package; import com.hwlcn.HwlcnException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.Collection; public abstract class LifecycleUtils { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LifecycleUtils.class); public static void init(Object o) throws HwlcnException { if (o instanceof Initializable) { init((Initializable) o); } } public static void init(Initializable initializable) throws HwlcnException { initializable.init(); } public static void init(Collection c) throws HwlcnException { if (c == null || c.isEmpty()) { return; } for (Object o : c) { init(o); } } public static void destroy(Object o) { if (o instanceof Destroyable) { destroy((Destroyable) o); } else if (o instanceof Collection) { destroy((Collection) o); } } public static void destroy(Destroyable d) { if (d != null) { try { d.destroy(); } catch (Throwable t) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String msg = "Unable to cleanly destroy instance [" + d + "] of type [" + d.getClass().getName() + "]."; log.debug(msg, t); } } } } public static void destroy(Collection c) { if (c == null || c.isEmpty()) { return; } for (Object o : c) { destroy(o); } } }