package com.norteksoft.mms.form.dao; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import com.norteksoft.mms.form.entity.DataTable; import com.norteksoft.mms.form.entity.FormView; import com.norteksoft.product.enumeration.DataState; import com.norteksoft.product.orm.Page; import com.norteksoft.product.orm.hibernate.HibernateDao; import com.norteksoft.product.util.ContextUtils; @Repository public class FormViewDao extends HibernateDao<FormView, Long> { public void getFormViewPage(Page<FormView> page, DataTable dataTable) { String hql = " from FormView fv where"; this.findPage(page, hql, dataTable.getId()); } public void getFormViewPage(Page<FormView> page, Long dataTableId) { String hql = " from FormView fv where"; this.findPage(page, hql, dataTableId); } public void getFormViewPageByMenu(Page<FormView> page, Long id) { Long companyId= ContextUtils.getCompanyId(); String hql = " from FormView fv where fv.companyId="+companyId + " and fv.menuId=?"; this.searchPageByHql(page, hql, id); } public List<FormView> getViewsByCodeOrderByVersion(String code) { String hql = " from FormView fv where fv.code=? and fv.companyId=? and fv.version is not null order by fv.version desc"; return this.find(hql, code, ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); } public List<FormView> getFormViewsByCompany(){ String hql = " from FormView fv where fv.companyId=? order by fv.code"; return this.find(hql, ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); } public FormView getFormViewByCodeAndVersion(String code, Integer version) { if(ContextUtils.getCompanyId()==null){throw new RuntimeException("根据编码和版本查询表单时,公司id不能为null");} return getFormViewByCodeAndVersion(code,version,ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); } public FormView getUnCompanyFormViewByCodeAndVersion(String code, Integer version) { String hql = " from FormView fv where fv.code=? and fv.version=? order by fv.code"; List<FormView> views= this.findNoCompanyCondition(hql, code,version); if(views.size()>0)return views.get(0); return null; } public FormView getFormViewByCodeAndVersion(String code, Integer version, Long companyId) { String hql = " from FormView fv where fv.code=? and fv.version=? and fv.companyId=? order by fv.code"; return this.findUnique(hql, code,version,companyId); } public List<FormView> getFormViewsByCompany(Long companyId){ String hql = " from FormView fv where fv.companyId=? and fv.formState=? order by fv.code"; return this.find(hql, companyId,DataState.ENABLE); } public List<FormView> getFormViewByCode(String code, Long formId){ if(formId != null){ String hql =" from FormView fv where fv.code=? and fv.companyId=? and<>?"; return this.find(hql, code,ContextUtils.getCompanyId(),formId); }else{ String hql =" from FormView fv where fv.code=? and fv.companyId=? "; return this.find(hql, code,ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); } } public List<FormView> getFormViewsByMenu(Long menuId){ String hql = " from FormView fv where fv.companyId=? and fv.menuId=? and fv.formState=? order by fv.code"; return this.find(hql, ContextUtils.getCompanyId(), menuId,DataState.ENABLE); } public List<FormView> getUnCompanyFormViewsBySystem(Long menuId){ String hql = " from FormView fv where fv.menuId=? order by fv.code"; return this.findNoCompanyCondition(hql, menuId); } public FormView getHighViewByCode(String code) { String hql = " from FormView fv where fv.code=? and fv.companyId=? and fv.formState=? and fv.version is not null order by fv.version desc"; List<FormView> list=this.find(hql, code, ContextUtils.getCompanyId(),DataState.ENABLE); if(list.size()>0)return list.get(0); return null; } //根据表单名称查询表单,bkyoa更新数据时用到 public FormView getFormViewByName(String formName){ String hql = " from FormView fv where and fv.companyId=? and fv.formState=? and fv.version is not null order by fv.version desc"; List<FormView> list=this.find(hql, formName, ContextUtils.getCompanyId(),DataState.ENABLE); if(list.size()>0)return list.get(0); return null; } /** * 取出所有标准并启用的表单 * @return */ public List<FormView> getAllStandardFormView() { String hql = " from FormView fv where fv.standard=? and fv.formState=? order by fv.code"; return this.findNoCompanyCondition(hql, true,DataState.ENABLE); } }