// $ANTLR 3.5 /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g 2014-02-04 17:50:44 package com.pixelmaid.dresscode.antlr; import org.antlr.runtime.*; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; @SuppressWarnings("all") public class PogoLexer extends Lexer { public static final int EOF=-1; public static final int T__162=162; public static final int T__163=163; public static final int T__164=164; public static final int ADD_CALL=4; public static final int AND_CALL=5; public static final int ASSIGNMENT=6; public static final int ATan=7; public static final int Add=8; public static final int And=9; public static final int Arc=10; public static final int Assert=11; public static final int Assign=12; public static final int BLOCK=13; public static final int Bool=14; public static final int CBrace=15; public static final int CBracket=16; public static final int COLOR_CONSTANT=17; public static final int CParen=18; public static final int Clip=19; public static final int Cm=20; public static final int Comma=21; public static final int Comment=22; public static final int Copy=23; public static final int Cosine=24; public static final int Curve=25; public static final int DOT=26; public static final int DOTLOOKUP=27; public static final int DOTPROPERTY=28; public static final int Def=29; public static final int Difference=30; public static final int Digit=31; public static final int Divide=32; public static final int Do=33; public static final int Dot=34; public static final int DotEnd=35; public static final int DotFill=36; public static final int DotHeight=37; public static final int DotOrigin=38; public static final int DotRotation=39; public static final int DotStart=40; public static final int DotStroke=41; public static final int DotWeight=42; public static final int DotWidth=43; public static final int DotX=44; public static final int DotY=45; public static final int EXP=46; public static final int EXP_LIST=47; public static final int Ellipse=48; public static final int Else=49; public static final int End=50; public static final int Equals=51; public static final int Excl=52; public static final int Expand=53; public static final int FUNCTION=54; public static final int FUNC_CALL=55; public static final int Fill=56; public static final int Flatten=57; public static final int For=58; public static final int GT=59; public static final int GTEquals=60; public static final int Gaussian=61; public static final int GetAngle=62; public static final int GetDistance=63; public static final int GetEnd=64; public static final int GetFill=65; public static final int GetHeight=66; public static final int GetIntersect=67; public static final int GetOrigin=68; public static final int GetRadius=69; public static final int GetRotation=70; public static final int GetStart=71; public static final int GetStroke=72; public static final int GetWidth=73; public static final int GetX=74; public static final int GetY=75; public static final int Grid=76; public static final int Group=77; public static final int HEIGHT_CONSTANT=78; public static final int Heading=79; public static final int Hide=80; public static final int ID_LIST=81; public static final int IF=82; public static final int INDEXES=83; public static final int Identifier=84; public static final int If=85; public static final int In=86; public static final int Inch=87; public static final int Int=88; public static final int LAdd=89; public static final int LIST=90; public static final int LOOKUP=91; public static final int LRemove=92; public static final int LShape=93; public static final int LT=94; public static final int LTEquals=95; public static final int Line=96; public static final int Map=97; public static final int Merge=98; public static final int MirrorX=99; public static final int MirrorY=100; public static final int Mm=101; public static final int Modulus=102; public static final int Move=103; public static final int MoveBy=104; public static final int Multiply=105; public static final int NEGATE=106; public static final int NEquals=107; public static final int NoFill=108; public static final int NoStroke=109; public static final int Noise=110; public static final int Null=111; public static final int Number=112; public static final int OBrace=113; public static final int OBracket=114; public static final int OParen=115; public static final int Or=116; public static final int PI_CONSTANT=117; public static final int Point=118; public static final int Polygon=119; public static final int Pow=120; public static final int Print=121; public static final int Println=122; public static final int Pw=123; public static final int QMark=124; public static final int Quad=125; public static final int RETURN=126; public static final int Random=127; public static final int Rect=128; public static final int Repeat=129; public static final int Return=130; public static final int Rotate=131; public static final int Round=132; public static final int SPECIAL=133; public static final int STATEMENTS=134; public static final int SUB_CALL=135; public static final int Scale=136; public static final int Show=137; public static final int Sine=138; public static final int Size=139; public static final int Skirt=140; public static final int SkirtBack=141; public static final int Slider=142; public static final int Space=143; public static final int Spiral=144; public static final int Sq=145; public static final int Sqrt=146; public static final int String=147; public static final int Stroke=148; public static final int Subtract=149; public static final int TERNARY=150; public static final int Tan=151; public static final int To=152; public static final int Triangle=153; public static final int UNARY_MIN=154; public static final int Union=155; public static final int Units=156; public static final int WIDTH_CONSTANT=157; public static final int Wave=158; public static final int Weight=159; public static final int While=160; public static final int Xor=161; int implicitLineJoiningLevel = 0; int startPos=-1; // delegates // delegators public Lexer[] getDelegates() { return new Lexer[] {}; } public PogoLexer() {} public PogoLexer(CharStream input) { this(input, new RecognizerSharedState()); } public PogoLexer(CharStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) { super(input,state); } @Override public String getGrammarFileName() { return "/Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g"; } // $ANTLR start "T__162" public final void mT__162() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T__162; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:10:8: ( '&&' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:10:10: '&&' { match("&&"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "T__162" // $ANTLR start "T__163" public final void mT__163() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T__163; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:11:8: ( ';' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:11:10: ';' { match(';'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "T__163" // $ANTLR start "T__164" public final void mT__164() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T__164; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:12:8: ( '||' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:12:10: '||' { match("||"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "T__164" // $ANTLR start "Ellipse" public final void mEllipse() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Ellipse; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:361:9: ( 'ellipse' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:361:11: 'ellipse' { match("ellipse"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Ellipse" // $ANTLR start "Rect" public final void mRect() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Rect; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:362:6: ( 'rect' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:362:8: 'rect' { match("rect"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Rect" // $ANTLR start "Line" public final void mLine() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Line; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:363:6: ( 'line' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:363:8: 'line' { match("line"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Line" // $ANTLR start "Curve" public final void mCurve() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Curve; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:364:7: ( 'curve' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:364:9: 'curve' { match("curve"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Curve" // $ANTLR start "Quad" public final void mQuad() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Quad; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:365:6: ( 'quad' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:365:8: 'quad' { match("quad"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Quad" // $ANTLR start "Point" public final void mPoint() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Point; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:366:7: ( 'point' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:366:9: 'point' { match("point"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Point" // $ANTLR start "Triangle" public final void mTriangle() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Triangle; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:367:9: ( 'triangle' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:367:11: 'triangle' { match("triangle"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Triangle" // $ANTLR start "Polygon" public final void mPolygon() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Polygon; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:368:9: ( 'poly' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:368:11: 'poly' { match("poly"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Polygon" // $ANTLR start "Skirt" public final void mSkirt() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Skirt; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:369:7: ( 'skirt' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:369:9: 'skirt' { match("skirt"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Skirt" // $ANTLR start "SkirtBack" public final void mSkirtBack() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = SkirtBack; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:370:11: ( 'skirtback' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:370:13: 'skirtback' { match("skirtback"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "SkirtBack" // $ANTLR start "LShape" public final void mLShape() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = LShape; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:371:8: ( 'import' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:371:10: 'import' { match("import"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "LShape" // $ANTLR start "Cosine" public final void mCosine() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Cosine; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:374:8: ( 'cos' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:374:9: 'cos' { match("cos"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Cosine" // $ANTLR start "Sine" public final void mSine() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Sine; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:375:6: ( 'sin' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:375:8: 'sin' { match("sin"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Sine" // $ANTLR start "Tan" public final void mTan() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Tan; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:376:6: ( 'tan' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:376:8: 'tan' { match("tan"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Tan" // $ANTLR start "ATan" public final void mATan() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = ATan; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:377:6: ( 'atan' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:377:8: 'atan' { match("atan"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "ATan" // $ANTLR start "Sqrt" public final void mSqrt() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Sqrt; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:378:6: ( 'sqrt' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:378:8: 'sqrt' { match("sqrt"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Sqrt" // $ANTLR start "Pow" public final void mPow() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Pow; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:379:6: ( 'pow' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:379:8: 'pow' { match("pow"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Pow" // $ANTLR start "Sq" public final void mSq() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Sq; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:380:5: ( 'sq' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:380:7: 'sq' { match("sq"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Sq" // $ANTLR start "Random" public final void mRandom() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Random; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:381:9: ( 'random' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:381:11: 'random' { match("random"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Random" // $ANTLR start "Round" public final void mRound() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Round; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:382:7: ( 'round' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:382:9: 'round' { match("round"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Round" // $ANTLR start "Gaussian" public final void mGaussian() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Gaussian; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:383:9: ( 'gaussianNoise' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:383:11: 'gaussianNoise' { match("gaussianNoise"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Gaussian" // $ANTLR start "Noise" public final void mNoise() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Noise; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:384:7: ( 'noise' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:384:9: 'noise' { match("noise"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Noise" // $ANTLR start "Map" public final void mMap() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Map; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:385:6: ( 'map' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:385:8: 'map' { match("map"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Map" // $ANTLR start "Inch" public final void mInch() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Inch; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:386:11: ( 'inch' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:386:13: 'inch' { match("inch"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Inch" // $ANTLR start "Mm" public final void mMm() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Mm; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:387:8: ( 'mm' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:387:10: 'mm' { match("mm"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Mm" // $ANTLR start "Cm" public final void mCm() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Cm; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:388:8: ( 'cm' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:388:10: 'cm' { match("cm"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Cm" // $ANTLR start "Units" public final void mUnits() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Units; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:389:7: ( 'units' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:389:9: 'units' { match("units"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Units" // $ANTLR start "Move" public final void mMove() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Move; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:393:6: ( 'move' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:393:8: 'move' { match("move"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Move" // $ANTLR start "MoveBy" public final void mMoveBy() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = MoveBy; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:394:8: ( 'moveBy' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:394:10: 'moveBy' { match("moveBy"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "MoveBy" // $ANTLR start "Heading" public final void mHeading() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Heading; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:395:9: ( 'headingBy' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:395:11: 'headingBy' { match("headingBy"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Heading" // $ANTLR start "Copy" public final void mCopy() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Copy; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:396:6: ( 'copy' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:396:8: 'copy' { match("copy"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Copy" // $ANTLR start "Rotate" public final void mRotate() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Rotate; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:397:8: ( 'rotate' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:397:10: 'rotate' { match("rotate"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Rotate" // $ANTLR start "Scale" public final void mScale() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Scale; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:398:7: ( 'scale' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:398:9: 'scale' { match("scale"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Scale" // $ANTLR start "Fill" public final void mFill() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Fill; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:399:6: ( 'fill' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:399:8: 'fill' { match("fill"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Fill" // $ANTLR start "Stroke" public final void mStroke() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Stroke; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:400:8: ( 'stroke' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:400:10: 'stroke' { match("stroke"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Stroke" // $ANTLR start "NoFill" public final void mNoFill() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = NoFill; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:401:8: ( 'noFill' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:401:10: 'noFill' { match("noFill"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "NoFill" // $ANTLR start "NoStroke" public final void mNoStroke() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = NoStroke; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:402:10: ( 'noStroke' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:402:12: 'noStroke' { match("noStroke"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "NoStroke" // $ANTLR start "Weight" public final void mWeight() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Weight; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:403:8: ( 'weight' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:403:10: 'weight' { match("weight"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Weight" // $ANTLR start "Hide" public final void mHide() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Hide; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:404:6: ( 'hide' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:404:8: 'hide' { match("hide"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Hide" // $ANTLR start "Show" public final void mShow() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Show; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:405:6: ( 'show' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:405:8: 'show' { match("show"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Show" // $ANTLR start "Group" public final void mGroup() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Group; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:406:7: ( 'group' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:406:9: 'group' { match("group"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Group" // $ANTLR start "Expand" public final void mExpand() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Expand; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:407:9: ( 'expand' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:407:11: 'expand' { match("expand"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Expand" // $ANTLR start "Merge" public final void mMerge() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Merge; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:408:7: ( 'merge' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:408:9: 'merge' { match("merge"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Merge" // $ANTLR start "MirrorX" public final void mMirrorX() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = MirrorX; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:409:9: ( 'mirrorX' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:409:11: 'mirrorX' { match("mirrorX"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "MirrorX" // $ANTLR start "MirrorY" public final void mMirrorY() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = MirrorY; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:410:8: ( 'mirrorY' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:410:10: 'mirrorY' { match("mirrorY"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "MirrorY" // $ANTLR start "Union" public final void mUnion() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Union; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:411:6: ( 'union' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:411:8: 'union' { match("union"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Union" // $ANTLR start "Difference" public final void mDifference() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Difference; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:412:11: ( 'diff' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:412:13: 'diff' { match("diff"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Difference" // $ANTLR start "Clip" public final void mClip() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Clip; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:413:6: ( 'clip' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:413:8: 'clip' { match("clip"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Clip" // $ANTLR start "Xor" public final void mXor() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Xor; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:414:5: ( 'xor' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:414:6: 'xor' { match("xor"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Xor" // $ANTLR start "Flatten" public final void mFlatten() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Flatten; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:415:9: ( 'flatten' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:415:11: 'flatten' { match("flatten"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Flatten" // $ANTLR start "Grid" public final void mGrid() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Grid; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:418:6: ( 'grid' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:418:8: 'grid' { match("grid"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Grid" // $ANTLR start "Wave" public final void mWave() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Wave; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:419:6: ( 'wave' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:419:8: 'wave' { match("wave"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Wave" // $ANTLR start "Spiral" public final void mSpiral() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Spiral; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:420:8: ( 'spiral' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:420:10: 'spiral' { match("spiral"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Spiral" // $ANTLR start "Arc" public final void mArc() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Arc; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:421:5: ( 'arc' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:421:7: 'arc' { match("arc"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Arc" // $ANTLR start "Slider" public final void mSlider() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Slider; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:424:8: ( 'slider' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:424:10: 'slider' { match("slider"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Slider" // $ANTLR start "GetWidth" public final void mGetWidth() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = GetWidth; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:427:9: ( 'getWidth' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:427:11: 'getWidth' { match("getWidth"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "GetWidth" // $ANTLR start "GetHeight" public final void mGetHeight() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = GetHeight; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:428:10: ( 'getHeight' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:428:12: 'getHeight' { match("getHeight"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "GetHeight" // $ANTLR start "GetX" public final void mGetX() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = GetX; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:429:5: ( 'getX' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:429:7: 'getX' { match("getX"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "GetX" // $ANTLR start "GetY" public final void mGetY() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = GetY; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:430:5: ( 'getY' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:430:7: 'getY' { match("getY"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "GetY" // $ANTLR start "GetOrigin" public final void mGetOrigin() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = GetOrigin; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:431:10: ( 'getOrigin' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:431:12: 'getOrigin' { match("getOrigin"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "GetOrigin" // $ANTLR start "GetRotation" public final void mGetRotation() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = GetRotation; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:432:12: ( 'getRotation' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:432:14: 'getRotation' { match("getRotation"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "GetRotation" // $ANTLR start "GetAngle" public final void mGetAngle() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = GetAngle; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:433:10: ( 'getAngle' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:433:12: 'getAngle' { match("getAngle"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "GetAngle" // $ANTLR start "GetRadius" public final void mGetRadius() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = GetRadius; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:434:11: ( 'getRadius' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:434:13: 'getRadius' { match("getRadius"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "GetRadius" // $ANTLR start "GetFill" public final void mGetFill() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = GetFill; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:435:8: ( 'getFill' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:435:10: 'getFill' { match("getFill"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "GetFill" // $ANTLR start "GetStroke" public final void mGetStroke() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = GetStroke; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:436:10: ( 'getStroke' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:436:12: 'getStroke' { match("getStroke"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "GetStroke" // $ANTLR start "GetStart" public final void mGetStart() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = GetStart; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:437:9: ( 'getStart' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:437:11: 'getStart' { match("getStart"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "GetStart" // $ANTLR start "GetEnd" public final void mGetEnd() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = GetEnd; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:438:7: ( 'getEnd' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:438:9: 'getEnd' { match("getEnd"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "GetEnd" // $ANTLR start "GetDistance" public final void mGetDistance() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = GetDistance; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:439:12: ( 'getDist' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:439:14: 'getDist' { match("getDist"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "GetDistance" // $ANTLR start "GetIntersect" public final void mGetIntersect() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = GetIntersect; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:440:13: ( 'getIntersect' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:440:15: 'getIntersect' { match("getIntersect"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "GetIntersect" // $ANTLR start "DotX" public final void mDotX() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = DotX; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:447:6: ( '.x' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:447:8: '.x' { match(".x"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "DotX" // $ANTLR start "DotY" public final void mDotY() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = DotY; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:448:7: ( '.y' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:448:9: '.y' { match(".y"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "DotY" // $ANTLR start "DotStart" public final void mDotStart() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = DotStart; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:449:10: ( '.start' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:449:12: '.start' { match(".start"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "DotStart" // $ANTLR start "DotEnd" public final void mDotEnd() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = DotEnd; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:450:8: ( '.end' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:450:10: '.end' { match(".end"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "DotEnd" // $ANTLR start "DotOrigin" public final void mDotOrigin() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = DotOrigin; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:451:11: ( '.origin' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:451:13: '.origin' { match(".origin"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "DotOrigin" // $ANTLR start "DotRotation" public final void mDotRotation() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = DotRotation; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:452:13: ( '.rotation' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:452:15: '.rotation' { match(".rotation"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "DotRotation" // $ANTLR start "DotWidth" public final void mDotWidth() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = DotWidth; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:453:10: ( '.width' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:453:12: '.width' { match(".width"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "DotWidth" // $ANTLR start "DotHeight" public final void mDotHeight() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = DotHeight; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:454:11: ( '.height' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:454:13: '.height' { match(".height"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "DotHeight" // $ANTLR start "DotStroke" public final void mDotStroke() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = DotStroke; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:455:11: ( '.stroke' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:455:13: '.stroke' { match(".stroke"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "DotStroke" // $ANTLR start "DotFill" public final void mDotFill() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = DotFill; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:456:9: ( '.fill' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:456:11: '.fill' { match(".fill"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "DotFill" // $ANTLR start "DotWeight" public final void mDotWeight() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = DotWeight; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:457:11: ( '.weight' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:457:13: '.weight' { match(".weight"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "DotWeight" // $ANTLR start "COLOR_CONSTANT" public final void mCOLOR_CONSTANT() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = COLOR_CONSTANT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:460:15: ( 'RED' | 'BLUE' | 'GREEN' | 'PURPLE' | 'YELLOW' | 'ORANGE' | 'PINK' | 'BLACK' | 'WHITE' | 'GREY' ) int alt1=10; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case 'R': { alt1=1; } break; case 'B': { int LA1_2 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA1_2=='L') ) { int LA1_8 = input.LA(3); if ( (LA1_8=='U') ) { alt1=2; } else if ( (LA1_8=='A') ) { alt1=8; } else { int nvaeMark = input.mark(); try { for (int nvaeConsume = 0; nvaeConsume < 3 - 1; nvaeConsume++) { input.consume(); } NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 1, 8, input); throw nvae; } finally { input.rewind(nvaeMark); } } } else { int nvaeMark = input.mark(); try { input.consume(); NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 1, 2, input); throw nvae; } finally { input.rewind(nvaeMark); } } } break; case 'G': { int LA1_3 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA1_3=='R') ) { int LA1_9 = input.LA(3); if ( (LA1_9=='E') ) { int LA1_14 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA1_14=='E') ) { alt1=3; } else if ( (LA1_14=='Y') ) { alt1=10; } else { int nvaeMark = input.mark(); try { for (int nvaeConsume = 0; nvaeConsume < 4 - 1; nvaeConsume++) { input.consume(); } NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 1, 14, input); throw nvae; } finally { input.rewind(nvaeMark); } } } else { int nvaeMark = input.mark(); try { for (int nvaeConsume = 0; nvaeConsume < 3 - 1; nvaeConsume++) { input.consume(); } NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 1, 9, input); throw nvae; } finally { input.rewind(nvaeMark); } } } else { int nvaeMark = input.mark(); try { input.consume(); NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 1, 3, input); throw nvae; } finally { input.rewind(nvaeMark); } } } break; case 'P': { int LA1_4 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA1_4=='U') ) { alt1=4; } else if ( (LA1_4=='I') ) { alt1=7; } else { int nvaeMark = input.mark(); try { input.consume(); NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 1, 4, input); throw nvae; } finally { input.rewind(nvaeMark); } } } break; case 'Y': { alt1=5; } break; case 'O': { alt1=6; } break; case 'W': { alt1=9; } break; default: NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 1, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt1) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:460:17: 'RED' { match("RED"); } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:460:23: 'BLUE' { match("BLUE"); } break; case 3 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:460:30: 'GREEN' { match("GREEN"); } break; case 4 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:460:38: 'PURPLE' { match("PURPLE"); } break; case 5 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:460:47: 'YELLOW' { match("YELLOW"); } break; case 6 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:460:56: 'ORANGE' { match("ORANGE"); } break; case 7 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:460:65: 'PINK' { match("PINK"); } break; case 8 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:460:72: 'BLACK' { match("BLACK"); } break; case 9 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:460:80: 'WHITE' { match("WHITE"); } break; case 10 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:460:88: 'GREY' { match("GREY"); } break; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "COLOR_CONSTANT" // $ANTLR start "WIDTH_CONSTANT" public final void mWIDTH_CONSTANT() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = WIDTH_CONSTANT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:462:15: ( 'WIDTH' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:462:17: 'WIDTH' { match("WIDTH"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "WIDTH_CONSTANT" // $ANTLR start "HEIGHT_CONSTANT" public final void mHEIGHT_CONSTANT() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = HEIGHT_CONSTANT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:463:16: ( 'HEIGHT' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:463:18: 'HEIGHT' { match("HEIGHT"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "HEIGHT_CONSTANT" // $ANTLR start "PI_CONSTANT" public final void mPI_CONSTANT() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = PI_CONSTANT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:465:12: ( 'PI' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:465:14: 'PI' { match("PI"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "PI_CONSTANT" // $ANTLR start "LAdd" public final void mLAdd() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = LAdd; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:468:6: ( 'add' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:468:8: 'add' { match("add"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "LAdd" // $ANTLR start "LRemove" public final void mLRemove() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = LRemove; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:469:9: ( 'remove' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:469:11: 'remove' { match("remove"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "LRemove" // $ANTLR start "Println" public final void mPrintln() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Println; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:471:10: ( 'println' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:471:12: 'println' { match("println"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Println" // $ANTLR start "Print" public final void mPrint() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Print; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:472:10: ( 'print' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:472:12: 'print' { match("print"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Print" // $ANTLR start "Assert" public final void mAssert() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Assert; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:473:10: ( 'assert' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:473:12: 'assert' { match("assert"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Assert" // $ANTLR start "Size" public final void mSize() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Size; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:474:10: ( 'size' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:474:12: 'size' { match("size"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Size" // $ANTLR start "Def" public final void mDef() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Def; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:475:10: ( 'def' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:475:12: 'def' { match("def"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Def" // $ANTLR start "If" public final void mIf() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = If; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:476:10: ( 'if' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:476:12: 'if' { match("if"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "If" // $ANTLR start "Else" public final void mElse() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Else; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:477:10: ( 'else' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:477:12: 'else' { match("else"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Else" // $ANTLR start "Return" public final void mReturn() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Return; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:478:10: ( 'return' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:478:12: 'return' { match("return"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Return" // $ANTLR start "For" public final void mFor() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = For; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:479:10: ( 'for' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:479:12: 'for' { match("for"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "For" // $ANTLR start "Repeat" public final void mRepeat() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Repeat; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:480:9: ( 'repeat' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:480:11: 'repeat' { match("repeat"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Repeat" // $ANTLR start "While" public final void mWhile() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = While; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:481:10: ( 'while' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:481:12: 'while' { match("while"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "While" // $ANTLR start "To" public final void mTo() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = To; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:482:10: ( 'to' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:482:12: 'to' { match("to"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "To" // $ANTLR start "Do" public final void mDo() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Do; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:483:10: ( ':' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:483:12: ':' { match(':'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Do" // $ANTLR start "End" public final void mEnd() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = End; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:484:6: ( 'end' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:484:7: 'end' { match("end"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "End" // $ANTLR start "In" public final void mIn() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = In; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:485:10: ( 'in' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:485:12: 'in' { match("in"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "In" // $ANTLR start "Null" public final void mNull() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Null; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:486:10: ( 'null' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:486:12: 'null' { match("null"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Null" // $ANTLR start "Or" public final void mOr() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Or; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:488:10: ( 'or' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:488:12: 'or' { match("or"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Or" // $ANTLR start "And" public final void mAnd() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = And; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:489:10: ( 'and' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:489:12: 'and' { match("and"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "And" // $ANTLR start "Equals" public final void mEquals() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Equals; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:490:10: ( '==' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:490:12: '==' { match("=="); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Equals" // $ANTLR start "NEquals" public final void mNEquals() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = NEquals; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:491:10: ( '!=' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:491:12: '!=' { match("!="); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "NEquals" // $ANTLR start "GTEquals" public final void mGTEquals() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = GTEquals; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:492:10: ( '>=' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:492:12: '>=' { match(">="); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "GTEquals" // $ANTLR start "LTEquals" public final void mLTEquals() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = LTEquals; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:493:10: ( '<=' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:493:12: '<=' { match("<="); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "LTEquals" // $ANTLR start "Pw" public final void mPw() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Pw; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:494:10: ( '^' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:494:12: '^' { match('^'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Pw" // $ANTLR start "Excl" public final void mExcl() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Excl; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:495:10: ( '!' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:495:12: '!' { match('!'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Excl" // $ANTLR start "GT" public final void mGT() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = GT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:496:10: ( '>' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:496:12: '>' { match('>'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "GT" // $ANTLR start "LT" public final void mLT() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = LT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:497:10: ( '<' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:497:12: '<' { match('<'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "LT" // $ANTLR start "Add" public final void mAdd() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Add; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:498:10: ( '+' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:498:12: '+' { match('+'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Add" // $ANTLR start "Subtract" public final void mSubtract() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Subtract; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:499:10: ( '-' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:499:12: '-' { match('-'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Subtract" // $ANTLR start "Multiply" public final void mMultiply() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Multiply; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:500:10: ( '*' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:500:12: '*' { match('*'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Multiply" // $ANTLR start "Divide" public final void mDivide() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Divide; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:501:10: ( '/' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:501:12: '/' { match('/'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Divide" // $ANTLR start "Modulus" public final void mModulus() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Modulus; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:502:10: ( '%' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:502:12: '%' { match('%'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Modulus" // $ANTLR start "OBrace" public final void mOBrace() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = OBrace; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:503:10: ( '{' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:503:12: '{' { match('{'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "OBrace" // $ANTLR start "CBrace" public final void mCBrace() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = CBrace; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:504:10: ( '}' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:504:12: '}' { match('}'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "CBrace" // $ANTLR start "OBracket" public final void mOBracket() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = OBracket; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:505:10: ( '[' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:505:12: '[' { match('['); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "OBracket" // $ANTLR start "CBracket" public final void mCBracket() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = CBracket; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:506:10: ( ']' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:506:12: ']' { match(']'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "CBracket" // $ANTLR start "OParen" public final void mOParen() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = OParen; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:507:10: ( '(' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:507:12: '(' { match('('); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "OParen" // $ANTLR start "CParen" public final void mCParen() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = CParen; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:508:10: ( ')' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:508:12: ')' { match(')'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "CParen" // $ANTLR start "Assign" public final void mAssign() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Assign; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:510:10: ( '=' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:510:12: '=' { match('='); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Assign" // $ANTLR start "Comma" public final void mComma() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Comma; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:511:10: ( ',' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:511:12: ',' { match(','); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Comma" // $ANTLR start "QMark" public final void mQMark() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = QMark; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:512:10: ( '?' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:512:12: '?' { match('?'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "QMark" // $ANTLR start "Dot" public final void mDot() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Dot; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:514:5: ( '.' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:514:7: '.' { match('.'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Dot" // $ANTLR start "Bool" public final void mBool() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Bool; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:517:3: ( 'true' | 'false' ) int alt2=2; int LA2_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA2_0=='t') ) { alt2=1; } else if ( (LA2_0=='f') ) { alt2=2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 2, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt2) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:517:6: 'true' { match("true"); } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:518:6: 'false' { match("false"); } break; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Bool" // $ANTLR start "Number" public final void mNumber() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Number; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:522:3: ( Int ( Dot ( Digit )* )? ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:522:6: Int ( Dot ( Digit )* )? { mInt(); // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:522:10: ( Dot ( Digit )* )? int alt4=2; int LA4_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA4_0=='.') ) { alt4=1; } switch (alt4) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:522:11: Dot ( Digit )* { mDot(); // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:522:15: ( Digit )* loop3: while (true) { int alt3=2; int LA3_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA3_0 >= '0' && LA3_0 <= '9')) ) { alt3=1; } switch (alt3) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g: { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '0' && input.LA(1) <= '9') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : break loop3; } } } break; } } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Number" // $ANTLR start "Identifier" public final void mIdentifier() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Identifier; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:526:3: ( ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' ) ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | Digit )* ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:526:6: ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' ) ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | Digit )* { if ( (input.LA(1) >= 'A' && input.LA(1) <= 'Z')||input.LA(1)=='_'||(input.LA(1) >= 'a' && input.LA(1) <= 'z') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:526:34: ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | Digit )* loop5: while (true) { int alt5=2; int LA5_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA5_0 >= '0' && LA5_0 <= '9')||(LA5_0 >= 'A' && LA5_0 <= 'Z')||LA5_0=='_'||(LA5_0 >= 'a' && LA5_0 <= 'z')) ) { alt5=1; } switch (alt5) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g: { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '0' && input.LA(1) <= '9')||(input.LA(1) >= 'A' && input.LA(1) <= 'Z')||input.LA(1)=='_'||(input.LA(1) >= 'a' && input.LA(1) <= 'z') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : break loop5; } } } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Identifier" // $ANTLR start "String" public final void mString() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = String; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:533:3: ( '\"' (~ ( '\"' | '\\\\' ) | '\\\\' ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )* '\"' | '\\'' (~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | '\\\\' ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) )* '\\'' ) int alt8=2; int LA8_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA8_0=='\"') ) { alt8=1; } else if ( (LA8_0=='\'') ) { alt8=2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 8, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt8) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:533:6: '\"' (~ ( '\"' | '\\\\' ) | '\\\\' ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )* '\"' { match('\"'); // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:533:11: (~ ( '\"' | '\\\\' ) | '\\\\' ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )* loop6: while (true) { int alt6=3; int LA6_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA6_0 >= '\u0000' && LA6_0 <= '!')||(LA6_0 >= '#' && LA6_0 <= '[')||(LA6_0 >= ']' && LA6_0 <= '\uFFFF')) ) { alt6=1; } else if ( (LA6_0=='\\') ) { alt6=2; } switch (alt6) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:533:12: ~ ( '\"' | '\\\\' ) { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '\u0000' && input.LA(1) <= '!')||(input.LA(1) >= '#' && input.LA(1) <= '[')||(input.LA(1) >= ']' && input.LA(1) <= '\uFFFF') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:533:29: '\\\\' ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) { match('\\'); if ( input.LA(1)=='\"'||input.LA(1)=='\\' ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : break loop6; } } match('\"'); } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:534:6: '\\'' (~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | '\\\\' ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) )* '\\'' { match('\''); // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:534:11: (~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | '\\\\' ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) )* loop7: while (true) { int alt7=3; int LA7_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA7_0 >= '\u0000' && LA7_0 <= '&')||(LA7_0 >= '(' && LA7_0 <= '[')||(LA7_0 >= ']' && LA7_0 <= '\uFFFF')) ) { alt7=1; } else if ( (LA7_0=='\\') ) { alt7=2; } switch (alt7) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:534:12: ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '\u0000' && input.LA(1) <= '&')||(input.LA(1) >= '(' && input.LA(1) <= '[')||(input.LA(1) >= ']' && input.LA(1) <= '\uFFFF') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:534:29: '\\\\' ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) { match('\\'); if ( input.LA(1)=='\''||input.LA(1)=='\\' ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : break loop7; } } match('\''); } break; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; setText(getText().substring(1, getText().length()-1).replaceAll("\\\\(.)", "$1")); } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "String" // $ANTLR start "Comment" public final void mComment() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Comment; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:538:3: ( '//' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* | '/*' ( . )* '*/' ) int alt11=2; int LA11_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA11_0=='/') ) { int LA11_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA11_1=='/') ) { alt11=1; } else if ( (LA11_1=='*') ) { alt11=2; } else { int nvaeMark = input.mark(); try { input.consume(); NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 11, 1, input); throw nvae; } finally { input.rewind(nvaeMark); } } } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 11, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt11) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:538:6: '//' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* { match("//"); // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:538:11: (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* loop9: while (true) { int alt9=2; int LA9_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA9_0 >= '\u0000' && LA9_0 <= '\t')||(LA9_0 >= '\u000B' && LA9_0 <= '\f')||(LA9_0 >= '\u000E' && LA9_0 <= '\uFFFF')) ) { alt9=1; } switch (alt9) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g: { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '\u0000' && input.LA(1) <= '\t')||(input.LA(1) >= '\u000B' && input.LA(1) <= '\f')||(input.LA(1) >= '\u000E' && input.LA(1) <= '\uFFFF') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : break loop9; } } skip(); } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:539:6: '/*' ( . )* '*/' { match("/*"); // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:539:11: ( . )* loop10: while (true) { int alt10=2; int LA10_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA10_0=='*') ) { int LA10_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA10_1=='/') ) { alt10=2; } else if ( ((LA10_1 >= '\u0000' && LA10_1 <= '.')||(LA10_1 >= '0' && LA10_1 <= '\uFFFF')) ) { alt10=1; } } else if ( ((LA10_0 >= '\u0000' && LA10_0 <= ')')||(LA10_0 >= '+' && LA10_0 <= '\uFFFF')) ) { alt10=1; } switch (alt10) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:539:11: . { matchAny(); } break; default : break loop10; } } match("*/"); skip(); } break; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Comment" // $ANTLR start "Space" public final void mSpace() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = Space; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:543:3: ( ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\r' | '\\f' | '\\n' )+ ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:543:5: ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\r' | '\\f' | '\\n' )+ { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:543:5: ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\r' | '\\f' | '\\n' )+ int cnt12=0; loop12: while (true) { int alt12=2; int LA12_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA12_0 >= '\t' && LA12_0 <= '\n')||(LA12_0 >= '\f' && LA12_0 <= '\r')||LA12_0==' ') ) { alt12=1; } switch (alt12) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g: { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '\t' && input.LA(1) <= '\n')||(input.LA(1) >= '\f' && input.LA(1) <= '\r')||input.LA(1)==' ' ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : if ( cnt12 >= 1 ) break loop12; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(12, input); throw eee; } cnt12++; } _channel = HIDDEN; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Space" // $ANTLR start "Int" public final void mInt() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:590:3: ( '1' .. '9' ( Digit )* | '0' ) int alt14=2; int LA14_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA14_0 >= '1' && LA14_0 <= '9')) ) { alt14=1; } else if ( (LA14_0=='0') ) { alt14=2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 14, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt14) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:590:6: '1' .. '9' ( Digit )* { matchRange('1','9'); // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:590:15: ( Digit )* loop13: while (true) { int alt13=2; int LA13_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA13_0 >= '0' && LA13_0 <= '9')) ) { alt13=1; } switch (alt13) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g: { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '0' && input.LA(1) <= '9') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : break loop13; } } } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:591:6: '0' { match('0'); } break; } } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Int" // $ANTLR start "Digit" public final void mDigit() throws RecognitionException { try { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:595:3: ( '0' .. '9' ) // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g: { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '0' && input.LA(1) <= '9') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "Digit" @Override public void mTokens() throws RecognitionException { // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:8: ( T__162 | T__163 | T__164 | Ellipse | Rect | Line | Curve | Quad | Point | Triangle | Polygon | Skirt | SkirtBack | LShape | Cosine | Sine | Tan | ATan | Sqrt | Pow | Sq | Random | Round | Gaussian | Noise | Map | Inch | Mm | Cm | Units | Move | MoveBy | Heading | Copy | Rotate | Scale | Fill | Stroke | NoFill | NoStroke | Weight | Hide | Show | Group | Expand | Merge | MirrorX | MirrorY | Union | Difference | Clip | Xor | Flatten | Grid | Wave | Spiral | Arc | Slider | GetWidth | GetHeight | GetX | GetY | GetOrigin | GetRotation | GetAngle | GetRadius | GetFill | GetStroke | GetStart | GetEnd | GetDistance | GetIntersect | DotX | DotY | DotStart | DotEnd | DotOrigin | DotRotation | DotWidth | DotHeight | DotStroke | DotFill | DotWeight | COLOR_CONSTANT | WIDTH_CONSTANT | HEIGHT_CONSTANT | PI_CONSTANT | LAdd | LRemove | Println | Print | Assert | Size | Def | If | Else | Return | For | Repeat | While | To | Do | End | In | Null | Or | And | Equals | NEquals | GTEquals | LTEquals | Pw | Excl | GT | LT | Add | Subtract | Multiply | Divide | Modulus | OBrace | CBrace | OBracket | CBracket | OParen | CParen | Assign | Comma | QMark | Dot | Bool | Number | Identifier | String | Comment | Space ) int alt15=136; alt15 = dfa15.predict(input); switch (alt15) { case 1 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:10: T__162 { mT__162(); } break; case 2 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:17: T__163 { mT__163(); } break; case 3 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:24: T__164 { mT__164(); } break; case 4 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:31: Ellipse { mEllipse(); } break; case 5 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:39: Rect { mRect(); } break; case 6 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:44: Line { mLine(); } break; case 7 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:49: Curve { mCurve(); } break; case 8 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:55: Quad { mQuad(); } break; case 9 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:60: Point { mPoint(); } break; case 10 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:66: Triangle { mTriangle(); } break; case 11 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:75: Polygon { mPolygon(); } break; case 12 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:83: Skirt { mSkirt(); } break; case 13 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:89: SkirtBack { mSkirtBack(); } break; case 14 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:99: LShape { mLShape(); } break; case 15 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:106: Cosine { mCosine(); } break; case 16 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:113: Sine { mSine(); } break; case 17 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:118: Tan { mTan(); } break; case 18 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:122: ATan { mATan(); } break; case 19 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:127: Sqrt { mSqrt(); } break; case 20 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:132: Pow { mPow(); } break; case 21 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:136: Sq { mSq(); } break; case 22 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:139: Random { mRandom(); } break; case 23 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:146: Round { mRound(); } break; case 24 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:152: Gaussian { mGaussian(); } break; case 25 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:161: Noise { mNoise(); } break; case 26 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:167: Map { mMap(); } break; case 27 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:171: Inch { mInch(); } break; case 28 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:176: Mm { mMm(); } break; case 29 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:179: Cm { mCm(); } break; case 30 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:182: Units { mUnits(); } break; case 31 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:188: Move { mMove(); } break; case 32 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:193: MoveBy { mMoveBy(); } break; case 33 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:200: Heading { mHeading(); } break; case 34 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:208: Copy { mCopy(); } break; case 35 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:213: Rotate { mRotate(); } break; case 36 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:220: Scale { mScale(); } break; case 37 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:226: Fill { mFill(); } break; case 38 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:231: Stroke { mStroke(); } break; case 39 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:238: NoFill { mNoFill(); } break; case 40 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:245: NoStroke { mNoStroke(); } break; case 41 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:254: Weight { mWeight(); } break; case 42 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:261: Hide { mHide(); } break; case 43 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:266: Show { mShow(); } break; case 44 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:271: Group { mGroup(); } break; case 45 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:277: Expand { mExpand(); } break; case 46 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:284: Merge { mMerge(); } break; case 47 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:290: MirrorX { mMirrorX(); } break; case 48 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:298: MirrorY { mMirrorY(); } break; case 49 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:306: Union { mUnion(); } break; case 50 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:312: Difference { mDifference(); } break; case 51 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:323: Clip { mClip(); } break; case 52 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:328: Xor { mXor(); } break; case 53 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:332: Flatten { mFlatten(); } break; case 54 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:340: Grid { mGrid(); } break; case 55 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:345: Wave { mWave(); } break; case 56 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:350: Spiral { mSpiral(); } break; case 57 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:357: Arc { mArc(); } break; case 58 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:361: Slider { mSlider(); } break; case 59 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:368: GetWidth { mGetWidth(); } break; case 60 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:377: GetHeight { mGetHeight(); } break; case 61 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:387: GetX { mGetX(); } break; case 62 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:392: GetY { mGetY(); } break; case 63 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:397: GetOrigin { mGetOrigin(); } break; case 64 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:407: GetRotation { mGetRotation(); } break; case 65 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:419: GetAngle { mGetAngle(); } break; case 66 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:428: GetRadius { mGetRadius(); } break; case 67 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:438: GetFill { mGetFill(); } break; case 68 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:446: GetStroke { mGetStroke(); } break; case 69 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:456: GetStart { mGetStart(); } break; case 70 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:465: GetEnd { mGetEnd(); } break; case 71 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:472: GetDistance { mGetDistance(); } break; case 72 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:484: GetIntersect { mGetIntersect(); } break; case 73 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:497: DotX { mDotX(); } break; case 74 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:502: DotY { mDotY(); } break; case 75 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:507: DotStart { mDotStart(); } break; case 76 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:516: DotEnd { mDotEnd(); } break; case 77 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:523: DotOrigin { mDotOrigin(); } break; case 78 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:533: DotRotation { mDotRotation(); } break; case 79 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:545: DotWidth { mDotWidth(); } break; case 80 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:554: DotHeight { mDotHeight(); } break; case 81 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:564: DotStroke { mDotStroke(); } break; case 82 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:574: DotFill { mDotFill(); } break; case 83 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:582: DotWeight { mDotWeight(); } break; case 84 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:592: COLOR_CONSTANT { mCOLOR_CONSTANT(); } break; case 85 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:607: WIDTH_CONSTANT { mWIDTH_CONSTANT(); } break; case 86 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:622: HEIGHT_CONSTANT { mHEIGHT_CONSTANT(); } break; case 87 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:638: PI_CONSTANT { mPI_CONSTANT(); } break; case 88 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:650: LAdd { mLAdd(); } break; case 89 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:655: LRemove { mLRemove(); } break; case 90 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:663: Println { mPrintln(); } break; case 91 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:671: Print { mPrint(); } break; case 92 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:677: Assert { mAssert(); } break; case 93 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:684: Size { mSize(); } break; case 94 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:689: Def { mDef(); } break; case 95 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:693: If { mIf(); } break; case 96 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:696: Else { mElse(); } break; case 97 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:701: Return { mReturn(); } break; case 98 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:708: For { mFor(); } break; case 99 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:712: Repeat { mRepeat(); } break; case 100 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:719: While { mWhile(); } break; case 101 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:725: To { mTo(); } break; case 102 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:728: Do { mDo(); } break; case 103 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:731: End { mEnd(); } break; case 104 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:735: In { mIn(); } break; case 105 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:738: Null { mNull(); } break; case 106 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:743: Or { mOr(); } break; case 107 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:746: And { mAnd(); } break; case 108 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:750: Equals { mEquals(); } break; case 109 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:757: NEquals { mNEquals(); } break; case 110 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:765: GTEquals { mGTEquals(); } break; case 111 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:774: LTEquals { mLTEquals(); } break; case 112 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:783: Pw { mPw(); } break; case 113 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:786: Excl { mExcl(); } break; case 114 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:791: GT { mGT(); } break; case 115 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:794: LT { mLT(); } break; case 116 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:797: Add { mAdd(); } break; case 117 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:801: Subtract { mSubtract(); } break; case 118 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:810: Multiply { mMultiply(); } break; case 119 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:819: Divide { mDivide(); } break; case 120 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:826: Modulus { mModulus(); } break; case 121 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:834: OBrace { mOBrace(); } break; case 122 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:841: CBrace { mCBrace(); } break; case 123 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:848: OBracket { mOBracket(); } break; case 124 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:857: CBracket { mCBracket(); } break; case 125 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:866: OParen { mOParen(); } break; case 126 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:873: CParen { mCParen(); } break; case 127 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:880: Assign { mAssign(); } break; case 128 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:887: Comma { mComma(); } break; case 129 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:893: QMark { mQMark(); } break; case 130 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:899: Dot { mDot(); } break; case 131 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:903: Bool { mBool(); } break; case 132 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:908: Number { mNumber(); } break; case 133 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:915: Identifier { mIdentifier(); } break; case 134 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:926: String { mString(); } break; case 135 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:933: Comment { mComment(); } break; case 136 : // /Users/jenniferjacobs/Desktop/workspace/DressCode_v0.5/src/com/pixelmaid/dresscode/antlr/Pogo.g:1:941: Space { mSpace(); } break; } } protected DFA15 dfa15 = new DFA15(this); static final String DFA15_eotS = "\4\uffff\23\65\1\171\10\65\1\uffff\1\65\1\u0086\1\u0088\1\u008a\1\u008c"+ "\4\uffff\1\u008e\15\uffff\11\65\1\u009e\6\65\1\u00a8\2\65\1\u00ad\6\65"+ "\1\u00b5\1\u00b6\13\65\1\u00c5\20\65\12\uffff\4\65\1\u00df\5\65\1\u00e5"+ "\12\uffff\3\65\1\u00e9\11\65\1\u00f3\1\65\1\uffff\4\65\1\u00f9\3\65\1"+ "\u00fd\1\uffff\1\65\1\u00ff\2\65\1\uffff\7\65\2\uffff\1\65\1\u010a\1\u010b"+ "\1\65\1\u010d\10\65\1\u0121\1\uffff\10\65\1\u012b\5\65\1\u0131\1\u0132"+ "\3\uffff\1\u0135\5\65\1\uffff\5\65\1\uffff\1\65\1\u0142\1\65\1\uffff\1"+ "\u0144\6\65\1\u014b\1\65\1\uffff\1\u014d\1\u014e\1\u014f\1\65\1\u0151"+ "\1\uffff\2\65\1\u0154\1\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\1\u0156\1\u0157\2\65\1\u015a"+ "\3\65\1\u015e\1\u015f\2\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\2\65\1\u0163\2\65\1\u0166\1"+ "\u0167\13\65\1\u0174\1\uffff\1\u0176\5\65\1\u017c\1\u017d\1\65\1\uffff"+ "\2\65\1\u0181\1\65\1\u0183\5\uffff\1\u0135\2\65\1\u0135\1\65\1\u0135\6"+ "\65\1\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\4\65\1\u0192\1\65\1\uffff\1\u0194\3\uffff\1\u0195"+ "\1\uffff\1\u0197\1\65\1\uffff\1\u019a\2\uffff\1\u019b\1\65\1\uffff\3\65"+ "\2\uffff\2\65\1\u01a2\1\uffff\2\65\2\uffff\11\65\1\u01af\2\65\1\uffff"+ "\1\65\1\uffff\1\u01b3\1\65\1\u01b5\1\u01b6\1\65\2\uffff\1\65\1\u0154\1"+ "\65\1\uffff\1\u01ba\1\uffff\2\u0135\3\65\1\u0135\1\u01be\2\65\1\u01c1"+ "\1\u01c2\1\u01c3\1\u01c4\1\u01c5\1\uffff\1\u01c6\2\uffff\1\65\1\uffff"+ "\2\65\2\uffff\1\u01ca\1\u01cb\1\u01cc\1\u01cd\1\u01ce\1\65\1\uffff\11"+ "\65\1\u01d9\2\65\1\uffff\1\u01dc\1\65\1\u01de\1\uffff\1\65\2\uffff\2\65"+ "\1\u01e3\1\uffff\3\u0135\1\uffff\1\u01e4\1\u01e5\6\uffff\1\u01e6\2\65"+ "\5\uffff\7\65\1\u01f0\2\65\1\uffff\1\u01f3\1\65\1\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\1"+ "\u01f6\1\u01f7\1\65\1\u01f9\4\uffff\1\u01fa\2\65\1\u01fd\4\65\1\u0202"+ "\1\uffff\1\65\1\u0204\1\uffff\1\65\1\u0206\2\uffff\1\65\2\uffff\1\u0208"+ "\1\65\1\uffff\1\u020a\1\u020b\1\65\1\u020d\1\uffff\1\u020e\1\uffff\1\65"+ "\1\uffff\1\u0210\1\uffff\1\65\2\uffff\1\65\2\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\1\65\1"+ "\u0215\2\65\1\uffff\1\u0218\1\u0219\2\uffff"; static final String DFA15_eofS = "\u021a\uffff"; static final String DFA15_minS = "\1\11\3\uffff\1\154\1\141\1\151\1\154\1\165\1\157\1\141\1\143\1\146\1"+ "\144\1\141\1\157\1\141\1\156\1\145\2\141\1\145\1\157\1\145\1\105\1\114"+ "\1\122\1\111\1\105\1\122\1\110\1\105\1\uffff\1\162\4\75\4\uffff\1\52\15"+ "\uffff\1\154\1\160\1\144\1\143\1\156\1\164\1\156\1\162\1\160\1\60\1\151"+ "\1\141\3\151\1\156\1\60\1\151\1\156\1\60\1\141\1\162\1\157\2\151\1\160"+ "\2\60\1\141\1\143\1\144\1\163\1\144\1\165\1\151\1\164\1\106\1\154\1\160"+ "\1\60\1\166\2\162\1\151\1\141\1\144\1\154\1\141\1\162\1\154\1\151\1\166"+ "\1\151\2\146\1\162\2\uffff\1\164\3\uffff\1\145\3\uffff\1\104\1\101\1\105"+ "\1\122\1\60\1\114\1\101\1\111\1\104\1\111\1\60\12\uffff\1\151\1\145\1"+ "\141\1\60\1\164\1\157\1\165\1\145\1\144\1\156\1\141\1\145\1\166\1\60\1"+ "\171\1\uffff\1\160\1\144\1\156\1\171\1\60\1\156\1\141\1\145\1\60\1\uffff"+ "\1\162\1\60\1\145\1\164\1\uffff\1\154\1\157\1\167\1\162\1\144\1\157\1"+ "\150\2\uffff\1\156\2\60\1\145\1\60\1\163\1\165\1\144\1\101\1\163\1\151"+ "\1\164\1\154\1\60\1\uffff\1\145\1\147\1\162\1\157\1\144\1\145\1\154\1"+ "\164\1\60\1\163\1\147\1\145\1\154\1\146\2\60\1\141\2\uffff\1\60\1\105"+ "\1\103\1\105\1\120\1\113\1\uffff\1\114\1\116\2\124\1\107\1\uffff\1\160"+ "\1\60\1\156\1\uffff\1\60\1\166\1\162\1\141\1\157\1\144\1\164\1\60\1\145"+ "\1\uffff\3\60\1\164\1\60\1\uffff\1\164\1\156\1\60\1\uffff\1\164\1\uffff"+ "\2\60\1\145\1\153\1\60\1\141\1\145\1\162\2\60\2\uffff\1\162\1\uffff\1"+ "\163\1\160\1\60\1\151\1\145\2\60\1\162\1\141\1\156\1\151\1\164\1\156\1"+ "\151\1\156\1\145\1\154\1\162\1\60\1\uffff\1\60\1\145\1\157\1\163\1\156"+ "\1\151\2\60\1\164\1\uffff\1\145\1\150\1\60\1\145\1\60\5\uffff\1\60\1\113"+ "\1\116\1\60\1\114\1\60\1\117\1\107\1\105\2\110\1\163\1\uffff\1\144\1\uffff"+ "\1\145\1\156\1\164\1\155\1\60\1\145\1\uffff\1\60\3\uffff\1\60\1\uffff"+ "\1\60\1\147\1\uffff\1\60\2\uffff\1\60\1\145\1\uffff\1\154\1\162\1\164"+ "\2\uffff\1\164\1\151\1\60\1\uffff\1\144\1\151\2\uffff\1\151\1\164\1\144"+ "\1\147\1\154\1\141\1\144\1\163\1\164\1\60\1\154\1\157\1\uffff\1\171\1"+ "\uffff\1\60\1\162\2\60\1\156\2\uffff\1\145\1\60\1\164\1\uffff\1\60\1\uffff"+ "\2\60\1\105\1\127\1\105\2\60\1\124\1\145\5\60\1\uffff\1\60\2\uffff\1\156"+ "\1\uffff\1\154\1\141\2\uffff\5\60\1\141\1\uffff\1\164\2\147\1\141\1\151"+ "\2\154\1\157\1\162\1\60\1\164\1\145\1\uffff\1\60\1\153\1\60\1\uffff\1"+ "\130\2\uffff\1\147\1\156\1\60\1\uffff\3\60\1\uffff\2\60\6\uffff\1\60\1"+ "\145\1\143\5\uffff\1\156\2\150\1\151\1\164\1\165\1\145\1\60\1\153\1\164"+ "\1\uffff\1\60\1\162\1\uffff\1\145\1\uffff\2\60\1\102\1\60\4\uffff\1\60"+ "\1\153\1\116\1\60\1\164\1\156\1\151\1\163\1\60\1\uffff\1\145\1\60\1\uffff"+ "\1\163\1\60\2\uffff\1\171\2\uffff\1\60\1\157\1\uffff\2\60\1\157\1\60\1"+ "\uffff\1\60\1\uffff\1\145\1\uffff\1\60\1\uffff\1\151\2\uffff\1\156\2\uffff"+ "\1\143\1\uffff\1\163\1\60\1\164\1\145\1\uffff\2\60\2\uffff"; static final String DFA15_maxS = "\1\175\3\uffff\1\170\1\157\1\151\2\165\2\162\1\164\1\156\1\164\1\162\1"+ "\165\1\157\1\156\1\151\1\157\1\150\1\151\1\157\1\171\1\105\1\114\1\122"+ "\1\125\1\105\1\122\1\111\1\105\1\uffff\1\162\4\75\4\uffff\1\57\15\uffff"+ "\1\163\1\160\1\144\1\164\1\156\1\165\1\156\1\162\1\163\1\172\1\151\1\141"+ "\1\167\1\151\1\165\1\156\1\172\1\151\2\172\1\141\1\162\1\157\2\151\1\160"+ "\2\172\1\141\1\143\1\144\1\163\1\144\1\165\1\157\1\164\1\151\1\154\1\160"+ "\1\172\1\166\2\162\1\151\1\141\1\144\1\154\1\141\1\162\1\154\1\151\1\166"+ "\1\151\2\146\1\162\2\uffff\1\164\3\uffff\1\151\3\uffff\1\104\1\125\1\105"+ "\1\122\1\172\1\114\1\101\1\111\1\104\1\111\1\172\12\uffff\1\151\1\145"+ "\1\141\1\172\1\164\1\157\1\165\1\145\1\144\1\156\1\141\1\145\1\166\1\172"+ "\1\171\1\uffff\1\160\1\144\1\156\1\171\1\172\1\156\1\141\1\145\1\172\1"+ "\uffff\1\162\1\172\1\145\1\164\1\uffff\1\154\1\157\1\167\1\162\1\144\1"+ "\157\1\150\2\uffff\1\156\2\172\1\145\1\172\1\163\1\165\1\144\1\131\1\163"+ "\1\151\1\164\1\154\1\172\1\uffff\1\145\1\147\1\162\1\164\1\144\1\145\1"+ "\154\1\164\1\172\1\163\1\147\1\145\1\154\1\146\2\172\1\162\2\uffff\1\172"+ "\1\105\1\103\1\131\1\120\1\113\1\uffff\1\114\1\116\2\124\1\107\1\uffff"+ "\1\160\1\172\1\156\1\uffff\1\172\1\166\1\162\1\141\1\157\1\144\1\164\1"+ "\172\1\145\1\uffff\3\172\1\164\1\172\1\uffff\1\164\1\156\1\172\1\uffff"+ "\1\164\1\uffff\2\172\1\145\1\153\1\172\1\141\1\145\1\162\2\172\2\uffff"+ "\1\162\1\uffff\1\163\1\160\1\172\1\151\1\145\2\172\1\162\1\157\1\156\1"+ "\151\1\164\1\156\1\151\1\156\1\145\1\154\1\162\1\172\1\uffff\1\172\1\145"+ "\1\157\1\163\1\156\1\151\2\172\1\164\1\uffff\1\145\1\150\1\172\1\145\1"+ "\172\5\uffff\1\172\1\113\1\116\1\172\1\114\1\172\1\117\1\107\1\105\2\110"+ "\1\163\1\uffff\1\144\1\uffff\1\145\1\156\1\164\1\155\1\172\1\145\1\uffff"+ "\1\172\3\uffff\1\172\1\uffff\1\172\1\147\1\uffff\1\172\2\uffff\1\172\1"+ "\145\1\uffff\1\154\1\162\1\164\2\uffff\1\164\1\151\1\172\1\uffff\1\144"+ "\1\151\2\uffff\1\151\1\164\1\144\1\147\1\154\1\162\1\144\1\163\1\164\1"+ "\172\1\154\1\157\1\uffff\1\171\1\uffff\1\172\1\162\2\172\1\156\2\uffff"+ "\1\145\1\172\1\164\1\uffff\1\172\1\uffff\2\172\1\105\1\127\1\105\2\172"+ "\1\124\1\145\5\172\1\uffff\1\172\2\uffff\1\156\1\uffff\1\154\1\141\2\uffff"+ "\5\172\1\141\1\uffff\1\164\2\147\1\141\1\151\2\154\1\157\1\162\1\172\1"+ "\164\1\145\1\uffff\1\172\1\153\1\172\1\uffff\1\131\2\uffff\1\147\1\156"+ "\1\172\1\uffff\3\172\1\uffff\2\172\6\uffff\1\172\1\145\1\143\5\uffff\1"+ "\156\2\150\1\151\1\164\1\165\1\145\1\172\1\153\1\164\1\uffff\1\172\1\162"+ "\1\uffff\1\145\1\uffff\2\172\1\102\1\172\4\uffff\1\172\1\153\1\116\1\172"+ "\1\164\1\156\1\151\1\163\1\172\1\uffff\1\145\1\172\1\uffff\1\163\1\172"+ "\2\uffff\1\171\2\uffff\1\172\1\157\1\uffff\2\172\1\157\1\172\1\uffff\1"+ "\172\1\uffff\1\145\1\uffff\1\172\1\uffff\1\151\2\uffff\1\156\2\uffff\1"+ "\143\1\uffff\1\163\1\172\1\164\1\145\1\uffff\2\172\2\uffff"; static final String DFA15_acceptS = "\1\uffff\1\1\1\2\1\3\34\uffff\1\146\5\uffff\1\160\1\164\1\165\1\166\1"+ "\uffff\1\170\1\171\1\172\1\173\1\174\1\175\1\176\1\u0080\1\u0081\1\u0084"+ "\1\u0085\1\u0086\1\u0088\70\uffff\1\111\1\112\1\uffff\1\114\1\115\1\116"+ "\1\uffff\1\120\1\122\1\u0082\13\uffff\1\154\1\177\1\155\1\161\1\156\1"+ "\162\1\157\1\163\1\u0087\1\167\17\uffff\1\35\11\uffff\1\145\4\uffff\1"+ "\25\7\uffff\1\150\1\137\16\uffff\1\34\21\uffff\1\117\1\123\6\uffff\1\127"+ "\5\uffff\1\152\3\uffff\1\147\11\uffff\1\17\5\uffff\1\24\3\uffff\1\21\1"+ "\uffff\1\20\12\uffff\1\71\1\130\1\uffff\1\153\23\uffff\1\32\11\uffff\1"+ "\142\5\uffff\1\136\1\64\1\113\1\121\1\124\14\uffff\1\140\1\uffff\1\5\6"+ "\uffff\1\6\1\uffff\1\42\1\63\1\10\1\uffff\1\13\2\uffff\1\u0083\1\uffff"+ "\1\135\1\23\2\uffff\1\53\3\uffff\1\33\1\22\3\uffff\1\66\2\uffff\1\75\1"+ "\76\14\uffff\1\151\1\uffff\1\37\5\uffff\1\52\1\45\3\uffff\1\67\1\uffff"+ "\1\62\16\uffff\1\27\1\uffff\1\7\1\11\1\uffff\1\133\2\uffff\1\14\1\44\6"+ "\uffff\1\54\14\uffff\1\31\3\uffff\1\56\1\uffff\1\36\1\61\3\uffff\1\144"+ "\3\uffff\1\125\2\uffff\1\55\1\131\1\141\1\143\1\26\1\43\3\uffff\1\46\1"+ "\70\1\72\1\16\1\134\12\uffff\1\106\2\uffff\1\47\1\uffff\1\40\4\uffff\1"+ "\51\1\126\1\4\1\132\11\uffff\1\103\2\uffff\1\107\2\uffff\1\57\1\60\1\uffff"+ "\1\65\1\12\2\uffff\1\73\4\uffff\1\101\1\uffff\1\105\1\uffff\1\50\1\uffff"+ "\1\15\1\uffff\1\74\1\77\1\uffff\1\102\1\104\1\uffff\1\41\4\uffff\1\100"+ "\2\uffff\1\110\1\30"; static final String DFA15_specialS = "\u021a\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA15_transitionS = { "\2\67\1\uffff\2\67\22\uffff\1\67\1\43\1\66\2\uffff\1\53\1\1\1\66\1\60"+ "\1\61\1\51\1\47\1\62\1\50\1\27\1\52\12\64\1\40\1\2\1\45\1\42\1\44\1\63"+ "\1\uffff\1\65\1\31\4\65\1\32\1\37\6\65\1\35\1\33\1\65\1\30\4\65\1\36"+ "\1\65\1\34\1\65\1\56\1\uffff\1\57\1\46\1\65\1\uffff\1\15\1\65\1\7\1\25"+ "\1\4\1\23\1\16\1\22\1\14\2\65\1\6\1\20\1\17\1\41\1\11\1\10\1\5\1\13\1"+ "\12\1\21\1\65\1\24\1\26\2\65\1\54\1\3\1\55", "", "", "", "\1\70\1\uffff\1\72\11\uffff\1\71", "\1\74\3\uffff\1\73\11\uffff\1\75", "\1\76", "\1\102\1\101\1\uffff\1\100\5\uffff\1\77", "\1\103", "\1\104\2\uffff\1\105", "\1\107\15\uffff\1\110\2\uffff\1\106", "\1\114\4\uffff\1\116\1\112\1\uffff\1\111\1\120\3\uffff\1\117\1\113\2"+ "\uffff\1\115", "\1\123\6\uffff\1\121\1\122", "\1\126\11\uffff\1\130\3\uffff\1\125\1\127\1\124", "\1\131\3\uffff\1\133\14\uffff\1\132", "\1\134\5\uffff\1\135", "\1\136\3\uffff\1\141\3\uffff\1\142\3\uffff\1\137\1\uffff\1\140", "\1\143", "\1\144\3\uffff\1\145", "\1\151\7\uffff\1\146\2\uffff\1\147\2\uffff\1\150", "\1\153\3\uffff\1\152\2\uffff\1\154", "\1\156\3\uffff\1\155", "\1\157", "\1\163\1\170\1\uffff\1\167\6\uffff\1\164\2\uffff\1\165\1\162\3\uffff"+ "\1\166\1\160\1\161", "\1\172", "\1\173", "\1\174", "\1\176\13\uffff\1\175", "\1\177", "\1\u0080", "\1\u0081\1\u0082", "\1\u0083", "", "\1\u0084", "\1\u0085", "\1\u0087", "\1\u0089", "\1\u008b", "", "", "", "", "\1\u008d\4\uffff\1\u008d", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "\1\u008f\6\uffff\1\u0090", "\1\u0091", "\1\u0092", "\1\u0093\11\uffff\1\u0094\2\uffff\1\u0096\3\uffff\1\u0095", "\1\u0097", "\1\u0099\1\u0098", "\1\u009a", "\1\u009b", "\1\u009d\2\uffff\1\u009c", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u009f", "\1\u00a0", "\1\u00a1\2\uffff\1\u00a2\12\uffff\1\u00a3", "\1\u00a4", "\1\u00a5\13\uffff\1\u00a6", "\1\u00a7", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u00a9", "\1\u00aa\13\uffff\1\u00ab", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\21\65\1\u00ac\10\65", "\1\u00ae", "\1\u00af", "\1\u00b0", "\1\u00b1", "\1\u00b2", "\1\u00b3", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\2\65\1\u00b4\27\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u00b7", "\1\u00b8", "\1\u00b9", "\1\u00ba", "\1\u00bb", "\1\u00bc", "\1\u00be\5\uffff\1\u00bd", "\1\u00bf", "\1\u00c1\14\uffff\1\u00c2\25\uffff\1\u00c0", "\1\u00c3", "\1\u00c4", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u00c6", "\1\u00c7", "\1\u00c8", "\1\u00c9", "\1\u00ca", "\1\u00cb", "\1\u00cc", "\1\u00cd", "\1\u00ce", "\1\u00cf", "\1\u00d0", "\1\u00d1", "\1\u00d2", "\1\u00d3", "\1\u00d4", "\1\u00d5", "", "", "\1\u00d6", "", "", "", "\1\u00d8\3\uffff\1\u00d7", "", "", "", "\1\u00d9", "\1\u00db\23\uffff\1\u00da", "\1\u00dc", "\1\u00dd", "\12\65\7\uffff\15\65\1\u00de\14\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u00e0", "\1\u00e1", "\1\u00e2", "\1\u00e3", "\1\u00e4", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "\1\u00e6", "\1\u00e7", "\1\u00e8", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u00ea", "\1\u00eb", "\1\u00ec", "\1\u00ed", "\1\u00ee", "\1\u00ef", "\1\u00f0", "\1\u00f1", "\1\u00f2", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u00f4", "", "\1\u00f5", "\1\u00f6", "\1\u00f7", "\1\u00f8", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u00fa", "\1\u00fb", "\1\u00fc", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "\1\u00fe", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u0100", "\1\u0101", "", "\1\u0102", "\1\u0103", "\1\u0104", "\1\u0105", "\1\u0106", "\1\u0107", "\1\u0108", "", "", "\1\u0109", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u010c", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u010e", "\1\u010f", "\1\u0110", "\1\u0117\2\uffff\1\u011b\1\u011a\1\u0118\1\uffff\1\u0112\1\u011c\5\uffff"+ "\1\u0115\2\uffff\1\u0116\1\u0119\3\uffff\1\u0111\1\u0113\1\u0114", "\1\u011d", "\1\u011e", "\1\u011f", "\1\u0120", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "\1\u0122", "\1\u0123", "\1\u0124", "\1\u0126\4\uffff\1\u0125", "\1\u0127", "\1\u0128", "\1\u0129", "\1\u012a", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u012c", "\1\u012d", "\1\u012e", "\1\u012f", "\1\u0130", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u0133\20\uffff\1\u0134", "", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u0136", "\1\u0137", "\1\u0138\23\uffff\1\u0139", "\1\u013a", "\1\u013b", "", "\1\u013c", "\1\u013d", "\1\u013e", "\1\u013f", "\1\u0140", "", "\1\u0141", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u0143", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u0145", "\1\u0146", "\1\u0147", "\1\u0148", "\1\u0149", "\1\u014a", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u014c", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u0150", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "\1\u0152", "\1\u0153", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "\1\u0155", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u0158", "\1\u0159", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u015b", "\1\u015c", "\1\u015d", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "", "\1\u0160", "", "\1\u0161", "\1\u0162", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u0164", "\1\u0165", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u0168", "\1\u016a\15\uffff\1\u0169", "\1\u016b", "\1\u016c", "\1\u016d", "\1\u016e", "\1\u016f", "\1\u0170", "\1\u0171", "\1\u0172", "\1\u0173", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\1\65\1\u0175\30\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u0177", "\1\u0178", "\1\u0179", "\1\u017a", "\1\u017b", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u017e", "", "\1\u017f", "\1\u0180", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u0182", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "", "", "", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u0184", "\1\u0185", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u0186", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u0187", "\1\u0188", "\1\u0189", "\1\u018a", "\1\u018b", "\1\u018c", "", "\1\u018d", "", "\1\u018e", "\1\u018f", "\1\u0190", "\1\u0191", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u0193", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\13\65\1\u0196\16\65", "\1\u0198", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\1\65\1\u0199\30\65", "", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u019c", "", "\1\u019d", "\1\u019e", "\1\u019f", "", "", "\1\u01a0", "\1\u01a1", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "\1\u01a3", "\1\u01a4", "", "", "\1\u01a5", "\1\u01a6", "\1\u01a7", "\1\u01a8", "\1\u01a9", "\1\u01ab\20\uffff\1\u01aa", "\1\u01ac", "\1\u01ad", "\1\u01ae", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u01b0", "\1\u01b1", "", "\1\u01b2", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u01b4", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u01b7", "", "", "\1\u01b8", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u01b9", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u01bb", "\1\u01bc", "\1\u01bd", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u01bf", "\1\u01c0", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "", "\1\u01c7", "", "\1\u01c8", "\1\u01c9", "", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u01cf", "", "\1\u01d0", "\1\u01d1", "\1\u01d2", "\1\u01d3", "\1\u01d4", "\1\u01d5", "\1\u01d6", "\1\u01d7", "\1\u01d8", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u01da", "\1\u01db", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u01dd", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "\1\u01df\1\u01e0", "", "", "\1\u01e1", "\1\u01e2", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "", "", "", "", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u01e7", "\1\u01e8", "", "", "", "", "", "\1\u01e9", "\1\u01ea", "\1\u01eb", "\1\u01ec", "\1\u01ed", "\1\u01ee", "\1\u01ef", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u01f1", "\1\u01f2", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u01f4", "", "\1\u01f5", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u01f8", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "", "", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u01fb", "\1\u01fc", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u01fe", "\1\u01ff", "\1\u0200", "\1\u0201", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "\1\u0203", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "\1\u0205", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "", "\1\u0207", "", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u0209", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u020c", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "\1\u020f", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "\1\u0211", "", "", "\1\u0212", "", "", "\1\u0213", "", "\1\u0214", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\1\u0216", "\1\u0217", "", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "\12\65\7\uffff\32\65\4\uffff\1\65\1\uffff\32\65", "", "" }; static final short[] DFA15_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA15_eotS); static final short[] DFA15_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA15_eofS); static final char[] DFA15_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA15_minS); static final char[] DFA15_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA15_maxS); static final short[] DFA15_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA15_acceptS); static final short[] DFA15_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA15_specialS); static final short[][] DFA15_transition; static { int numStates = DFA15_transitionS.length; DFA15_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) { DFA15_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA15_transitionS[i]); } } protected class DFA15 extends DFA { public DFA15(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 15; this.eot = DFA15_eot; this.eof = DFA15_eof; this.min = DFA15_min; this.max = DFA15_max; this.accept = DFA15_accept; this.special = DFA15_special; this.transition = DFA15_transition; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "1:1: Tokens : ( T__162 | T__163 | T__164 | Ellipse | Rect | Line | Curve | Quad | Point | Triangle | Polygon | Skirt | SkirtBack | LShape | Cosine | Sine | Tan | ATan | Sqrt | Pow | Sq | Random | Round | Gaussian | Noise | Map | Inch | Mm | Cm | Units | Move | MoveBy | Heading | Copy | Rotate | Scale | Fill | Stroke | NoFill | NoStroke | Weight | Hide | Show | Group | Expand | Merge | MirrorX | MirrorY | Union | Difference | Clip | Xor | Flatten | Grid | Wave | Spiral | Arc | Slider | GetWidth | GetHeight | GetX | GetY | GetOrigin | GetRotation | GetAngle | GetRadius | GetFill | GetStroke | GetStart | GetEnd | GetDistance | GetIntersect | DotX | DotY | DotStart | DotEnd | DotOrigin | DotRotation | DotWidth | DotHeight | DotStroke | DotFill | DotWeight | COLOR_CONSTANT | WIDTH_CONSTANT | HEIGHT_CONSTANT | PI_CONSTANT | LAdd | LRemove | Println | Print | Assert | Size | Def | If | Else | Return | For | Repeat | While | To | Do | End | In | Null | Or | And | Equals | NEquals | GTEquals | LTEquals | Pw | Excl | GT | LT | Add | Subtract | Multiply | Divide | Modulus | OBrace | CBrace | OBracket | CBracket | OParen | CParen | Assign | Comma | QMark | Dot | Bool | Number | Identifier | String | Comment | Space );"; } } }