package com.norteksoft.mms.authority.dao; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import com.norteksoft.mms.authority.entity.DataRule; import com.norteksoft.product.orm.Page; import com.norteksoft.product.orm.hibernate.HibernateDao; import com.norteksoft.product.util.ContextUtils; /** * 数据规则 * @author Administrator * */ @Repository public class DataRuleDao extends HibernateDao<DataRule, Long>{ /** * 获得所有数据规则 * @param page */ public void getDataRulePage(Page<DataRule> page) { this.searchPageByHql(page, "from DataRule d where d.companyId=? ", ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); } public List<DataRule> getDataRuleByDataTable(Long tableId){ return this.find("from DataRule d where d.dataTableId=? ", tableId); } public List<DataRule> getAllDataRule(){ return this.find("from DataRule d where d.companyId=? ", ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); } /** * 根据编号获得规则 * @param code * @return */ public DataRule getDataRuleByCode(String code) { return this.findUnique("from DataRule d where d.companyId=? and d.code=? ",ContextUtils.getCompanyId(),code); } /** * 根据编号和ID获得编号相同且ID不同的规则 * @param code * @param id * @return */ public DataRule getDataRuleByCode(String code, Long id) { return this.findUnique("from DataRule d where d.companyId=? and d.code=? and <> ? ",ContextUtils.getCompanyId(),code,id); } /** * 根据规则类型查询数据规则 * @param ruleTypeId * @return */ public List<DataRule> getDataRulesByRuleType(Long ruleTypeId){ return this.find("from DataRule d where d.ruleTypeId=? ", ruleTypeId); } /** * 根据规则类型查询数据规则 * @param page * @param ruleTypeId */ public void getDataRulesByRuleType(Page<DataRule> page, Long ruleTypeId) { this.searchPageByHql(page, "from DataRule d where d.companyId=? and d.ruleTypeId=? ", ContextUtils.getCompanyId(),ruleTypeId); } }