package com.pixelmaid.dresscode.antlr.types; import java.util.List; import; import; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.primitive2d.Color; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.primitive2d.Curve; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.primitive2d.Drawable; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.primitive2d.Ellipse; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.primitive2d.LShape; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.primitive2d.Line; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.primitive2d.DrawablePoint; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.datatype.Point; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.primitive2d.Polygon; import com.pixelmaid.dresscode.drawing.primitive2d.Rectangle; public class VarType implements Comparable<VarType> { public static final VarType NULL = new VarType(); public static final VarType VOID = new VarType(); private Object value; private int line; private VarType() { // private constructor: only used for NULL and VOID value = new Object(); } public VarType(Object v) { /*if(v == null) { throw new RuntimeException("v == null"); } */ value = v; /* // only accept boolean, list, number or string types if(!(isBoolean() || isList() || isNumber() || isString() || isDrawable()|| isPoint())) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid type: " + v + " (" + v.getClass() + ")"); }*/ } public Boolean asBoolean() { return (Boolean)value; } public Double asDouble() { return ((Number)value).doubleValue(); } public Long asLong() { return ((Number)value).longValue(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VarType> asList() { return (List<VarType>)value; } public String asString() { return (String)value; } public Drawable asDrawable() { /* if(this.isLine()){ return (Line)value; } else if(this.isCurve()){ return (Curve)value; } else if(this.isRectangle()){ System.out.println("is rectangle"); return (Rectangle)value; } else if(this.isEllipse()){ return (Ellipse)value; } else if(this.isPolygon()){ return (Polygon)value; } else {*/ return (Drawable)value; // } } public Line asLine() { return (Line)value; } public Curve asCurve() { return (Curve)value; } public Point asPoint() { return (Point)value; } public DrawablePoint asDrawablePoint() { return (DrawablePoint)value; } public Polygon asPolygon() { return (Polygon)value; } public Ellipse asEllipse() { return (Ellipse)value; } public Rectangle asRectangle() { return (Rectangle)value; } public Color asColor() { return new Color((String)value); } public Slider asSlider() { return (Slider)value; } public UserUI asUserUI() { return (UserUI)value; } @Override public int compareTo(VarType that) { if(this.isNumber() && that.isNumber()) { if(this.equals(that)) { return 0; } else { return this.asDouble().compareTo(that.asDouble()); } } else if(this.isString() && that.isString()) { return this.asString().compareTo(that.asString()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("illegal expression: can't compare `" + this + "` to `" + that + "`"); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if(this == VOID || o == VOID) { throw new RuntimeException("can't use VOID: " + this + " ==/!= " + o); } if(this == o) { return true; } if(o == null || this.getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } VarType that = (VarType)o; if(this.isNumber() && that.isNumber()) { double diff = Math.abs(this.asDouble() - that.asDouble()); return diff < 0.00000000001; } else { return this.value.equals(that.value); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return value.hashCode(); } public boolean isBoolean() { return value instanceof Boolean; } public boolean isNumber() { return value instanceof Number; } public boolean isList() { return value instanceof List<?>; } public boolean isNull() { return this == NULL; } public boolean isVoid() { return this == VOID; } public boolean isString() { return value instanceof String; } public boolean isDrawable(){ return value instanceof Drawable; } public boolean isLine(){ return value instanceof Line; } public boolean isCurve(){ return value instanceof Curve; } public boolean isPoint(){ return value instanceof Point; } public boolean isDrawablePoint(){ return value instanceof DrawablePoint; } public boolean isPolygon(){ return value instanceof Polygon; } public boolean isRectangle(){ return value instanceof Rectangle; } public boolean isEllipse(){ return value instanceof Ellipse; } public boolean isSlider(){ return value instanceof Slider; } public boolean isLShape() { return value instanceof LShape; } @Override public String toString() { return isNull() ? "NULL" : isVoid() ? "VOID" : String.valueOf(value); } public void setLine(int l) { line = l; } public int getLine(){ return line; } }