// $ANTLR 3.5 /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g 2014-02-04 17:50:34 import org.antlr.runtime.*; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; /** Python 2.3.3 Grammar * * Terence Parr and Loring Craymer * February 2004 * * Converted to ANTLR v3 November 2005 by Terence Parr. * * This grammar was derived automatically from the Python 2.3.3 * parser grammar to get a syntactically correct ANTLR grammar * for Python. Then Terence hand tweaked it to be semantically * correct; i.e., removed lookahead issues etc... It is LL(1) * except for the (sometimes optional) trailing commas and semi-colons. * It needs two symbols of lookahead in this case. * * Starting with Loring's preliminary lexer for Python, I modified it * to do my version of the whole nasty INDENT/DEDENT issue just so I * could understand the problem better. This grammar requires * PythonTokenStream.java to work. Also I used some rules from the * semi-formal grammar on the web for Python (automatically * translated to ANTLR format by an ANTLR grammar, naturally <grin>). * The lexical rules for python are particularly nasty and it took me * a long time to get it 'right'; i.e., think about it in the proper * way. Resist changing the lexer unless you've used ANTLR a lot. ;) * * I (Terence) tested this by running it on the jython-2.1/Lib * directory of 40k lines of Python. * */ @SuppressWarnings("all") public class PythonParser extends Parser { public static final String[] tokenNames = new String[] { "<invalid>", "<EOR>", "<DOWN>", "<UP>", "ALT_NOTEQUAL", "AMPER", "AMPEREQUAL", "AND", "ASSIGN", "AT", "BACKQUOTE", "CIRCUMFLEX", "CIRCUMFLEXEQUAL", "COLON", "COMMA", "COMMENT", "COMPLEX", "CONTINUED_LINE", "DEDENT", "DIGITS", "DOT", "DOUBLESLASH", "DOUBLESLASHEQUAL", "DOUBLESTAR", "DOUBLESTAREQUAL", "EQUAL", "ESC", "Exponent", "FLOAT", "GREATER", "GREATEREQUAL", "INDENT", "INT", "LBRACK", "LCURLY", "LEADING_WS", "LEFTSHIFT", "LEFTSHIFTEQUAL", "LESS", "LESSEQUAL", "LONGINT", "LPAREN", "MINUS", "MINUSEQUAL", "NAME", "NEWLINE", "NOT", "NOTEQUAL", "OR", "PERCENT", "PERCENTEQUAL", "PLUS", "PLUSEQUAL", "RBRACK", "RCURLY", "RIGHTSHIFT", "RIGHTSHIFTEQUAL", "RPAREN", "SEMI", "SLASH", "SLASHEQUAL", "STAR", "STAREQUAL", "STRING", "TILDE", "TRIAPOS", "TRIQUOTE", "VBAR", "VBAREQUAL", "WS", "'as'", "'assert'", "'break'", "'class'", "'continue'", "'def'", "'del'", "'elif'", "'else'", "'except'", "'exec'", "'finally'", "'for'", "'from'", "'global'", "'if'", "'import'", "'in'", "'is'", "'lambda'", "'pass'", "'print'", "'raise'", "'return'", "'try'", "'while'", "'with'", "'yield'" }; public static final int EOF=-1; public static final int T__70=70; public static final int T__71=71; public static final int T__72=72; public static final int T__73=73; public static final int T__74=74; public static final int T__75=75; public static final int T__76=76; public static final int T__77=77; public static final int T__78=78; public static final int T__79=79; public static final int T__80=80; public static final int T__81=81; public static final int T__82=82; public static final int T__83=83; public static final int T__84=84; public static final int T__85=85; public static final int T__86=86; public static final int T__87=87; public static final int T__88=88; public static final int T__89=89; public static final int T__90=90; public static final int T__91=91; public static final int T__92=92; public static final int T__93=93; public static final int T__94=94; public static final int T__95=95; public static final int T__96=96; public static final int T__97=97; public static final int ALT_NOTEQUAL=4; public static final int AMPER=5; public static final int AMPEREQUAL=6; public static final int AND=7; public static final int ASSIGN=8; public static final int AT=9; public static final int BACKQUOTE=10; public static final int CIRCUMFLEX=11; public static final int CIRCUMFLEXEQUAL=12; public static final int COLON=13; public static final int COMMA=14; public static final int COMMENT=15; public static final int COMPLEX=16; public static final int CONTINUED_LINE=17; public static final int DEDENT=18; public static final int DIGITS=19; public static final int DOT=20; public static final int DOUBLESLASH=21; public static final int DOUBLESLASHEQUAL=22; public static final int DOUBLESTAR=23; public static final int DOUBLESTAREQUAL=24; public static final int EQUAL=25; public static final int ESC=26; public static final int Exponent=27; public static final int FLOAT=28; public static final int GREATER=29; public static final int GREATEREQUAL=30; public static final int INDENT=31; public static final int INT=32; public static final int LBRACK=33; public static final int LCURLY=34; public static final int LEADING_WS=35; public static final int LEFTSHIFT=36; public static final int LEFTSHIFTEQUAL=37; public static final int LESS=38; public static final int LESSEQUAL=39; public static final int LONGINT=40; public static final int LPAREN=41; public static final int MINUS=42; public static final int MINUSEQUAL=43; public static final int NAME=44; public static final int NEWLINE=45; public static final int NOT=46; public static final int NOTEQUAL=47; public static final int OR=48; public static final int PERCENT=49; public static final int PERCENTEQUAL=50; public static final int PLUS=51; public static final int PLUSEQUAL=52; public static final int RBRACK=53; public static final int RCURLY=54; public static final int RIGHTSHIFT=55; public static final int RIGHTSHIFTEQUAL=56; public static final int RPAREN=57; public static final int SEMI=58; public static final int SLASH=59; public static final int SLASHEQUAL=60; public static final int STAR=61; public static final int STAREQUAL=62; public static final int STRING=63; public static final int TILDE=64; public static final int TRIAPOS=65; public static final int TRIQUOTE=66; public static final int VBAR=67; public static final int VBAREQUAL=68; public static final int WS=69; // delegates public Parser[] getDelegates() { return new Parser[] {}; } // delegators public PythonParser(TokenStream input) { this(input, new RecognizerSharedState()); } public PythonParser(TokenStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) { super(input, state); } @Override public String[] getTokenNames() { return PythonParser.tokenNames; } @Override public String getGrammarFileName() { return "/Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g"; } // $ANTLR start "single_input" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:77:1: single_input : ( NEWLINE | simple_stmt | compound_stmt NEWLINE ); public final void single_input() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:77:14: ( NEWLINE | simple_stmt | compound_stmt NEWLINE ) int alt1=3; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case NEWLINE: { alt1=1; } break; case BACKQUOTE: case COMPLEX: case FLOAT: case INT: case LBRACK: case LCURLY: case LONGINT: case LPAREN: case MINUS: case NAME: case NOT: case PLUS: case STRING: case TILDE: case 71: case 72: case 74: case 76: case 80: case 83: case 84: case 86: case 89: case 90: case 91: case 92: case 93: case 97: { alt1=2; } break; case AT: case 73: case 75: case 82: case 85: case 94: case 95: case 96: { alt1=3; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 1, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt1) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:77:16: NEWLINE { match(input,NEWLINE,FOLLOW_NEWLINE_in_single_input46); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:78:16: simple_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_simple_stmt_in_single_input63); simple_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 3 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:79:16: compound_stmt NEWLINE { pushFollow(FOLLOW_compound_stmt_in_single_input80); compound_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; match(input,NEWLINE,FOLLOW_NEWLINE_in_single_input82); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "single_input" // $ANTLR start "file_input" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:82:1: file_input : ( NEWLINE | stmt )* ; public final void file_input() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:82:12: ( ( NEWLINE | stmt )* ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:82:14: ( NEWLINE | stmt )* { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:82:14: ( NEWLINE | stmt )* loop2: while (true) { int alt2=3; int LA2_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA2_0==NEWLINE) ) { alt2=1; } else if ( ((LA2_0 >= AT && LA2_0 <= BACKQUOTE)||LA2_0==COMPLEX||LA2_0==FLOAT||(LA2_0 >= INT && LA2_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA2_0 >= LONGINT && LA2_0 <= MINUS)||LA2_0==NAME||LA2_0==NOT||LA2_0==PLUS||(LA2_0 >= STRING && LA2_0 <= TILDE)||(LA2_0 >= 71 && LA2_0 <= 76)||LA2_0==80||(LA2_0 >= 82 && LA2_0 <= 86)||(LA2_0 >= 89 && LA2_0 <= 97)) ) { alt2=2; } switch (alt2) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:82:15: NEWLINE { match(input,NEWLINE,FOLLOW_NEWLINE_in_file_input105); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:82:25: stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_stmt_in_file_input109); stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop2; } } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "file_input" // $ANTLR start "eval_input" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:85:1: eval_input : ( NEWLINE )* testlist ( NEWLINE )* ; public final void eval_input() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:85:12: ( ( NEWLINE )* testlist ( NEWLINE )* ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:85:14: ( NEWLINE )* testlist ( NEWLINE )* { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:85:14: ( NEWLINE )* loop3: while (true) { int alt3=2; int LA3_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA3_0==NEWLINE) ) { alt3=1; } switch (alt3) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:85:15: NEWLINE { match(input,NEWLINE,FOLLOW_NEWLINE_in_eval_input132); if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop3; } } pushFollow(FOLLOW_testlist_in_eval_input136); testlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:85:34: ( NEWLINE )* loop4: while (true) { int alt4=2; int LA4_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA4_0==NEWLINE) ) { alt4=1; } switch (alt4) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:85:35: NEWLINE { match(input,NEWLINE,FOLLOW_NEWLINE_in_eval_input139); if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop4; } } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "eval_input" // $ANTLR start "decorators" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:88:1: decorators : ( decorator )+ ; public final void decorators() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:88:11: ( ( decorator )+ ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:88:13: ( decorator )+ { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:88:13: ( decorator )+ int cnt5=0; loop5: while (true) { int alt5=2; int LA5_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA5_0==AT) ) { alt5=1; } switch (alt5) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:88:13: decorator { pushFollow(FOLLOW_decorator_in_decorators160); decorator(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : if ( cnt5 >= 1 ) break loop5; if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(5, input); throw eee; } cnt5++; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "decorators" // $ANTLR start "decorator" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:91:1: decorator : AT dotted_attr ( LPAREN ( arglist )? RPAREN )? NEWLINE ; public final void decorator() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:91:10: ( AT dotted_attr ( LPAREN ( arglist )? RPAREN )? NEWLINE ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:91:12: AT dotted_attr ( LPAREN ( arglist )? RPAREN )? NEWLINE { match(input,AT,FOLLOW_AT_in_decorator179); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_dotted_attr_in_decorator181); dotted_attr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:91:27: ( LPAREN ( arglist )? RPAREN )? int alt7=2; int LA7_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA7_0==LPAREN) ) { alt7=1; } switch (alt7) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:91:28: LPAREN ( arglist )? RPAREN { match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_decorator184); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:91:35: ( arglist )? int alt6=2; int LA6_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA6_0==BACKQUOTE||LA6_0==COMPLEX||LA6_0==DOUBLESTAR||LA6_0==FLOAT||(LA6_0 >= INT && LA6_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA6_0 >= LONGINT && LA6_0 <= MINUS)||LA6_0==NAME||LA6_0==NOT||LA6_0==PLUS||LA6_0==STAR||(LA6_0 >= STRING && LA6_0 <= TILDE)||LA6_0==89) ) { alt6=1; } switch (alt6) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:91:35: arglist { pushFollow(FOLLOW_arglist_in_decorator186); arglist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_decorator189); if (state.failed) return; } break; } match(input,NEWLINE,FOLLOW_NEWLINE_in_decorator193); if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "decorator" // $ANTLR start "dotted_attr" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:94:1: dotted_attr : NAME ( DOT NAME )* ; public final void dotted_attr() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:95:5: ( NAME ( DOT NAME )* ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:95:7: NAME ( DOT NAME )* { match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_dotted_attr215); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:95:12: ( DOT NAME )* loop8: while (true) { int alt8=2; int LA8_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA8_0==DOT) ) { alt8=1; } switch (alt8) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:95:13: DOT NAME { match(input,DOT,FOLLOW_DOT_in_dotted_attr218); if (state.failed) return; match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_dotted_attr220); if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop8; } } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "dotted_attr" // $ANTLR start "funcdef" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:98:1: funcdef : ( decorators )? 'def' NAME parameters COLON suite ; public final void funcdef() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:98:9: ( ( decorators )? 'def' NAME parameters COLON suite ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:98:11: ( decorators )? 'def' NAME parameters COLON suite { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:98:11: ( decorators )? int alt9=2; int LA9_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA9_0==AT) ) { alt9=1; } switch (alt9) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:98:11: decorators { pushFollow(FOLLOW_decorators_in_funcdef235); decorators(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } match(input,75,FOLLOW_75_in_funcdef238); if (state.failed) return; match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_funcdef240); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_parameters_in_funcdef242); parameters(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_funcdef244); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_suite_in_funcdef246); suite(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "funcdef" // $ANTLR start "parameters" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:101:1: parameters : LPAREN ( varargslist )? RPAREN ; public final void parameters() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:101:12: ( LPAREN ( varargslist )? RPAREN ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:101:14: LPAREN ( varargslist )? RPAREN { match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_parameters263); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:101:21: ( varargslist )? int alt10=2; int LA10_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA10_0==DOUBLESTAR||LA10_0==LPAREN||LA10_0==NAME||LA10_0==STAR) ) { alt10=1; } switch (alt10) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:101:22: varargslist { pushFollow(FOLLOW_varargslist_in_parameters266); varargslist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_parameters270); if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "parameters" // $ANTLR start "varargslist" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:104:1: varargslist : ( defparameter ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA defparameter )* ( COMMA ( STAR NAME ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR NAME )? | DOUBLESTAR NAME )? )? | STAR NAME ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR NAME )? | DOUBLESTAR NAME ); public final void varargslist() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:104:13: ( defparameter ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA defparameter )* ( COMMA ( STAR NAME ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR NAME )? | DOUBLESTAR NAME )? )? | STAR NAME ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR NAME )? | DOUBLESTAR NAME ) int alt16=3; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case LPAREN: case NAME: { alt16=1; } break; case STAR: { alt16=2; } break; case DOUBLESTAR: { alt16=3; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 16, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt16) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:104:15: defparameter ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA defparameter )* ( COMMA ( STAR NAME ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR NAME )? | DOUBLESTAR NAME )? )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_defparameter_in_varargslist290); defparameter(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:104:28: ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA defparameter )* loop11: while (true) { int alt11=2; int LA11_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA11_0==COMMA) ) { int LA11_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA11_1==LPAREN||LA11_1==NAME) ) { alt11=1; } } switch (alt11) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:104:52: COMMA defparameter { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_varargslist300); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_defparameter_in_varargslist302); defparameter(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop11; } } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:105:15: ( COMMA ( STAR NAME ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR NAME )? | DOUBLESTAR NAME )? )? int alt14=2; int LA14_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA14_0==COMMA) ) { alt14=1; } switch (alt14) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:105:16: COMMA ( STAR NAME ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR NAME )? | DOUBLESTAR NAME )? { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_varargslist321); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:106:19: ( STAR NAME ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR NAME )? | DOUBLESTAR NAME )? int alt13=3; int LA13_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA13_0==STAR) ) { alt13=1; } else if ( (LA13_0==DOUBLESTAR) ) { alt13=2; } switch (alt13) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:106:21: STAR NAME ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR NAME )? { match(input,STAR,FOLLOW_STAR_in_varargslist343); if (state.failed) return; match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_varargslist345); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:106:31: ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR NAME )? int alt12=2; int LA12_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA12_0==COMMA) ) { alt12=1; } switch (alt12) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:106:32: COMMA DOUBLESTAR NAME { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_varargslist348); if (state.failed) return; match(input,DOUBLESTAR,FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_varargslist350); if (state.failed) return; match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_varargslist352); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:107:21: DOUBLESTAR NAME { match(input,DOUBLESTAR,FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_varargslist376); if (state.failed) return; match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_varargslist378); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } break; } } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:110:15: STAR NAME ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR NAME )? { match(input,STAR,FOLLOW_STAR_in_varargslist432); if (state.failed) return; match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_varargslist434); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:110:25: ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR NAME )? int alt15=2; int LA15_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA15_0==COMMA) ) { alt15=1; } switch (alt15) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:110:26: COMMA DOUBLESTAR NAME { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_varargslist437); if (state.failed) return; match(input,DOUBLESTAR,FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_varargslist439); if (state.failed) return; match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_varargslist441); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } break; case 3 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:111:15: DOUBLESTAR NAME { match(input,DOUBLESTAR,FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_varargslist459); if (state.failed) return; match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_varargslist461); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "varargslist" // $ANTLR start "defparameter" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:114:1: defparameter : fpdef ( ASSIGN test )? ; public final void defparameter() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:114:14: ( fpdef ( ASSIGN test )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:114:16: fpdef ( ASSIGN test )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_fpdef_in_defparameter482); fpdef(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:114:22: ( ASSIGN test )? int alt17=2; int LA17_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA17_0==ASSIGN) ) { alt17=1; } switch (alt17) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:114:23: ASSIGN test { match(input,ASSIGN,FOLLOW_ASSIGN_in_defparameter485); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_defparameter487); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "defparameter" // $ANTLR start "fpdef" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:117:1: fpdef : ( NAME | LPAREN fplist RPAREN ); public final void fpdef() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:117:7: ( NAME | LPAREN fplist RPAREN ) int alt18=2; int LA18_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA18_0==NAME) ) { alt18=1; } else if ( (LA18_0==LPAREN) ) { alt18=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 18, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt18) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:117:9: NAME { match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_fpdef511); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:118:9: LPAREN fplist RPAREN { match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_fpdef521); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_fplist_in_fpdef523); fplist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_fpdef525); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "fpdef" // $ANTLR start "fplist" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:121:1: fplist : fpdef ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA fpdef )* ( COMMA )? ; public final void fplist() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:121:8: ( fpdef ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA fpdef )* ( COMMA )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:121:10: fpdef ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA fpdef )* ( COMMA )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_fpdef_in_fplist540); fpdef(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:121:16: ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA fpdef )* loop19: while (true) { int alt19=2; int LA19_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA19_0==COMMA) ) { int LA19_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA19_1==LPAREN||LA19_1==NAME) ) { alt19=1; } } switch (alt19) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:121:40: COMMA fpdef { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_fplist550); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_fpdef_in_fplist552); fpdef(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop19; } } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:121:54: ( COMMA )? int alt20=2; int LA20_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA20_0==COMMA) ) { alt20=1; } switch (alt20) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:121:55: COMMA { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_fplist557); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "fplist" // $ANTLR start "stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:124:1: stmt : ( simple_stmt | compound_stmt ); public final void stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:124:6: ( simple_stmt | compound_stmt ) int alt21=2; int LA21_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA21_0==BACKQUOTE||LA21_0==COMPLEX||LA21_0==FLOAT||(LA21_0 >= INT && LA21_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA21_0 >= LONGINT && LA21_0 <= MINUS)||LA21_0==NAME||LA21_0==NOT||LA21_0==PLUS||(LA21_0 >= STRING && LA21_0 <= TILDE)||(LA21_0 >= 71 && LA21_0 <= 72)||LA21_0==74||LA21_0==76||LA21_0==80||(LA21_0 >= 83 && LA21_0 <= 84)||LA21_0==86||(LA21_0 >= 89 && LA21_0 <= 93)||LA21_0==97) ) { alt21=1; } else if ( (LA21_0==AT||LA21_0==73||LA21_0==75||LA21_0==82||LA21_0==85||(LA21_0 >= 94 && LA21_0 <= 96)) ) { alt21=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 21, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt21) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:124:8: simple_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_simple_stmt_in_stmt575); simple_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:125:8: compound_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_compound_stmt_in_stmt584); compound_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "stmt" // $ANTLR start "simple_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:128:1: simple_stmt : small_stmt ( options {greedy=true; } : SEMI small_stmt )* ( SEMI )? NEWLINE ; public final void simple_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:128:13: ( small_stmt ( options {greedy=true; } : SEMI small_stmt )* ( SEMI )? NEWLINE ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:128:15: small_stmt ( options {greedy=true; } : SEMI small_stmt )* ( SEMI )? NEWLINE { pushFollow(FOLLOW_small_stmt_in_simple_stmt598); small_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:128:26: ( options {greedy=true; } : SEMI small_stmt )* loop22: while (true) { int alt22=2; int LA22_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA22_0==SEMI) ) { int LA22_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA22_1==BACKQUOTE||LA22_1==COMPLEX||LA22_1==FLOAT||(LA22_1 >= INT && LA22_1 <= LCURLY)||(LA22_1 >= LONGINT && LA22_1 <= MINUS)||LA22_1==NAME||LA22_1==NOT||LA22_1==PLUS||(LA22_1 >= STRING && LA22_1 <= TILDE)||(LA22_1 >= 71 && LA22_1 <= 72)||LA22_1==74||LA22_1==76||LA22_1==80||(LA22_1 >= 83 && LA22_1 <= 84)||LA22_1==86||(LA22_1 >= 89 && LA22_1 <= 93)||LA22_1==97) ) { alt22=1; } } switch (alt22) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:128:50: SEMI small_stmt { match(input,SEMI,FOLLOW_SEMI_in_simple_stmt608); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_small_stmt_in_simple_stmt610); small_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop22; } } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:128:68: ( SEMI )? int alt23=2; int LA23_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA23_0==SEMI) ) { alt23=1; } switch (alt23) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:128:69: SEMI { match(input,SEMI,FOLLOW_SEMI_in_simple_stmt615); if (state.failed) return; } break; } match(input,NEWLINE,FOLLOW_NEWLINE_in_simple_stmt619); if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "simple_stmt" // $ANTLR start "small_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:131:1: small_stmt : ( expr_stmt | print_stmt | del_stmt | pass_stmt | flow_stmt | import_stmt | global_stmt | exec_stmt | assert_stmt ); public final void small_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:131:12: ( expr_stmt | print_stmt | del_stmt | pass_stmt | flow_stmt | import_stmt | global_stmt | exec_stmt | assert_stmt ) int alt24=9; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case BACKQUOTE: case COMPLEX: case FLOAT: case INT: case LBRACK: case LCURLY: case LONGINT: case LPAREN: case MINUS: case NAME: case NOT: case PLUS: case STRING: case TILDE: case 89: { alt24=1; } break; case 91: { alt24=2; } break; case 76: { alt24=3; } break; case 90: { alt24=4; } break; case 72: case 74: case 92: case 93: case 97: { alt24=5; } break; case 83: case 86: { alt24=6; } break; case 84: { alt24=7; } break; case 80: { alt24=8; } break; case 71: { alt24=9; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 24, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt24) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:131:14: expr_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_stmt_in_small_stmt640); expr_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:132:14: print_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_print_stmt_in_small_stmt655); print_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 3 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:133:14: del_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_del_stmt_in_small_stmt670); del_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 4 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:134:14: pass_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_pass_stmt_in_small_stmt685); pass_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 5 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:135:14: flow_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_flow_stmt_in_small_stmt700); flow_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 6 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:136:14: import_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_import_stmt_in_small_stmt715); import_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 7 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:137:14: global_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_global_stmt_in_small_stmt730); global_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 8 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:138:14: exec_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_exec_stmt_in_small_stmt745); exec_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 9 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:139:14: assert_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_assert_stmt_in_small_stmt760); assert_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "small_stmt" // $ANTLR start "expr_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:142:1: expr_stmt : testlist ( augassign yield_expr | augassign testlist | assigns )? ; public final void expr_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:142:11: ( testlist ( augassign yield_expr | augassign testlist | assigns )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:142:13: testlist ( augassign yield_expr | augassign testlist | assigns )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_testlist_in_expr_stmt780); testlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:143:13: ( augassign yield_expr | augassign testlist | assigns )? int alt25=4; int LA25_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA25_0==AMPEREQUAL||LA25_0==CIRCUMFLEXEQUAL||LA25_0==DOUBLESLASHEQUAL||LA25_0==DOUBLESTAREQUAL||LA25_0==LEFTSHIFTEQUAL||LA25_0==MINUSEQUAL||LA25_0==PERCENTEQUAL||LA25_0==PLUSEQUAL||LA25_0==RIGHTSHIFTEQUAL||LA25_0==SLASHEQUAL||LA25_0==STAREQUAL||LA25_0==VBAREQUAL) ) { int LA25_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA25_1==97) ) { alt25=1; } else if ( (LA25_1==BACKQUOTE||LA25_1==COMPLEX||LA25_1==FLOAT||(LA25_1 >= INT && LA25_1 <= LCURLY)||(LA25_1 >= LONGINT && LA25_1 <= MINUS)||LA25_1==NAME||LA25_1==NOT||LA25_1==PLUS||(LA25_1 >= STRING && LA25_1 <= TILDE)||LA25_1==89) ) { alt25=2; } } else if ( (LA25_0==ASSIGN) ) { alt25=3; } switch (alt25) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:143:15: augassign yield_expr { pushFollow(FOLLOW_augassign_in_expr_stmt796); augassign(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_yield_expr_in_expr_stmt798); yield_expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:144:15: augassign testlist { pushFollow(FOLLOW_augassign_in_expr_stmt814); augassign(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_testlist_in_expr_stmt816); testlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 3 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:145:15: assigns { pushFollow(FOLLOW_assigns_in_expr_stmt832); assigns(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "expr_stmt" // $ANTLR start "assigns" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:149:1: assigns : ( ( assign_testlist )+ | ( assign_yield )+ ); public final void assigns() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:150:5: ( ( assign_testlist )+ | ( assign_yield )+ ) int alt28=2; int LA28_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA28_0==ASSIGN) ) { int LA28_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA28_1==BACKQUOTE||LA28_1==COMPLEX||LA28_1==FLOAT||(LA28_1 >= INT && LA28_1 <= LCURLY)||(LA28_1 >= LONGINT && LA28_1 <= MINUS)||LA28_1==NAME||LA28_1==NOT||LA28_1==PLUS||(LA28_1 >= STRING && LA28_1 <= TILDE)||LA28_1==89) ) { alt28=1; } else if ( (LA28_1==97) ) { alt28=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} int nvaeMark = input.mark(); try { input.consume(); NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 28, 1, input); throw nvae; } finally { input.rewind(nvaeMark); } } } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 28, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt28) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:150:7: ( assign_testlist )+ { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:150:7: ( assign_testlist )+ int cnt26=0; loop26: while (true) { int alt26=2; int LA26_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA26_0==ASSIGN) ) { alt26=1; } switch (alt26) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:150:7: assign_testlist { pushFollow(FOLLOW_assign_testlist_in_assigns870); assign_testlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : if ( cnt26 >= 1 ) break loop26; if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(26, input); throw eee; } cnt26++; } } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:151:7: ( assign_yield )+ { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:151:7: ( assign_yield )+ int cnt27=0; loop27: while (true) { int alt27=2; int LA27_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA27_0==ASSIGN) ) { alt27=1; } switch (alt27) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:151:7: assign_yield { pushFollow(FOLLOW_assign_yield_in_assigns879); assign_yield(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : if ( cnt27 >= 1 ) break loop27; if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(27, input); throw eee; } cnt27++; } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "assigns" // $ANTLR start "assign_testlist" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:154:1: assign_testlist : ASSIGN testlist ; public final void assign_testlist() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:155:8: ( ASSIGN testlist ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:155:10: ASSIGN testlist { match(input,ASSIGN,FOLLOW_ASSIGN_in_assign_testlist900); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_testlist_in_assign_testlist902); testlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "assign_testlist" // $ANTLR start "assign_yield" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:158:1: assign_yield : ASSIGN yield_expr ; public final void assign_yield() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:159:5: ( ASSIGN yield_expr ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:159:7: ASSIGN yield_expr { match(input,ASSIGN,FOLLOW_ASSIGN_in_assign_yield922); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_yield_expr_in_assign_yield924); yield_expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "assign_yield" // $ANTLR start "augassign" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:162:1: augassign : ( PLUSEQUAL | MINUSEQUAL | STAREQUAL | SLASHEQUAL | PERCENTEQUAL | AMPEREQUAL | VBAREQUAL | CIRCUMFLEXEQUAL | LEFTSHIFTEQUAL | RIGHTSHIFTEQUAL | DOUBLESTAREQUAL | DOUBLESLASHEQUAL ); public final void augassign() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:162:11: ( PLUSEQUAL | MINUSEQUAL | STAREQUAL | SLASHEQUAL | PERCENTEQUAL | AMPEREQUAL | VBAREQUAL | CIRCUMFLEXEQUAL | LEFTSHIFTEQUAL | RIGHTSHIFTEQUAL | DOUBLESTAREQUAL | DOUBLESLASHEQUAL ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g: { if ( input.LA(1)==AMPEREQUAL||input.LA(1)==CIRCUMFLEXEQUAL||input.LA(1)==DOUBLESLASHEQUAL||input.LA(1)==DOUBLESTAREQUAL||input.LA(1)==LEFTSHIFTEQUAL||input.LA(1)==MINUSEQUAL||input.LA(1)==PERCENTEQUAL||input.LA(1)==PLUSEQUAL||input.LA(1)==RIGHTSHIFTEQUAL||input.LA(1)==SLASHEQUAL||input.LA(1)==STAREQUAL||input.LA(1)==VBAREQUAL ) { input.consume(); state.errorRecovery=false; state.failed=false; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); throw mse; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "augassign" // $ANTLR start "print_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:176:1: print_stmt : 'print' ( printlist | RIGHTSHIFT printlist )? ; public final void print_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:176:12: ( 'print' ( printlist | RIGHTSHIFT printlist )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:176:14: 'print' ( printlist | RIGHTSHIFT printlist )? { match(input,91,FOLLOW_91_in_print_stmt1110); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:176:22: ( printlist | RIGHTSHIFT printlist )? int alt29=3; int LA29_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA29_0==BACKQUOTE||LA29_0==COMPLEX||LA29_0==FLOAT||(LA29_0 >= INT && LA29_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA29_0 >= LONGINT && LA29_0 <= MINUS)||LA29_0==NAME||LA29_0==NOT||LA29_0==PLUS||(LA29_0 >= STRING && LA29_0 <= TILDE)||LA29_0==89) ) { alt29=1; } else if ( (LA29_0==RIGHTSHIFT) ) { alt29=2; } switch (alt29) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:176:23: printlist { pushFollow(FOLLOW_printlist_in_print_stmt1113); printlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:176:35: RIGHTSHIFT printlist { match(input,RIGHTSHIFT,FOLLOW_RIGHTSHIFT_in_print_stmt1117); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_printlist_in_print_stmt1119); printlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "print_stmt" // $ANTLR start "printlist" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:179:1: printlist returns [boolean newline] : test ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test )* ( COMMA )? ; public final boolean printlist() throws RecognitionException { boolean newline = false; try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:180:5: ( test ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test )* ( COMMA )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:180:7: test ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test )* ( COMMA )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_printlist1149); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return newline; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:180:12: ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test )* loop30: while (true) { int alt30=2; int LA30_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA30_0==COMMA) ) { int LA30_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA30_1==BACKQUOTE||LA30_1==COMPLEX||LA30_1==FLOAT||(LA30_1 >= INT && LA30_1 <= LCURLY)||(LA30_1 >= LONGINT && LA30_1 <= MINUS)||LA30_1==NAME||LA30_1==NOT||LA30_1==PLUS||(LA30_1 >= STRING && LA30_1 <= TILDE)||LA30_1==89) ) { alt30=1; } } switch (alt30) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:180:29: COMMA test { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_printlist1160); if (state.failed) return newline; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_printlist1162); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return newline; } break; default : break loop30; } } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:180:42: ( COMMA )? int alt31=2; int LA31_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA31_0==COMMA) ) { alt31=1; } switch (alt31) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:180:43: COMMA { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_printlist1167); if (state.failed) return newline; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } return newline; } // $ANTLR end "printlist" // $ANTLR start "del_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:184:1: del_stmt : 'del' exprlist ; public final void del_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:184:10: ( 'del' exprlist ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:184:12: 'del' exprlist { match(input,76,FOLLOW_76_in_del_stmt1183); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_exprlist_in_del_stmt1185); exprlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "del_stmt" // $ANTLR start "pass_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:187:1: pass_stmt : 'pass' ; public final void pass_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:187:11: ( 'pass' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:187:13: 'pass' { match(input,90,FOLLOW_90_in_pass_stmt1203); if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "pass_stmt" // $ANTLR start "flow_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:190:1: flow_stmt : ( break_stmt | continue_stmt | return_stmt | raise_stmt | yield_stmt ); public final void flow_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:190:11: ( break_stmt | continue_stmt | return_stmt | raise_stmt | yield_stmt ) int alt32=5; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case 72: { alt32=1; } break; case 74: { alt32=2; } break; case 93: { alt32=3; } break; case 92: { alt32=4; } break; case 97: { alt32=5; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 32, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt32) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:190:13: break_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_break_stmt_in_flow_stmt1222); break_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:191:13: continue_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_continue_stmt_in_flow_stmt1236); continue_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 3 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:192:13: return_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_return_stmt_in_flow_stmt1250); return_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 4 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:193:13: raise_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_raise_stmt_in_flow_stmt1264); raise_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 5 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:194:13: yield_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_yield_stmt_in_flow_stmt1278); yield_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "flow_stmt" // $ANTLR start "break_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:197:1: break_stmt : 'break' ; public final void break_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:197:12: ( 'break' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:197:14: 'break' { match(input,72,FOLLOW_72_in_break_stmt1297); if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "break_stmt" // $ANTLR start "continue_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:200:1: continue_stmt : 'continue' ; public final void continue_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:200:15: ( 'continue' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:200:17: 'continue' { match(input,74,FOLLOW_74_in_continue_stmt1317); if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "continue_stmt" // $ANTLR start "return_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:203:1: return_stmt : 'return' ( testlist )? ; public final void return_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:203:13: ( 'return' ( testlist )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:203:15: 'return' ( testlist )? { match(input,93,FOLLOW_93_in_return_stmt1340); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:203:24: ( testlist )? int alt33=2; int LA33_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA33_0==BACKQUOTE||LA33_0==COMPLEX||LA33_0==FLOAT||(LA33_0 >= INT && LA33_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA33_0 >= LONGINT && LA33_0 <= MINUS)||LA33_0==NAME||LA33_0==NOT||LA33_0==PLUS||(LA33_0 >= STRING && LA33_0 <= TILDE)||LA33_0==89) ) { alt33=1; } switch (alt33) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:203:25: testlist { pushFollow(FOLLOW_testlist_in_return_stmt1343); testlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "return_stmt" // $ANTLR start "yield_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:206:1: yield_stmt : yield_expr ; public final void yield_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:206:12: ( yield_expr ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:206:14: yield_expr { pushFollow(FOLLOW_yield_expr_in_yield_stmt1366); yield_expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "yield_stmt" // $ANTLR start "raise_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:209:1: raise_stmt : 'raise' ( test ( COMMA test ( COMMA test )? )? )? ; public final void raise_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:209:11: ( 'raise' ( test ( COMMA test ( COMMA test )? )? )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:209:13: 'raise' ( test ( COMMA test ( COMMA test )? )? )? { match(input,92,FOLLOW_92_in_raise_stmt1385); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:209:21: ( test ( COMMA test ( COMMA test )? )? )? int alt36=2; int LA36_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA36_0==BACKQUOTE||LA36_0==COMPLEX||LA36_0==FLOAT||(LA36_0 >= INT && LA36_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA36_0 >= LONGINT && LA36_0 <= MINUS)||LA36_0==NAME||LA36_0==NOT||LA36_0==PLUS||(LA36_0 >= STRING && LA36_0 <= TILDE)||LA36_0==89) ) { alt36=1; } switch (alt36) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:209:22: test ( COMMA test ( COMMA test )? )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_raise_stmt1388); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:209:27: ( COMMA test ( COMMA test )? )? int alt35=2; int LA35_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA35_0==COMMA) ) { alt35=1; } switch (alt35) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:209:28: COMMA test ( COMMA test )? { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_raise_stmt1391); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_raise_stmt1393); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:209:39: ( COMMA test )? int alt34=2; int LA34_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA34_0==COMMA) ) { alt34=1; } switch (alt34) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:209:40: COMMA test { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_raise_stmt1396); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_raise_stmt1398); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } break; } } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "raise_stmt" // $ANTLR start "import_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:212:1: import_stmt : ( import_name | import_from ); public final void import_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:212:13: ( import_name | import_from ) int alt37=2; int LA37_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA37_0==86) ) { alt37=1; } else if ( (LA37_0==83) ) { alt37=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 37, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt37) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:212:15: import_name { pushFollow(FOLLOW_import_name_in_import_stmt1423); import_name(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:213:15: import_from { pushFollow(FOLLOW_import_from_in_import_stmt1439); import_from(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "import_stmt" // $ANTLR start "import_name" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:216:1: import_name : 'import' dotted_as_names ; public final void import_name() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:216:13: ( 'import' dotted_as_names ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:216:15: 'import' dotted_as_names { match(input,86,FOLLOW_86_in_import_name1460); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_dotted_as_names_in_import_name1462); dotted_as_names(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "import_name" // $ANTLR start "import_from" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:219:1: import_from : 'from' ( ( DOT )* dotted_name | ( DOT )+ ) 'import' ( STAR | import_as_names | LPAREN import_as_names RPAREN ) ; public final void import_from() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:219:12: ( 'from' ( ( DOT )* dotted_name | ( DOT )+ ) 'import' ( STAR | import_as_names | LPAREN import_as_names RPAREN ) ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:219:14: 'from' ( ( DOT )* dotted_name | ( DOT )+ ) 'import' ( STAR | import_as_names | LPAREN import_as_names RPAREN ) { match(input,83,FOLLOW_83_in_import_from1482); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:219:21: ( ( DOT )* dotted_name | ( DOT )+ ) int alt40=2; alt40 = dfa40.predict(input); switch (alt40) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:219:22: ( DOT )* dotted_name { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:219:22: ( DOT )* loop38: while (true) { int alt38=2; int LA38_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA38_0==DOT) ) { alt38=1; } switch (alt38) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:219:22: DOT { match(input,DOT,FOLLOW_DOT_in_import_from1485); if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop38; } } pushFollow(FOLLOW_dotted_name_in_import_from1488); dotted_name(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:219:41: ( DOT )+ { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:219:41: ( DOT )+ int cnt39=0; loop39: while (true) { int alt39=2; int LA39_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA39_0==DOT) ) { alt39=1; } switch (alt39) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:219:41: DOT { match(input,DOT,FOLLOW_DOT_in_import_from1492); if (state.failed) return; } break; default : if ( cnt39 >= 1 ) break loop39; if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(39, input); throw eee; } cnt39++; } } break; } match(input,86,FOLLOW_86_in_import_from1496); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:220:15: ( STAR | import_as_names | LPAREN import_as_names RPAREN ) int alt41=3; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case STAR: { alt41=1; } break; case NAME: { alt41=2; } break; case LPAREN: { alt41=3; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 41, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt41) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:220:16: STAR { match(input,STAR,FOLLOW_STAR_in_import_from1513); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:221:17: import_as_names { pushFollow(FOLLOW_import_as_names_in_import_from1531); import_as_names(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 3 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:222:17: LPAREN import_as_names RPAREN { match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_import_from1549); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_import_as_names_in_import_from1551); import_as_names(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_import_from1553); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "import_from" // $ANTLR start "import_as_names" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:226:1: import_as_names : import_as_name ( COMMA import_as_name )* ( COMMA )? ; public final void import_as_names() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:226:17: ( import_as_name ( COMMA import_as_name )* ( COMMA )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:226:19: import_as_name ( COMMA import_as_name )* ( COMMA )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_import_as_name_in_import_as_names1589); import_as_name(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:226:34: ( COMMA import_as_name )* loop42: while (true) { int alt42=2; int LA42_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA42_0==COMMA) ) { int LA42_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA42_1==NAME) ) { alt42=1; } } switch (alt42) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:226:35: COMMA import_as_name { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_import_as_names1592); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_import_as_name_in_import_as_names1594); import_as_name(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop42; } } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:226:58: ( COMMA )? int alt43=2; int LA43_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA43_0==COMMA) ) { alt43=1; } switch (alt43) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:226:59: COMMA { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_import_as_names1599); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "import_as_names" // $ANTLR start "import_as_name" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:229:1: import_as_name : NAME ( 'as' NAME )? ; public final void import_as_name() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:229:16: ( NAME ( 'as' NAME )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:229:18: NAME ( 'as' NAME )? { match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_import_as_name1626); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:229:23: ( 'as' NAME )? int alt44=2; int LA44_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA44_0==70) ) { alt44=1; } switch (alt44) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:229:24: 'as' NAME { match(input,70,FOLLOW_70_in_import_as_name1629); if (state.failed) return; match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_import_as_name1631); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "import_as_name" // $ANTLR start "dotted_as_name" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:232:1: dotted_as_name : dotted_name ( 'as' NAME )? ; public final void dotted_as_name() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:232:16: ( dotted_name ( 'as' NAME )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:232:18: dotted_name ( 'as' NAME )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_dotted_name_in_dotted_as_name1657); dotted_name(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:232:30: ( 'as' NAME )? int alt45=2; int LA45_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA45_0==70) ) { alt45=1; } switch (alt45) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:232:31: 'as' NAME { match(input,70,FOLLOW_70_in_dotted_as_name1660); if (state.failed) return; match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_dotted_as_name1662); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "dotted_as_name" // $ANTLR start "dotted_as_names" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:235:1: dotted_as_names : dotted_as_name ( COMMA dotted_as_name )* ; public final void dotted_as_names() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:235:17: ( dotted_as_name ( COMMA dotted_as_name )* ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:235:19: dotted_as_name ( COMMA dotted_as_name )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_dotted_as_name_in_dotted_as_names1688); dotted_as_name(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:235:34: ( COMMA dotted_as_name )* loop46: while (true) { int alt46=2; int LA46_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA46_0==COMMA) ) { alt46=1; } switch (alt46) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:235:35: COMMA dotted_as_name { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_dotted_as_names1691); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_dotted_as_name_in_dotted_as_names1693); dotted_as_name(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop46; } } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "dotted_as_names" // $ANTLR start "dotted_name" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:237:1: dotted_name : NAME ( DOT NAME )* ; public final void dotted_name() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:237:13: ( NAME ( DOT NAME )* ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:237:15: NAME ( DOT NAME )* { match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_dotted_name1719); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:237:20: ( DOT NAME )* loop47: while (true) { int alt47=2; int LA47_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA47_0==DOT) ) { alt47=1; } switch (alt47) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:237:21: DOT NAME { match(input,DOT,FOLLOW_DOT_in_dotted_name1722); if (state.failed) return; match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_dotted_name1724); if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop47; } } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "dotted_name" // $ANTLR start "global_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:240:1: global_stmt : 'global' NAME ( COMMA NAME )* ; public final void global_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:240:13: ( 'global' NAME ( COMMA NAME )* ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:240:15: 'global' NAME ( COMMA NAME )* { match(input,84,FOLLOW_84_in_global_stmt1747); if (state.failed) return; match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_global_stmt1749); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:240:29: ( COMMA NAME )* loop48: while (true) { int alt48=2; int LA48_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA48_0==COMMA) ) { alt48=1; } switch (alt48) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:240:30: COMMA NAME { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_global_stmt1752); if (state.failed) return; match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_global_stmt1754); if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop48; } } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "global_stmt" // $ANTLR start "exec_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:243:1: exec_stmt : 'exec' expr ( 'in' test ( COMMA test )? )? ; public final void exec_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:243:11: ( 'exec' expr ( 'in' test ( COMMA test )? )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:243:13: 'exec' expr ( 'in' test ( COMMA test )? )? { match(input,80,FOLLOW_80_in_exec_stmt1777); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_in_exec_stmt1779); expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:243:25: ( 'in' test ( COMMA test )? )? int alt50=2; int LA50_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA50_0==87) ) { alt50=1; } switch (alt50) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:243:26: 'in' test ( COMMA test )? { match(input,87,FOLLOW_87_in_exec_stmt1782); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_exec_stmt1784); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:243:36: ( COMMA test )? int alt49=2; int LA49_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA49_0==COMMA) ) { alt49=1; } switch (alt49) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:243:37: COMMA test { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_exec_stmt1787); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_exec_stmt1789); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "exec_stmt" // $ANTLR start "assert_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:246:1: assert_stmt : 'assert' test ( COMMA test )? ; public final void assert_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:246:13: ( 'assert' test ( COMMA test )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:246:15: 'assert' test ( COMMA test )? { match(input,71,FOLLOW_71_in_assert_stmt1812); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_assert_stmt1814); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:246:29: ( COMMA test )? int alt51=2; int LA51_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA51_0==COMMA) ) { alt51=1; } switch (alt51) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:246:30: COMMA test { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_assert_stmt1817); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_assert_stmt1819); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "assert_stmt" // $ANTLR start "compound_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:249:1: compound_stmt : ( if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | with_stmt | funcdef | classdef ); public final void compound_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:249:15: ( if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | with_stmt | funcdef | classdef ) int alt52=7; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case 85: { alt52=1; } break; case 95: { alt52=2; } break; case 82: { alt52=3; } break; case 94: { alt52=4; } break; case 96: { alt52=5; } break; case AT: case 75: { alt52=6; } break; case 73: { alt52=7; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 52, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt52) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:249:17: if_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_if_stmt_in_compound_stmt1842); if_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:250:17: while_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_while_stmt_in_compound_stmt1860); while_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 3 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:251:17: for_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_for_stmt_in_compound_stmt1878); for_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 4 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:252:17: try_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_try_stmt_in_compound_stmt1896); try_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 5 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:253:17: with_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_with_stmt_in_compound_stmt1914); with_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 6 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:254:17: funcdef { pushFollow(FOLLOW_funcdef_in_compound_stmt1932); funcdef(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 7 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:255:17: classdef { pushFollow(FOLLOW_classdef_in_compound_stmt1950); classdef(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "compound_stmt" // $ANTLR start "if_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:258:1: if_stmt : 'if' test COLON suite ( elif_clause )* ( 'else' COLON suite )? ; public final void if_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:258:8: ( 'if' test COLON suite ( elif_clause )* ( 'else' COLON suite )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:258:10: 'if' test COLON suite ( elif_clause )* ( 'else' COLON suite )? { match(input,85,FOLLOW_85_in_if_stmt1972); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_if_stmt1974); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_if_stmt1976); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_suite_in_if_stmt1978); suite(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:258:32: ( elif_clause )* loop53: while (true) { int alt53=2; int LA53_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA53_0==77) ) { alt53=1; } switch (alt53) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:258:32: elif_clause { pushFollow(FOLLOW_elif_clause_in_if_stmt1980); elif_clause(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop53; } } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:258:46: ( 'else' COLON suite )? int alt54=2; int LA54_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA54_0==78) ) { alt54=1; } switch (alt54) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:258:47: 'else' COLON suite { match(input,78,FOLLOW_78_in_if_stmt1985); if (state.failed) return; match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_if_stmt1987); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_suite_in_if_stmt1989); suite(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "if_stmt" // $ANTLR start "elif_clause" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:261:1: elif_clause : 'elif' test COLON suite ; public final void elif_clause() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:261:13: ( 'elif' test COLON suite ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:261:15: 'elif' test COLON suite { match(input,77,FOLLOW_77_in_elif_clause2007); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_elif_clause2009); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_elif_clause2011); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_suite_in_elif_clause2013); suite(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "elif_clause" // $ANTLR start "while_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:264:1: while_stmt : 'while' test COLON suite ( 'else' COLON suite )? ; public final void while_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:264:12: ( 'while' test COLON suite ( 'else' COLON suite )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:264:14: 'while' test COLON suite ( 'else' COLON suite )? { match(input,95,FOLLOW_95_in_while_stmt2034); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_while_stmt2036); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_while_stmt2038); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_suite_in_while_stmt2040); suite(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:264:39: ( 'else' COLON suite )? int alt55=2; int LA55_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA55_0==78) ) { alt55=1; } switch (alt55) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:264:40: 'else' COLON suite { match(input,78,FOLLOW_78_in_while_stmt2043); if (state.failed) return; match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_while_stmt2045); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_suite_in_while_stmt2047); suite(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "while_stmt" // $ANTLR start "for_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:267:1: for_stmt : 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist COLON suite ( 'else' COLON suite )? ; public final void for_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:267:10: ( 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist COLON suite ( 'else' COLON suite )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:267:12: 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist COLON suite ( 'else' COLON suite )? { match(input,82,FOLLOW_82_in_for_stmt2069); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_exprlist_in_for_stmt2071); exprlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; match(input,87,FOLLOW_87_in_for_stmt2073); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_testlist_in_for_stmt2075); testlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_for_stmt2077); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_suite_in_for_stmt2079); suite(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:267:53: ( 'else' COLON suite )? int alt56=2; int LA56_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA56_0==78) ) { alt56=1; } switch (alt56) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:267:54: 'else' COLON suite { match(input,78,FOLLOW_78_in_for_stmt2082); if (state.failed) return; match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_for_stmt2084); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_suite_in_for_stmt2086); suite(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "for_stmt" // $ANTLR start "try_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:270:1: try_stmt : 'try' COLON suite ( ( except_clause )+ ( 'else' COLON suite )? ( 'finally' COLON suite )? | 'finally' COLON suite ) ; public final void try_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:270:10: ( 'try' COLON suite ( ( except_clause )+ ( 'else' COLON suite )? ( 'finally' COLON suite )? | 'finally' COLON suite ) ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:270:12: 'try' COLON suite ( ( except_clause )+ ( 'else' COLON suite )? ( 'finally' COLON suite )? | 'finally' COLON suite ) { match(input,94,FOLLOW_94_in_try_stmt2106); if (state.failed) return; match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_try_stmt2108); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_suite_in_try_stmt2110); suite(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:271:12: ( ( except_clause )+ ( 'else' COLON suite )? ( 'finally' COLON suite )? | 'finally' COLON suite ) int alt60=2; int LA60_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA60_0==79) ) { alt60=1; } else if ( (LA60_0==81) ) { alt60=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 60, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt60) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:271:14: ( except_clause )+ ( 'else' COLON suite )? ( 'finally' COLON suite )? { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:271:14: ( except_clause )+ int cnt57=0; loop57: while (true) { int alt57=2; int LA57_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA57_0==79) ) { alt57=1; } switch (alt57) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:271:14: except_clause { pushFollow(FOLLOW_except_clause_in_try_stmt2125); except_clause(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : if ( cnt57 >= 1 ) break loop57; if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(57, input); throw eee; } cnt57++; } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:271:29: ( 'else' COLON suite )? int alt58=2; int LA58_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA58_0==78) ) { alt58=1; } switch (alt58) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:271:30: 'else' COLON suite { match(input,78,FOLLOW_78_in_try_stmt2129); if (state.failed) return; match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_try_stmt2131); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_suite_in_try_stmt2133); suite(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:271:51: ( 'finally' COLON suite )? int alt59=2; int LA59_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA59_0==81) ) { alt59=1; } switch (alt59) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:271:52: 'finally' COLON suite { match(input,81,FOLLOW_81_in_try_stmt2138); if (state.failed) return; match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_try_stmt2140); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_suite_in_try_stmt2142); suite(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:272:14: 'finally' COLON suite { match(input,81,FOLLOW_81_in_try_stmt2159); if (state.failed) return; match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_try_stmt2161); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_suite_in_try_stmt2163); suite(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "try_stmt" // $ANTLR start "with_stmt" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:276:1: with_stmt : 'with' test ( with_var )? COLON suite ; public final void with_stmt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:276:10: ( 'with' test ( with_var )? COLON suite ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:276:12: 'with' test ( with_var )? COLON suite { match(input,96,FOLLOW_96_in_with_stmt2193); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_with_stmt2195); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:276:24: ( with_var )? int alt61=2; int LA61_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA61_0==NAME||LA61_0==70) ) { alt61=1; } switch (alt61) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:276:25: with_var { pushFollow(FOLLOW_with_var_in_with_stmt2198); with_var(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_with_stmt2202); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_suite_in_with_stmt2204); suite(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "with_stmt" // $ANTLR start "with_var" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:279:1: with_var : ( 'as' | NAME ) expr ; public final void with_var() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:279:9: ( ( 'as' | NAME ) expr ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:279:11: ( 'as' | NAME ) expr { if ( input.LA(1)==NAME||input.LA(1)==70 ) { input.consume(); state.errorRecovery=false; state.failed=false; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); throw mse; } pushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_in_with_var2229); expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "with_var" // $ANTLR start "except_clause" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:282:1: except_clause : 'except' ( test ( COMMA test )? )? COLON suite ; public final void except_clause() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:282:15: ( 'except' ( test ( COMMA test )? )? COLON suite ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:282:17: 'except' ( test ( COMMA test )? )? COLON suite { match(input,79,FOLLOW_79_in_except_clause2246); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:282:26: ( test ( COMMA test )? )? int alt63=2; int LA63_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA63_0==BACKQUOTE||LA63_0==COMPLEX||LA63_0==FLOAT||(LA63_0 >= INT && LA63_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA63_0 >= LONGINT && LA63_0 <= MINUS)||LA63_0==NAME||LA63_0==NOT||LA63_0==PLUS||(LA63_0 >= STRING && LA63_0 <= TILDE)||LA63_0==89) ) { alt63=1; } switch (alt63) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:282:27: test ( COMMA test )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_except_clause2249); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:282:32: ( COMMA test )? int alt62=2; int LA62_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA62_0==COMMA) ) { alt62=1; } switch (alt62) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:282:33: COMMA test { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_except_clause2252); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_except_clause2254); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } break; } match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_except_clause2260); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_suite_in_except_clause2262); suite(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "except_clause" // $ANTLR start "suite" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:285:1: suite : ( simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT ( stmt )+ DEDENT ); public final void suite() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:285:7: ( simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT ( stmt )+ DEDENT ) int alt65=2; int LA65_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA65_0==BACKQUOTE||LA65_0==COMPLEX||LA65_0==FLOAT||(LA65_0 >= INT && LA65_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA65_0 >= LONGINT && LA65_0 <= MINUS)||LA65_0==NAME||LA65_0==NOT||LA65_0==PLUS||(LA65_0 >= STRING && LA65_0 <= TILDE)||(LA65_0 >= 71 && LA65_0 <= 72)||LA65_0==74||LA65_0==76||LA65_0==80||(LA65_0 >= 83 && LA65_0 <= 84)||LA65_0==86||(LA65_0 >= 89 && LA65_0 <= 93)||LA65_0==97) ) { alt65=1; } else if ( (LA65_0==NEWLINE) ) { alt65=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 65, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt65) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:285:9: simple_stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_simple_stmt_in_suite2285); simple_stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:286:9: NEWLINE INDENT ( stmt )+ DEDENT { match(input,NEWLINE,FOLLOW_NEWLINE_in_suite2295); if (state.failed) return; match(input,INDENT,FOLLOW_INDENT_in_suite2297); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:286:24: ( stmt )+ int cnt64=0; loop64: while (true) { int alt64=2; int LA64_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA64_0 >= AT && LA64_0 <= BACKQUOTE)||LA64_0==COMPLEX||LA64_0==FLOAT||(LA64_0 >= INT && LA64_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA64_0 >= LONGINT && LA64_0 <= MINUS)||LA64_0==NAME||LA64_0==NOT||LA64_0==PLUS||(LA64_0 >= STRING && LA64_0 <= TILDE)||(LA64_0 >= 71 && LA64_0 <= 76)||LA64_0==80||(LA64_0 >= 82 && LA64_0 <= 86)||(LA64_0 >= 89 && LA64_0 <= 97)) ) { alt64=1; } switch (alt64) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:286:25: stmt { pushFollow(FOLLOW_stmt_in_suite2300); stmt(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : if ( cnt64 >= 1 ) break loop64; if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(64, input); throw eee; } cnt64++; } match(input,DEDENT,FOLLOW_DEDENT_in_suite2304); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "suite" // $ANTLR start "test" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:289:1: test : ( or_test ( ( 'if' or_test 'else' )=> 'if' or_test 'else' test )? | lambdef ); public final void test() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:289:5: ( or_test ( ( 'if' or_test 'else' )=> 'if' or_test 'else' test )? | lambdef ) int alt67=2; int LA67_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA67_0==BACKQUOTE||LA67_0==COMPLEX||LA67_0==FLOAT||(LA67_0 >= INT && LA67_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA67_0 >= LONGINT && LA67_0 <= MINUS)||LA67_0==NAME||LA67_0==NOT||LA67_0==PLUS||(LA67_0 >= STRING && LA67_0 <= TILDE)) ) { alt67=1; } else if ( (LA67_0==89) ) { alt67=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 67, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt67) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:289:7: or_test ( ( 'if' or_test 'else' )=> 'if' or_test 'else' test )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_or_test_in_test2318); or_test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:290:5: ( ( 'if' or_test 'else' )=> 'if' or_test 'else' test )? int alt66=2; int LA66_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA66_0==85) ) { int LA66_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (synpred1_Python()) ) { alt66=1; } } switch (alt66) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:290:7: ( 'if' or_test 'else' )=> 'if' or_test 'else' test { match(input,85,FOLLOW_85_in_test2336); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_or_test_in_test2338); or_test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; match(input,78,FOLLOW_78_in_test2340); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_test2342); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:291:7: lambdef { pushFollow(FOLLOW_lambdef_in_test2352); lambdef(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "test" // $ANTLR start "or_test" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:294:1: or_test : and_test ( OR and_test )* ; public final void or_test() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:294:9: ( and_test ( OR and_test )* ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:294:11: and_test ( OR and_test )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_and_test_in_or_test2365); and_test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:294:20: ( OR and_test )* loop68: while (true) { int alt68=2; int LA68_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA68_0==OR) ) { alt68=1; } switch (alt68) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:294:21: OR and_test { match(input,OR,FOLLOW_OR_in_or_test2368); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_and_test_in_or_test2370); and_test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop68; } } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "or_test" // $ANTLR start "and_test" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:297:1: and_test : not_test ( AND not_test )* ; public final void and_test() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:297:10: ( not_test ( AND not_test )* ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:297:12: not_test ( AND not_test )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_not_test_in_and_test2389); not_test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:297:21: ( AND not_test )* loop69: while (true) { int alt69=2; int LA69_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA69_0==AND) ) { alt69=1; } switch (alt69) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:297:22: AND not_test { match(input,AND,FOLLOW_AND_in_and_test2392); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_not_test_in_and_test2394); not_test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop69; } } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "and_test" // $ANTLR start "not_test" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:300:1: not_test : ( NOT not_test | comparison ); public final void not_test() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:300:10: ( NOT not_test | comparison ) int alt70=2; int LA70_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA70_0==NOT) ) { alt70=1; } else if ( (LA70_0==BACKQUOTE||LA70_0==COMPLEX||LA70_0==FLOAT||(LA70_0 >= INT && LA70_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA70_0 >= LONGINT && LA70_0 <= MINUS)||LA70_0==NAME||LA70_0==PLUS||(LA70_0 >= STRING && LA70_0 <= TILDE)) ) { alt70=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 70, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt70) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:300:12: NOT not_test { match(input,NOT,FOLLOW_NOT_in_not_test2414); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_not_test_in_not_test2416); not_test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:301:12: comparison { pushFollow(FOLLOW_comparison_in_not_test2429); comparison(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "not_test" // $ANTLR start "comparison" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:304:1: comparison : expr ( comp_op expr )* ; public final void comparison() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:304:11: ( expr ( comp_op expr )* ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:304:13: expr ( comp_op expr )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_in_comparison2446); expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:304:18: ( comp_op expr )* loop71: while (true) { int alt71=2; int LA71_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA71_0==ALT_NOTEQUAL||LA71_0==EQUAL||(LA71_0 >= GREATER && LA71_0 <= GREATEREQUAL)||(LA71_0 >= LESS && LA71_0 <= LESSEQUAL)||(LA71_0 >= NOT && LA71_0 <= NOTEQUAL)||(LA71_0 >= 87 && LA71_0 <= 88)) ) { alt71=1; } switch (alt71) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:304:19: comp_op expr { pushFollow(FOLLOW_comp_op_in_comparison2449); comp_op(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_in_comparison2451); expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop71; } } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "comparison" // $ANTLR start "comp_op" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:307:1: comp_op : ( LESS | GREATER | EQUAL | GREATEREQUAL | LESSEQUAL | ALT_NOTEQUAL | NOTEQUAL | 'in' | NOT 'in' | 'is' | 'is' NOT ); public final void comp_op() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:307:9: ( LESS | GREATER | EQUAL | GREATEREQUAL | LESSEQUAL | ALT_NOTEQUAL | NOTEQUAL | 'in' | NOT 'in' | 'is' | 'is' NOT ) int alt72=11; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case LESS: { alt72=1; } break; case GREATER: { alt72=2; } break; case EQUAL: { alt72=3; } break; case GREATEREQUAL: { alt72=4; } break; case LESSEQUAL: { alt72=5; } break; case ALT_NOTEQUAL: { alt72=6; } break; case NOTEQUAL: { alt72=7; } break; case 87: { alt72=8; } break; case NOT: { alt72=9; } break; case 88: { int LA72_10 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA72_10==NOT) ) { alt72=11; } else if ( (LA72_10==BACKQUOTE||LA72_10==COMPLEX||LA72_10==FLOAT||(LA72_10 >= INT && LA72_10 <= LCURLY)||(LA72_10 >= LONGINT && LA72_10 <= MINUS)||LA72_10==NAME||LA72_10==PLUS||(LA72_10 >= STRING && LA72_10 <= TILDE)) ) { alt72=10; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} int nvaeMark = input.mark(); try { input.consume(); NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 72, 10, input); throw nvae; } finally { input.rewind(nvaeMark); } } } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 72, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt72) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:307:11: LESS { match(input,LESS,FOLLOW_LESS_in_comp_op2472); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:308:11: GREATER { match(input,GREATER,FOLLOW_GREATER_in_comp_op2484); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 3 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:309:11: EQUAL { match(input,EQUAL,FOLLOW_EQUAL_in_comp_op2496); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 4 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:310:11: GREATEREQUAL { match(input,GREATEREQUAL,FOLLOW_GREATEREQUAL_in_comp_op2508); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 5 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:311:11: LESSEQUAL { match(input,LESSEQUAL,FOLLOW_LESSEQUAL_in_comp_op2520); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 6 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:312:11: ALT_NOTEQUAL { match(input,ALT_NOTEQUAL,FOLLOW_ALT_NOTEQUAL_in_comp_op2532); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 7 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:313:11: NOTEQUAL { match(input,NOTEQUAL,FOLLOW_NOTEQUAL_in_comp_op2544); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 8 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:314:11: 'in' { match(input,87,FOLLOW_87_in_comp_op2556); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 9 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:315:11: NOT 'in' { match(input,NOT,FOLLOW_NOT_in_comp_op2568); if (state.failed) return; match(input,87,FOLLOW_87_in_comp_op2570); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 10 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:316:11: 'is' { match(input,88,FOLLOW_88_in_comp_op2582); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 11 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:317:11: 'is' NOT { match(input,88,FOLLOW_88_in_comp_op2594); if (state.failed) return; match(input,NOT,FOLLOW_NOT_in_comp_op2596); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "comp_op" // $ANTLR start "expr" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:320:1: expr : xor_expr ( VBAR xor_expr )* ; public final void expr() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:320:6: ( xor_expr ( VBAR xor_expr )* ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:320:8: xor_expr ( VBAR xor_expr )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_xor_expr_in_expr2613); xor_expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:320:17: ( VBAR xor_expr )* loop73: while (true) { int alt73=2; int LA73_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA73_0==VBAR) ) { alt73=1; } switch (alt73) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:320:18: VBAR xor_expr { match(input,VBAR,FOLLOW_VBAR_in_expr2616); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_xor_expr_in_expr2618); xor_expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop73; } } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "expr" // $ANTLR start "xor_expr" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:323:1: xor_expr : and_expr ( CIRCUMFLEX and_expr )* ; public final void xor_expr() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:323:10: ( and_expr ( CIRCUMFLEX and_expr )* ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:323:12: and_expr ( CIRCUMFLEX and_expr )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_and_expr_in_xor_expr2634); and_expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:323:21: ( CIRCUMFLEX and_expr )* loop74: while (true) { int alt74=2; int LA74_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA74_0==CIRCUMFLEX) ) { alt74=1; } switch (alt74) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:323:22: CIRCUMFLEX and_expr { match(input,CIRCUMFLEX,FOLLOW_CIRCUMFLEX_in_xor_expr2637); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_and_expr_in_xor_expr2639); and_expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop74; } } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "xor_expr" // $ANTLR start "and_expr" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:326:1: and_expr : shift_expr ( AMPER shift_expr )* ; public final void and_expr() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:326:10: ( shift_expr ( AMPER shift_expr )* ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:326:12: shift_expr ( AMPER shift_expr )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_shift_expr_in_and_expr2659); shift_expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:326:23: ( AMPER shift_expr )* loop75: while (true) { int alt75=2; int LA75_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA75_0==AMPER) ) { alt75=1; } switch (alt75) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:326:24: AMPER shift_expr { match(input,AMPER,FOLLOW_AMPER_in_and_expr2662); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_shift_expr_in_and_expr2664); shift_expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop75; } } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "and_expr" // $ANTLR start "shift_expr" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:329:1: shift_expr : arith_expr ( ( LEFTSHIFT | RIGHTSHIFT ) arith_expr )* ; public final void shift_expr() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:329:12: ( arith_expr ( ( LEFTSHIFT | RIGHTSHIFT ) arith_expr )* ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:329:14: arith_expr ( ( LEFTSHIFT | RIGHTSHIFT ) arith_expr )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_arith_expr_in_shift_expr2684); arith_expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:329:25: ( ( LEFTSHIFT | RIGHTSHIFT ) arith_expr )* loop76: while (true) { int alt76=2; int LA76_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA76_0==LEFTSHIFT||LA76_0==RIGHTSHIFT) ) { alt76=1; } switch (alt76) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:329:26: ( LEFTSHIFT | RIGHTSHIFT ) arith_expr { if ( input.LA(1)==LEFTSHIFT||input.LA(1)==RIGHTSHIFT ) { input.consume(); state.errorRecovery=false; state.failed=false; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); throw mse; } pushFollow(FOLLOW_arith_expr_in_shift_expr2693); arith_expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop76; } } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "shift_expr" // $ANTLR start "arith_expr" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:332:1: arith_expr : term ( ( PLUS | MINUS ) term )* ; public final void arith_expr() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:332:11: ( term ( ( PLUS | MINUS ) term )* ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:332:13: term ( ( PLUS | MINUS ) term )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_term_in_arith_expr2714); term(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:332:18: ( ( PLUS | MINUS ) term )* loop77: while (true) { int alt77=2; int LA77_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA77_0==MINUS||LA77_0==PLUS) ) { alt77=1; } switch (alt77) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:332:19: ( PLUS | MINUS ) term { if ( input.LA(1)==MINUS||input.LA(1)==PLUS ) { input.consume(); state.errorRecovery=false; state.failed=false; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); throw mse; } pushFollow(FOLLOW_term_in_arith_expr2723); term(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop77; } } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "arith_expr" // $ANTLR start "term" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:335:1: term : factor ( ( STAR | SLASH | PERCENT | DOUBLESLASH ) factor )* ; public final void term() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:335:6: ( factor ( ( STAR | SLASH | PERCENT | DOUBLESLASH ) factor )* ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:335:8: factor ( ( STAR | SLASH | PERCENT | DOUBLESLASH ) factor )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_factor_in_term2744); factor(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:335:15: ( ( STAR | SLASH | PERCENT | DOUBLESLASH ) factor )* loop78: while (true) { int alt78=2; int LA78_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA78_0==DOUBLESLASH||LA78_0==PERCENT||LA78_0==SLASH||LA78_0==STAR) ) { alt78=1; } switch (alt78) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:335:16: ( STAR | SLASH | PERCENT | DOUBLESLASH ) factor { if ( input.LA(1)==DOUBLESLASH||input.LA(1)==PERCENT||input.LA(1)==SLASH||input.LA(1)==STAR ) { input.consume(); state.errorRecovery=false; state.failed=false; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); throw mse; } pushFollow(FOLLOW_factor_in_term2764); factor(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop78; } } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "term" // $ANTLR start "factor" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:338:1: factor : ( PLUS factor | MINUS factor | TILDE factor | power ); public final void factor() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:338:8: ( PLUS factor | MINUS factor | TILDE factor | power ) int alt79=4; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case PLUS: { alt79=1; } break; case MINUS: { alt79=2; } break; case TILDE: { alt79=3; } break; case BACKQUOTE: case COMPLEX: case FLOAT: case INT: case LBRACK: case LCURLY: case LONGINT: case LPAREN: case NAME: case STRING: { alt79=4; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 79, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt79) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:338:10: PLUS factor { match(input,PLUS,FOLLOW_PLUS_in_factor2780); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_factor_in_factor2782); factor(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:339:10: MINUS factor { match(input,MINUS,FOLLOW_MINUS_in_factor2793); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_factor_in_factor2795); factor(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 3 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:340:10: TILDE factor { match(input,TILDE,FOLLOW_TILDE_in_factor2806); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_factor_in_factor2808); factor(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 4 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:341:10: power { pushFollow(FOLLOW_power_in_factor2819); power(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "factor" // $ANTLR start "power" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:344:1: power : atom ( trailer )* ( options {greedy=true; } : DOUBLESTAR factor )? ; public final void power() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:344:7: ( atom ( trailer )* ( options {greedy=true; } : DOUBLESTAR factor )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:344:9: atom ( trailer )* ( options {greedy=true; } : DOUBLESTAR factor )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_atom_in_power2835); atom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:344:14: ( trailer )* loop80: while (true) { int alt80=2; int LA80_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA80_0==DOT||LA80_0==LBRACK||LA80_0==LPAREN) ) { alt80=1; } switch (alt80) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:344:15: trailer { pushFollow(FOLLOW_trailer_in_power2838); trailer(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop80; } } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:344:25: ( options {greedy=true; } : DOUBLESTAR factor )? int alt81=2; int LA81_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA81_0==DOUBLESTAR) ) { alt81=1; } switch (alt81) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:344:49: DOUBLESTAR factor { match(input,DOUBLESTAR,FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_power2850); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_factor_in_power2852); factor(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "power" // $ANTLR start "atom" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:347:1: atom : ( LPAREN ( yield_expr | testlist_gexp )? RPAREN | LBRACK ( listmaker )? RBRACK | LCURLY ( dictmaker )? RCURLY | BACKQUOTE testlist BACKQUOTE | NAME | INT | LONGINT | FLOAT | COMPLEX | ( STRING )+ ); public final void atom() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:347:6: ( LPAREN ( yield_expr | testlist_gexp )? RPAREN | LBRACK ( listmaker )? RBRACK | LCURLY ( dictmaker )? RCURLY | BACKQUOTE testlist BACKQUOTE | NAME | INT | LONGINT | FLOAT | COMPLEX | ( STRING )+ ) int alt86=10; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case LPAREN: { alt86=1; } break; case LBRACK: { alt86=2; } break; case LCURLY: { alt86=3; } break; case BACKQUOTE: { alt86=4; } break; case NAME: { alt86=5; } break; case INT: { alt86=6; } break; case LONGINT: { alt86=7; } break; case FLOAT: { alt86=8; } break; case COMPLEX: { alt86=9; } break; case STRING: { alt86=10; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 86, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt86) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:347:8: LPAREN ( yield_expr | testlist_gexp )? RPAREN { match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_atom2869); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:348:8: ( yield_expr | testlist_gexp )? int alt82=3; int LA82_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA82_0==97) ) { alt82=1; } else if ( (LA82_0==BACKQUOTE||LA82_0==COMPLEX||LA82_0==FLOAT||(LA82_0 >= INT && LA82_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA82_0 >= LONGINT && LA82_0 <= MINUS)||LA82_0==NAME||LA82_0==NOT||LA82_0==PLUS||(LA82_0 >= STRING && LA82_0 <= TILDE)||LA82_0==89) ) { alt82=2; } switch (alt82) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:348:10: yield_expr { pushFollow(FOLLOW_yield_expr_in_atom2881); yield_expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:349:10: testlist_gexp { pushFollow(FOLLOW_testlist_gexp_in_atom2892); testlist_gexp(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_atom2911); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:352:8: LBRACK ( listmaker )? RBRACK { match(input,LBRACK,FOLLOW_LBRACK_in_atom2920); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:352:15: ( listmaker )? int alt83=2; int LA83_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA83_0==BACKQUOTE||LA83_0==COMPLEX||LA83_0==FLOAT||(LA83_0 >= INT && LA83_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA83_0 >= LONGINT && LA83_0 <= MINUS)||LA83_0==NAME||LA83_0==NOT||LA83_0==PLUS||(LA83_0 >= STRING && LA83_0 <= TILDE)||LA83_0==89) ) { alt83=1; } switch (alt83) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:352:16: listmaker { pushFollow(FOLLOW_listmaker_in_atom2923); listmaker(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } match(input,RBRACK,FOLLOW_RBRACK_in_atom2927); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 3 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:353:8: LCURLY ( dictmaker )? RCURLY { match(input,LCURLY,FOLLOW_LCURLY_in_atom2936); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:353:15: ( dictmaker )? int alt84=2; int LA84_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA84_0==BACKQUOTE||LA84_0==COMPLEX||LA84_0==FLOAT||(LA84_0 >= INT && LA84_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA84_0 >= LONGINT && LA84_0 <= MINUS)||LA84_0==NAME||LA84_0==NOT||LA84_0==PLUS||(LA84_0 >= STRING && LA84_0 <= TILDE)||LA84_0==89) ) { alt84=1; } switch (alt84) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:353:16: dictmaker { pushFollow(FOLLOW_dictmaker_in_atom2939); dictmaker(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } match(input,RCURLY,FOLLOW_RCURLY_in_atom2943); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 4 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:354:8: BACKQUOTE testlist BACKQUOTE { match(input,BACKQUOTE,FOLLOW_BACKQUOTE_in_atom2952); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_testlist_in_atom2954); testlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; match(input,BACKQUOTE,FOLLOW_BACKQUOTE_in_atom2956); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 5 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:355:8: NAME { match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_atom2965); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 6 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:356:8: INT { match(input,INT,FOLLOW_INT_in_atom2974); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 7 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:357:8: LONGINT { match(input,LONGINT,FOLLOW_LONGINT_in_atom2983); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 8 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:358:8: FLOAT { match(input,FLOAT,FOLLOW_FLOAT_in_atom2992); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 9 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:359:8: COMPLEX { match(input,COMPLEX,FOLLOW_COMPLEX_in_atom3001); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 10 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:360:8: ( STRING )+ { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:360:8: ( STRING )+ int cnt85=0; loop85: while (true) { int alt85=2; int LA85_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA85_0==STRING) ) { alt85=1; } switch (alt85) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:360:9: STRING { match(input,STRING,FOLLOW_STRING_in_atom3011); if (state.failed) return; } break; default : if ( cnt85 >= 1 ) break loop85; if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(85, input); throw eee; } cnt85++; } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "atom" // $ANTLR start "listmaker" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:363:1: listmaker : test ( list_for | ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA test )* ) ( COMMA )? ; public final void listmaker() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:363:11: ( test ( list_for | ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA test )* ) ( COMMA )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:363:13: test ( list_for | ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA test )* ) ( COMMA )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_listmaker3027); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:364:13: ( list_for | ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA test )* ) int alt88=2; int LA88_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA88_0==82) ) { alt88=1; } else if ( (LA88_0==COMMA||LA88_0==RBRACK) ) { alt88=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 88, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt88) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:364:15: list_for { pushFollow(FOLLOW_list_for_in_listmaker3044); list_for(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:365:15: ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA test )* { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:365:15: ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA test )* loop87: while (true) { int alt87=2; int LA87_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA87_0==COMMA) ) { int LA87_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA87_1==BACKQUOTE||LA87_1==COMPLEX||LA87_1==FLOAT||(LA87_1 >= INT && LA87_1 <= LCURLY)||(LA87_1 >= LONGINT && LA87_1 <= MINUS)||LA87_1==NAME||LA87_1==NOT||LA87_1==PLUS||(LA87_1 >= STRING && LA87_1 <= TILDE)||LA87_1==89) ) { alt87=1; } } switch (alt87) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:365:39: COMMA test { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_listmaker3068); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_listmaker3070); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop87; } } } break; } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:366:15: ( COMMA )? int alt89=2; int LA89_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA89_0==COMMA) ) { alt89=1; } switch (alt89) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:366:16: COMMA { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_listmaker3089); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "listmaker" // $ANTLR start "testlist_gexp" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:369:1: testlist_gexp : test ( ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test )* ( COMMA )? | gen_for ) ; public final void testlist_gexp() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:370:5: ( test ( ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test )* ( COMMA )? | gen_for ) ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:370:7: test ( ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test )* ( COMMA )? | gen_for ) { pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_testlist_gexp3114); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:370:12: ( ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test )* ( COMMA )? | gen_for ) int alt92=2; int LA92_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA92_0==COMMA||LA92_0==RPAREN) ) { alt92=1; } else if ( (LA92_0==82) ) { alt92=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 92, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt92) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:370:14: ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test )* ( COMMA )? { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:370:14: ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test )* loop90: while (true) { int alt90=2; int LA90_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA90_0==COMMA) ) { int LA90_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA90_1==BACKQUOTE||LA90_1==COMPLEX||LA90_1==FLOAT||(LA90_1 >= INT && LA90_1 <= LCURLY)||(LA90_1 >= LONGINT && LA90_1 <= MINUS)||LA90_1==NAME||LA90_1==NOT||LA90_1==PLUS||(LA90_1 >= STRING && LA90_1 <= TILDE)||LA90_1==89) ) { alt90=1; } } switch (alt90) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:370:31: COMMA test { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_testlist_gexp3127); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_testlist_gexp3129); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop90; } } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:370:44: ( COMMA )? int alt91=2; int LA91_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA91_0==COMMA) ) { alt91=1; } switch (alt91) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:370:45: COMMA { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_testlist_gexp3134); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:371:14: gen_for { pushFollow(FOLLOW_gen_for_in_testlist_gexp3151); gen_for(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "testlist_gexp" // $ANTLR start "lambdef" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:376:1: lambdef : 'lambda' ( varargslist )? COLON test ; public final void lambdef() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:376:8: ( 'lambda' ( varargslist )? COLON test ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:376:10: 'lambda' ( varargslist )? COLON test { match(input,89,FOLLOW_89_in_lambdef3188); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:376:19: ( varargslist )? int alt93=2; int LA93_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA93_0==DOUBLESTAR||LA93_0==LPAREN||LA93_0==NAME||LA93_0==STAR) ) { alt93=1; } switch (alt93) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:376:20: varargslist { pushFollow(FOLLOW_varargslist_in_lambdef3191); varargslist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_lambdef3195); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_lambdef3197); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "lambdef" // $ANTLR start "trailer" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:379:1: trailer : ( LPAREN ( arglist )? RPAREN | LBRACK subscriptlist RBRACK | DOT NAME ); public final void trailer() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:379:9: ( LPAREN ( arglist )? RPAREN | LBRACK subscriptlist RBRACK | DOT NAME ) int alt95=3; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case LPAREN: { alt95=1; } break; case LBRACK: { alt95=2; } break; case DOT: { alt95=3; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 95, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt95) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:379:11: LPAREN ( arglist )? RPAREN { match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_trailer3213); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:379:18: ( arglist )? int alt94=2; int LA94_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA94_0==BACKQUOTE||LA94_0==COMPLEX||LA94_0==DOUBLESTAR||LA94_0==FLOAT||(LA94_0 >= INT && LA94_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA94_0 >= LONGINT && LA94_0 <= MINUS)||LA94_0==NAME||LA94_0==NOT||LA94_0==PLUS||LA94_0==STAR||(LA94_0 >= STRING && LA94_0 <= TILDE)||LA94_0==89) ) { alt94=1; } switch (alt94) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:379:19: arglist { pushFollow(FOLLOW_arglist_in_trailer3216); arglist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_trailer3220); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:380:11: LBRACK subscriptlist RBRACK { match(input,LBRACK,FOLLOW_LBRACK_in_trailer3232); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_subscriptlist_in_trailer3234); subscriptlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; match(input,RBRACK,FOLLOW_RBRACK_in_trailer3236); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 3 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:381:11: DOT NAME { match(input,DOT,FOLLOW_DOT_in_trailer3248); if (state.failed) return; match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_trailer3250); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "trailer" // $ANTLR start "subscriptlist" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:384:1: subscriptlist : subscript ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA subscript )* ( COMMA )? ; public final void subscriptlist() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:384:15: ( subscript ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA subscript )* ( COMMA )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:384:17: subscript ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA subscript )* ( COMMA )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_subscript_in_subscriptlist3267); subscript(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:384:27: ( options {greedy=true; } : COMMA subscript )* loop96: while (true) { int alt96=2; int LA96_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA96_0==COMMA) ) { int LA96_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA96_1==BACKQUOTE||LA96_1==COLON||LA96_1==COMPLEX||LA96_1==DOT||LA96_1==FLOAT||(LA96_1 >= INT && LA96_1 <= LCURLY)||(LA96_1 >= LONGINT && LA96_1 <= MINUS)||LA96_1==NAME||LA96_1==NOT||LA96_1==PLUS||(LA96_1 >= STRING && LA96_1 <= TILDE)||LA96_1==89) ) { alt96=1; } } switch (alt96) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:384:51: COMMA subscript { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_subscriptlist3277); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_subscript_in_subscriptlist3279); subscript(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop96; } } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:384:69: ( COMMA )? int alt97=2; int LA97_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA97_0==COMMA) ) { alt97=1; } switch (alt97) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:384:70: COMMA { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_subscriptlist3284); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "subscriptlist" // $ANTLR start "subscript" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:387:1: subscript : ( DOT DOT DOT | test ( COLON ( test )? ( sliceop )? )? | COLON ( test )? ( sliceop )? ); public final void subscript() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:387:11: ( DOT DOT DOT | test ( COLON ( test )? ( sliceop )? )? | COLON ( test )? ( sliceop )? ) int alt103=3; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case DOT: { alt103=1; } break; case BACKQUOTE: case COMPLEX: case FLOAT: case INT: case LBRACK: case LCURLY: case LONGINT: case LPAREN: case MINUS: case NAME: case NOT: case PLUS: case STRING: case TILDE: case 89: { alt103=2; } break; case COLON: { alt103=3; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 103, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt103) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:387:13: DOT DOT DOT { match(input,DOT,FOLLOW_DOT_in_subscript3309); if (state.failed) return; match(input,DOT,FOLLOW_DOT_in_subscript3311); if (state.failed) return; match(input,DOT,FOLLOW_DOT_in_subscript3313); if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:388:13: test ( COLON ( test )? ( sliceop )? )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_subscript3327); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:388:18: ( COLON ( test )? ( sliceop )? )? int alt100=2; int LA100_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA100_0==COLON) ) { alt100=1; } switch (alt100) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:388:19: COLON ( test )? ( sliceop )? { match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_subscript3330); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:388:25: ( test )? int alt98=2; int LA98_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA98_0==BACKQUOTE||LA98_0==COMPLEX||LA98_0==FLOAT||(LA98_0 >= INT && LA98_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA98_0 >= LONGINT && LA98_0 <= MINUS)||LA98_0==NAME||LA98_0==NOT||LA98_0==PLUS||(LA98_0 >= STRING && LA98_0 <= TILDE)||LA98_0==89) ) { alt98=1; } switch (alt98) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:388:26: test { pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_subscript3333); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:388:33: ( sliceop )? int alt99=2; int LA99_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA99_0==COLON) ) { alt99=1; } switch (alt99) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:388:34: sliceop { pushFollow(FOLLOW_sliceop_in_subscript3338); sliceop(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } break; } } break; case 3 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:389:13: COLON ( test )? ( sliceop )? { match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_subscript3356); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:389:19: ( test )? int alt101=2; int LA101_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA101_0==BACKQUOTE||LA101_0==COMPLEX||LA101_0==FLOAT||(LA101_0 >= INT && LA101_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA101_0 >= LONGINT && LA101_0 <= MINUS)||LA101_0==NAME||LA101_0==NOT||LA101_0==PLUS||(LA101_0 >= STRING && LA101_0 <= TILDE)||LA101_0==89) ) { alt101=1; } switch (alt101) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:389:20: test { pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_subscript3359); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:389:27: ( sliceop )? int alt102=2; int LA102_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA102_0==COLON) ) { alt102=1; } switch (alt102) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:389:28: sliceop { pushFollow(FOLLOW_sliceop_in_subscript3364); sliceop(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "subscript" // $ANTLR start "sliceop" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:392:1: sliceop : COLON ( test )? ; public final void sliceop() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:392:9: ( COLON ( test )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:392:11: COLON ( test )? { match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_sliceop3385); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:392:17: ( test )? int alt104=2; int LA104_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA104_0==BACKQUOTE||LA104_0==COMPLEX||LA104_0==FLOAT||(LA104_0 >= INT && LA104_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA104_0 >= LONGINT && LA104_0 <= MINUS)||LA104_0==NAME||LA104_0==NOT||LA104_0==PLUS||(LA104_0 >= STRING && LA104_0 <= TILDE)||LA104_0==89) ) { alt104=1; } switch (alt104) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:392:18: test { pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_sliceop3388); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "sliceop" // $ANTLR start "exprlist" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:395:1: exprlist : expr ( options {k=2; } : COMMA expr )* ( COMMA )? ; public final void exprlist() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:395:10: ( expr ( options {k=2; } : COMMA expr )* ( COMMA )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:395:12: expr ( options {k=2; } : COMMA expr )* ( COMMA )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_in_exprlist3407); expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:395:17: ( options {k=2; } : COMMA expr )* loop105: while (true) { int alt105=2; int LA105_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA105_0==COMMA) ) { int LA105_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA105_1==BACKQUOTE||LA105_1==COMPLEX||LA105_1==FLOAT||(LA105_1 >= INT && LA105_1 <= LCURLY)||(LA105_1 >= LONGINT && LA105_1 <= MINUS)||LA105_1==NAME||LA105_1==PLUS||(LA105_1 >= STRING && LA105_1 <= TILDE)) ) { alt105=1; } } switch (alt105) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:395:34: COMMA expr { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_exprlist3418); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_in_exprlist3420); expr(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop105; } } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:395:47: ( COMMA )? int alt106=2; int LA106_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA106_0==COMMA) ) { alt106=1; } switch (alt106) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:395:48: COMMA { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_exprlist3425); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "exprlist" // $ANTLR start "testlist" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:398:1: testlist : test ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test )* ( COMMA )? ; public final void testlist() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:399:5: ( test ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test )* ( COMMA )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:399:7: test ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test )* ( COMMA )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_testlist3449); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:399:12: ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test )* loop107: while (true) { int alt107=2; int LA107_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA107_0==COMMA) ) { int LA107_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA107_1==BACKQUOTE) ) { alt107=1; } else if ( (LA107_1==COMPLEX||LA107_1==FLOAT||(LA107_1 >= INT && LA107_1 <= LCURLY)||(LA107_1 >= LONGINT && LA107_1 <= MINUS)||LA107_1==NAME||LA107_1==NOT||LA107_1==PLUS||(LA107_1 >= STRING && LA107_1 <= TILDE)||LA107_1==89) ) { alt107=1; } } switch (alt107) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:399:29: COMMA test { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_testlist3460); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_testlist3462); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop107; } } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:399:42: ( COMMA )? int alt108=2; int LA108_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA108_0==COMMA) ) { alt108=1; } switch (alt108) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:399:43: COMMA { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_testlist3467); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "testlist" // $ANTLR start "dictmaker" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:402:1: dictmaker : test COLON test ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test COLON test )* ( COMMA )? ; public final void dictmaker() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:402:11: ( test COLON test ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test COLON test )* ( COMMA )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:402:13: test COLON test ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test COLON test )* ( COMMA )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_dictmaker3482); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_dictmaker3484); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_dictmaker3486); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:402:29: ( options {k=2; } : COMMA test COLON test )* loop109: while (true) { int alt109=2; int LA109_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA109_0==COMMA) ) { int LA109_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA109_1==BACKQUOTE||LA109_1==COMPLEX||LA109_1==FLOAT||(LA109_1 >= INT && LA109_1 <= LCURLY)||(LA109_1 >= LONGINT && LA109_1 <= MINUS)||LA109_1==NAME||LA109_1==NOT||LA109_1==PLUS||(LA109_1 >= STRING && LA109_1 <= TILDE)||LA109_1==89) ) { alt109=1; } } switch (alt109) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:402:45: COMMA test COLON test { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_dictmaker3496); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_dictmaker3498); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_dictmaker3500); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_dictmaker3502); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop109; } } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:402:69: ( COMMA )? int alt110=2; int LA110_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA110_0==COMMA) ) { alt110=1; } switch (alt110) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:402:70: COMMA { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_dictmaker3507); if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "dictmaker" // $ANTLR start "classdef" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:405:1: classdef : 'class' NAME ( LPAREN ( testlist )? RPAREN )? COLON suite ; public final void classdef() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:405:9: ( 'class' NAME ( LPAREN ( testlist )? RPAREN )? COLON suite ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:405:11: 'class' NAME ( LPAREN ( testlist )? RPAREN )? COLON suite { match(input,73,FOLLOW_73_in_classdef3527); if (state.failed) return; match(input,NAME,FOLLOW_NAME_in_classdef3529); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:405:24: ( LPAREN ( testlist )? RPAREN )? int alt112=2; int LA112_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA112_0==LPAREN) ) { alt112=1; } switch (alt112) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:405:25: LPAREN ( testlist )? RPAREN { match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_classdef3532); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:405:32: ( testlist )? int alt111=2; int LA111_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA111_0==BACKQUOTE||LA111_0==COMPLEX||LA111_0==FLOAT||(LA111_0 >= INT && LA111_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA111_0 >= LONGINT && LA111_0 <= MINUS)||LA111_0==NAME||LA111_0==NOT||LA111_0==PLUS||(LA111_0 >= STRING && LA111_0 <= TILDE)||LA111_0==89) ) { alt111=1; } switch (alt111) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:405:32: testlist { pushFollow(FOLLOW_testlist_in_classdef3534); testlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_classdef3537); if (state.failed) return; } break; } match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_classdef3541); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_suite_in_classdef3543); suite(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "classdef" // $ANTLR start "arglist" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:408:1: arglist : ( argument ( COMMA argument )* ( COMMA ( STAR test ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR test )? | DOUBLESTAR test )? )? | STAR test ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR test )? | DOUBLESTAR test ); public final void arglist() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:408:9: ( argument ( COMMA argument )* ( COMMA ( STAR test ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR test )? | DOUBLESTAR test )? )? | STAR test ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR test )? | DOUBLESTAR test ) int alt118=3; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case BACKQUOTE: case COMPLEX: case FLOAT: case INT: case LBRACK: case LCURLY: case LONGINT: case LPAREN: case MINUS: case NAME: case NOT: case PLUS: case STRING: case TILDE: case 89: { alt118=1; } break; case STAR: { alt118=2; } break; case DOUBLESTAR: { alt118=3; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 118, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt118) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:408:11: argument ( COMMA argument )* ( COMMA ( STAR test ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR test )? | DOUBLESTAR test )? )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_argument_in_arglist3560); argument(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:408:20: ( COMMA argument )* loop113: while (true) { int alt113=2; int LA113_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA113_0==COMMA) ) { int LA113_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA113_1==BACKQUOTE||LA113_1==COMPLEX||LA113_1==FLOAT||(LA113_1 >= INT && LA113_1 <= LCURLY)||(LA113_1 >= LONGINT && LA113_1 <= MINUS)||LA113_1==NAME||LA113_1==NOT||LA113_1==PLUS||(LA113_1 >= STRING && LA113_1 <= TILDE)||LA113_1==89) ) { alt113=1; } } switch (alt113) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:408:21: COMMA argument { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_arglist3563); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_argument_in_arglist3565); argument(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; default : break loop113; } } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:409:11: ( COMMA ( STAR test ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR test )? | DOUBLESTAR test )? )? int alt116=2; int LA116_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA116_0==COMMA) ) { alt116=1; } switch (alt116) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:409:13: COMMA ( STAR test ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR test )? | DOUBLESTAR test )? { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_arglist3581); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:410:13: ( STAR test ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR test )? | DOUBLESTAR test )? int alt115=3; int LA115_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA115_0==STAR) ) { alt115=1; } else if ( (LA115_0==DOUBLESTAR) ) { alt115=2; } switch (alt115) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:410:15: STAR test ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR test )? { match(input,STAR,FOLLOW_STAR_in_arglist3597); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_arglist3599); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:410:25: ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR test )? int alt114=2; int LA114_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA114_0==COMMA) ) { alt114=1; } switch (alt114) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:410:26: COMMA DOUBLESTAR test { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_arglist3602); if (state.failed) return; match(input,DOUBLESTAR,FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_arglist3604); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_arglist3606); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:411:15: DOUBLESTAR test { match(input,DOUBLESTAR,FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_arglist3624); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_arglist3626); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } break; } } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:414:13: STAR test ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR test )? { match(input,STAR,FOLLOW_STAR_in_arglist3668); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_arglist3670); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:414:23: ( COMMA DOUBLESTAR test )? int alt117=2; int LA117_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA117_0==COMMA) ) { alt117=1; } switch (alt117) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:414:24: COMMA DOUBLESTAR test { match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_arglist3673); if (state.failed) return; match(input,DOUBLESTAR,FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_arglist3675); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_arglist3677); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } break; case 3 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:415:13: DOUBLESTAR test { match(input,DOUBLESTAR,FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_arglist3693); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_arglist3695); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "arglist" // $ANTLR start "argument" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:418:1: argument : test ( ( ASSIGN test ) | gen_for )? ; public final void argument() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:418:10: ( test ( ( ASSIGN test ) | gen_for )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:418:12: test ( ( ASSIGN test ) | gen_for )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_argument3712); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:418:17: ( ( ASSIGN test ) | gen_for )? int alt119=3; int LA119_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA119_0==ASSIGN) ) { alt119=1; } else if ( (LA119_0==82) ) { alt119=2; } switch (alt119) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:418:19: ( ASSIGN test ) { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:418:19: ( ASSIGN test ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:418:20: ASSIGN test { match(input,ASSIGN,FOLLOW_ASSIGN_in_argument3717); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_argument3719); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:418:35: gen_for { pushFollow(FOLLOW_gen_for_in_argument3724); gen_for(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "argument" // $ANTLR start "list_iter" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:421:1: list_iter : ( list_for | list_if ); public final void list_iter() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:421:11: ( list_for | list_if ) int alt120=2; int LA120_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA120_0==82) ) { alt120=1; } else if ( (LA120_0==85) ) { alt120=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 120, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt120) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:421:13: list_for { pushFollow(FOLLOW_list_for_in_list_iter3744); list_for(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:422:13: list_if { pushFollow(FOLLOW_list_if_in_list_iter3758); list_if(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "list_iter" // $ANTLR start "list_for" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:425:1: list_for : 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist ( list_iter )? ; public final void list_for() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:425:10: ( 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist ( list_iter )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:425:12: 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist ( list_iter )? { match(input,82,FOLLOW_82_in_list_for3777); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_exprlist_in_list_for3779); exprlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; match(input,87,FOLLOW_87_in_list_for3781); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_testlist_in_list_for3783); testlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:425:41: ( list_iter )? int alt121=2; int LA121_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA121_0==82||LA121_0==85) ) { alt121=1; } switch (alt121) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:425:42: list_iter { pushFollow(FOLLOW_list_iter_in_list_for3786); list_iter(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "list_for" // $ANTLR start "list_if" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:428:1: list_if : 'if' test ( list_iter )? ; public final void list_if() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:428:9: ( 'if' test ( list_iter )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:428:11: 'if' test ( list_iter )? { match(input,85,FOLLOW_85_in_list_if3806); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_list_if3808); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:428:21: ( list_iter )? int alt122=2; int LA122_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA122_0==82||LA122_0==85) ) { alt122=1; } switch (alt122) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:428:22: list_iter { pushFollow(FOLLOW_list_iter_in_list_if3811); list_iter(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "list_if" // $ANTLR start "gen_iter" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:431:1: gen_iter : ( gen_for | gen_if ); public final void gen_iter() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:431:9: ( gen_for | gen_if ) int alt123=2; int LA123_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA123_0==82) ) { alt123=1; } else if ( (LA123_0==85) ) { alt123=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 123, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt123) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:431:11: gen_for { pushFollow(FOLLOW_gen_for_in_gen_iter3829); gen_for(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:432:11: gen_if { pushFollow(FOLLOW_gen_if_in_gen_iter3841); gen_if(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "gen_iter" // $ANTLR start "gen_for" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:435:1: gen_for : 'for' exprlist 'in' or_test ( gen_iter )? ; public final void gen_for() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:435:8: ( 'for' exprlist 'in' or_test ( gen_iter )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:435:10: 'for' exprlist 'in' or_test ( gen_iter )? { match(input,82,FOLLOW_82_in_gen_for3857); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_exprlist_in_gen_for3859); exprlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; match(input,87,FOLLOW_87_in_gen_for3861); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_or_test_in_gen_for3863); or_test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:435:38: ( gen_iter )? int alt124=2; int LA124_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA124_0==82||LA124_0==85) ) { alt124=1; } switch (alt124) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:435:38: gen_iter { pushFollow(FOLLOW_gen_iter_in_gen_for3865); gen_iter(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "gen_for" // $ANTLR start "gen_if" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:438:1: gen_if : 'if' test ( gen_iter )? ; public final void gen_if() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:438:7: ( 'if' test ( gen_iter )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:438:9: 'if' test ( gen_iter )? { match(input,85,FOLLOW_85_in_gen_if3881); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_test_in_gen_if3883); test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:438:19: ( gen_iter )? int alt125=2; int LA125_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA125_0==82||LA125_0==85) ) { alt125=1; } switch (alt125) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:438:19: gen_iter { pushFollow(FOLLOW_gen_iter_in_gen_if3885); gen_iter(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "gen_if" // $ANTLR start "yield_expr" // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:441:1: yield_expr : 'yield' ( testlist )? ; public final void yield_expr() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:441:12: ( 'yield' ( testlist )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:441:14: 'yield' ( testlist )? { match(input,97,FOLLOW_97_in_yield_expr3901); if (state.failed) return; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:441:22: ( testlist )? int alt126=2; int LA126_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA126_0==BACKQUOTE||LA126_0==COMPLEX||LA126_0==FLOAT||(LA126_0 >= INT && LA126_0 <= LCURLY)||(LA126_0 >= LONGINT && LA126_0 <= MINUS)||LA126_0==NAME||LA126_0==NOT||LA126_0==PLUS||(LA126_0 >= STRING && LA126_0 <= TILDE)||LA126_0==89) ) { alt126=1; } switch (alt126) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:441:22: testlist { pushFollow(FOLLOW_testlist_in_yield_expr3903); testlist(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "yield_expr" // $ANTLR start synpred1_Python public final void synpred1_Python_fragment() throws RecognitionException { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:290:7: ( 'if' or_test 'else' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Python.g:290:8: 'if' or_test 'else' { match(input,85,FOLLOW_85_in_synpred1_Python2327); if (state.failed) return; pushFollow(FOLLOW_or_test_in_synpred1_Python2329); or_test(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return; match(input,78,FOLLOW_78_in_synpred1_Python2331); if (state.failed) return; } } // $ANTLR end synpred1_Python // Delegated rules public final boolean synpred1_Python() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred1_Python_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } protected DFA40 dfa40 = new DFA40(this); static final String DFA40_eotS = "\4\uffff"; static final String DFA40_eofS = "\4\uffff"; static final String DFA40_minS = "\2\24\2\uffff"; static final String DFA40_maxS = "\1\54\1\126\2\uffff"; static final String DFA40_acceptS = "\2\uffff\1\1\1\2"; static final String DFA40_specialS = "\4\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA40_transitionS = { "\1\1\27\uffff\1\2", "\1\1\27\uffff\1\2\51\uffff\1\3", "", "" }; static final short[] DFA40_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA40_eotS); static final short[] DFA40_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA40_eofS); static final char[] DFA40_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA40_minS); static final char[] DFA40_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA40_maxS); static final short[] DFA40_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA40_acceptS); static final short[] DFA40_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA40_specialS); static final short[][] DFA40_transition; static { int numStates = DFA40_transitionS.length; DFA40_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) { DFA40_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA40_transitionS[i]); } } protected class DFA40 extends DFA { public DFA40(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 40; this.eot = DFA40_eot; this.eof = DFA40_eof; this.min = DFA40_min; this.max = DFA40_max; this.accept = DFA40_accept; this.special = DFA40_special; this.transition = DFA40_transition; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "219:21: ( ( DOT )* dotted_name | ( DOT )+ )"; } } public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NEWLINE_in_single_input46 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_simple_stmt_in_single_input63 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_compound_stmt_in_single_input80 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000200000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NEWLINE_in_single_input82 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NEWLINE_in_file_input105 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010602L,0x00000003FE7D1F81L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_stmt_in_file_input109 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010602L,0x00000003FE7D1F81L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NEWLINE_in_eval_input132 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_testlist_in_eval_input136 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000200000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NEWLINE_in_eval_input139 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000200000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_decorator_in_decorators160 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000202L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_AT_in_decorator179 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_dotted_attr_in_decorator181 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000220000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_decorator184 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA208570710810400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_arglist_in_decorator186 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0200000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_decorator189 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000200000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NEWLINE_in_decorator193 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_dotted_attr215 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000100002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOT_in_dotted_attr218 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_dotted_attr220 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000100002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_decorators_in_funcdef235 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000800L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_75_in_funcdef238 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_funcdef240 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000020000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_parameters_in_funcdef242 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_funcdef244 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010400L,0x000000023E591581L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_suite_in_funcdef246 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_parameters263 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2200120000800000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_varargslist_in_parameters266 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0200000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_parameters270 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_defparameter_in_varargslist290 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_varargslist300 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000120000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_defparameter_in_varargslist302 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_varargslist321 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2000000000800002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_STAR_in_varargslist343 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_varargslist345 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_varargslist348 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000800000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_varargslist350 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_varargslist352 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_varargslist376 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_varargslist378 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_STAR_in_varargslist432 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_varargslist434 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_varargslist437 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000800000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_varargslist439 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_varargslist441 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_varargslist459 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_varargslist461 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_fpdef_in_defparameter482 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000102L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ASSIGN_in_defparameter485 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_defparameter487 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_fpdef511 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_fpdef521 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000120000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_fplist_in_fpdef523 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0200000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_fpdef525 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_fpdef_in_fplist540 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_fplist550 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000120000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_fpdef_in_fplist552 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_fplist557 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_simple_stmt_in_stmt575 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_compound_stmt_in_stmt584 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_small_stmt_in_simple_stmt598 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400200000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SEMI_in_simple_stmt608 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x000000023E591581L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_small_stmt_in_simple_stmt610 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400200000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SEMI_in_simple_stmt615 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000200000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NEWLINE_in_simple_stmt619 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expr_stmt_in_small_stmt640 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_print_stmt_in_small_stmt655 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_del_stmt_in_small_stmt670 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_pass_stmt_in_small_stmt685 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_flow_stmt_in_small_stmt700 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_import_stmt_in_small_stmt715 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_global_stmt_in_small_stmt730 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_exec_stmt_in_small_stmt745 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_assert_stmt_in_small_stmt760 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_testlist_in_expr_stmt780 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x5114082001401142L,0x0000000000000010L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_augassign_in_expr_stmt796 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000200000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_yield_expr_in_expr_stmt798 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_augassign_in_expr_stmt814 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_testlist_in_expr_stmt816 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_assigns_in_expr_stmt832 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_assign_testlist_in_assigns870 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000102L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_assign_yield_in_assigns879 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000102L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ASSIGN_in_assign_testlist900 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_testlist_in_assign_testlist902 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ASSIGN_in_assign_yield922 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000200000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_yield_expr_in_assign_yield924 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_91_in_print_stmt1110 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8088570710010402L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_printlist_in_print_stmt1113 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RIGHTSHIFT_in_print_stmt1117 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_printlist_in_print_stmt1119 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_printlist1149 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_printlist1160 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_printlist1162 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_printlist1167 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_76_in_del_stmt1183 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_exprlist_in_del_stmt1185 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_90_in_pass_stmt1203 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_break_stmt_in_flow_stmt1222 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_continue_stmt_in_flow_stmt1236 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_return_stmt_in_flow_stmt1250 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_raise_stmt_in_flow_stmt1264 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_yield_stmt_in_flow_stmt1278 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_72_in_break_stmt1297 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_74_in_continue_stmt1317 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_93_in_return_stmt1340 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010402L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_testlist_in_return_stmt1343 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_yield_expr_in_yield_stmt1366 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_92_in_raise_stmt1385 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010402L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_raise_stmt1388 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_raise_stmt1391 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_raise_stmt1393 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_raise_stmt1396 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_raise_stmt1398 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_import_name_in_import_stmt1423 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_import_from_in_import_stmt1439 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_86_in_import_name1460 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_dotted_as_names_in_import_name1462 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_83_in_import_from1482 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000100000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOT_in_import_from1485 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000100000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_dotted_name_in_import_from1488 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOT_in_import_from1492 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000100000L,0x0000000000400000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_86_in_import_from1496 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2000120000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_STAR_in_import_from1513 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_import_as_names_in_import_from1531 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_import_from1549 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_import_as_names_in_import_from1551 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0200000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_import_from1553 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_import_as_name_in_import_as_names1589 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_import_as_names1592 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_import_as_name_in_import_as_names1594 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_import_as_names1599 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_import_as_name1626 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000040L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_70_in_import_as_name1629 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_import_as_name1631 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_dotted_name_in_dotted_as_name1657 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000040L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_70_in_dotted_as_name1660 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_dotted_as_name1662 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_dotted_as_name_in_dotted_as_names1688 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_dotted_as_names1691 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_dotted_as_name_in_dotted_as_names1693 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_dotted_name1719 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000100002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOT_in_dotted_name1722 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_dotted_name1724 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000100002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_84_in_global_stmt1747 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_global_stmt1749 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_global_stmt1752 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_global_stmt1754 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_80_in_exec_stmt1777 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expr_in_exec_stmt1779 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000800000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_87_in_exec_stmt1782 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_exec_stmt1784 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_exec_stmt1787 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_exec_stmt1789 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_71_in_assert_stmt1812 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_assert_stmt1814 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_assert_stmt1817 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_assert_stmt1819 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_if_stmt_in_compound_stmt1842 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_while_stmt_in_compound_stmt1860 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_for_stmt_in_compound_stmt1878 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_try_stmt_in_compound_stmt1896 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_with_stmt_in_compound_stmt1914 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_funcdef_in_compound_stmt1932 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_classdef_in_compound_stmt1950 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_85_in_if_stmt1972 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_if_stmt1974 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_if_stmt1976 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010400L,0x000000023E591581L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_suite_in_if_stmt1978 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000006000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_elif_clause_in_if_stmt1980 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000006000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_78_in_if_stmt1985 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_if_stmt1987 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010400L,0x000000023E591581L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_suite_in_if_stmt1989 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_77_in_elif_clause2007 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_elif_clause2009 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_elif_clause2011 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010400L,0x000000023E591581L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_suite_in_elif_clause2013 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_95_in_while_stmt2034 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_while_stmt2036 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_while_stmt2038 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010400L,0x000000023E591581L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_suite_in_while_stmt2040 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000004000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_78_in_while_stmt2043 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_while_stmt2045 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010400L,0x000000023E591581L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_suite_in_while_stmt2047 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_82_in_for_stmt2069 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_exprlist_in_for_stmt2071 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000800000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_87_in_for_stmt2073 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_testlist_in_for_stmt2075 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_for_stmt2077 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010400L,0x000000023E591581L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_suite_in_for_stmt2079 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000004000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_78_in_for_stmt2082 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_for_stmt2084 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010400L,0x000000023E591581L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_suite_in_for_stmt2086 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_94_in_try_stmt2106 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_try_stmt2108 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010400L,0x000000023E591581L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_suite_in_try_stmt2110 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000028000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_except_clause_in_try_stmt2125 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x000000000002C000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_78_in_try_stmt2129 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_try_stmt2131 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010400L,0x000000023E591581L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_suite_in_try_stmt2133 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000020000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_81_in_try_stmt2138 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_try_stmt2140 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010400L,0x000000023E591581L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_suite_in_try_stmt2142 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_81_in_try_stmt2159 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_try_stmt2161 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010400L,0x000000023E591581L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_suite_in_try_stmt2163 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_96_in_with_stmt2193 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_with_stmt2195 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000002000L,0x0000000000000040L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_with_var_in_with_stmt2198 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_with_stmt2202 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010400L,0x000000023E591581L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_suite_in_with_stmt2204 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_with_var2221 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expr_in_with_var2229 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_79_in_except_clause2246 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710012400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_except_clause2249 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000006000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_except_clause2252 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_except_clause2254 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_except_clause2260 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010400L,0x000000023E591581L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_suite_in_except_clause2262 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_simple_stmt_in_suite2285 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NEWLINE_in_suite2295 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_INDENT_in_suite2297 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010600L,0x00000003FE7D1F81L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_stmt_in_suite2300 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710050600L,0x00000003FE7D1F81L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DEDENT_in_suite2304 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_or_test_in_test2318 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000200000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_85_in_test2336 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_or_test_in_test2338 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000004000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_78_in_test2340 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_test2342 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_lambdef_in_test2352 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_and_test_in_or_test2365 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0001000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_OR_in_or_test2368 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_and_test_in_or_test2370 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0001000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_not_test_in_and_test2389 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000082L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_AND_in_and_test2392 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_not_test_in_and_test2394 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000082L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NOT_in_not_test2414 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_not_test_in_not_test2416 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_comparison_in_not_test2429 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expr_in_comparison2446 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000C0C062000012L,0x0000000001800000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_comp_op_in_comparison2449 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expr_in_comparison2451 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000C0C062000012L,0x0000000001800000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LESS_in_comp_op2472 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_GREATER_in_comp_op2484 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EQUAL_in_comp_op2496 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_GREATEREQUAL_in_comp_op2508 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LESSEQUAL_in_comp_op2520 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ALT_NOTEQUAL_in_comp_op2532 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NOTEQUAL_in_comp_op2544 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_87_in_comp_op2556 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NOT_in_comp_op2568 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000800000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_87_in_comp_op2570 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_88_in_comp_op2582 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_88_in_comp_op2594 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000400000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NOT_in_comp_op2596 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_xor_expr_in_expr2613 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_VBAR_in_expr2616 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_xor_expr_in_expr2618 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000008L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_and_expr_in_xor_expr2634 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000802L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_CIRCUMFLEX_in_xor_expr2637 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_and_expr_in_xor_expr2639 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000802L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_shift_expr_in_and_expr2659 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000022L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_AMPER_in_and_expr2662 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_shift_expr_in_and_expr2664 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000022L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_arith_expr_in_shift_expr2684 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0080001000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_shift_expr2687 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_arith_expr_in_shift_expr2693 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0080001000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_term_in_arith_expr2714 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0008040000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_arith_expr2717 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_term_in_arith_expr2723 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0008040000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_factor_in_term2744 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2802000000200002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_term2747 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_factor_in_term2764 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2802000000200002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PLUS_in_factor2780 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_factor_in_factor2782 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_MINUS_in_factor2793 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_factor_in_factor2795 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_TILDE_in_factor2806 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_factor_in_factor2808 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_power_in_factor2819 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_atom_in_power2835 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000020200900002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_trailer_in_power2838 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000020200900002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_power2850 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_factor_in_power2852 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_atom2869 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8208570710010400L,0x0000000202000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_yield_expr_in_atom2881 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0200000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_testlist_gexp_in_atom2892 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0200000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_atom2911 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LBRACK_in_atom2920 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8028570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_listmaker_in_atom2923 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0020000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RBRACK_in_atom2927 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LCURLY_in_atom2936 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8048570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_dictmaker_in_atom2939 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0040000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RCURLY_in_atom2943 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_BACKQUOTE_in_atom2952 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_testlist_in_atom2954 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000400L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_BACKQUOTE_in_atom2956 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_atom2965 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_INT_in_atom2974 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LONGINT_in_atom2983 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FLOAT_in_atom2992 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMPLEX_in_atom3001 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_STRING_in_atom3011 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_listmaker3027 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L,0x0000000000040000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_list_for_in_listmaker3044 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_listmaker3068 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_listmaker3070 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_listmaker3089 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_testlist_gexp3114 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L,0x0000000000040000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_testlist_gexp3127 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_testlist_gexp3129 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_testlist_gexp3134 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_gen_for_in_testlist_gexp3151 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_89_in_lambdef3188 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2000120000802000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_varargslist_in_lambdef3191 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_lambdef3195 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_lambdef3197 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_trailer3213 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA208570710810400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_arglist_in_trailer3216 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0200000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_trailer3220 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LBRACK_in_trailer3232 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710112400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_subscriptlist_in_trailer3234 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0020000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RBRACK_in_trailer3236 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOT_in_trailer3248 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_trailer3250 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_subscript_in_subscriptlist3267 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_subscriptlist3277 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710112400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_subscript_in_subscriptlist3279 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_subscriptlist3284 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOT_in_subscript3309 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000100000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOT_in_subscript3311 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000100000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOT_in_subscript3313 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_subscript3327 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_subscript3330 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710012402L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_subscript3333 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_sliceop_in_subscript3338 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_subscript3356 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710012402L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_subscript3359 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_sliceop_in_subscript3364 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_sliceop3385 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010402L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_sliceop3388 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expr_in_exprlist3407 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_exprlist3418 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expr_in_exprlist3420 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_exprlist3425 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_testlist3449 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_testlist3460 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_testlist3462 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_testlist3467 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_dictmaker3482 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_dictmaker3484 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_dictmaker3486 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_dictmaker3496 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_dictmaker3498 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_dictmaker3500 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_dictmaker3502 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_dictmaker3507 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_73_in_classdef3527 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NAME_in_classdef3529 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000020000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_classdef3532 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8208570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_testlist_in_classdef3534 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0200000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_classdef3537 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_classdef3541 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008770710010400L,0x000000023E591581L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_suite_in_classdef3543 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_argument_in_arglist3560 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_arglist3563 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_argument_in_arglist3565 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_arglist3581 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2000000000800002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_STAR_in_arglist3597 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_arglist3599 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_arglist3602 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000800000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_arglist3604 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_arglist3606 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_arglist3624 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_arglist3626 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_STAR_in_arglist3668 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_arglist3670 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_arglist3673 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000800000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_arglist3675 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_arglist3677 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOUBLESTAR_in_arglist3693 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_arglist3695 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_argument3712 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000102L,0x0000000000040000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ASSIGN_in_argument3717 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_argument3719 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_gen_for_in_argument3724 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_list_for_in_list_iter3744 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_list_if_in_list_iter3758 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_82_in_list_for3777 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_exprlist_in_list_for3779 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000800000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_87_in_list_for3781 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_testlist_in_list_for3783 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000240000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_list_iter_in_list_for3786 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_85_in_list_if3806 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_list_if3808 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000240000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_list_iter_in_list_if3811 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_gen_for_in_gen_iter3829 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_gen_if_in_gen_iter3841 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_82_in_gen_for3857 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008170710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_exprlist_in_gen_for3859 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000800000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_87_in_gen_for3861 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_or_test_in_gen_for3863 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000240000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_gen_iter_in_gen_for3865 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_85_in_gen_if3881 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_test_in_gen_if3883 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000240000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_gen_iter_in_gen_if3885 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_97_in_yield_expr3901 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010402L,0x0000000002000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_testlist_in_yield_expr3903 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_85_in_synpred1_Python2327 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8008570710010400L,0x0000000000000001L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_or_test_in_synpred1_Python2329 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000004000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_78_in_synpred1_Python2331 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); }