/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.ipc; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.net.ConnectException; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.NoRouteToHostException; import java.net.SocketTimeoutException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.net.SocketFactory; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client.ConnectionId; import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.security.SaslRpcServer; import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation; import org.apache.hadoop.security.token.SecretManager; import org.apache.hadoop.security.token.TokenIdentifier; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils; /** A simple RPC mechanism. * * A <i>protocol</i> is a Java interface. All parameters and return types must * be one of: * * <ul> <li>a primitive type, <code>boolean</code>, <code>byte</code>, * <code>char</code>, <code>short</code>, <code>int</code>, <code>long</code>, * <code>float</code>, <code>double</code>, or <code>void</code>; or</li> * * <li>a {@link String}; or</li> * * <li>a {@link Writable}; or</li> * * <li>an array of the above types</li> </ul> * * All methods in the protocol should throw only IOException. No field data of * the protocol instance is transmitted. */ public class RPC { static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RPC.class); private RPC() {} // no public ctor // cache of RpcEngines by protocol private static final Map<Class,RpcEngine> PROTOCOL_ENGINES = new HashMap<Class,RpcEngine>(); // track what RpcEngine is used by a proxy class, for stopProxy() private static final Map<Class,RpcEngine> PROXY_ENGINES = new HashMap<Class,RpcEngine>(); private static final String ENGINE_PROP = "rpc.engine"; /** * Set a protocol to use a non-default RpcEngine. * @param conf configuration to use * @param protocol the protocol interface * @param engine the RpcEngine impl */ public static void setProtocolEngine(Configuration conf, Class protocol, Class engine) { conf.setClass(ENGINE_PROP+"."+protocol.getName(), engine, RpcEngine.class); } // return the RpcEngine configured to handle a protocol private static synchronized RpcEngine getProtocolEngine(Class protocol, Configuration conf) { RpcEngine engine = PROTOCOL_ENGINES.get(protocol); if (engine == null) { Class<?> impl = conf.getClass(ENGINE_PROP+"."+protocol.getName(), WritableRpcEngine.class); engine = (RpcEngine)ReflectionUtils.newInstance(impl, conf); if (protocol.isInterface()) PROXY_ENGINES.put(Proxy.getProxyClass(protocol.getClassLoader(), protocol), engine); PROTOCOL_ENGINES.put(protocol, engine); } return engine; } // return the RpcEngine that handles a proxy object private static synchronized RpcEngine getProxyEngine(Object proxy) { return PROXY_ENGINES.get(proxy.getClass()); } /** * A version mismatch for the RPC protocol. */ public static class VersionMismatch extends IOException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; private String interfaceName; private long clientVersion; private long serverVersion; /** * Create a version mismatch exception * @param interfaceName the name of the protocol mismatch * @param clientVersion the client's version of the protocol * @param serverVersion the server's version of the protocol */ public VersionMismatch(String interfaceName, long clientVersion, long serverVersion) { super("Protocol " + interfaceName + " version mismatch. (client = " + clientVersion + ", server = " + serverVersion + ")"); this.interfaceName = interfaceName; this.clientVersion = clientVersion; this.serverVersion = serverVersion; } /** * Get the interface name * @return the java class name * (eg. org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InterTrackerProtocol) */ public String getInterfaceName() { return interfaceName; } /** * Get the client's preferred version */ public long getClientVersion() { return clientVersion; } /** * Get the server's agreed to version. */ public long getServerVersion() { return serverVersion; } } /** * Get a proxy connection to a remote server * * @param protocol protocol class * @param clientVersion client version * @param addr remote address * @param conf configuration to use * @return the proxy * @throws IOException if the far end through a RemoteException */ public static <T> T waitForProxy( Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf ) throws IOException { return waitForProtocolProxy(protocol, clientVersion, addr, conf).getProxy(); } /** * Get a protocol proxy that contains a proxy connection to a remote server * and a set of methods that are supported by the server * * @param protocol protocol class * @param clientVersion client version * @param addr remote address * @param conf configuration to use * @return the protocol proxy * @throws IOException if the far end through a RemoteException */ public static <T> ProtocolProxy<T> waitForProtocolProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf) throws IOException { return waitForProtocolProxy( protocol, clientVersion, addr, conf, Long.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Get a proxy connection to a remote server * * @param protocol protocol class * @param clientVersion client version * @param addr remote address * @param conf configuration to use * @param connTimeout time in milliseconds before giving up * @return the proxy * @throws IOException if the far end through a RemoteException */ public static <T> T waitForProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf, long connTimeout) throws IOException { return waitForProtocolProxy(protocol, clientVersion, addr, conf, connTimeout).getProxy(); } /** * Get a protocol proxy that contains a proxy connection to a remote server * and a set of methods that are supported by the server * * @param protocol protocol class * @param clientVersion client version * @param addr remote address * @param conf configuration to use * @param connTimeout time in milliseconds before giving up * @return the protocol proxy * @throws IOException if the far end through a RemoteException */ public static <T> ProtocolProxy<T> waitForProtocolProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf, long connTimeout) throws IOException { return waitForProtocolProxy(protocol, clientVersion, addr, conf, 0, connTimeout); } /** * Get a proxy connection to a remote server * * @param protocol protocol class * @param clientVersion client version * @param addr remote address * @param conf configuration to use * @param rpcTimeout timeout for each RPC * @param timeout time in milliseconds before giving up * @return the proxy * @throws IOException if the far end through a RemoteException */ public static <T> T waitForProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf, int rpcTimeout, long timeout) throws IOException { return waitForProtocolProxy(protocol, clientVersion, addr, conf, rpcTimeout, timeout).getProxy(); } /** * Get a protocol proxy that contains a proxy connection to a remote server * and a set of methods that are supported by the server * * @param protocol protocol class * @param clientVersion client version * @param addr remote address * @param conf configuration to use * @param rpcTimeout timeout for each RPC * @param timeout time in milliseconds before giving up * @return the proxy * @throws IOException if the far end through a RemoteException */ public static <T> ProtocolProxy<T> waitForProtocolProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf, int rpcTimeout, long timeout) throws IOException { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); IOException ioe; while (true) { try { return getProtocolProxy(protocol, clientVersion, addr, UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(), conf, NetUtils .getDefaultSocketFactory(conf), rpcTimeout); } catch(ConnectException se) { // namenode has not been started LOG.info("Server at " + addr + " not available yet, Zzzzz..."); ioe = se; } catch(SocketTimeoutException te) { // namenode is busy LOG.info("Problem connecting to server: " + addr); ioe = te; } catch(NoRouteToHostException nrthe) { // perhaps a VIP is failing over LOG.info("No route to host for server: " + addr); ioe = nrthe; } // check if timed out if (System.currentTimeMillis()-timeout >= startTime) { throw ioe; } // wait for retry try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // IGNORE } } } /** Construct a client-side proxy object that implements the named protocol, * talking to a server at the named address. * @param <T>*/ public static <T> T getProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory) throws IOException { return getProtocolProxy( protocol, clientVersion, addr, conf, factory).getProxy(); } /** * Returns the server address for a given proxy. */ public static InetSocketAddress getServerAddress(Object proxy) { return getConnectionIdForProxy(proxy).getAddress(); } /** * Return the connection ID of the given object. * * @param proxy the proxy object to get the connection ID of. * @return the connection ID for the provided proxy object. */ public static ConnectionId getConnectionIdForProxy(Object proxy) { RpcInvocationHandler inv = (RpcInvocationHandler) Proxy .getInvocationHandler(proxy); return inv.getConnectionId(); } /** * Get a protocol proxy that contains a proxy connection to a remote server * and a set of methods that are supported by the server * * @param protocol protocol class * @param clientVersion client version * @param addr remote address * @param conf configuration to use * @param factory socket factory * @return the protocol proxy * @throws IOException if the far end through a RemoteException */ public static <T> ProtocolProxy<T> getProtocolProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory) throws IOException { UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(); return getProtocolProxy(protocol, clientVersion, addr, ugi, conf, factory); } /** Construct a client-side proxy object that implements the named protocol, * talking to a server at the named address. * @param <T>*/ public static <T> T getProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, UserGroupInformation ticket, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory) throws IOException { return getProtocolProxy( protocol, clientVersion, addr, ticket, conf, factory).getProxy(); } /** * Get a protocol proxy that contains a proxy connection to a remote server * and a set of methods that are supported by the server * * @param protocol protocol class * @param clientVersion client version * @param addr remote address * @param ticket user group information * @param conf configuration to use * @param factory socket factory * @return the protocol proxy * @throws IOException if the far end through a RemoteException */ public static <T> ProtocolProxy<T> getProtocolProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, UserGroupInformation ticket, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory) throws IOException { return getProtocolProxy( protocol, clientVersion, addr, ticket, conf, factory, 0); } /** * Construct a client-side proxy that implements the named protocol, * talking to a server at the named address. * @param <T> * * @param protocol protocol * @param clientVersion client's version * @param addr server address * @param ticket security ticket * @param conf configuration * @param factory socket factory * @param rpcTimeout max time for each rpc; 0 means no timeout * @return the proxy * @throws IOException if any error occurs */ public static <T> T getProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, UserGroupInformation ticket, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory, int rpcTimeout) throws IOException { return getProtocolProxy(protocol, clientVersion, addr, ticket, conf, factory, rpcTimeout).getProxy(); } /** * Get a protocol proxy that contains a proxy connection to a remote server * and a set of methods that are supported by the server * * @param protocol protocol * @param clientVersion client's version * @param addr server address * @param ticket security ticket * @param conf configuration * @param factory socket factory * @param rpcTimeout max time for each rpc; 0 means no timeout * @return the proxy * @throws IOException if any error occurs */ public static <T> ProtocolProxy<T> getProtocolProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, UserGroupInformation ticket, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory, int rpcTimeout) throws IOException { if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) { SaslRpcServer.init(conf); } return getProtocolEngine(protocol,conf).getProxy(protocol, clientVersion, addr, ticket, conf, factory, rpcTimeout); } /** * Construct a client-side proxy object with the default SocketFactory * @param <T> * * @param protocol * @param clientVersion * @param addr * @param conf * @return a proxy instance * @throws IOException */ public static <T> T getProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf) throws IOException { return getProtocolProxy(protocol, clientVersion, addr, conf).getProxy(); } /** * Get a protocol proxy that contains a proxy connection to a remote server * and a set of methods that are supported by the server * * @param protocol * @param clientVersion * @param addr * @param conf * @return a protocol proxy * @throws IOException */ public static <T> ProtocolProxy<T> getProtocolProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf) throws IOException { return getProtocolProxy(protocol, clientVersion, addr, conf, NetUtils .getDefaultSocketFactory(conf)); } /** * Stop this proxy and release its invoker's resource * @param proxy the proxy to be stopped */ public static void stopProxy(Object proxy) { RpcEngine rpcEngine; if (proxy!=null && (rpcEngine = getProxyEngine(proxy)) != null) { rpcEngine.stopProxy(proxy); } } /** * Expert: Make multiple, parallel calls to a set of servers. * @deprecated Use {@link #call(Method, Object[][], InetSocketAddress[], UserGroupInformation, Configuration)} instead */ @Deprecated public static Object[] call(Method method, Object[][] params, InetSocketAddress[] addrs, Configuration conf) throws IOException, InterruptedException { return call(method, params, addrs, null, conf); } /** Expert: Make multiple, parallel calls to a set of servers. */ public static Object[] call(Method method, Object[][] params, InetSocketAddress[] addrs, UserGroupInformation ticket, Configuration conf) throws IOException, InterruptedException { return getProtocolEngine(method.getDeclaringClass(), conf) .call(method, params, addrs, ticket, conf); } /** Construct a server for a protocol implementation instance listening on a * port and address. * @deprecated protocol interface should be passed. */ @Deprecated public static Server getServer(final Object instance, final String bindAddress, final int port, Configuration conf) throws IOException { return getServer(instance, bindAddress, port, 1, false, conf); } /** Construct a server for a protocol implementation instance listening on a * port and address. * @deprecated protocol interface should be passed. */ @Deprecated public static Server getServer(final Object instance, final String bindAddress, final int port, final int numHandlers, final boolean verbose, Configuration conf) throws IOException { return getServer(instance.getClass(), // use impl class for protocol instance, bindAddress, port, numHandlers, false, conf, null, null); } /** Construct a server for a protocol implementation instance. */ public static Server getServer(Class protocol, Object instance, String bindAddress, int port, Configuration conf) throws IOException { return getServer(protocol, instance, bindAddress, port, 1, false, conf, null, null); } /** Construct a server for a protocol implementation instance. * @deprecated secretManager should be passed. */ @Deprecated public static Server getServer(Class protocol, Object instance, String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, boolean verbose, Configuration conf) throws IOException { return getServer(protocol, instance, bindAddress, port, numHandlers, verbose, conf, null, null); } /** Construct a server for a protocol implementation instance. */ public static Server getServer(Class<?> protocol, Object instance, String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, boolean verbose, Configuration conf, SecretManager<? extends TokenIdentifier> secretManager) throws IOException { return getServer(protocol, instance, bindAddress, port, numHandlers, verbose, conf, secretManager, null); } public static Server getServer(Class<?> protocol, Object instance, String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, boolean verbose, Configuration conf, SecretManager<? extends TokenIdentifier> secretManager, String portRangeConfig) throws IOException { return getProtocolEngine(protocol, conf) .getServer(protocol, instance, bindAddress, port, numHandlers, -1, -1, verbose, conf, secretManager, portRangeConfig); } /** Construct a server for a protocol implementation instance. */ public static Server getServer(Class<?> protocol, Object instance, String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, int numReaders, int queueSizePerHandler, boolean verbose, Configuration conf, SecretManager<? extends TokenIdentifier> secretManager) throws IOException { return getProtocolEngine(protocol, conf) .getServer(protocol, instance, bindAddress, port, numHandlers, numReaders, queueSizePerHandler, verbose, conf, secretManager, null); } /** An RPC Server. */ public abstract static class Server extends org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server { protected Server(String bindAddress, int port, Class<? extends Writable> paramClass, int handlerCount, int numReaders, int queueSizePerHandler, Configuration conf, String serverName, SecretManager<? extends TokenIdentifier> secretManager, String portRangeConfig) throws IOException { super(bindAddress, port, paramClass, handlerCount, numReaders, queueSizePerHandler, conf, serverName, secretManager, portRangeConfig); } } }