/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory; import java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean; import java.lang.management.MemoryUsage; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.Block; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeID; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsConstants.UpgradeAction; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.security.token.delegation.DelegationTokenIdentifier; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockManager; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.DatanodeDescriptor; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.DatanodeManager; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.JspHelper; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage.StorageDirectory; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.UpgradeStatusReport; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeProtocols; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.apache.hadoop.net.NodeBase; import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation; import org.apache.hadoop.security.token.Token; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ServletUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.util.VersionInfo; import org.znerd.xmlenc.XMLOutputter; class NamenodeJspHelper { static String getSafeModeText(FSNamesystem fsn) { if (!fsn.isInSafeMode()) return ""; return "Safe mode is ON. <em>" + fsn.getSafeModeTip() + "</em><br>"; } /** * returns security mode of the cluster (namenode) * @return "on" if security is on, and "off" otherwise */ static String getSecurityModeText() { if(UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) { return "Security is <em>ON</em> <br>"; } else { return "Security is <em>OFF</em> <br>"; } } static String getInodeLimitText(FSNamesystem fsn) { long inodes = fsn.dir.totalInodes(); long blocks = fsn.getBlocksTotal(); long maxobjects = fsn.getMaxObjects(); MemoryMXBean mem = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean(); MemoryUsage heap = mem.getHeapMemoryUsage(); long totalMemory = heap.getUsed(); long maxMemory = heap.getMax(); long commitedMemory = heap.getCommitted(); MemoryUsage nonHeap = mem.getNonHeapMemoryUsage(); long totalNonHeap = nonHeap.getUsed(); long maxNonHeap = nonHeap.getMax(); long commitedNonHeap = nonHeap.getCommitted(); long used = (totalMemory * 100) / commitedMemory; long usedNonHeap = (totalNonHeap * 100) / commitedNonHeap; String str = inodes + " files and directories, " + blocks + " blocks = " + (inodes + blocks) + " total"; if (maxobjects != 0) { long pct = ((inodes + blocks) * 100) / maxobjects; str += " / " + maxobjects + " (" + pct + "%)"; } str += ".<br>"; str += "Heap Memory used " + StringUtils.byteDesc(totalMemory) + " is " + " " + used + "% of Commited Heap Memory " + StringUtils.byteDesc(commitedMemory) + ". Max Heap Memory is " + StringUtils.byteDesc(maxMemory) + ". <br>"; str += "Non Heap Memory used " + StringUtils.byteDesc(totalNonHeap) + " is" + " " + usedNonHeap + "% of " + " Commited Non Heap Memory " + StringUtils.byteDesc(commitedNonHeap) + ". Max Non Heap Memory is " + StringUtils.byteDesc(maxNonHeap) + ".<br>"; return str; } static String getUpgradeStatusText(FSNamesystem fsn) { String statusText = ""; try { UpgradeStatusReport status = fsn .distributedUpgradeProgress(UpgradeAction.GET_STATUS); statusText = (status == null ? "There are no upgrades in progress." : status.getStatusText(false)); } catch (IOException e) { statusText = "Upgrade status unknown."; } return statusText; } /** Return a table containing version information. */ static String getVersionTable(FSNamesystem fsn) { return "<div id='dfstable'><table>" + "\n <tr><td id='col1'>Started:</td><td>" + fsn.getStartTime() + "</td></tr>\n" + "\n <tr><td id='col1'>Version:</td><td>" + VersionInfo.getVersion() + ", " + VersionInfo.getRevision() + "\n <tr><td id='col1'>Compiled:</td><td>" + VersionInfo.getDate() + " by " + VersionInfo.getUser() + " from " + VersionInfo.getBranch() + "\n <tr><td id='col1'>Upgrades:</td><td>" + getUpgradeStatusText(fsn) + "\n <tr><td id='col1'>Cluster ID:</td><td>" + fsn.getClusterId() + "</td></tr>\n" + "\n <tr><td id='col1'>Block Pool ID:</td><td>" + fsn.getBlockPoolId() + "</td></tr>\n" + "\n</table></div>"; } /** * Generate warning text if there are corrupt files. * @return a warning if files are corrupt, otherwise return an empty string. */ static String getCorruptFilesWarning(FSNamesystem fsn) { long missingBlocks = fsn.getMissingBlocksCount(); if (missingBlocks > 0) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); // Warning class is typically displayed in RED result.append("<br/><a class=\"warning\" href=\"/corrupt_files.jsp\" title=\"List corrupt files\">\n"); result.append("<b>WARNING : There are " + missingBlocks + " missing blocks. Please check the logs or run fsck in order to identify the missing blocks.</b>"); result.append("</a>"); result.append("<br/><div class=\"small\">See the Hadoop FAQ for common causes and potential solutions."); result.append("<br/><br/>\n"); return result.toString(); } return ""; } static class HealthJsp { private int rowNum = 0; private int colNum = 0; private String sorterField = null; private String sorterOrder = null; private String rowTxt() { colNum = 0; return "<tr class=\"" + (((rowNum++) % 2 == 0) ? "rowNormal" : "rowAlt") + "\"> "; } private String colTxt() { return "<td id=\"col" + ++colNum + "\"> "; } private String colTxt(String title) { return "<td id=\"col" + ++colNum + "\" title=\"" + title + "\"> "; } private void counterReset() { colNum = 0; rowNum = 0; } void generateConfReport(JspWriter out, NameNode nn, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { FSNamesystem fsn = nn.getNamesystem(); FSImage fsImage = fsn.getFSImage(); List<Storage.StorageDirectory> removedStorageDirs = fsImage.getStorage().getRemovedStorageDirs(); // FS Image storage configuration out.print("<h3> " + nn.getRole() + " Storage: </h3>"); out.print("<div id=\"dfstable\"> <table border=1 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 title=\"NameNode Storage\">\n" + "<thead><tr><td><b>Storage Directory</b></td><td><b>Type</b></td><td><b>State</b></td></tr></thead>"); StorageDirectory st = null; for (Iterator<StorageDirectory> it = fsImage.getStorage().dirIterator(); it.hasNext();) { st = it.next(); String dir = "" + st.getRoot(); String type = "" + st.getStorageDirType(); out.print("<tr><td>" + dir + "</td><td>" + type + "</td><td>Active</td></tr>"); } long storageDirsSize = removedStorageDirs.size(); for (int i = 0; i < storageDirsSize; i++) { st = removedStorageDirs.get(i); String dir = "" + st.getRoot(); String type = "" + st.getStorageDirType(); out.print("<tr><td>" + dir + "</td><td>" + type + "</td><td><font color=red>Failed</font></td></tr>"); } out.print("</table></div><br>\n"); } void generateHealthReport(JspWriter out, NameNode nn, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { FSNamesystem fsn = nn.getNamesystem(); final DatanodeManager dm = fsn.getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager(); final List<DatanodeDescriptor> live = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>(); final List<DatanodeDescriptor> dead = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>(); dm.fetchDatanodes(live, dead, true); int liveDecommissioned = 0; for (DatanodeDescriptor d : live) { liveDecommissioned += d.isDecommissioned() ? 1 : 0; } int deadDecommissioned = 0; for (DatanodeDescriptor d : dead) { deadDecommissioned += d.isDecommissioned() ? 1 : 0; } final List<DatanodeDescriptor> decommissioning = dm.getDecommissioningNodes(); sorterField = request.getParameter("sorter/field"); sorterOrder = request.getParameter("sorter/order"); if (sorterField == null) sorterField = "name"; if (sorterOrder == null) sorterOrder = "ASC"; // Find out common suffix. Should this be before or after the sort? String port_suffix = null; if (live.size() > 0) { String name = live.get(0).getName(); int idx = name.indexOf(':'); if (idx > 0) { port_suffix = name.substring(idx); } for (int i = 1; port_suffix != null && i < live.size(); i++) { if (live.get(i).getName().endsWith(port_suffix) == false) { port_suffix = null; break; } } } counterReset(); long[] fsnStats = fsn.getStats(); long total = fsnStats[0]; long remaining = fsnStats[2]; long used = fsnStats[1]; long nonDFS = total - remaining - used; nonDFS = nonDFS < 0 ? 0 : nonDFS; float percentUsed = DFSUtil.getPercentUsed(used, total); float percentRemaining = DFSUtil.getPercentRemaining(remaining, total); float median = 0; float max = 0; float min = 0; float dev = 0; if (live.size() > 0) { float totalDfsUsed = 0; float[] usages = new float[live.size()]; int i = 0; for (DatanodeDescriptor dn : live) { usages[i++] = dn.getDfsUsedPercent(); totalDfsUsed += dn.getDfsUsedPercent(); } totalDfsUsed /= live.size(); Arrays.sort(usages); median = usages[usages.length/2]; max = usages[usages.length - 1]; min = usages[0]; for (i = 0; i < usages.length; i++) { dev += (usages[i] - totalDfsUsed) * (usages[i] - totalDfsUsed); } dev = (float) Math.sqrt(dev/usages.length); } long bpUsed = fsnStats[6]; float percentBpUsed = DFSUtil.getPercentUsed(bpUsed, total); out.print("<div id=\"dfstable\"> <table>\n" + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "Configured Capacity" + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + StringUtils.byteDesc(total) + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "DFS Used" + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + StringUtils.byteDesc(used) + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "Non DFS Used" + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + StringUtils.byteDesc(nonDFS) + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "DFS Remaining" + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + StringUtils.byteDesc(remaining) + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "DFS Used%" + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(percentUsed) + " %" + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "DFS Remaining%" + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(percentRemaining) + " %" + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "Block Pool Used" + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + StringUtils.byteDesc(bpUsed) + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "Block Pool Used%"+ colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(percentBpUsed) + " %" + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "DataNodes usages" + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + "Min %" + colTxt() + "Median %" + colTxt() + "Max %" + colTxt() + "stdev %" + rowTxt() + colTxt() + colTxt() + colTxt() + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(min) + " %" + colTxt() + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(median) + " %" + colTxt() + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(max) + " %" + colTxt() + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(dev) + " %" + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "<a href=\"dfsnodelist.jsp?whatNodes=LIVE\">Live Nodes</a> " + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + live.size() + " (Decommissioned: " + liveDecommissioned + ")" + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "<a href=\"dfsnodelist.jsp?whatNodes=DEAD\">Dead Nodes</a> " + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + dead.size() + " (Decommissioned: " + deadDecommissioned + ")" + rowTxt() + colTxt() + "<a href=\"dfsnodelist.jsp?whatNodes=DECOMMISSIONING\">" + "Decommissioning Nodes</a> " + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + decommissioning.size() + rowTxt() + colTxt("Excludes missing blocks.") + "Number of Under-Replicated Blocks" + colTxt() + ":" + colTxt() + fsn.getBlockManager().getUnderReplicatedNotMissingBlocks() + "</table></div><br>\n"); if (live.isEmpty() && dead.isEmpty()) { out.print("There are no datanodes in the cluster"); } } } static String getDelegationToken(final NamenodeProtocols nn, HttpServletRequest request, Configuration conf, final UserGroupInformation ugi) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> token = ugi .doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier>>() { public Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> run() throws IOException { return nn.getDelegationToken(new Text(ugi.getUserName())); } }); return token == null ? null : token.encodeToUrlString(); } /** @return a randomly chosen datanode. */ static DatanodeDescriptor getRandomDatanode(final NameNode namenode) { return (DatanodeDescriptor)namenode.getNamesystem().getBlockManager( ).getDatanodeManager().getNetworkTopology().chooseRandom( NodeBase.ROOT); } static void redirectToRandomDataNode(ServletContext context, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final NameNode nn = NameNodeHttpServer.getNameNodeFromContext(context); final Configuration conf = (Configuration) context .getAttribute(JspHelper.CURRENT_CONF); // We can't redirect if there isn't a DN to redirect to. // Lets instead show a proper error message. if (nn.getNamesystem().getNumLiveDataNodes() < 1) { throw new IOException("Can't browse the DFS since there are no " + "live nodes available to redirect to."); } final DatanodeID datanode = getRandomDatanode(nn);; UserGroupInformation ugi = JspHelper.getUGI(context, request, conf); String tokenString = getDelegationToken( nn.getRpcServer(), request, conf, ugi); // if the user is defined, get a delegation token and stringify it final String redirectLocation; final String nodeToRedirect; int redirectPort; if (datanode != null) { nodeToRedirect = datanode.getHost(); redirectPort = datanode.getInfoPort(); } else { nodeToRedirect = nn.getHttpAddress().getHostName(); redirectPort = nn.getHttpAddress().getPort(); } String addr = NameNode.getHostPortString(nn.getNameNodeAddress()); String fqdn = InetAddress.getByName(nodeToRedirect).getCanonicalHostName(); redirectLocation = "http://" + fqdn + ":" + redirectPort + "/browseDirectory.jsp?namenodeInfoPort=" + nn.getHttpAddress().getPort() + "&dir=/" + (tokenString == null ? "" : JspHelper.getDelegationTokenUrlParam(tokenString)) + JspHelper.getUrlParam(JspHelper.NAMENODE_ADDRESS, addr); resp.sendRedirect(redirectLocation); } static class NodeListJsp { private int rowNum = 0; private long diskBytes = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; private String diskByteStr = "GB"; private String sorterField = null; private String sorterOrder = null; private String whatNodes = "LIVE"; private String rowTxt() { return "<tr class=\"" + (((rowNum++) % 2 == 0) ? "rowNormal" : "rowAlt") + "\"> "; } private void counterReset() { rowNum = 0; } private String nodeHeaderStr(String name) { String ret = "class=header"; String order = "ASC"; if (name.equals(sorterField)) { ret += sorterOrder; if (sorterOrder.equals("ASC")) order = "DSC"; } ret += " onClick=\"window.document.location=" + "'/dfsnodelist.jsp?whatNodes=" + whatNodes + "&sorter/field=" + name + "&sorter/order=" + order + "'\" title=\"sort on this column\""; return ret; } private void generateNodeDataHeader(JspWriter out, DatanodeDescriptor d, String suffix, boolean alive, int nnHttpPort, String nnaddr) throws IOException { // from nn_browsedfscontent.jsp: String url = "http://" + d.getHostName() + ":" + d.getInfoPort() + "/browseDirectory.jsp?namenodeInfoPort=" + nnHttpPort + "&dir=" + URLEncoder.encode("/", "UTF-8") + JspHelper.getUrlParam(JspHelper.NAMENODE_ADDRESS, nnaddr); String name = d.getHostName() + ":" + d.getPort(); if (!name.matches("\\d+\\.\\d+.\\d+\\.\\d+.*")) name = name.replaceAll("\\.[^.:]*", ""); int idx = (suffix != null && name.endsWith(suffix)) ? name .indexOf(suffix) : -1; out.print(rowTxt() + "<td class=\"name\"><a title=\"" + d.getHost() + ":" + d.getPort() + "\" href=\"" + url + "\">" + ((idx > 0) ? name.substring(0, idx) : name) + "</a>" + ((alive) ? "" : "\n")); } void generateDecommissioningNodeData(JspWriter out, DatanodeDescriptor d, String suffix, boolean alive, int nnHttpPort, String nnaddr) throws IOException { generateNodeDataHeader(out, d, suffix, alive, nnHttpPort, nnaddr); if (!alive) { return; } long decommRequestTime = d.decommissioningStatus.getStartTime(); long timestamp = d.getLastUpdate(); long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long hoursSinceDecommStarted = (currentTime - decommRequestTime)/3600000; long remainderMinutes = ((currentTime - decommRequestTime)/60000) % 60; out.print("<td class=\"lastcontact\"> " + ((currentTime - timestamp) / 1000) + "<td class=\"underreplicatedblocks\">" + d.decommissioningStatus.getUnderReplicatedBlocks() + "<td class=\"blockswithonlydecommissioningreplicas\">" + d.decommissioningStatus.getDecommissionOnlyReplicas() + "<td class=\"underrepblocksinfilesunderconstruction\">" + d.decommissioningStatus.getUnderReplicatedInOpenFiles() + "<td class=\"timesincedecommissionrequest\">" + hoursSinceDecommStarted + " hrs " + remainderMinutes + " mins" + "\n"); } void generateNodeData(JspWriter out, DatanodeDescriptor d, String suffix, boolean alive, int nnHttpPort, String nnaddr) throws IOException { /* * Say the datanode is dn1.hadoop.apache.org with ip we use: * 1) d.getHostName():d.getPort() to display. Domain and port are stripped * if they are common across the nodes. i.e. "dn1" * 2) d.getHost():d.Port() for "title". i.e. "" * 3) d.getHostName():d.getInfoPort() for url. * i.e. "http://dn1.hadoop.apache.org:50075/..." * Note that "d.getHost():d.getPort()" is what DFS clients use to * interact with datanodes. */ generateNodeDataHeader(out, d, suffix, alive, nnHttpPort, nnaddr); if (!alive) { out.print("<td class=\"decommissioned\"> " + d.isDecommissioned() + "\n"); return; } long c = d.getCapacity(); long u = d.getDfsUsed(); long nu = d.getNonDfsUsed(); long r = d.getRemaining(); String percentUsed = StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(d.getDfsUsedPercent()); String percentRemaining = StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(d .getRemainingPercent()); String adminState = d.getAdminState().toString(); long timestamp = d.getLastUpdate(); long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long bpUsed = d.getBlockPoolUsed(); String percentBpUsed = StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(d .getBlockPoolUsedPercent()); out.print("<td class=\"lastcontact\"> " + ((currentTime - timestamp) / 1000) + "<td class=\"adminstate\">" + adminState + "<td align=\"right\" class=\"capacity\">" + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(c * 1.0 / diskBytes) + "<td align=\"right\" class=\"used\">" + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(u * 1.0 / diskBytes) + "<td align=\"right\" class=\"nondfsused\">" + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(nu * 1.0 / diskBytes) + "<td align=\"right\" class=\"remaining\">" + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(r * 1.0 / diskBytes) + "<td align=\"right\" class=\"pcused\">" + percentUsed + "<td class=\"pcused\">" + ServletUtil.percentageGraph((int) Double.parseDouble(percentUsed), 100) + "<td align=\"right\" class=\"pcremaining`\">" + percentRemaining + "<td title=" + "\"blocks scheduled : " + d.getBlocksScheduled() + "\" class=\"blocks\">" + d.numBlocks()+"\n" + "<td align=\"right\" class=\"bpused\">" + StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(bpUsed * 1.0 / diskBytes) + "<td align=\"right\" class=\"pcbpused\">" + percentBpUsed + "<td align=\"right\" class=\"volfails\">" + d.getVolumeFailures() + "\n"); } void generateNodesList(ServletContext context, JspWriter out, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { final NameNode nn = NameNodeHttpServer.getNameNodeFromContext(context); final FSNamesystem ns = nn.getNamesystem(); final DatanodeManager dm = ns.getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager(); final List<DatanodeDescriptor> live = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>(); final List<DatanodeDescriptor> dead = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>(); dm.fetchDatanodes(live, dead, true); InetSocketAddress nnSocketAddress = (InetSocketAddress) context .getAttribute(NameNodeHttpServer.NAMENODE_ADDRESS_ATTRIBUTE_KEY); String nnaddr = nnSocketAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress() + ":" + nnSocketAddress.getPort(); whatNodes = request.getParameter("whatNodes"); // show only live or only // dead nodes sorterField = request.getParameter("sorter/field"); sorterOrder = request.getParameter("sorter/order"); if (sorterField == null) sorterField = "name"; if (sorterOrder == null) sorterOrder = "ASC"; JspHelper.sortNodeList(live, sorterField, sorterOrder); // Find out common suffix. Should this be before or after the sort? String port_suffix = null; if (live.size() > 0) { String name = live.get(0).getName(); int idx = name.indexOf(':'); if (idx > 0) { port_suffix = name.substring(idx); } for (int i = 1; port_suffix != null && i < live.size(); i++) { if (live.get(i).getName().endsWith(port_suffix) == false) { port_suffix = null; break; } } } counterReset(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (live.isEmpty() && dead.isEmpty()) { out.print("There are no datanodes in the cluster"); } else { int nnHttpPort = nn.getHttpAddress().getPort(); out.print("<div id=\"dfsnodetable\"> "); if (whatNodes.equals("LIVE")) { out.print("<a name=\"LiveNodes\" id=\"title\">" + "Live Datanodes : " + live.size() + "</a>" + "<br><br>\n<table border=1 cellspacing=0>\n"); counterReset(); if (live.size() > 0) { if (live.get(0).getCapacity() > 1024 * diskBytes) { diskBytes *= 1024; diskByteStr = "TB"; } out.print("<tr class=\"headerRow\"> <th " + nodeHeaderStr("name") + "> Node <th " + nodeHeaderStr("lastcontact") + "> Last <br>Contact <th " + nodeHeaderStr("adminstate") + "> Admin State <th " + nodeHeaderStr("capacity") + "> Configured <br>Capacity (" + diskByteStr + ") <th " + nodeHeaderStr("used") + "> Used <br>(" + diskByteStr + ") <th " + nodeHeaderStr("nondfsused") + "> Non DFS <br>Used (" + diskByteStr + ") <th " + nodeHeaderStr("remaining") + "> Remaining <br>(" + diskByteStr + ") <th " + nodeHeaderStr("pcused") + "> Used <br>(%) <th " + nodeHeaderStr("pcused") + "> Used <br>(%) <th " + nodeHeaderStr("pcremaining") + "> Remaining <br>(%) <th " + nodeHeaderStr("blocks") + "> Blocks <th " + nodeHeaderStr("bpused") + "> Block Pool<br>Used (" + diskByteStr + ") <th " + nodeHeaderStr("pcbpused") + "> Block Pool<br>Used (%)" + "> Blocks <th " + nodeHeaderStr("volfails") +"> Failed Volumes\n"); JspHelper.sortNodeList(live, sorterField, sorterOrder); for (int i = 0; i < live.size(); i++) { generateNodeData(out, live.get(i), port_suffix, true, nnHttpPort, nnaddr); } } out.print("</table>\n"); } else if (whatNodes.equals("DEAD")) { out.print("<br> <a name=\"DeadNodes\" id=\"title\"> " + " Dead Datanodes : " + dead.size() + "</a><br><br>\n"); if (dead.size() > 0) { out.print("<table border=1 cellspacing=0> <tr id=\"row1\"> " + "<th " + nodeHeaderStr("node") + "> Node <th " + nodeHeaderStr("decommissioned") + "> Decommissioned\n"); JspHelper.sortNodeList(dead, sorterField, sorterOrder); for (int i = 0; i < dead.size(); i++) { generateNodeData(out, dead.get(i), port_suffix, false, nnHttpPort, nnaddr); } out.print("</table>\n"); } } else if (whatNodes.equals("DECOMMISSIONING")) { // Decommissioning Nodes final List<DatanodeDescriptor> decommissioning = dm.getDecommissioningNodes(); out.print("<br> <a name=\"DecommissioningNodes\" id=\"title\"> " + " Decommissioning Datanodes : " + decommissioning.size() + "</a><br><br>\n"); if (decommissioning.size() > 0) { out.print("<table border=1 cellspacing=0> <tr class=\"headRow\"> " + "<th " + nodeHeaderStr("name") + "> Node <th " + nodeHeaderStr("lastcontact") + "> Last <br>Contact <th " + nodeHeaderStr("underreplicatedblocks") + "> Under Replicated Blocks <th " + nodeHeaderStr("blockswithonlydecommissioningreplicas") + "> Blocks With No <br> Live Replicas <th " + nodeHeaderStr("underrepblocksinfilesunderconstruction") + "> Under Replicated Blocks <br> In Files Under Construction" + " <th " + nodeHeaderStr("timesincedecommissionrequest") + "> Time Since Decommissioning Started" ); JspHelper.sortNodeList(decommissioning, "name", "ASC"); for (int i = 0; i < decommissioning.size(); i++) { generateDecommissioningNodeData(out, decommissioning.get(i), port_suffix, true, nnHttpPort, nnaddr); } out.print("</table>\n"); } } out.print("</div>"); } } } // utility class used in block_info_xml.jsp static class XMLBlockInfo { final Block block; final INodeFile inode; final BlockManager blockManager; XMLBlockInfo(FSNamesystem fsn, Long blockId) { this.blockManager = fsn.getBlockManager(); if (blockId == null) { this.block = null; this.inode = null; } else { this.block = new Block(blockId); this.inode = blockManager.getINode(block); } } public void toXML(XMLOutputter doc) throws IOException { doc.startTag("block_info"); if (block == null) { doc.startTag("error"); doc.pcdata("blockId must be a Long"); doc.endTag(); }else{ doc.startTag("block_id"); doc.pcdata(""+block.getBlockId()); doc.endTag(); doc.startTag("block_name"); doc.pcdata(block.getBlockName()); doc.endTag(); if (inode != null) { doc.startTag("file"); doc.startTag("local_name"); doc.pcdata(inode.getLocalName()); doc.endTag(); doc.startTag("local_directory"); doc.pcdata(inode.getLocalParentDir()); doc.endTag(); doc.startTag("user_name"); doc.pcdata(inode.getUserName()); doc.endTag(); doc.startTag("group_name"); doc.pcdata(inode.getGroupName()); doc.endTag(); doc.startTag("is_directory"); doc.pcdata(""+inode.isDirectory()); doc.endTag(); doc.startTag("access_time"); doc.pcdata(""+inode.getAccessTime()); doc.endTag(); doc.startTag("is_under_construction"); doc.pcdata(""+inode.isUnderConstruction()); doc.endTag(); doc.startTag("ds_quota"); doc.pcdata(""+inode.getDsQuota()); doc.endTag(); doc.startTag("permission_status"); doc.pcdata(inode.getPermissionStatus().toString()); doc.endTag(); doc.startTag("replication"); doc.pcdata(""+inode.getReplication()); doc.endTag(); doc.startTag("disk_space_consumed"); doc.pcdata(""+inode.diskspaceConsumed()); doc.endTag(); doc.startTag("preferred_block_size"); doc.pcdata(""+inode.getPreferredBlockSize()); doc.endTag(); doc.endTag(); // </file> } doc.startTag("replicas"); for(final Iterator<DatanodeDescriptor> it = blockManager.datanodeIterator(block); it.hasNext(); ) { doc.startTag("replica"); DatanodeDescriptor dd = it.next(); doc.startTag("host_name"); doc.pcdata(dd.getHostName()); doc.endTag(); boolean isCorrupt = blockManager.getCorruptReplicaBlockIds(0, block.getBlockId()) != null; doc.startTag("is_corrupt"); doc.pcdata(""+isCorrupt); doc.endTag(); doc.endTag(); // </replica> } doc.endTag(); // </replicas> } doc.endTag(); // </block_info> } } // utility class used in corrupt_replicas_xml.jsp static class XMLCorruptBlockInfo { final Configuration conf; final Long startingBlockId; final int numCorruptBlocks; final BlockManager blockManager; XMLCorruptBlockInfo(FSNamesystem fsn, Configuration conf, int numCorruptBlocks, Long startingBlockId) { this.blockManager = fsn.getBlockManager(); this.conf = conf; this.numCorruptBlocks = numCorruptBlocks; this.startingBlockId = startingBlockId; } public void toXML(XMLOutputter doc) throws IOException { doc.startTag("corrupt_block_info"); if (numCorruptBlocks < 0 || numCorruptBlocks > 100) { doc.startTag("error"); doc.pcdata("numCorruptBlocks must be >= 0 and <= 100"); doc.endTag(); } doc.startTag(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_REPLICATION_KEY); doc.pcdata(""+conf.getInt(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_REPLICATION_KEY, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_REPLICATION_DEFAULT)); doc.endTag(); doc.startTag("num_missing_blocks"); doc.pcdata(""+blockManager.getMissingBlocksCount()); doc.endTag(); doc.startTag("num_corrupt_replica_blocks"); doc.pcdata(""+blockManager.getCorruptReplicaBlocksCount()); doc.endTag(); doc.startTag("corrupt_replica_block_ids"); final long[] corruptBlockIds = blockManager.getCorruptReplicaBlockIds( numCorruptBlocks, startingBlockId); if (corruptBlockIds != null) { for (Long blockId: corruptBlockIds) { doc.startTag("block_id"); doc.pcdata(""+blockId); doc.endTag(); } } doc.endTag(); // </corrupt_replica_block_ids> doc.endTag(); // </corrupt_block_info> doc.getWriter().flush(); } } }