package com.norteksoft.mms.form.dao; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import com.norteksoft.mms.form.entity.DataTable; import com.norteksoft.product.api.impl.WorkflowClientManager; import com.norteksoft.product.enumeration.DataState; import com.norteksoft.product.orm.Page; import com.norteksoft.product.orm.hibernate.HibernateDao; import com.norteksoft.product.util.ContextUtils; @Repository public class DataTableDao extends HibernateDao<DataTable, Long> { private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WorkflowClientManager.class); public void findAllDataTable(Page<DataTable> tables){ String hql = "from DataTable dt where dt.companyId = ? order by dt.createdTime desc"; findPage(tables, hql, ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); } public void findSystemAllDataTable(Page<DataTable> tables,Long menuId){ String hql ="from DataTable dt where dt.companyId = ? and dt.menuId = ? and dt.entityName!=null order by dt.createdTime desc"; this.searchPageByHql(tables, hql, ContextUtils.getCompanyId(),menuId); } public void findSystemDefaultDataTable(Page<DataTable> tables,Long menuId){ String hql ="from DataTable dt where dt.companyId = ? and dt.menuId = ? and dt.entityName is null order by dt.createdTime desc"; this.searchPageByHql(tables, hql, ContextUtils.getCompanyId(),menuId); } public void findAllEnabledDataTable(Page<DataTable> tables){ String hql = "from DataTable dt where dt.companyId = ? and dt.tableState=? order by dt.createdTime desc"; findPage(tables, hql, ContextUtils.getCompanyId(), DataState.ENABLE); } public List<DataTable> getEnabledDataTables() { String hql = "from DataTable dt where (dt.tableState=? or dt.tableState=? ) and dt.companyId=? order by dt.createdTime"; return this.find(hql, DataState.ENABLE,DataState.DISABLE,ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); } public List<DataTable> getAllEnabledDataTables() { String hql = "from DataTable dt where dt.tableState=? and dt.companyId=? order by dt.createdTime"; return this.find(hql, DataState.ENABLE,ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); } public DataTable getDataTableByEntity(String entityName){ String hql = "from DataTable dt where dt.entityName=? and dt.companyId=?"; List<DataTable> tables = find(hql, entityName, ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); if(tables.size()>0){ return tables.get(0); }else{ return null; } } public DataTable findDataTableByName(String name){ String hql = "from DataTable dt where and dt.companyId=?"; if(ContextUtils.getCompanyId()==null){ log.debug("companyId不能为null"); throw new RuntimeException("companyId不能为null"); } List<DataTable> tables = find(hql, name, ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); if(tables.size()>0){ return tables.get(0); }else{ return null; } } public List<DataTable> getStandardDataTables() { String hql = "from DataTable dt where entityName is not null and<>'null' and dt.companyId=? order by dt.createdTime"; return this.find(hql, ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); } public List<DataTable> getDefaultDataTables() { String hql = "from DataTable dt where entityName is null and<>'null' and dt.companyId=? order by dt.createdTime"; return this.find(hql, ContextUtils.getCompanyId()); } public List<DataTable> getAllDataTablesByMenu(Long menuId){ String hql = "from DataTable dt where dt.companyId = ? and dt.menuId=? order by dt.createdTime desc"; return this.find(hql,ContextUtils.getCompanyId(),menuId); } public List<DataTable> getUnCompanyAllDataTablesByMenu(Long menuId){ String hql = "from DataTable dt where dt.menuId=? order by dt.createdTime desc"; return this.findNoCompanyCondition(hql,menuId); } }