package com.norteksoft.acs.service.organization; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import com.norteksoft.acs.base.orm.hibernate.SimpleHibernateTemplate; import com.norteksoft.acs.base.utils.log.LogUtilDao; import com.norteksoft.acs.entity.authorization.Role; import com.norteksoft.acs.entity.authorization.RoleDepartment; import com.norteksoft.acs.entity.organization.Company; import com.norteksoft.acs.entity.organization.Department; import com.norteksoft.acs.entity.organization.DepartmentUser; import com.norteksoft.acs.entity.organization.User; import com.norteksoft.acs.entity.organization.UserInfo; import com.norteksoft.acs.service.AcsUtils; import com.norteksoft.product.api.ApiFactory; import com.norteksoft.product.api.utils.BeanUtil; import com.norteksoft.product.orm.Page; import com.norteksoft.product.util.ContextUtils; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Service @Transactional public class DepartmentManager { private SimpleHibernateTemplate<Department, Long> departmentDao; private SimpleHibernateTemplate<User, Long> userDao; private SimpleHibernateTemplate<UserInfo, Long> userInfoDao; private SimpleHibernateTemplate<DepartmentUser, Long> departmentToUserDao; private SimpleHibernateTemplate<RoleDepartment, Long> roleDepartmentDao; private SimpleHibernateTemplate<Company, Long> companyDao; private LogUtilDao logUtilDao; private static String DELETED = "deleted"; private static String COMPANYID = "companyId"; private static String DEPARTMENTID = ""; private static String hql = "from Department d where and d.deleted=?"; private static final String SBU_DEPT_HQL = "from Department d where and and d.deleted=? order by d.weight desc"; @Autowired private AcsUtils acsUtils; @Autowired public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory) { companyDao = new SimpleHibernateTemplate<Company, Long>( sessionFactory, Company.class); departmentDao = new SimpleHibernateTemplate<Department, Long>( sessionFactory, Department.class); userDao = new SimpleHibernateTemplate<User, Long>(sessionFactory, User.class); userInfoDao = new SimpleHibernateTemplate<UserInfo, Long>( sessionFactory, UserInfo.class); departmentToUserDao = new SimpleHibernateTemplate<DepartmentUser, Long>( sessionFactory, DepartmentUser.class); roleDepartmentDao = new SimpleHibernateTemplate<RoleDepartment, Long>( sessionFactory, RoleDepartment.class); logUtilDao = new LogUtilDao(sessionFactory); } public LogUtilDao getLogUtilDao() { return logUtilDao; } public void setLogUtilDao(LogUtilDao logUtilDao) { this.logUtilDao = logUtilDao; } private Long companyId; public Long getCompanyId() { if (companyId == null) { return ContextUtils.getCompanyId(); } else{ return companyId; } } public Long getSystemIdByCode(String code) { return acsUtils.getSystemsByCode(code).getId(); } public void setCompanyId(Long companyId) { this.companyId = companyId; } /** *根据userId得到DepartmentToUser */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<DepartmentUser> getDepartmentToUserByuserId(Long userId,Long departmentId){ String hql="from DepartmentUser d where and"; return departmentToUserDao.find(hql, userId,departmentId); } /** * 验证部门名称唯一性 */ public boolean checkDeptName(String name,Long id){ String hql = "FROM Department d WHERE AND<>? AND AND d.deleted=0"; Object obj = departmentDao.findUnique(hql, name,id,ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); if(obj == null){ return false; } return true; } /** * 验证部门名称唯一性 */ public boolean checkDeptName(String name){ String hql = "FROM Department d WHERE AND AND d.deleted=0"; Object obj = departmentDao.findUnique(hql, name,ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); if(obj == null){ return false; } return true; } /** * 验证部门编码唯一性 * liudongxia */ public boolean checkDeptCode(String code,Long id){ String hql = "FROM Department d WHERE d.code=? AND<>? AND AND d.deleted=0"; Object obj = departmentDao.findUnique(hql, code,id,ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); if(obj == null){ return false; } return true; } /** * 验证部门编码唯一性 * liudongxia */ public boolean checkDeptCode(String code){ String hql = "FROM Department d WHERE d.code=? AND AND d.deleted=0"; Object obj = departmentDao.findUnique(hql, code,ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); if(obj == null){ return false; } return true; } /** * 检测公司根目录下是否存在此部门 * @param name * @return */ public Department checkDeptNoParent(String name){ String hql = "FROM Department d WHERE AND AND d.deleted=0 AND d.parent is null"; return (Department)departmentDao.findUnique(hql, name,ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); } /** * 检测部门下是否存在此子部门 * @param name * @return */ public Department checkDeptHasParent(String name,Long parentId){ String hql = "FROM Department d WHERE AND AND d.deleted=0 AND"; return (Department)departmentDao.findUnique(hql, name,ContextUtils.getCompanyId(),parentId); } /** * 查询所有部门信息 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<Department> getAllDepartment() { return departmentDao.find("FROM Department d WHERE AND d.deleted=? ORDER BY d.weight desc", getCompanyId(), false); } /** * 获取单条部门信息 */ @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Department getDepartment(Long id) { return (Department)departmentDao.findUnique("from Department d where and ",ContextUtils.getCompanyId(), id); } /** * 获取单条部门信息 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Department getDepartmentById(Long id) { List<Department> depts=departmentDao.find("FROM Department d WHERE AND d.deleted=?", id, false); if(depts.size()>0)return depts.get(0); return null; } /** * 分页查询所有部门信息 */ @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Page<Department> getAllDepartment(Page<Department> page) { page.setOrderBy("weight"); page.setOrder("desc"); return departmentDao.findByCriteria(page, Restrictions.eq("", getCompanyId()), Restrictions.eq(DELETED, false)); } /** * 保存部门信息 */ public void saveDept(Department department) {; } /** * 保存子部门信息 */ public void saveSubDepartment(Long departmentId, Department subDepartment) { Department Parentdepartment = departmentDao.get(departmentId); subDepartment.setParent(Parentdepartment); subDepartment.setCompany(Parentdepartment.getCompany()); if(subDepartment.getId()==null){ } else{ }; } /** * 删除部门信息 */ public void deleteDepartmet(Long id) { Department department = departmentDao.get(id); deleteDepartmet(department); } public void deleteDepartmet(Department department) { department.setDeleted(true);; } public void deleteDepart(Department department,List<User> users) { department.setDeleted(true);; List<DepartmentUser> dtus=null; for(User user:users){ if(department.getId().equals(user.getMainDepartmentId())) user.setMainDepartmentId(null); dtus=getDepartmentToUserByuserId(user.getId(),department.getId()); if(dtus.size()!=0){ DepartmentUser dtu= dtus.get(0); dtu.setDeleted(true);; } } } public Page<UserInfo> departmentToUsers(Page<UserInfo> userPage, boolean deleted, Long companyId, Integer dr) { return userInfoDao.findByCriteria(userPage, Restrictions.eq(DELETED, false), Restrictions.eq(COMPANYID, getCompanyId()), Restrictions.eq("dr", 0)); } /** *查询部门已经添加的用户 */ public List<Long> getUserIds(Long departmentId) throws Exception { List<Long> userIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<DepartmentUser> departmnetToUsers = departmentToUserDao .findByCriteria(Restrictions.eq(DEPARTMENTID, departmentId), Restrictions.eq(COMPANYID, getCompanyId()), Restrictions.eq(DELETED, false)); for (DepartmentUser departmentToUser : departmnetToUsers) { userIds.add(departmentToUser.getUser().getUserInfo().getId()); } return userIds; } /** * 查询部门要移除的用户 */ public Page<UserInfo> departmentToRomoveUserList(Page<UserInfo> page, User user, Long departmentId) { String hql = "select userInfo from UserInfo userInfo join userInfo.user.departmentUsers du where and du.companyId=? and userInfo.deleted=? and du.deleted=?"; if (user != null) { String userName = user.getLoginName(); if (userName != null && !"".equals(userName)) { StringBuilder hqL = new StringBuilder(hql); hqL.append(" and userInfo.user.userName like ? "); return userInfoDao.find(page, hqL.toString(), departmentId, getCompanyId(), false, false, "%" + userName + "%"); } } return userInfoDao.find(page, hql, departmentId, getCompanyId(), false, false); } /** * 部门添加人员 */ public void departmentToUser(Long departmentId, List<Long> userIds, Integer isAdd ) { if(userIds==null){ return; } Department department = departmentDao.get(departmentId); /** * 添加人员 */ if (isAdd == 0) { for (Long userId : userIds) { if(userId.equals(0L)){//全公司时 List<com.norteksoft.product.api.entity.User> users = ApiFactory.getAcsService().getAllUsersByCompany(ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); for(com.norteksoft.product.api.entity.User u:users){ departmentToUserSingle(u.getId(),department); } }else{ departmentToUserSingle(userId,department); } } } /** *移除人员 */ if (isAdd == 1) { List<User> uif = userDao.findByCriteria( "id", userIds)); List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (User user : uif) { ids.add(user.getId()); if(departmentId.equals(user.getMainDepartmentId())){ user.setMainDepartmentId(null); } } List<DepartmentUser> list = departmentToUserDao.findByCriteria("", ids), Restrictions.eq( DEPARTMENTID, departmentId), Restrictions.eq( COMPANYID, getCompanyId()), Restrictions.eq( DELETED, false)); for (DepartmentUser departmentToUser : list) { departmentToUser.setDeleted(true);; } } } private void departmentToUserSingle(Long userId,Department department){ DepartmentUser departmentToUser; User user = null; List<DepartmentUser> dtu=getDepartmentToUserByuserId(userId,department.getId()); user = userDao.get(userId); if(dtu.size()==0){ departmentToUser = new DepartmentUser(); departmentToUser.setUser(user); departmentToUser.setDepartment(department); departmentToUser.setCompanyId(user.getCompanyId());; }else{ DepartmentUser d=dtu.get(0); d.setDeleted(false);; } if(user.getMainDepartmentId()==null){ user.setMainDepartmentId(department.getId()); } } /** * 按条件检索部门 */ @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Page<Department> getSearchDepartment(Page<Department> page, Department department, boolean deleted) { StringBuilder departmentHql = new StringBuilder(hql); if (department != null) { String departmentCode = department.getCode(); String name = department.getName(); if (!"".equals(departmentCode) && !"".equals(name)) { departmentHql.append(" and d.code like ?"); departmentHql.append(" and like ?"); return departmentDao.find(page, departmentHql.toString(), getCompanyId(), false, "%" + departmentCode + "%", "%" + name + "%"); } if (!"".equals(departmentCode)) { departmentHql.append(" and d.departmentCode like ?"); return departmentDao.find(page, departmentHql.toString(), getCompanyId(), false, "%" + departmentCode + "%"); } if (!"".equals(name)) { departmentHql.append(" and like ?"); return departmentDao.find(page, departmentHql.toString(), getCompanyId(), false, "%" + name + "%"); } } return departmentDao.find(page, hql, getCompanyId(), false); } /** * 查询己分配给公司的部门 */ public List<Department> saveDepart(List<Long> departmentId) { return departmentDao .findByCriteria("id", departmentId)); } /** * 给部门分配角色 * * @param departmentId * @param roleIds */ public void addRolesToDepartments(Long departmentId, List<Long> roleIds, Integer isAdd) { Department department = departmentDao.get(departmentId); RoleDepartment roleDepartment = null; if (isAdd == 0) { Role role = null; for (Long id : roleIds) { role = new Role(); role.setId(id); roleDepartment = new RoleDepartment(); roleDepartment.setRole(role); roleDepartment.setDepartment(department); roleDepartment.setCompanyId(getCompanyId());; } } else if (isAdd == 1) { List<RoleDepartment> roleDepartments = roleDepartmentDao .findByCriteria(Restrictions.eq(DEPARTMENTID, departmentId),"", roleIds), Restrictions.eq(COMPANYID, getCompanyId()), Restrictions.eq(DELETED, false)); for (RoleDepartment rd : roleDepartments) { rd.setDeleted(true);; } } } /** * 查询部门已经分配的角色 */ public List<Long> getCheckedRoleIdsByDepartment(Long departmentId) { List<RoleDepartment> roleDepartment = roleDepartmentDao.findByCriteria( Restrictions.eq(DEPARTMENTID, departmentId), Restrictions .eq(COMPANYID, getCompanyId()), Restrictions.eq( DELETED, false)); List<Long> checkedRoleIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (RoleDepartment rd : roleDepartment) { checkedRoleIds.add(rd.getRole().getId()); } return checkedRoleIds; } public Page<Department> queryDepartmentByCompany(Page<Department> page, Long company) { return departmentDao.findByCriteria(page, Restrictions.eq("", company), Restrictions.eq(DELETED, false)); } public SimpleHibernateTemplate<com.norteksoft.acs.entity.organization.User, Long> getUserDao() { return userDao; } public SimpleHibernateTemplate<com.norteksoft.acs.entity.organization.DepartmentUser, Long> getDepartmentToUserDao() { return departmentToUserDao; } public SimpleHibernateTemplate<Department, Long> getDepartmentDao() { return departmentDao; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Department> getSubDeptments(Long deptId){ return departmentDao.find(SBU_DEPT_HQL, getCompanyId(), deptId, false); } public Page<Department> getDepartmentsCanAddToRoel(Page<Department> page, Long roleId) { return getDepartmentDao() .find( page, "select d from Department d where d not in (select d from Department d join d.roleDepartments rd where and rd.companyId=? and d.deleted=? and rd.deleted=? )", roleId, getCompanyId(), false, false); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Department> getDepartmentsInRole(Long roleId) { return departmentDao.find( "select d from Department d join d.roleDepartments rd where and rd.companyId=? and d.deleted=? and rd.deleted=? order by d.weight desc", roleId, getCompanyId(), false, false); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Department> getDepartmentsByUser(Long companyId,Long userId){ StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder(); hql.append("select d from Department d join d.departmentUsers du join du.user u "); hql.append("where u.companyId=? and and u.deleted=? and du.deleted=? and d.deleted=?"); return departmentDao.find(hql.toString(), companyId, userId, false, false, false); } public SimpleHibernateTemplate<com.norteksoft.acs.entity.organization.UserInfo, Long> getUserInfoDao() { return userInfoDao; } public SimpleHibernateTemplate<Company, Long> getCompanyDao() { return companyDao; } public void setCompanyDao(SimpleHibernateTemplate<Company, Long> companyDao) { this.companyDao = companyDao; } }