package com.norteksoft.acs.service.authorization; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import com.norteksoft.acs.base.orm.hibernate.SimpleHibernateTemplate; import com.norteksoft.acs.entity.authorization.Function; import com.norteksoft.acs.entity.authorization.FunctionGroup; import com.norteksoft.acs.entity.authorization.Role; import com.norteksoft.acs.entity.authorization.RoleFunction; import com.norteksoft.product.orm.Page; import com.norteksoft.product.util.ContextUtils; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Service @Transactional public class StandardRoleManager { private SimpleHibernateTemplate<Role, Long> roleDao; private SimpleHibernateTemplate<FunctionGroup, Long> functionGroupDao; private SimpleHibernateTemplate<RoleFunction, Long> roleFunctionDao; private SimpleHibernateTemplate<Function, Long> functionDao; private Long companyId; public Long getCompanyId() { if (companyId == null) { return ContextUtils.getCompanyId(); } else return companyId; } @Autowired public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory) { roleDao = new SimpleHibernateTemplate<Role, Long>(sessionFactory, Role.class); functionGroupDao = new SimpleHibernateTemplate<FunctionGroup, Long>(sessionFactory, FunctionGroup.class); roleFunctionDao = new SimpleHibernateTemplate<RoleFunction, Long>(sessionFactory,RoleFunction.class); functionDao = new SimpleHibernateTemplate<Function, Long>(sessionFactory,Function.class); } @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Role getStandardRole(Long id){ return roleDao.get(id); } public Role getStandarRoleByCode(String code, Long systemId){ return (Role) roleDao.findUnique("from Role sr where sr.code=? and and sr.deleted=?", code, systemId,false); } /** * 在权限系统中添加的角色带有公司id * @param code * @param systemId * @param companyId * @return */ public Role getStandarRoleByCode(String code, Long systemId,Long companyId){ return (Role) roleDao.findUnique("from Role sr where sr.code=? and and sr.deleted=? and sr.companyId=?", code, systemId,false,companyId); } public void deleteStandardRole(Long id){ Role role = roleDao.get(id); role.setDeleted(true);; } @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<Role> getAllStandardRole(Long sysId){ return roleDao.findByCriteria(Restrictions.eq("", sysId),Restrictions.eq("deleted", false)); } @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<Role> getAllStandardRoleByCompany(Long sysId,Long companyId){ String hql = "from Role sr where and sr.deleted=? and sr.companyId=null"; if(companyId!=null){ hql = "from Role sr where and sr.deleted=? and (sr.companyId!=null and sr.companyId=?)"; return roleDao.find(hql, sysId,false,companyId); }else{ return roleDao.find(hql, sysId,false); } } @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Page<Role> getAllStandardRole(Page<Role> page, Long sysId){ String hql = "from Role sr where and sr.deleted=? order by sr.weight desc"; return roleDao.find(page, hql,sysId,false); } public void saveStandardRole(Role role){; } /** * 角色添加功能 */ public Page<FunctionGroup> listFunctions(Page<FunctionGroup> functionpage,Long sysId){ return functionGroupDao.findByCriteria( functionpage, Restrictions.eq("", sysId), Restrictions.eq("deleted", false)); } /** * 角色移除功能 */ public Page<FunctionGroup> canRemoveFunctions(Page<FunctionGroup> functionpage, Long sysId, Long roleId){ String hql = "select distinct fung from FunctionGroup fung " + "join fung.functions fun join fun.roleFunctions r_f " + "where and fun.deleted=? " + "and r_f.deleted=? and fung. deleted=? and"; return functionGroupDao.find(functionpage, hql, roleId, false, false, false, sysId); } public List<Long> getFunctionIds(Long roleId,Long sysId) { List<Long> FunctionIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<RoleFunction> role_Functions = roleFunctionDao.findByCriteria( Restrictions.eq("", roleId), Restrictions.eq("deleted", false)); for (RoleFunction role_Function : role_Functions) { if(role_Function.getFunction()!=null){ FunctionIds.add(role_Function.getFunction().getId()); } } return FunctionIds; } public void roleAddFunction(Long roleId,List<Long> functionIds,Integer isAdd){ Role role = roleDao.get(roleId); if(isAdd==0){ RoleFunction role_f = null; for (Long funId : functionIds) { role_f = new RoleFunction(); role_f.setRole(role); role_f.setFunction(functionDao.get(funId)); role_f.setCompanyId(getCompanyId());; } } if(isAdd==1){ List<RoleFunction> funList = roleFunctionDao.findByCriteria("", functionIds), Restrictions.eq("", roleId), Restrictions.eq("deleted", false)); for (RoleFunction role_Function : funList) { role_Function.setDeleted(true);; } } } public Long getSystemId(){ return ContextUtils.getSystemId(); } /** * 根据用户ID查询用户所有的角色 * @param userId * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Set<Role> getRolesByUser(Long userId, Long companyId){ StringBuilder rolesByUserHql = new StringBuilder(); rolesByUserHql.append("select r from User u join u.roleUsers ru join ru.role r "); rolesByUserHql.append("where u.deleted=? and ru.deleted=? and r.deleted=? and and and (r.companyId is null or r.companyId=?)"); List<Role> userRoles = roleDao.find(rolesByUserHql.toString(), false, false, false, getSystemId(), userId, companyId); StringBuilder rolesByDepartmentHql = new StringBuilder(); rolesByDepartmentHql.append("select r from User u join u.departmentUsers du join du.department d join d.roleDepartments rd join rd.role r "); rolesByDepartmentHql.append("where u.deleted=? and du.deleted=? and d.deleted=? and rd.deleted=? and r.deleted=? and and and (r.companyId is null or r.companyId=?)"); List<Role> departmentRoles = roleDao.find(rolesByDepartmentHql.toString(), false, false, false,false, false, getSystemId(), userId, companyId); StringBuilder rolesByWorkgroupHql = new StringBuilder(); rolesByWorkgroupHql.append("select r from User u join u.workgroupUsers wu join wu.workgroup w join w.roleWorkgroups rw join rw.role r "); rolesByWorkgroupHql.append("where u.deleted=? and wu.deleted=? and w.deleted=? and rw.deleted=? and r.deleted=? and and and (r.companyId is null or r.companyId=?)"); List<Role> workgroupRoles = roleDao.find(rolesByWorkgroupHql.toString(), false, false, false,false, false, getSystemId(), userId, companyId); Set<Role> roles = new HashSet<Role>(); roles.addAll(userRoles); roles.addAll(departmentRoles); roles.addAll(workgroupRoles); return roles; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Set<Role> getAllRolesByUser(Long userId, Long companyId){ StringBuilder rolesByUserHql = new StringBuilder(); rolesByUserHql.append("select r from User u join u.roleUsers ru join ru.role r "); rolesByUserHql.append("where u.deleted=? and ru.deleted=? and r.deleted=? and and u.companyId=?"); List<Role> userRoles = roleDao.find(rolesByUserHql.toString(), false, false, false, userId, companyId); StringBuilder rolesByDepartmentHql = new StringBuilder(); rolesByDepartmentHql.append("select r from User u join u.departmentUsers du join du.department d join d.roleDepartments rd join rd.role r "); rolesByDepartmentHql.append("where u.deleted=? and du.deleted=? and d.deleted=? and rd.deleted=? and r.deleted=? and and u.companyId=?"); List<Role> departmentRoles = roleDao.find(rolesByDepartmentHql.toString(), false, false, false,false, false, userId, companyId); StringBuilder rolesByWorkgroupHql = new StringBuilder(); rolesByWorkgroupHql.append("select r from User u join u.workgroupUsers wu join wu.workgroup w join w.roleWorkgroups rw join rw.role r "); rolesByWorkgroupHql.append("where u.deleted=? and wu.deleted=? and w.deleted=? and rw.deleted=? and r.deleted=? and and u.companyId=?"); List<Role> workgroupRoles = roleDao.find(rolesByWorkgroupHql.toString(), false, false, false,false, false, userId, companyId); Set<Role> roles = new HashSet<Role>(); roles.addAll(userRoles); roles.addAll(departmentRoles); roles.addAll(workgroupRoles); return roles; } /** * 根据角色集合查询所有角色能访问的资源 * @param roles * @return */ public Set<Function> getFunctionsByRoles(Collection<Role> roles){ Set<Function> functions = new HashSet<Function>(); for(Role role : roles){ functions.addAll(getFunctionsByRole(role)); } return functions; } /** * 根据角色查询所有角色能访问的资源 * @param role * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Function> getFunctionsByRole(Role role){ StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder(); hql.append("select f from Function f join f.roleFunctions rf join rf.role r where and r.deleted=? and rf.deleted=? and f.deleted=? "); return functionDao.find(hql.toString(), role.getId(), false, false, false); } public RoleFunction getRoleFunction(String roleCode,String funPath,String code){ List<RoleFunction> roleFuncs=functionDao.find("from RoleFunction rf where (rf.role!=null and rf.role.code=?) and (rf.function!=null and rf.function.path=? and rf.function.code=?) and rf.deleted=?",roleCode,funPath,code,false ); if(roleFuncs.size()>0)return roleFuncs.get(0); return null; } public void saveRoleFunction(RoleFunction roleFun){; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Role> getRolesBySystemId(Long bsId) { StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder(); hql.append("select r from Role r join r.businessSystem bs where order by r.weight desc"); return functionDao.find(hql.toString(), bsId); } }