package; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.antlr.types.VarType; import; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.datatype.Point; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.primitive2d.*; //holds code snippets from user created objects that are reusable // must have function definition of created object // function call that returns group containing created object // saved bitmap of object // parameter setting? //note- this stamp is static, code created by it will NOT be the same as code used to generate shape public class Stamp { private String functionDef=""; //stores function definition of stamp private String functionCall=""; //stores function call of stamp //identifier labels for primitives private static int eId =0; private static int rId=0; private static int pId =0; private static int sId =0; private static int gId = 0; private static int lId=0; private static int cId = 0; private static int uId =0; private static int dId =0; private static int iId =0; private static int xId =0; private static int listId = 0; private static String currentGroupId = "g"; private String functionName=""; protected final static String cm = ","; protected final static String end = ");"; protected final String functionStart = "def "; protected final String functionMiddle = "():"; protected final String functionEnd = "end"; protected String returnStatement = "return "+currentGroupId + ";"; public Stamp(){ } /*public function for setting up a stamp * passes in a string of drawables * which are recursively sorted into a function defintion */ public void setDrawables(String fName, boolean isStatic, Drawable d){ functionName = fName; functionDef += initGroup(); setDrawablesRecur(d,true); /* if(drawables.size()==1 && drawables.get(0).numChildren()==0){ functionDef += initGroup(); setDrawablesRecur(drawables.get(0),true); } else{ functionDef += initGroup(); for (int i=0;i<drawables.size();i++){ setDrawablesRecur(drawables.get(i),true); } }*/ functionDef = functionStart+functionName+functionMiddle+"\n"+functionDef+"\n"+returnStatement+"\n"+functionEnd; functionCall = functionName+"();"; } /*recursive drawable sorting function * called by setDrawables */ private void setDrawablesRecur(Drawable d, boolean toGroup){ VarType v = new VarType(d); if(v.isEllipse()){ d.setAbsolute(); functionDef+= "\n"+addEllipseStatement((Ellipse)d, toGroup); System.out.println("functionDef="+functionDef); } else if(v.isRectangle()){ d.setAbsolute(); functionDef+= "\n"+addRectStatement((Rectangle)d,toGroup); } else if(v.isCurve()){ d.setAbsolute(); functionDef+= "\n"+addCurveStatement((Curve)d,toGroup); } else if(v.isLine()){ d.setAbsolute(); functionDef+= "\n"+addLineStatement((Line)d,toGroup); } else if(v.isLShape()){ d.setAbsolute(); functionDef+= "\n"+addLShapeStatement((LShape)d,toGroup); } else if(v.isPolygon()){ functionDef+= "\n"+addPolyStatement((Polygon)d,toGroup); } else{ d.setAbsolute(); ArrayList<Drawable> drawables = d.getChildren(); for (int i=0;i<drawables.size();i++){ setDrawablesRecur(drawables.get(i),toGroup); } } } // individual drawable type statement creators public static String addEllipseStatement(Ellipse e, boolean toGroup){ String id ="e"+eId; String start = id +" = ellipse("; Point origin = e.getOrigin(); double x = origin.getX(); double y = origin.getY(); double w = e.getWidth(); double h = e.getHeight(); String statement = start+roundNum(x)+cm+roundNum(y)+cm+roundNum(w)+cm+roundNum(h)+end; statement = checkDefaults(e,id,statement); if(toGroup){ statement = addGroupStatement(id, statement); } eId++; System.out.println(statement); return statement; } // individual drawable type statement creators public static String addRectStatement(Rectangle e, boolean toGroup){ String id ="r"+rId; String start = id +" = rect("; Point origin = e.getOrigin(); double x = origin.getX(); double y = origin.getY(); double w = e.getWidth(); double h = e.getHeight(); String statement = start+roundNum(x)+cm+roundNum(y)+cm+roundNum(w)+cm+roundNum(h)+end; statement = checkDefaults(e,id,statement); if(toGroup){ statement = addGroupStatement(id, statement); } rId++; return statement; } public static String addRPolyStatement(Polygon created, double rotation, boolean inGroup) { //int point = 0; String id ="p"+pId; String rectStart; String rectEnd = ");"; String rotationStatement=""; if(rotation!=0){ rectStart = "rotate(poly("; rotationStatement="),"+roundNum(rotation); } else{ rectStart = "poly("; } Point origin = created.getOrigin(); String rectStatement = id +" = "+rectStart+roundNum(origin.getX())+","+roundNum(origin.getY())+","+roundNum(created.numSides())+","+roundNum(created.sideLength())+rotationStatement+rectEnd; pId++; return rectStatement; } // individual drawable type statement creators public static String addPolyStatement(Polygon e, boolean toGroup){ String id ="p"+pId; String list = "lst"+listId+" =["; String listEnd = "];"; String start = id +" = poly("+"lst"+listId+end; String statement = ""; Polygon eC = e.copy(); eC.setPointsAbsolute(); ArrayList<Point> points = eC.getPoints(); for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++){ String pointSt = "point("+roundNum(points.get(i).getX())+cm+roundNum(points.get(i).getY())+")"; if(i!=points.size()-1){ pointSt+=","; } list+=pointSt; } list+=listEnd; statement +=list+"\n"+start; statement = checkDefaults(e,id,statement); if(toGroup){ statement = addGroupStatement(id, statement); } pId++; listId++; return statement; } // individual drawable type statement creators public static String addCurveStatement(Curve e, boolean toGroup){ String id ="c"+cId; String start = id +" = curve("; Point startP = e.getStart(); Point endP = e.getEnd(); Point control1 = e.getControl1(); Point control2 = e.getControl2(); String sX = roundNum(startP.getX()); String sY = roundNum(startP.getY()); String eX = roundNum(endP.getX()); String eY = roundNum(endP.getY()); String c1X = roundNum(control1.getX()); String c1Y = roundNum(control1.getY()); String c2X = roundNum(control2.getX()); String c2Y = roundNum(control2.getY()); String statement = start+sX+cm+sY+cm+c1X+cm+c1Y+cm+c2X+cm+c2Y+cm+eX+cm+eY+end; statement = checkDefaults(e,id,statement); if(toGroup){ statement = addGroupStatement(id, statement); } cId++; return statement; } // individual drawable type statement creators public static String addLineStatement(Line e, boolean toGroup){ String id ="l"+lId; String start = id +" = line("; Point startP = e.getStart(); Point endP = e.getEnd(); String sX = roundNum(startP.getX()); String sY = roundNum(startP.getY()); String eX = roundNum(endP.getX()); String eY = roundNum(endP.getY()); String statement = start+sX+cm+sY+cm+eX+cm+eY+end; statement = checkDefaults(e,id,statement); if(toGroup){ statement = addGroupStatement(id, statement); } cId++; return statement; } public static String addBoolStatement(ArrayList<Drawable> selected, int boolType, boolean toGroup) { String n1 =selected.get(0).getIdentifier(); String n2 =selected.get(1).getIdentifier(); String id = ""; String lineStart=""; switch(boolType){ case BoolTool.UNION: id = "u"+uId+"="; uId++; lineStart ="union("; break; case BoolTool.DIFF: id = "d"+dId+"="; dId++; lineStart ="diff("; break; case BoolTool.XOR: id = "x"+xId+"="; xId++; lineStart ="xor("; break; case BoolTool.CLIP: id = "i"+iId+"="; iId++; lineStart ="clip("; break; } String lineEnd = ");"; String lineStatement = id+lineStart+n1+","+n2+lineEnd; return lineStatement; } // individual drawable type statement creators public static String addLShapeStatement(LShape e, boolean toGroup){ String id ="s"+sId; String start = id +" = import("; String path = e.getPath(); String statement = start+"\""+path+"\""+end; statement = checkDefaults(e,id,statement); if(e.getRotation()!=0){ statement+= "\nrotate("+id+cm+e.getRotation()+end; } if(e.getOrigin().getX()!=0 || e.getOrigin().getY()!=0 ){ statement+= "\nmove("+id+cm+roundNum(e.getOrigin().getX())+cm+roundNum(e.getOrigin().getY())+end; } if(toGroup){ statement = addGroupStatement(id, statement); } sId++; return statement; } //checks for color and stroke settings of drawable and adds in necessary statements private static String checkDefaults(Drawable e, String id, String statement){ if(!defaultFill(e.getFillColor())){ statement += "\n"+fillStatement(id,e.getFillColor()); } if(!defaultStroke(e.getStrokeColor())){ statement += "\n"+strokeStatement(id,e.getFillColor()); } if(!defaultWeight(e.getStrokeWeight())){ statement += "\n"+weightStatement(id,e.getStrokeWeight()); } if(!e.doFill()){ statement+="\n"+noFillStatement(id); } if(!e.doStroke()){ statement+="\n"+noStrokeStatement(id); } return statement; } private static String fillStatement(String id, Color col){ String statement = "fill("+id+cm+col.r()+cm+col.g()+cm+col.b()+end; return statement; } private static String strokeStatement(String id, Color col){ String statement = "stroke("+id+cm+col.r()+cm+col.g()+cm+col.b()+end; return statement; } private static String noFillStatement(String id){ String statement = "noFill("+id+end; return statement; } private static String noStrokeStatement(String id){ String statement = "noStroke("+id+end; return statement; } private static String weightStatement(String id, double w){ String statement = "weight("+id+cm+w+end; return statement; } private static boolean defaultFill(Color c){ if (c.r()!=255 && c.b()!=255 && c.g()!=255){ return false; } else{ return true; } } private static boolean defaultStroke(Color c){ if (c.r()!=0 && c.b()!=0 && c.g()!=0){ return false; } else{ return true; } } //checks to see if drawable has default weight private static boolean defaultWeight(double w){ if (w!=1){ return false; } else{ return true; } } //returns a clean string from a rounded double private static String roundNum(double n){ return String.format("%.2f", n); } //returns function definition public String getFunctionDef(){ return functionDef; } public void setFunctionDef(String def){ functionDef = def; } //returns function call public String getFunctionCall(){ return functionCall; } public String getFunctionName() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return functionName; } public String initGroup(){ //System.out.println("init group statement"); String statement = currentGroupId +"= group();"; return statement; } public static String addGroupStatement(String id, String statement){ //System.out.println("add group statement"); String add = "\nadd("+currentGroupId+cm+id+end; return statement+=add; } public void setFunctionCall(String name) { functionCall = name+"();"; functionName = name; } }