package com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.primitive2d; import processing.core.PGraphics; import processing.core.PShape; import; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.datatype.Point; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.math.Vec2d; //class used for importing in pre-defined svg vector objects public class LShape extends Polygon { private String shapePath; //path to svg to be loaded private PShape shape; //processing PShape private Canvas canvas; // private double x=0; //x coordinate of shape private double y= 0; //y coordinate of shape private double width = 0; private double height = 0; public LShape() { this.setOrigin(new Point(0,0)); } //sets shape path public void setPath(String p){ this.shapePath = p; } //returns current shape path public String getPath(){ return this.shapePath; } public void loadShape(){ this.shape = this.canvas.loadShape(this.shapePath); System.out.println("loaded shape succesfully"); this.width = this.shape.width; this.height = this.shape.height; this.setOrigin(new Point(this.width/2,this.height/2)); } //returns current drawing canvas public Canvas getCanvas(){ return this.canvas; } //set current drawing canvas (needed to load the shape, TODO: should eventually work around this) public void setCanvas(Canvas e){ this.canvas = e; } @Override public LShape copy(){ LShape s = new LShape(); s.setPath(this.getPath()); s.setCanvas(this.getCanvas()); s.loadShape(); copyParameters(this,s); return s; } @Override public void draw(Canvas e) { if(!this.getHide()){ e.pushMatrix(); e.translate((float)(getOrigin().getX()),(float)(getOrigin().getY())); e.rotate((float)Math.toRadians(getRotation())); e.scale((float)getScaleX(),(float)getScaleY()); e.shape(shape,(float)(x-this.width/2),(float)(y-this.height/2)); e.popMatrix(); /* if(this.getDrawOrigin()){ this.drawOrigin(e); }*/ } } @Override public Drawable scale(double x, double y, Point focus, Boolean top){ return this; } @Override public void print(PGraphics e) { if(!this.getHide()){ e.pushMatrix(); e.translate((float)(getOrigin().getX()),(float)(getOrigin().getY())); e.rotate((float)Math.toRadians(getRotation())); e.shape(shape,(float)(x-this.width/2),(float)(y-this.height/2)); e.popMatrix(); } } @Override //rotates around a focus. does not change the rotation property public Drawable rotateWithFocus(double theta, Point focus, Boolean top){ Point newOrigin = this.getOrigin().rotate(theta, focus); this.setOrigin(newOrigin); this.rotation=theta; return this; } //TODO: implement polygon conversion //converts shape to polygon public Polygon toPolygon() { SVGReader r = new SVGReader(); r.readSVGFile(this.getPath()); Polygon d = (Polygon) r.getDrawable().childAt(0); copyParameters(this,d); return d; } }