package zmaster587.advancedRocketry.api.armor; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; public interface IFillableArmor { /** * gets the amount of air remaining in the suit. * @param stack stack from which to get an amount of air * @return the amount of air in the stack */ public int getAirRemaining(ItemStack stack); /** * Sets the amount of air remaining in the suit * @param stack the stack to operate on * @param amt amount of air to set the suit to */ public void setAirRemaining(ItemStack stack, int amt); /** * Decrements air in the suit by amt * @param stack the item stack to operate on * @param amt amount of air by which to decrement * @return The amount of air extracted from the suit */ public int decrementAir(ItemStack stack, int amt); /** * Increments air in the suit by amt * @param stack the item stack to operate on * @param amt amount of air by which to decrement * @return The amount of air inserted into the suit */ public int increment(ItemStack stack, int amt); /** * @return the maximum amount of air allowed in this suit */ public int getMaxAir(); }