((float)getScaleX(),(float)getScaleY()); for(int j =0;j<this.children.size();j++){ if(!this.children.get(j).getHide()){ this.children.get(j).draw(embedded); } } embedded.popMatrix(); //if(this.getDrawOrigin()){ //this.drawOrigin(embedded); //} } } //draws each child of the drawable for a vector file version (must be overridden by subclass) public void print(PGraphics embedded) { if(!this.getHide()){//only draws if child is not hidden appearance(embedded); embedded.noFill(); embedded.pushMatrix(); embedded.translate((float)(getOrigin().getX()),(float)(getOrigin().getY())); embedded.rotate(PApplet.radians((float)getRotation())); for(int j =0;j<this.children.size();j++){ if(!this.children.get(j).getHide()){ this.children.get(j).print(embedded); } } embedded.popMatrix(); } } //sets appearance to outline form public void outlineAppearance(Canvas e){ e.strokeWeight((float)this.getStrokeWeight()); e.fill(255,0,0,25f); } //sets up proper fill and stroke settings public void appearance(PGraphics e){ int rf=this.getFillColor().r(); int gf=this.getFillColor().g(); int bf=this.getFillColor().b(); int rS=this.getStrokeColor().r(); int gS=this.getStrokeColor().g(); int bS=this.getStrokeColor().b(); if(this.doStroke()){ e.stroke(rS,gS,bS); } else{ e.noStroke(); } e.strokeWeight((float)this.getStrokeWeight()); if(this.doFill()){ e.fill(rf,gf,bf); } else{ e.noFill(); } } //draws the origin of the drawable public void drawOrigin(Canvas embedded){ embedded.stroke(0,0,0); embedded.strokeWeight(8); embedded.point((float)this.origin.getX(),(float)this.origin.getY()); embedded.stroke(255,255,255); embedded.strokeWeight(4); embedded.point((float)this.origin.getX(),(float)this.origin.getY()); } public void drawBoundingBox(Canvas e){ e.stroke(255,0,0); e.noFill(); e.strokeWeight(1); e.pushMatrix(); e.translate((float)(getOrigin().getX()),(float)(getOrigin().getY())); e.rotate(PApplet.radians((float)getRotation())); e.scale((float)getScaleX(),(float)getScaleY()); e.rectMode(PConstants.LEFT); e.rect(0,0,(float)this.getWidth(),(float)this.getHeight()); e.popMatrix(); System.out.println("drawing bounding box"); } //---identifier reference methods----------------// public void setIdentifier(String identifier){ this.identifier= identifier; } public String getIdentifier(){ if (this.identifier!=""){ return this.identifier; } else{ return null; } } public int getLine() { return this.line; } public void setLine(int l){ this.line = l; if(initLine==-1){ initLine = l; } } public int getInitLine() { return this.line; } public void setCodeCreated(boolean cC){ codeCreated = cC; } public boolean getCodeCreated(){ return codeCreated; } public void setGModified(boolean gM){ gModified = gM; } public boolean getGModified(){ return gModified; } public void setEndPos(int eP){ this.endPos = eP; } public int getEndPos(){ return endPos; } //------------COLOR AND STROKE GET AND SET METHODS-----------------// //sets the stroke weight value public void setStrokeWeight(double w){ this.strokeWeight=w; for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ this.children.get(i).setStrokeWeight(w); } } //returns the stroke weight value public double getStrokeWeight(){ return this.strokeWeight; } //sets the fill color to an rgb value public void setFillColor(int r, int g, int b){ this.fillColor.set(r, g, b); for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ this.children.get(i).setFillColor(r, g, b); } /*for(int i=0;i<this.holes.size();i++){ this.holes.get(i).setFillColor(r, g, b); }*/ } //sets the fill color by a color constant public void setFillColor(Color c){ this.fillColor=c; for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ this.children.get(i).setFillColor(c); } } //returns the current fill color public Color getFillColor(){ return this.fillColor; } //sets the stroke color with an rgb value public void setStrokeColor(int r, int g, int b){ this.strokeColor.set(r, g, b); for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ this.children.get(i).setStrokeColor(r,g,b); } } //sets the stroke color with a color constant public void setStrokeColor(Color c){ this.strokeColor=c; for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ this.children.get(i).setStrokeColor(c); } } //returns the current stroke color public Color getStrokeColor(){ return this.strokeColor; } //sets whether or not the drawable has a fill public void doFill(Boolean f){ doFill=f; for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ this.childAt(i).doFill(f); } } //sets whether or not the drawable has a stroke public void doStroke(Boolean f){ doStroke=f; for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ this.childAt(i).doStroke(f); } } //returns if the object has a stroke public boolean doStroke(){ return doStroke; } //returns if the object has a fill public boolean doFill(){ return doFill; } //-------------TRANSFORMATION METHODS-----------------// //hides the drawable and all children public void hide() { this.hide=true; } //returns if the drawable is hidden or not public boolean getHide() { return this.hide; } //un hides the drawable public void show() { this.hide=false; } //methods for getting and setting drawOrigin value public boolean getDrawOrigin(){ return drawOrigin; } //sets whether or not to draw the object's origin on the canvas public void setDrawOrigin(boolean d){ drawOrigin=d; } //sets if the drawable is selected or not public void setSelected(boolean s){ this.selected = s; for(int i=0;i<numChildren();i++){ this.getChildren().get(i).setSelected(s); } } //returns current value of selected public boolean getSelected(){ return selected; } public void addToCanvas(){ this.fireDrawableEvent(CustomEvent.ADD_DRAWABLE,this); } //removes drawable from canvas public void removeFromCanvas(){ this.fireDrawableEvent(CustomEvent.REMOVE_DRAWABLE,this); } //resets origin to new point resulting in the moving of the object public void moveTo(double x, double y) { this.setAbsolute(); this.origin=new Point(x,y); if(this.getParent()!=null){ this.setRelativeTo(parent.getOrigin()); this.parent.resetOrigin(); } } public void heading(double theta, double radius){ double distX = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta))*radius+this.getOrigin().getX(); double distY = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta))*radius+this.getOrigin().getY(); moveTo(distX,distY); } //resets origin to new point resulting in the moving of the object public void moveBy(double x, double y) { this.origin.moveBy(x, y); if(this.getParent()!=null){ this.parent.resetOrigin(); } } //sets the rotation to a new angle (in degrees) public void rotate(double theta) { this.rotation=theta; if(this.getParent()!=null){ this.parent.resetOrigin(); } //System.out.println("when set, rotation ="+this.rotation); } //flattens multi-dimensional groups into 1 dimension public Drawable flatten(boolean top, Drawable d){ if(top){ this.flattenedDrawable = d; } this.setAbsolute(); ArrayList<Drawable> children = this.getChildren(); System.out.println("num children to flatten="+this.numChildren()); for(int i=0;i<this.numChildren();i++){ children.get(i).flatten(false,d); } if(top){ d.resetOriginRecur(); } return this; } public Drawable getFlattenedDrawable(){ return this.flattenedDrawable; } //rotates around a focus. does not change the rotation property public Drawable rotateWithFocus(double theta, Point focus, Boolean top){ System.out.println("rotate with focus"); this.setAbsolute(); //ArrayList<Point> origins = new ArrayList<Point>(); for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ Drawable d = this.children.get(i); System.out.println("Drawable origin="+d.getOrigin().getX()+","+d.getOrigin().getY()); d = d.rotateWithFocus(theta, focus, false); this.children.set(i, d); //origins.add(this.children.get(i).getOrigin()); } if(top){ resetOriginRecur(); } return this; } public void resetOriginRecur(){ ArrayList<Point> origins = new ArrayList<Point>(); for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ this.children.get(i).resetOriginRecur(); origins.add(this.children.get(i).getOrigin()); //System.out.println("child at i"+this.children.get(i).getOrigin().getX()+","+this.children.get(i).getOrigin().getX()); } if(this.children.size()>1){ this.moveOrigin(Geom.getAveragePoint(origins)); //set origin to average of group origins and re-orient group origins } else if(this.children.size()==1){ //if only one child, return the child and remove empty group from canvas this.moveOrigin(this.children.get(0).getOrigin()); //set origin to average of group origins and re-orient group origins } } public Drawable mirrorX(Point focus, Boolean top) { this.setAbsolute(); for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ Drawable d = this.children.get(i); System.out.println("child at i"+this.children.get(i).getOrigin().getX()+","+this.children.get(i).getOrigin().getX()); d = d.mirrorX(focus, false); this.children.set(i, d); //origins.add(this.children.get(i).getOrigin()); } System.out.println("num children for mirrorX group="+this.numChildren()); if(top){ resetOriginRecur(); } return this; } public Drawable mirrorY(Point focus, Boolean top) { this.setAbsolute(); for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ Drawable d = this.children.get(i); d = d.mirrorY(focus, false); this.children.set(i, d); //origins.add(this.children.get(i).getOrigin()); } if(top){ resetOriginRecur(); } return this; } //returns the rotation of an object public double getRotation(){ return this.rotation; } //scales the object public Drawable scale(double x, double y, Point focus, Boolean top) { this.setAbsolute(); for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ Drawable d = this.children.get(i); d = d.scale(x, y, focus, false); this.children.set(i, d); //origins.add(this.children.get(i).getOrigin()); } if(top){ resetOriginRecur(); } return this; /*for(int i=0;i<this.numChildren();i++){ Drawable child = this.children.get(i); if(child.numChildren()==0){ ((Polygon)(child)).scale(x,y); Vec2d vx = new Vec2d(child.getOrigin().getX()-this.getOrigin().getX(),child.getOrigin().getY()-this.getOrigin().getY()); vx = vx.mul(x); double newX = vx.x+this.getOrigin().getX(); Vec2d vy = new Vec2d(child.getOrigin().getX()-this.getOrigin().getX(),child.getOrigin().getY()-this.getOrigin().getY()); vy = vy.mul(y); double newY = vy.y+this.getOrigin().getY(); ((Polygon)(child)).setOrigin(new Point(newX, newY)); origins.add(this.children.get(i).getOrigin()); } } this.moveOrigin(Geom.getAveragePoint(origins)); //set origin to average of group origins and re-orient group origins this.moveTo(oldOrigin.getX(), oldOrigin.getY());*/ } public double getScaleX() { return this.scaleXP; } public double getScaleY() { return this.scaleYP; } // TODO TEST COPY //copies drawable and returns copy. Must be overridden by subclasses public Drawable copy() { Drawable d = new Drawable(); copyParameters(this,d); for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ d.addToGroup(this.children.get(i).copy()); } return d; } public double getWidth(){ Rectangle bb = this.findBoundingBox(); double width= bb.getWidth()*getScaleX(); return width; } public double getHeight(){ Rectangle bb = this.findBoundingBox(); double height= bb.getHeight()*getScaleX(); return height; } public Rectangle findBoundingBox(){ ArrayList<Point> copyPoints = this.copyAllPoints(); Collections.sort(copyPoints, new CmpX()); double leftX = copyPoints.get(0).getX(); double rightX = copyPoints.get(copyPoints.size()-1).getX(); Collections.sort(copyPoints, new CmpY()); double leftY = copyPoints.get(0).getY(); double rightY = copyPoints.get(copyPoints.size()-1).getY(); return new Rectangle(leftX,leftY,rightX-leftX,rightY-leftY); } public Point getExtremeLeftPoint(){ ArrayList<Point> copyPoints = this.copyAllPoints(); Collections.sort(copyPoints, new CmpX()); return copyPoints.get(0); } public Point getExtremeRightPoint(){ ArrayList<Point> copyPoints = this.copyAllPoints(); Collections.sort(copyPoints, new CmpX()); return copyPoints.get(copyPoints.size()-1); } public Point getExtremeTopPoint(){ ArrayList<Point> copyPoints = this.copyAllPoints(); Collections.sort(copyPoints, new CmpY()); return copyPoints.get(0); } public Point getExtremeBottomPoint(){ ArrayList<Point> copyPoints = this.copyAllPoints(); Collections.sort(copyPoints, new CmpY()); return copyPoints.get(copyPoints.size()-1); } //gets all points of all children public ArrayList<Point> copyAllPoints(){ ArrayList<Point> copyPoints = new ArrayList<Point>(); Drawable copy = this.condense(); for(int j=0;j<copy.numChildren();j++){ Polygon c = (Polygon)copy.childAt(j); c.setAbsolute(); c.setPointsAbsolute(); for(int i=0;i<c.getPoints().size();i++){ copyPoints.add(c.getPoints().get(i).copy()); } } return copyPoints; } //copies over all parameters from original drawable to new drawable, MUST BE CALLED IN ALL COPY AND TOPOLYGON METHODS public void copyParameters(Drawable o, Drawable c){ c.setOrigin(o.origin.copy()); c.rotate(o.getRotation()); c.rotate(o.getRotation()); c.setParent(o.getParent()); copyStyleParams(o,c); } public void copyStyleParams(Drawable o, Drawable c){ c.setFillColor(o.getFillColor()); c.setStrokeColor(o.getStrokeColor()); c.setStrokeWeight(o.getStrokeWeight()); c.doFill(o.doFill); c.doStroke(o.doStroke); } //----------------ORIGIN/CHILDREN/GROUPING MANIPULATION METHODS------------------// //gets the parent of the object protected Drawable getParent(){ return this.parent; } //set the current origin of the drawable protected void setOrigin(Point p){ this.origin=p; } //get the current origin of the drawable public Point getOrigin(){ return this.origin; } //sets the drawable's origin relative to a new origin protected void setRelativeTo(Point p) { this.origin= this.origin.difference(p); if(this.parent!=null){ this.rotation = (this.getRotation()-this.getParent().getRotation()); //adds parent's rotation to its rotation } } //sets the drawable at a new origin, and moves all children relative to that new origin //should only be used when a new child is added to the group private void moveOrigin(Point p){ this.setOrigin(p); for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ children.get(i).setRelativeTo(p); } } //sets the drawable to its absolute position with respect to its parent public Drawable setAbsolute() { if(this.parent!=null){ this.origin= this.origin.add(this.parent.getOrigin()); //add parent's origin to its origin this.rotation = (this.getRotation()+this.getParent().getRotation()); //adds parent's rotation to its rotation } return this; } private Drawable returnAbsoluteAt(int i){ Drawable orphan = this.children.get(i).copy(); orphan.setAbsolute(); return orphan; } //converts all children of the drawable to polygons. (must be overridden by subclasses) public Drawable toPolygon(){ for(int j =0;j<this.children.size();j++){ Drawable poly = this.children.get(j).toPolygon(); this.children.set(j, poly); } /* if(this.numChildren()==1){ Polygon p = (Polygon)this.childAt(0); for(int i=0;i<this.holes.size();i++){ p.addHole(this.holes.get(i)); } p.setOrigin(this.getOrigin()); return p; }*/ return this; } //used when polygon only has one child public Polygon simplify(){ Polygon p = (Polygon)this.childAt(0).toPolygon(); p.setParent(null); p.setOrigin(this.getOrigin()); return p; } //expands all children of drawable; public Drawable expand(){ for(int j =0;j<this.children.size();j++){ Drawable poly = this.children.get(j).expand(); this.children.set(j, poly); } return this; } //adds new child and resets origin of drawable to accommodate child (must be overridden by subclasses) public Drawable addToGroup(Drawable d) { return this.addToGroup(d,this.numChildren()); } public Drawable addToGroup(Drawable d,int index) { this.fireDrawableEvent(CustomEvent.REMOVE_DRAWABLE, d); for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ this.children.get(i).setAbsolute(); } d.setAbsolute(); this.add(d,index); ArrayList<Point> origins = new ArrayList<Point>(); if(this.children.size()>1){ for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ if(!this.children.get(i).isHole()){ origins.add(this.children.get(i).getOrigin()); //System.out.println("origin "+i+" ="+children.get(i).getOrigin().getX()+","+children.get(i).getOrigin().getY()); } } //System.out.println("average point ="+Geom.getAveragePoint(origins).getX()+","+Geom.getAveragePoint(origins).getY()); this.moveOrigin(Geom.getAveragePoint(origins)); //set origin to average of group origins and re-orient group origins } else if(this.children.size()==1){ //if only one child, return the child and remove empty group from canvas this.moveOrigin(this.children.get(0).getOrigin()); //set origin to average of group origins and re-orient group origins } return this; } //resets the origin when a member of a group is moved, added, adjusted or removed public void resetOrigin(){ for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ this.children.get(i).setAbsolute(); } ArrayList<Point> origins = new ArrayList<Point>(); if(this.children.size()>1){ for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ origins.add(this.children.get(i).getOrigin()); } this.moveOrigin(Geom.getAveragePoint(origins)); //set origin to average of group origins and re-orient group origins } else if(this.children.size()==1){ //if only one child, return the child and remove empty group from canvas this.moveOrigin(this.children.get(0).getOrigin()); //set origin to average of group origins and re-orient group origins } } //removes child and resets origin of drawable to accomodate (must be overridden by subclasses) returns removed child public Drawable removeFromGroup(Drawable d) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ this.children.get(i).setAbsolute(); } this.fireDrawableEvent(CustomEvent.REMOVE_DRAWABLE, d); this.remove(d); ArrayList<Point> origins = new ArrayList<Point>(); //System.out.println("num children after removal="+this.numChildren()); if(this.children.size()>1){ for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ origins.add(this.children.get(i).getOrigin()); } this.moveOrigin(Geom.getAveragePoint(origins)); //set origin to average of group origins and re-orient group origins //this.setOrigin(Geom.getAveragePoint(origins)); } else if(this.children.size()==1){ //if only one child, return the child and remove empty group from canvas //this.removeFromCanvas(); //System.out.println("no more children, removing from canvas"); this.moveOrigin(this.children.get(0).getOrigin()); //return this.children.get(0); } else if(this.children.size()==0){ this.fireDrawableEvent(CustomEvent.REMOVE_DRAWABLE, this); // if no children, remove empty group } return d; } public Drawable removeFromGroup(int index){ Drawable d = this.childAt(index); return this.removeFromGroup(d); } //removes all children from a drawable and returns them as orphans (must be overridden by subclasses) public ArrayList<Drawable> removeAllChildren(){ ArrayList<Drawable> orphans = new ArrayList<Drawable>(); for(int i=this.children.size()-1;i>=0;i--){ Drawable d = removeFromGroup(this.children.get(i)); orphans.add(d); } Collections.reverse(orphans); return orphans; } //adds a list of children to the drawable (must be overridden by subclasses) public Drawable addAllChildren(ArrayList<Drawable> orphans){ for(int i=0;i<orphans.size();i++){ this.addToGroup(orphans.get(i)); } return this; } //returns number of children of the drawable (can be used to tell if it is empty, or potentially a polygon) public int numChildren(){ return this.children.size(); } //returns the children of the drawable public ArrayList<Drawable> getChildren(){ return this.children; } //returns child at a specific index- need to decide if should return a copy or child itself public Drawable childAt(int i){ return this.children.get(i); } public void reverseOrder(){ Collections.reverse(children); } public boolean isHole(){ return isHole; } //condenses all drawable children into one dimensional list public Drawable condense(){ Drawable dp = this.toPolygon(); //first convert all children primitves to polygons /*if(dp.numChildren()==0){ return dp; } else{ Drawable parent = new Drawable(); condenseRec(dp,parent); dp = parent; //System.out.println("numChildren in drawable after condense ="+parent.children.size()); parent.reverseOrder(); return parent; }*/ return dp; } //recursive condense function public void condenseRec(Drawable d,Drawable parent){ ArrayList<Drawable> currentChildren = d.getChildren(); //System.out.println("number of children = "+d.numChildren()); //System.out.println("condensing holes"); for(int i=currentChildren.size()-1;i>=0; i--){ Drawable orphan = d.returnAbsoluteAt(i); //System.out.println("checking child at = "+i +":"+orphan); if (orphan.numChildren()!=0){ //is not a polygon //System.out.println("orphan is not a polygon"); condenseRec(orphan,parent); } else{ //System.out.println("orphan is a polygon"); //System.out.println("adding orphan to parent"); parent.addToGroup(orphan); } } } /*public void condenseRec(Drawable d,Drawable parent){ ArrayList<Drawable> currentChildren = d.getChildren(); ArrayList<Hole> currentHoles = d.getHoles(); //System.out.println("number of children = "+d.numChildren()); //System.out.println("condensing holes"); for(int i=0;i<currentHoles.size(); i++){ Hole h = d.returnAbsoluteHoleAt(i); //Window.canvas.addDrawable("hole", 0, h); parent.addHoleToGroup(h); } for(int i=currentChildren.size()-1;i>=0; i--){ Drawable orphan = d.returnAbsoluteAt(i); //System.out.println("checking child at = "+i +":"+orphan); if (orphan.numChildren()!=0){ //is not a polygon //System.out.println("orphan is not a polygon"); condenseRec(orphan,parent); } else{ //System.out.println("orphan is a polygon"); //System.out.println("adding orphan to parent"); parent.addToGroup(orphan); } } }*/ public String getError() { return this.error; } public Drawable setUnitDistance() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return this; } public void sortByDist(Point target) { Collections.sort(this.children,new CmpDist(target)); } //boolean returns to check type of drawables /*public boolean isDrawable(){ return this instanceof Drawable; } public boolean isEllipse(){ return this instanceof Ellipse; } public boolean isRectangle(){ return this instanceof Rectangle; } public boolean isCurve(){ return this instanceof Curve; } public boolean isLine(){ return this instanceof Line; } public boolean isPolygon(){ return this instanceof Polygon; } //checks if all children of a drawable are polygons or if drawable is a polygon itself public boolean childrenArePolygons() { if(this.isPolygon()){ return true; } else{ boolean areP = true; for(int i=0;i<this.children.size();i++){ if (!this.children.get(i).isPolygon()){ areP=false; } } return areP; } }*/ }