package com.norteksoft.mms.form.dao; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import com.norteksoft.mms.form.entity.ListView; import com.norteksoft.product.api.impl.WorkflowClientManager; import com.norteksoft.product.orm.Page; import com.norteksoft.product.orm.hibernate.HibernateDao; import com.norteksoft.product.util.ContextUtils; import; @Repository public class ListViewDao extends HibernateDao<ListView, Long> { private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WorkflowClientManager.class); public void getViewPage(Page<ListView> page, Long dataTableId) { String hql = " from ListView v where"; this.findPage(page, hql, dataTableId); } public List<ListView> getListViewsByCompany(){ String hql = " from ListView lv where lv.companyId=? order by lv.code"; return this.find(hql, ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); } public List<ListView> getListViewByCode(String code,Long viewId){ if(viewId!=null){ return find("from ListView lv where lv.code=? and lv.companyId=? and<>?",code,ContextUtils.getCompanyId(),viewId); }else{ return find("from ListView lv where lv.code=? and lv.companyId=? ",code,ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); } } public ListView getDefaultDisplayListViewByTabelId(Long dataTableId){ String hql = " from ListView v where and v.defaultListView=? and v.companyId=?"; List<ListView> views= this.find(hql, dataTableId,true,ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); if(views.size()==0)return null; return views.get(0); } public void getListViewPageByMenu(Page<ListView> page, Long id) { Long companyId= ContextUtils.getCompanyId(); String hql = " from ListView lv where lv.companyId="+companyId + " and lv.menuId=?"; this.searchPageByHql(page, hql, id); } public ListView getListViewByCode(String code) { String hql = "from ListView lv where lv.companyId=? and lv.code=?"; if(ContextUtils.getCompanyId()==null){ log.debug("companyId不能为null"); throw new RuntimeException("companyId不能为null"); } List<ListView> views = this.find(hql, ContextUtils.getCompanyId(), code); if(views.size() == 1) return views.get(0); return null; } public List<ListView> getListViewsBySystem(Long menuId){ String hql = " from ListView lv where lv.companyId=? and lv.menuId=? order by lv.code"; return this.find(hql, ContextUtils.getCompanyId(), menuId); } public List<ListView> getUnCompanyListViewsBySystem(Long menuId){ String hql = " from ListView lv where lv.menuId=? order by lv.code"; return this.findNoCompanyCondition(hql, menuId); } public List<ListView> getFormViewByCodeAndMenuId(String code, Long mId){ String hql = " from ListView lv where lv.companyId=? and lv.menuId=? and lv.code=? order by lv.code"; return this.find(hql, ContextUtils.getCompanyId(), mId, code); } public List<ListView> getListViewsBySystem(String... sysCodes){ List<String> codes=Arrays.asList(sysCodes); StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder(); int len=0; if(codes!=null)len=codes.size(); Object[] vals=new Object[len+1]; hql.append(" from ListView lv where lv.companyId=?");// order by lv.code if(ContextUtils.getCompanyId()==null){ log.debug("companyId不能为null"); throw new RuntimeException("companyId不能为null"); } vals[0]=ContextUtils.getCompanyId(); if(codes!=null){ int i=1; for(String code:codes){ hql.append(" ("); hql.append(" or "); vals[i++]=code; } if(hql.toString().contains("or")){ hql.replace(hql.lastIndexOf("or"), hql.length(), ""); hql.append(")"); } } hql.append(" order by lv.code"); return this.find(hql.toString(), vals); } public List<ListView> getListViewByTabelId(Long dataTableId){ String hql = " from ListView v where and v.companyId=?"; return this.find(hql, dataTableId,ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); } }