package zmaster587.advancedRocketry.atmosphere; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry; import zmaster587.advancedRocketry.AdvancedRocketry; import zmaster587.advancedRocketry.api.IAtmosphere; import zmaster587.advancedRocketry.api.atmosphere.AtmosphereRegister; import net.minecraft.client.resources.Language; import net.minecraft.client.resources.LanguageManager; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; public class AtmosphereType implements IAtmosphere { public static final AtmosphereType AIR = new AtmosphereType(false, true, "air"); public static final AtmosphereType PRESSURIZEDAIR = new AtmosphereType(false, true, "PressurizedAir"); public static final AtmosphereType VACUUM = new AtmosphereVacuum(); public static final AtmosphereType LOWOXYGEN = new AtmosphereLowOxygen(true, false, "lowO2"); static { AtmosphereRegister.getInstance().registerAtmosphere(AIR); AtmosphereRegister.getInstance().registerAtmosphere(PRESSURIZEDAIR); AtmosphereRegister.getInstance().registerAtmosphere(VACUUM); } private boolean allowsCombustion; private boolean isBreathable; private boolean canTick; private String name; public AtmosphereType(boolean canTick, boolean isBreathable, String name) { this.allowsCombustion = isBreathable; this.isBreathable = isBreathable; this.canTick = canTick; = name; } public AtmosphereType(boolean canTick, boolean isBreathable, boolean allowsCombustion, String name) { this(canTick, isBreathable, name); this.allowsCombustion = allowsCombustion; } /** * Should the gas run a tick on every player in it? Calls onTick(EntityLiving base) * @return true if the atmosphere performs an action every tick */ public boolean canTick() { return canTick; } //TODO: check for all entities /** * * @param player living entity inside this atmosphere we are ticking * @return true if the atmosphere does not affect the entity in any way */ public boolean isImmune(EntityLivingBase player) { return isBreathable; } @Override public boolean isBreathable() { return isBreathable; } /** * To be used to check if combustion can occur in this atmosphere, furnaces, torches, engines, etc could run this check * @return true if the atmosphere is combustable */ public boolean allowsCombustion() { return allowsCombustion; } /** * Sets the atmosphere to be breathable or not breathable * @param isBreathable */ public void setIsBreathable(boolean isBreathable) { this.isBreathable = isBreathable; } /** * Sets the atmosphere to allow combustion or not to allow combustion * @param allowsCombustion */ public void setAllowsCombustion(boolean allowsCombustion) { this.allowsCombustion = allowsCombustion; } /** * @return unlocalized message to display when player is in the gas with no protection */ public String getDisplayMessage() { return ""; } //TODO: tick for all entities /** * If the canTick() returns true then then this is called every tick on EntityLivingBase objects located inside this atmosphere * @param player entity being ticked */ public void onTick(EntityLivingBase player) { } @Override public String getUnlocalizedName() { return name; } }