package; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import com.norteksoft.product.enumeration.DataState; import com.norteksoft.product.orm.Page; import com.norteksoft.product.orm.hibernate.HibernateDao; import com.norteksoft.product.util.ContextUtils; import; import; @Repository public class WorkflowDefinitionDao extends HibernateDao<WorkflowDefinition, Long>{ public void getActiveDefinition(Page<WorkflowDefinition> page, Long companyId, DataState enable,Long type, Long systemId){ this.searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.enable = ? and wfd.typeId=? and wfd.systemId=? order by name,version desc", companyId, enable,type, systemId); } /** * 查询某种状态的流程定义 * @param page 页面 * @param companyId 公司id * @param enable 启用状态 * @param systemId 系统id */ public void getActiveDefinition(Page<WorkflowDefinition> page, Long companyId, DataState enable, Long systemId){ this.searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.enable = ? and wfd.systemId=? order by name,version desc", companyId, enable, systemId); } public List<Object[]> getAllDefinitionAndFile(Long systemId){ return find("select wfd, wfdf from WorkflowDefinition wfd, WorkflowDefinitionFile wfdf " + "where and wfd.systemId=? and wfd.enable<>2 order by wfd.version desc", systemId); } public List<Object[]> getAllDefinitionAndFile(){ return findNoCompanyCondition("select wfd, wfdf from WorkflowDefinition wfd, WorkflowDefinitionFile wfdf " + "where and wfd.enable<>2 order by wfd.version desc"); } /** * 查询某种状态的流程定义 * @param companyId 公司id * @param enable 启用状态 * @param systemId 系统id */ public List<WorkflowDefinition> getActiveDefinition(Long companyId, DataState enable, Long systemId) { return this.find("from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.enable = ? and wfd.systemId=? and wfd.processType=? order by name,version desc", companyId, enable, systemId,ProcessType.PREDEFINED_PROCESS); } /** * 查询某种状态的流程定义 * @param companyId 公司id * @param enable 启用状态 * @param systemId 系统id */ public List<WorkflowDefinition> getActiveDefinition(Long companyId, DataState enable) { return this.find("from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.enable = ? and wfd.processType=? order by name,version desc", companyId, enable, ProcessType.PREDEFINED_PROCESS); } public List<WorkflowDefinition> getActiveDefinitionsByFrom(Long companyId, DataState enable, String formName, Long systemId) { return this.find("from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.formName=? and wfd.enable = ? and wfd.systemId=? order by wfd.version desc", companyId, formName, enable, systemId); } public List<WorkflowDefinition> getAllDefinitionsByName(String name, Long companyId, Long systemId) { return find("from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and and wfd.systemId=? order by wfd.version desc", companyId, name, systemId); } public List<WorkflowDefinition> getAllEnableDefinitonsByFormCodeAndVersion(String formCode, Integer version) { return find("from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.systemId = ? and wfd.enable = 0 and wfd.formCode = ? and wfd.fromVersion = ? order by wfd.version desc", ContextUtils.getCompanyId(), ContextUtils.getSystemId(), formCode, version); } /** * mms自定义系统中新建表单时根据流程定义编号和版本号取流程实例 * @param formCode * @param version * @return */ public List<WorkflowDefinition> getCommonEnableDefinitonsByFormCodeAndVersion(String formCode, Integer version) { return find("from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.systemId = ? and wfd.enable = ? and wfd.formCode = ? and wfd.fromVersion = ? order by wfd.version desc", ContextUtils.getCompanyId(), ContextUtils.getSystemId("mms"),DataState.ENABLE, formCode, version); } /** * 得到最新版本的表单 * @param name 表单名 * @param companyId 公司id * @param systemId 系统id * @return 最新版本的流程定义 */ public WorkflowDefinition getLatestVersion(String code, Long companyId, Long systemId){ List<WorkflowDefinition> wds = find("from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.code=? and wfd.systemId=? order by wfd.version desc", companyId, code, systemId); if(wds.isEmpty()){ return null; }else{ return wds.get(0); } } /** * 获取启用的最新版本 * @param code 流程编号 * @param companyId 公司id * @param systemId 系统id * @return 启用的最新版本 */ public WorkflowDefinition getEnabledHighestVersionWorkflowDefinition(String code, Long companyId, Long systemId){ List<WorkflowDefinition> wds = find("from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.code=? and wfd.systemId=? and wfd.enable=0 order by wfd.version desc", companyId, code, systemId); if(wds.isEmpty()){ return null; }else{ return wds.get(0); } } public List<WorkflowDefinition> getWfDefinitionsByType(Long companyId, Long typeId){ return find("from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.typeId=? and wfd.enable=? order by wfd.version desc", companyId, typeId, DataState.ENABLE); } public void getWfDefinitions(Page<WorkflowDefinition> page,Long companyId){ searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? order by name,version desc",companyId); } public void getWfDefinitions(Page<WorkflowDefinition> page,Long companyId,String enableOrDisable,String adminCode,boolean isSuperWf){ if(isSuperWf){//是否是流程定义管理员 if(enableOrDisable.equals("UNABLE")){ searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.enable=? and wfd.adminLoginName=? order by name,version desc",companyId,DataState.DISABLE,adminCode); }else{ searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and (wfd.enable=? or wfd.enable=? ) and wfd.adminLoginName=? order by enable asc ,name,version desc",companyId,DataState.ENABLE,DataState.DRAFT,adminCode); } }else{ if(enableOrDisable.equals("UNABLE")){ searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.enable=? order by name,version desc",companyId,DataState.DISABLE); }else{ searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and (wfd.enable=? or wfd.enable=? ) order by enable asc ,name,version desc",companyId,DataState.ENABLE,DataState.DRAFT); } } } public void getWfDefinitions(Page<WorkflowDefinition> page,Long companyId,Long type){ searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.typeId=? order by name,version desc" ,companyId,type); } public void getWfDefinitions(Page<WorkflowDefinition> page,Long companyId,Long type,String enableOrDisable,String adminCode,boolean isSuperWf){ if(isSuperWf){//是否是流程定义管理员 if(enableOrDisable.equals("UNABLE")){ searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.typeId=? and wfd.enable=? and wfd.adminLoginName=? order by name,version desc" ,companyId,type,DataState.DISABLE,adminCode); }else{ searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.typeId=? and (wfd.enable=? or wfd.enable=? ) and wfd.adminLoginName=? order by enable asc ,name,version desc" ,companyId,type,DataState.ENABLE,DataState.DRAFT,adminCode); } }else{ if(enableOrDisable.equals("UNABLE")){ searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.typeId=? and wfd.enable=? order by name,version desc" ,companyId,type,DataState.DISABLE); }else{ searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.typeId=? and (wfd.enable=? or wfd.enable=? ) order by enable asc ,name,version desc" ,companyId,type,DataState.ENABLE,DataState.DRAFT); } } } public void getWfDefinitionsBySystemId(Page<WorkflowDefinition> page,Long companyId,Long systemId){ searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.systemId=? order by name,version desc" ,companyId,systemId); } public void getWfDefinitionsBySystemId(Page<WorkflowDefinition> page,Long companyId,Long systemId,String enableOrDisable,String adminCode,boolean isSuperWf){ if(isSuperWf){//是否是流程定义管理员 if(enableOrDisable.equals("UNABLE")){ searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.systemId=? and wfd.enable=? and wfd.adminLoginName=? order by name,version desc" ,companyId,systemId,DataState.DISABLE,adminCode); }else{ searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.systemId=? and (wfd.enable=? or wfd.enable=? ) and wfd.adminLoginName=? order by enable asc , name,version desc" ,companyId,systemId,DataState.ENABLE,DataState.DRAFT,adminCode); } }else{ if(enableOrDisable.equals("UNABLE")){ searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.systemId=? and wfd.enable=? order by name,version desc" ,companyId,systemId,DataState.DISABLE); }else{ searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.systemId=? and (wfd.enable=? or wfd.enable=? ) order by enable asc , name,version desc" ,companyId,systemId,DataState.ENABLE,DataState.DRAFT); } } } public void getEnableWfDefinitions(Page<WorkflowDefinition> page,Long companyId){ searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.enable=? and wfd.systemId=? order by name,version desc",companyId, DataState.ENABLE,ContextUtils.getSystemId()); } public void getEnableWfDefinitions(Page<WorkflowDefinition> page,Long companyId,Long type){ searchPageByHql(page, "from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.typeId=? and wfd.enable=? and wfd.systemId=? order by name,version desc", companyId,type, DataState.ENABLE,ContextUtils.getSystemId()); } /** * 生成版本号 * @param code 流程名 * @param companyId 公司id * @param systemId 系统id * @return 新的版本号 */ public int generateWorkflowDefinitionVersion(String code, Long companyId, Long systemId){ WorkflowDefinition wd = getLatestVersion(code,companyId, systemId); if(wd==null){ return 1; }else{ return wd.getVersion()+1; } } public List<WorkflowDefinition> getWorkflowDefinition(Long typeId, Long companyId) { return this.find("from WorkflowDefinition ft where ft.companyId = ? and ft.typeId=?",companyId,typeId); } /** * 禁用其他的流程定义 * @param wfd 流程定义 */ public void disableOtherProcess(WorkflowDefinition wfd){ String hql = "update WorkflowDefinition f set f.enable=? where and f.enable=? and f.companyId=? and f.systemId=?"; this.batchExecute(hql, DataState.DISABLE,wfd.getName(),DataState.ENABLE,wfd.getCompanyId(),wfd.getSystemId()); } /** * 查出非草稿状态的所有和给定流程名,表单名相同的定义id * @param definition 流程定义 * @return 定义id集合 */ public List<Long> getAllDefinitionIdNotDraft(WorkflowDefinition definition) { return this.find("select from WorkflowDefinition ft where ft.companyId = ? and ft.systemId=? and and ft.formName=? and ft.enable <>?" ,definition.getCompanyId(),definition.getSystemId(),definition.getName(),definition.getFormName(),DataState.DRAFT); } public WorkflowDefinition getEnabledWorkflowDefinitionByCodeAndVersion(String definitionCode, Integer definitionVersion,Long companyId){ return this.findUnique("from WorkflowDefinition ft where ft.code=? and ft.version=? and ft.companyId = ? and ft.enable=0", definitionCode,definitionVersion,companyId); } public List<String> getWfDefinitionCodesByType(Long companyId,Long typeId){ String hql = "select distinct t.code from WorkflowDefinition t where t.companyId=? and t.typeId=?"; return this.find(hql, companyId,typeId); } /** * 根据编码查询流程定义集合 * @param companyId * @param code * @return */ public List<WorkflowDefinition> getWfDefinitionsByCode(Long companyId, String code){ return find("from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.code=? and wfd.enable=? order by wfd.version desc", companyId, code, DataState.ENABLE); } public WorkflowDefinition getWorkflowDefinitionByCodeAndVersion(String definitionCode, Integer definitionVersion,Long companyId,Long systemId){ return this.findUnique("from WorkflowDefinition ft where ft.code=? and ft.version=? and ft.companyId = ? and ft.systemId=? ", definitionCode,definitionVersion,companyId,systemId); } public WorkflowDefinition getWorkflowDefinitionByCodeAndVersion(String definitionCode, Integer definitionVersion,Long companyId,boolean isSuperWf){ if(isSuperWf){//是流程定义管理员 return this.findUnique("from WorkflowDefinition ft where ft.code=? and ft.version=? and ft.companyId = ? and ft.adminLoginName=?", definitionCode,definitionVersion,companyId,ContextUtils.getLoginName()); }else{ return this.findUnique("from WorkflowDefinition ft where ft.code=? and ft.version=? and ft.companyId = ? ", definitionCode,definitionVersion,companyId); } } public List<WorkflowDefinition> getWfDefinitions(Long companyId,String systemIds){ StringBuilder hql=new StringBuilder("from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and (wfd.enable=? or wfd.enable=?) "); Object[] values=new Object[3]; values[0]=companyId; values[1]=DataState.ENABLE; values[2]=DataState.DRAFT; if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(systemIds)){ String[] ids=systemIds.split(","); values=new Object[3+ids.length]; values[0]=companyId; values[1]=DataState.ENABLE; values[2]=DataState.DRAFT; if(ids.length>0){ hql.append("and ("); } for(int i=0;i<ids.length;i++){ hql.append("wfd.systemId=? "); if(i<ids.length-1){ hql.append(" or "); } if(i==ids.length-1)hql.append(")"); values[3+i]=Long.parseLong(ids[i]); } } hql.append(" order by wfd.code,wfd.version desc"); return find(hql.toString(),values); } public WorkflowDefinition getWorkflowDefinitionByProcessId(String processId){ return this.findUnique("from WorkflowDefinition ft where ft.processId=? ", processId); } /** * 根据流程名称模糊查询某类别下的流程 * @param companyId * @param typeId * @return */ public List<WorkflowDefinition> getWfDefinitionsByName(Long companyId, Long typeId,String name){ return find("from WorkflowDefinition wfd where wfd.companyId = ? and wfd.typeId=? and wfd.enable=? and like ? order by wfd.version desc", companyId, typeId, DataState.ENABLE,"%"+name+"%"); } }