/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.mapred; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException; import junit.extensions.TestSetup; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ClusterStatus.BlackListInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobTracker.ReasonForBlackListing; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTrackerStatus.TaskTrackerHealthStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskType; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.server.jobtracker.JTConfig; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.server.jobtracker.TaskTracker; public class TestTaskTrackerBlacklisting extends TestCase { static String trackers[] = new String[] { "tracker_tracker1:1000", "tracker_tracker2:1000", "tracker_tracker3:1000" }; static String hosts[] = new String[] { "tracker1", "tracker2", "tracker3" }; private static FakeJobTracker jobTracker; private static FakeJobTrackerClock clock; private static short responseId; private static final Set<ReasonForBlackListing> nodeUnHealthyReasonSet = EnumSet.of(ReasonForBlackListing.NODE_UNHEALTHY); private static final Set<ReasonForBlackListing> exceedsFailuresReasonSet = EnumSet.of(ReasonForBlackListing.EXCEEDING_FAILURES); private static final Set<ReasonForBlackListing> unhealthyAndExceedsFailure = EnumSet.of( ReasonForBlackListing.NODE_UNHEALTHY, ReasonForBlackListing.EXCEEDING_FAILURES); // Add extra millisecond where timer granularity is too coarse private static final long aDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 + 1; private static class FakeJobTrackerClock extends Clock { boolean jumpADay = false; @Override long getTime() { if (!jumpADay) { return super.getTime(); } else { long now = super.getTime(); return now + aDay; } } } static class FakeJobTracker extends org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FakeObjectUtilities.FakeJobTracker { FakeJobTracker(JobConf conf, Clock clock, String[] tts) throws IOException, InterruptedException, LoginException { super(conf, clock, tts); } @Override synchronized void finalizeJob(JobInProgress job) { List<String> blackListedTrackers = job.getBlackListedTrackers(); for (String tracker : blackListedTrackers) { incrementFaults(tracker); } } } static class FakeJobInProgress extends org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FakeObjectUtilities.FakeJobInProgress { HashMap<String, Integer> trackerToFailureMap; FakeJobInProgress(JobConf jobConf, JobTracker tracker) throws IOException { super(jobConf, tracker); // initObjects(tracker, numMaps, numReduces); trackerToFailureMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); } public void failTask(TaskAttemptID taskId) { super.failTask(taskId); TaskInProgress tip = jobtracker.taskidToTIPMap.get(taskId); addFailuresToTrackers(tip.machineWhereTaskRan(taskId)); } public void addFailuresToTrackers(String trackerName) { Integer numOfFailures = trackerToFailureMap.get(trackerName); if (numOfFailures == null) { numOfFailures = 0; } trackerToFailureMap.put(trackerName, numOfFailures + 1); } public List<String> getBlackListedTrackers() { ArrayList<String> blackListedTrackers = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : trackerToFailureMap.entrySet()) { Integer failures = entry.getValue(); String tracker = entry.getKey(); if (failures.intValue() >= this.getJobConf() .getMaxTaskFailuresPerTracker()) { blackListedTrackers.add(JobInProgress .convertTrackerNameToHostName(tracker)); } } return blackListedTrackers; } } public static Test suite() { TestSetup setup = new TestSetup(new TestSuite(TestTaskTrackerBlacklisting.class)) { protected void setUp() throws Exception { JobConf conf = new JobConf(); conf.set(JTConfig.JT_IPC_ADDRESS, "localhost:0"); conf.set(JTConfig.JT_HTTP_ADDRESS, ""); conf.setInt(JTConfig.JT_MAX_TRACKER_BLACKLISTS, 1); jobTracker = new FakeJobTracker(conf, (clock = new FakeJobTrackerClock()), trackers); sendHeartBeat(null, true); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { //delete the build/test/logs/ dir } }; return setup; } private static void sendHeartBeat(TaskTrackerHealthStatus status, boolean initialContact) throws IOException { for (String tracker : trackers) { TaskTrackerStatus tts = new TaskTrackerStatus(tracker, JobInProgress .convertTrackerNameToHostName(tracker)); if (status != null) { TaskTrackerHealthStatus healthStatus = tts.getHealthStatus(); healthStatus.setNodeHealthy(status.isNodeHealthy()); healthStatus.setHealthReport(status.getHealthReport()); healthStatus.setLastReported(status.getLastReported()); } jobTracker.heartbeat(tts, false, initialContact, false, responseId); } responseId++; } public void testTrackerBlacklistingForJobFailures() throws Exception { runBlackListingJob(jobTracker, trackers); assertEquals("Tracker 1 not blacklisted", jobTracker .getBlacklistedTrackerCount(), 1); checkReasonForBlackListing(hosts[0], exceedsFailuresReasonSet); clock.jumpADay = true; sendHeartBeat(null, false); assertEquals("Tracker 1 still blacklisted after a day", 0, jobTracker .getBlacklistedTrackerCount()); //Cleanup the blacklisted trackers. //Tracker is black listed due to failure count, so clock has to be //forwarded by a day. clock.jumpADay = false; } public void testNodeHealthBlackListing() throws Exception { TaskTrackerHealthStatus status = getUnhealthyNodeStatus("ERROR"); //Blacklist tracker due to node health failures. sendHeartBeat(status, false); for (String host : hosts) { checkReasonForBlackListing(host, nodeUnHealthyReasonSet); } status.setNodeHealthy(true); status.setLastReported(System.currentTimeMillis()); status.setHealthReport(""); //white list tracker so the further test cases can be //using trackers. sendHeartBeat(status, false); assertEquals("Trackers still blacklisted after healthy report", 0, jobTracker.getBlacklistedTrackerCount()); } /** * Test case to check if the task tracker node health failure statistics * is populated correctly. * * We check the since start property and assume that other properties would * be populated in a correct manner. */ public void testTaskTrackerNodeHealthFailureStatistics() throws Exception { //populate previous failure count, as the job tracker is bought up only //once in setup of test cases to run all node health blacklist stuff. int failureCount = getFailureCountSinceStart(jobTracker, trackers[0]); sendHeartBeat(null, false); for(String tracker: trackers) { assertEquals("Failure count updated wrongly for tracker : " + tracker, failureCount, getFailureCountSinceStart(jobTracker, tracker)); } TaskTrackerHealthStatus status = getUnhealthyNodeStatus("ERROR"); sendHeartBeat(status, false); //When the node fails due to health check, the statistics is //incremented. failureCount++; for(String tracker: trackers) { assertEquals("Failure count updated wrongly for tracker : " + tracker, failureCount, getFailureCountSinceStart(jobTracker, tracker)); } //even if the node reports unhealthy in next status update we dont //increment it. We increment the statistics if the node goes back to //healthy and then becomes unhealthy. sendHeartBeat(status, false); for(String tracker: trackers) { assertEquals("Failure count updated wrongly for tracker : " + tracker, failureCount, getFailureCountSinceStart(jobTracker, tracker)); } //make nodes all healthy, but the failure statistics should be //carried forward. sendHeartBeat(null, false); for(String tracker: trackers) { assertEquals("Failure count updated wrongly for tracker : " + tracker, failureCount, getFailureCountSinceStart(jobTracker, tracker)); } } private int getFailureCountSinceStart(JobTracker jt, String tracker) { JobTrackerStatistics jtStats = jt.getStatistics(); StatisticsCollector collector = jtStats.collector; collector.update(); return jtStats.getTaskTrackerStat(tracker).healthCheckFailedStat .getValues().get(StatisticsCollector.SINCE_START).getValue(); } public void testBlackListingWithFailuresAndHealthStatus() throws Exception { runBlackListingJob(jobTracker, trackers); assertEquals("Tracker 1 not blacklisted", 1, jobTracker.getBlacklistedTrackerCount()); checkReasonForBlackListing(hosts[0], exceedsFailuresReasonSet); TaskTrackerHealthStatus status = getUnhealthyNodeStatus("ERROR"); sendHeartBeat(status, false); assertEquals("All trackers not blacklisted", 3, jobTracker.getBlacklistedTrackerCount()); checkReasonForBlackListing(hosts[0], unhealthyAndExceedsFailure); checkReasonForBlackListing(hosts[1], nodeUnHealthyReasonSet); checkReasonForBlackListing(hosts[2], nodeUnHealthyReasonSet); clock.jumpADay = true; sendHeartBeat(status, false); assertEquals("All trackers not blacklisted", 3, jobTracker.getBlacklistedTrackerCount()); for (String host : hosts) { checkReasonForBlackListing(host, nodeUnHealthyReasonSet); } //clear blacklisted trackers due to node health reasons. sendHeartBeat(null, false); assertEquals("All trackers not white listed", 0, jobTracker.getBlacklistedTrackerCount()); //Clear the blacklisted trackers due to failures. clock.jumpADay = false; } public void testBlacklistingReasonString() throws Exception { String error = "ERROR"; String error1 = "ERROR1"; TaskTrackerHealthStatus status = getUnhealthyNodeStatus(error); sendHeartBeat(status, false); assertEquals("All trackers not blacklisted", 3, jobTracker.getBlacklistedTrackerCount()); checkReasonForBlackListing(hosts[0], nodeUnHealthyReasonSet); checkReasonForBlackListing(hosts[1], nodeUnHealthyReasonSet); checkReasonForBlackListing(hosts[2], nodeUnHealthyReasonSet); for (int i = 0; i < hosts.length; i++) { //Replace new line as we are adding new line //in getFaultReport assertEquals("Blacklisting reason string not correct for host " + i, error, jobTracker.getFaultReport(hosts[i]).replace("\n", "")); } status.setNodeHealthy(false); status.setLastReported(System.currentTimeMillis()); status.setHealthReport(error1); sendHeartBeat(status, false); checkReasonForBlackListing(hosts[0], nodeUnHealthyReasonSet); checkReasonForBlackListing(hosts[1], nodeUnHealthyReasonSet); checkReasonForBlackListing(hosts[2], nodeUnHealthyReasonSet); for (int i = 0; i < hosts.length; i++) { //Replace new line as we are adding new line //in getFaultReport assertEquals("Blacklisting reason string not correct for host " + i, error1, jobTracker.getFaultReport(hosts[i]).replace("\n", "")); } //clear the blacklisted trackers with node health reasons. sendHeartBeat(null, false); } private TaskTrackerHealthStatus getUnhealthyNodeStatus(String error) { TaskTrackerHealthStatus status = new TaskTrackerHealthStatus(); status.setNodeHealthy(false); status.setLastReported(System.currentTimeMillis()); status.setHealthReport(error); return status; } public void testBlackListingWithTrackerReservation() throws Exception { JobConf conf = new JobConf(); conf.setNumMapTasks(1); conf.setNumReduceTasks(1); FakeJobInProgress job = new FakeJobInProgress(conf, jobTracker); TaskTracker tt1 = jobTracker.getTaskTracker(trackers[0]); TaskTracker tt2 = jobTracker.getTaskTracker(trackers[1]); tt1.reserveSlots(TaskType.MAP, job, 1); tt1.reserveSlots(TaskType.REDUCE, job, 1); tt2.reserveSlots(TaskType.MAP, job, 1); tt2.reserveSlots(TaskType.REDUCE, job, 1); assertEquals("Tracker 1 not reserved for the job 1", 2, job .getNumReservedTaskTrackersForMaps()); assertEquals("Tracker 1 not reserved for the job 1", 2, job .getNumReservedTaskTrackersForReduces()); runBlackListingJob(jobTracker, trackers); assertEquals("Tracker 1 not unreserved for the job 1", 1, job .getNumReservedTaskTrackersForMaps()); assertEquals("Tracker 1 not unreserved for the job 1", 1, job .getNumReservedTaskTrackersForReduces()); assertEquals("Tracker 1 not blacklisted", 1, jobTracker .getBlacklistedTrackerCount()); checkReasonForBlackListing(hosts[0], exceedsFailuresReasonSet); TaskTrackerHealthStatus status = getUnhealthyNodeStatus("ERROR"); sendHeartBeat(status, false); assertEquals("All trackers not blacklisted", 3, jobTracker.getBlacklistedTrackerCount()); checkReasonForBlackListing(hosts[0], unhealthyAndExceedsFailure); checkReasonForBlackListing(hosts[1], nodeUnHealthyReasonSet); checkReasonForBlackListing(hosts[2], nodeUnHealthyReasonSet); assertEquals("Tracker 1 not unreserved for the job 1", 0, job .getNumReservedTaskTrackersForMaps()); assertEquals("Tracker 1 not unreserved for the job 1", 0, job .getNumReservedTaskTrackersForReduces()); //white list all trackers for health reasons and failure counts clock.jumpADay = true; sendHeartBeat(null, false); } /** * Test case to test if the cluster status is populated with the right * blacklist information, which would be used by the {@link JobClient} to * display information on the Command Line interface. * */ public void testClusterStatusBlacklistedReason() throws Exception { String error = "ERROR"; String errorWithNewLines = "ERROR\nERROR"; String expectedErrorReport = "ERROR:ERROR"; // Create an unhealthy tracker health status. Collection<BlackListInfo> blackListedTrackerInfo = jobTracker .getBlackListedTrackers(); assertTrue("The blacklisted tracker nodes is not empty.", blackListedTrackerInfo.isEmpty()); TaskTrackerHealthStatus status = getUnhealthyNodeStatus(errorWithNewLines); // make all tracker unhealthy sendHeartBeat(status, false); assertEquals("All trackers not blacklisted", 3, jobTracker .getBlacklistedTrackerCount()); // Verify the new method .getBlackListedTracker() which is // used by the ClusterStatus to set the list of blacklisted // tracker. blackListedTrackerInfo = jobTracker.getBlackListedTrackers(); // Check if all the black listed tracker information is obtained // in new method. assertEquals("Blacklist tracker info does not contain all trackers", 3, blackListedTrackerInfo.size()); // verify all the trackers are blacklisted for health reasons. // Also check the health report. for (BlackListInfo bi : blackListedTrackerInfo) { assertEquals("Tracker not blacklisted for health reason", ReasonForBlackListing.NODE_UNHEALTHY.toString().trim(), bi .getReasonForBlackListing().trim()); assertTrue("Tracker blacklist report does not match", bi.toString().endsWith(expectedErrorReport)); } // reset the tracker health status back to normal. sendHeartBeat(null, false); runBlackListingJob(jobTracker, trackers); sendHeartBeat(status, false); blackListedTrackerInfo = jobTracker.getBlackListedTrackers(); for (BlackListInfo bi : blackListedTrackerInfo) { if (bi.getTrackerName().equals(trackers[0])) { assertTrue( "Reason for blacklisting of tracker 1 does not contain Unhealthy reasons", bi.getReasonForBlackListing().contains( ReasonForBlackListing.NODE_UNHEALTHY.toString().trim())); assertTrue( "Reason for blacklisting of tracker 1 does not contain Unhealthy reasons", bi.getReasonForBlackListing().contains( ReasonForBlackListing.EXCEEDING_FAILURES.toString().trim())); assertTrue("Blacklist failure does not contain failure report string", bi.getBlackListReport().contains("failures on the tracker")); } else { assertEquals("Tracker not blacklisted for health reason", ReasonForBlackListing.NODE_UNHEALTHY.toString().trim(), bi .getReasonForBlackListing().trim()); } assertTrue("Tracker blacklist report does not match", bi .getBlackListReport().trim().contains(error)); } clock.jumpADay = true; sendHeartBeat(null, false); } /** * Runs a job which blacklists the first of the tracker * which is passed to the method. * * @param jobTracker JobTracker instance * @param trackers array of trackers, the method would blacklist * first element of the array * @return A job in progress object. * @throws Exception */ static FakeJobInProgress runBlackListingJob(JobTracker jobTracker, String[] trackers) throws Exception { TaskAttemptID[] taskAttemptID = new TaskAttemptID[3]; JobConf conf = new JobConf(); conf.setSpeculativeExecution(false); conf.setNumMapTasks(0); conf.setNumReduceTasks(5); conf.set(JobContext.REDUCE_FAILURES_MAXPERCENT, ".70"); conf.setBoolean(JobContext.SETUP_CLEANUP_NEEDED, false); conf.setMaxTaskFailuresPerTracker(1); FakeJobInProgress job = new FakeJobInProgress(conf, jobTracker); job.setClusterSize(trackers.length); job.initTasks(); taskAttemptID[0] = job.findReduceTask(trackers[0]); taskAttemptID[1] = job.findReduceTask(trackers[1]); taskAttemptID[2] = job.findReduceTask(trackers[2]); job.finishTask(taskAttemptID[1]); job.finishTask(taskAttemptID[2]); job.failTask(taskAttemptID[0]); taskAttemptID[0] = job.findReduceTask(trackers[0]); job.failTask(taskAttemptID[0]); taskAttemptID[0] = job.findReduceTask(trackers[1]); job.finishTask(taskAttemptID[0]); taskAttemptID[0] = job.findReduceTask(trackers[1]); taskAttemptID[1] = job.findReduceTask(trackers[2]); job.finishTask(taskAttemptID[0]); job.finishTask(taskAttemptID[1]); jobTracker.finalizeJob(job); return job; } private void checkReasonForBlackListing(String host, Set<ReasonForBlackListing> reasonsForBlackListing) { Set<ReasonForBlackListing> rfbs = jobTracker.getReasonForBlackList(host); assertEquals("Reasons for blacklisting of " + host + " does not match", reasonsForBlackListing, rfbs); } }