/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.jobhistory; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability; /** * Stores Job History configuration keys that can be set by administrators of * the Job History server. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private @InterfaceStability.Evolving public class JHAdminConfig { /** The prefix to all Job History configuration properties.*/ public static final String MR_HISTORY_PREFIX = "mapreduce.jobhistory."; /** host:port address for History Server API.*/ public static final String MR_HISTORY_ADDRESS = MR_HISTORY_PREFIX + "address"; public static final int DEFAULT_MR_HISTORY_PORT = 10020; public static final String DEFAULT_MR_HISTORY_ADDRESS = "" + DEFAULT_MR_HISTORY_PORT; /** If history cleaning should be enabled or not.*/ public static final String MR_HISTORY_CLEANER_ENABLE = MR_HISTORY_PREFIX + "cleaner.enable"; /** Run the History Cleaner every X ms.*/ public static final String MR_HISTORY_CLEANER_INTERVAL_MS = MR_HISTORY_PREFIX + "cleaner.interval-ms"; public static final long DEFAULT_MR_HISTORY_CLEANER_INTERVAL_MS = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000l; //1 day /** The number of threads to handle client API requests.*/ public static final String MR_HISTORY_CLIENT_THREAD_COUNT = MR_HISTORY_PREFIX + "client.thread-count"; public static final int DEFAULT_MR_HISTORY_CLIENT_THREAD_COUNT = 10; /** * Size of the date string cache. Effects the number of directories * which will be scanned to find a job. */ public static final String MR_HISTORY_DATESTRING_CACHE_SIZE = MR_HISTORY_PREFIX + "datestring.cache.size"; public static final int DEFAULT_MR_HISTORY_DATESTRING_CACHE_SIZE = 200000; //TODO REMOVE debug-mode /** Equivalent to 0.20 mapreduce.jobhistory.debug.mode */ public static final String MR_HISTORY_DEBUG_MODE = MR_HISTORY_PREFIX + "debug-mode"; /** Path where history files should be stored for DONE jobs. **/ public static final String MR_HISTORY_DONE_DIR = MR_HISTORY_PREFIX + "done-dir"; /** * Path where history files should be stored after a job finished and before * they are pulled into the job history server. **/ public static final String MR_HISTORY_INTERMEDIATE_DONE_DIR = MR_HISTORY_PREFIX + "intermediate-done-dir"; /** Size of the job list cache.*/ public static final String MR_HISTORY_JOBLIST_CACHE_SIZE = MR_HISTORY_PREFIX + "joblist.cache.size"; public static final int DEFAULT_MR_HISTORY_JOBLIST_CACHE_SIZE = 20000; /** The location of the Kerberos keytab file.*/ public static final String MR_HISTORY_KEYTAB = MR_HISTORY_PREFIX + "keytab"; /** Size of the loaded job cache.*/ public static final String MR_HISTORY_LOADED_JOB_CACHE_SIZE = MR_HISTORY_PREFIX + "loadedjobs.cache.size"; public static final int DEFAULT_MR_HISTORY_LOADED_JOB_CACHE_SIZE = 5; /** * The maximum age of a job history file before it is deleted from the history * server. */ public static final String MR_HISTORY_MAX_AGE_MS = MR_HISTORY_PREFIX + "max-age-ms"; public static final long DEFAULT_MR_HISTORY_MAX_AGE = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L; //1 week /** * Scan for history files to more from intermediate done dir to done dir * every X ms. */ public static final String MR_HISTORY_MOVE_INTERVAL_MS = MR_HISTORY_PREFIX + "move.interval-ms"; public static final long DEFAULT_MR_HISTORY_MOVE_INTERVAL_MS = 3 * 60 * 1000l; //3 minutes /** The number of threads used to move files.*/ public static final String MR_HISTORY_MOVE_THREAD_COUNT = MR_HISTORY_PREFIX + "move.thread-count"; public static final int DEFAULT_MR_HISTORY_MOVE_THREAD_COUNT = 3; /** The Kerberos principal for the history server.*/ public static final String MR_HISTORY_PRINCIPAL = MR_HISTORY_PREFIX + "principal"; /**The address the history server webapp is on.*/ public static final String MR_HISTORY_WEBAPP_ADDRESS = MR_HISTORY_PREFIX + "webapp.address"; public static final int DEFAULT_MR_HISTORY_WEBAPP_PORT = 19888; public static final String DEFAULT_MR_HISTORY_WEBAPP_ADDRESS = "" + DEFAULT_MR_HISTORY_WEBAPP_PORT; /* * HS Service Authorization */ public static final String MR_HS_SECURITY_SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION = "security.mrhs.client.protocol.acl"; /** * The HistoryStorage class to use to cache history data. */ public static final String MR_HISTORY_STORAGE = MR_HISTORY_PREFIX + ".store.class"; }